Read Undead Or Alive (Bad Things Book 3) Page 12

  Since they’re trying to take me out.

  “We gave you a home, Reaper. We helped you,” Gregory continued in a voice thick with fury. “Then you turned on us.”

  “The vamps I took out were rabid. They were killing everything in their path and I—”

  “You were the good foot soldier for Luke. Doing exactly what he said.” Disgust dripped from every word. “Well…here’s your chance to redeem yourself. Because I am going to give you one chance. Only one.”

  Cass kept his body loose.

  “Do you know what Luke wants to do to you?” Gregory asked. Another crow swooped down and landed near the white wolf. “He’s going to lock you up. He thinks you tried to escape with Amber here…that you wanted to keep her for yourself.”

  I do.

  “So he’s going to throw you into the prison on his island. You will never see daylight again.”

  “That can’t happen,” Amber whispered.

  It won’t.

  “Then he’s going to take her…” Gregory pointed to Amber. “And he’s going to do whatever the hell it is that he wants with her. You won’t be able to stop him. You’ll be long gone. Wasting away in that cell.”

  Cass swept his gaze around the group, already planning just who he would kill first. Gregory was obviously the most dangerous. Should have taken him out long ago. But the white wolf was closest…

  “That’s option one,” Gregory explained. “But there is another way for all of this to end.”

  “Can’t wait to hear it,” Cass called. Like I give a shit.

  “Option two…you touch that sweet piece of ass right next to you.”

  Cass narrowed his eyes on Gregory.

  “You put your hand on Amber, and you kill her. She’s the person Luke wants so badly…so that means she’s the person who will hurt him the most. Kill her and strike back at Luke. His days of ruling are over. It’s time for a new power.”

  Cass shook his head. “Here I thought you wanted to be Luke’s right hand man. That was just bullshit wasn’t it? You want to get close to him because…you’re just like Hycim.” And being close to Luke, getting Luke’s trust…you think that will make him easier to kill, don’t you, Gregory?

  Gregory smiled. “Who do you think gave Hycim his fucking ideas?” Then he laughed. “You killed the wrong guy so long ago. I was the one who made Hycim. He was just a wolf before I found him. I made him stronger. Just as I will make all of my followers stronger. I’ve been on this earth for thousands of years. I know all the magic out there. I’ve used the magic out there, and I’ll use it again. Again and again and again until I have everything that I desire.”

  “You…” Amber’s voice rose. “You told Hycim to take the fairy wings, didn’t you?”

  “Fairy wings?” Then he laughed once more. “Ah, yes, I’d almost forgotten that. He’d found the last fairy on earth. He wanted her wings and I told him to cut them off her. Fairy wings always held so much power.”

  Cass saw Amber tremble near him.

  “But after Hycim’s death,” Gregory rolled back his shoulders, “I lost those wings. Couldn’t find them fucking anywhere.”

  And Cass had wiped out the guy’s would-be army when Luke sent him after Hycim’s men. “You were left with jackshit.”

  “I had to start all over again!” Gregory’s voice boomed out. “But I was patient. I waited…and now I have Luke right where I want him. He trusts me. His mistake. I will get killing-close and he won’t know it until it’s too late.”

  “You can’t kill Luke,” Amber yelled.

  “I can’t…” Gregory nodded. “But Cass can.”


  “You can kill anyone…and with the right motivation, I know that you will.” Gregory inclined his head toward Cass. “I didn’t really think you’d go for option two. I’d hoped so…it would have made my life easier, but you’ve always been a difficult sonofabitch, you know?”

  The scythe appeared in Cass’s hand. Gregory will die first.

  “And there’s that…” Gregory glared at the scythe. “Luke plays favorites, doesn’t he? Giving you that lovely weapon…and, of course, your gloves.”

  “I’m not wearing them right now.” Cass sent him a cold smile. “All the better to kill you.”

  A crow called out behind Cass. He stiffened. That call…had it come from inside the car?

  “No,” Gregory told him flatly. “All the better for me to distract you.”

  Cass spun around.

  Not just one crow was in the car. Two. And each crow had a glove clenched tightly in its beak.

  He lunged for the birds, but they flew away.

  “Tell me this isn’t as bad as I think it is,” Amber muttered.

  Cass spun back to face Gregory. Right at the vamp’s side, the crows—a dozen of them—rushed together and reformed—Marguerite. She had the gloves on her hands.

  Cass threw his scythe. It tumbled end over end and—

  Marguerite burst into twelve crows once more. The scythe hit one crow but missed the others. Shit. It still hit the prey…but it didn’t stop her.

  “I always thought you didn’t need the gloves. I mean, your whole purpose is to kill. So why not kill?” Gregory demanded. “Marguerite, love, take those gloves far the fuck away.”


