Read Undead Much Page 31


  Thanks aga­in to all the pe­op­le at Ra­zor­bill who put the­ir ta­lent to work on “Unde­ad Much”, with spe­ci­al thanks to Le­xa Hil­lyer, my ama­zing edi­tor. You ma­de this bo­ok a joy, Le­xa!

  Mo­re spe­ci­al thanks to my agent, Ca­ren John­son. I co­uld ne­ver jug­gle everyt­hing wit­ho­ut you, thanks for all you do.

  And then so­me mo­re spe­ci­al thanks to the Di­amond Sta­te Ro­man­ce Aut­hors, Jamie Fen­der, and Sta­cia Ka­ne for fri­ends­hip and girl talk.

  And then yet even mo­re spe­ci­al thanks to my fa­mily-my mom and dad, my ado­rab­le hus­band who I lo­ve mo­re every day, and my pres­hush child­ren and stepc­hild­ren who ke­ep me on my to­es and ha­ve ta­ught me as much as I’ll ever te­ach them.

  And then still mo­re spe­ci­al, he­art­felt thanks to my re­aders. Every ema­il I’ve got­ten abo­ut Me­gan and Et­han and the Set­tler world has comp­le­tely blown me away. Thank you for re­ading and for lo­ving my cha­rac­ters as much as I do.

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  Stacey Jay, Undead Much



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