  But the remaining crows were already flying high into the sky, and the two werewolves were closing in. Once more, Cass summoned his scythe.

  “Got the gloves,” Gregory murmured, as if checking off items on his list. “And now I’ll be taking that bounty. Amber…I do have plans for you.”

  The two werewolves leapt at Cass. His scythe cut into one, sending a spray of blood and making the beast howl in pain.

  Cass’s hand flew out and touched the second wolf. It dropped to the ground, dead.

  Bullets blasted into him, hitting his chest, his shoulder. He reached for Amber, wanting to shield her.

  No! Can’t touch her!

  He caught himself just before his fingers would have touched her shoulder.

  She stared at him, her eyes wide and horrified. I’ll keep you safe. I swear. Then Cass was rushing toward the men with guns. They kept firing. The bullets hit him again—one in his knee, making his right leg give way. But he was close enough…

  He touched the shooter even as he went down.

  The bastard died still gripping his gun.

  The second shooter was firing at Amber. When Cass had run at the vampires with guns, she’d had to follow him. Fucking magical link. I’m so sorry, sweets. He had to protect her.

  Cass yanked the weapon from the dead man and gave a loud whistle.

  The second shooter glanced at him. “Enjoy hell,” Cass said. He fired. His bullet blasted straight into the vamp’s heart. The guy stumbled back…

  That won’t kill a vamp. I need more. I need—

  The injured vamp smiled, baring his fangs, and then he turned his gun toward Cass. He fired—

  My heart. Cass felt the bullet sink into him.

  “No!” Amber screamed.

  Darkness was closing around him. It was a darkness that wouldn’t last. It never did…but…


  He saw her. The vamp was laughing and aiming his gun at her.

  With the last of his strength, Cass summoned his scythe once more. Heaving up, he threw the weapon and it spun, a dizzying blur that ended—

  When the vamp’s head hit the ground.

  Amber fell to her knees at Cass’s side and her hands went to his chest. “Cass? Tell me that you’re not dying.”

  “Won’t…stay dead…” Talking was too hard. He could barely see her. “Only lasts…few minutes…”

  She was trying to stop the blood flow. She was wasting precious time on him.

  “G-get away…R-run…” Cass tried to tell her. Because he’d taken out four of those bastards…

  A crow called out.

  But he’d missed the witch.

  And Gregory had vanished as soo
n as the bullets started flying.

  “I won’t leave you,” Amber said. She was still touching him. Still holding him tight.

  And he realized…she couldn’t leave him. The fucking magical tie was still between them. She’d been trapped, been kept at his side all along. But now…

  Now he was fading and she’d be vulnerable.

  He’d made her vulnerable.

  “D-deal…” He tried to call out. The word came only as a whisper.

  He wanted to deal. He wanted to trade. He wanted to do anything to keep Amber.

  But his eyes closed. His heart stopped. And he saw hell once more.


  The crows were cawing all around her. She hated that sound.

  “Quite strange to see him die, isn’t it?” Gregory said. He was back. Appearing from the dark, closing in on her.

  Cass was still on the ground. His scythe had vanished. But the gun is still here. She grabbed the gun from Cass’s hand and spun around, aiming it right at Gregory.

  He froze, then he laughed. “Come on, love. I’m ancient. Those bullets won’t do much damage to me at all.”

  The crows flew behind him. She caught a glimpse of Cass’s gloves. The crows were in a frenzy.

  “Let me guess…he used those magical cuffs on you, right? I mean, why else would you be at his side?”

  Why else indeed? Maybe because there was no way she’d leave him alone. Maybe because at his side—that was just where she wanted to be.

  “It will take a few moments for him to rise.” Gregory took another step toward her. “By the time he does, you’ll be dead.”

  “Or you will be.”

  Gregory laughed. “You are fun.”

  “And you are crazy. You think you can go up against Luke? You think he doesn’t see your betrayal coming?” If she kept talking, maybe she could buy enough time for Cass to rise. “He does…Luke knows what you’re planning.”

  Gregory wasn’t laughing any longer.

  “If you were dumb enough to meet him face-to-face, then he would have read your betrayal right in your eyes.”

  “Bullshit.” But she thought she detected a note of fear in his voice.

  “He knows…”

  “The only thing he knows is that Cass was fucking you. That bit of news sure pissed off Luke.” Gregory took another step toward her. The crows circled him. “It made him want your lover’s head on a stick. Or rather…his sorry ass tossed in a cell. So Luke made a deal with me. I take out Cass…I get close enough to put him out of commission, and then I get whatever I want.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but Luke lied.” She shrugged. “It’s what he does.” One of her hands was still on Cass’s chest, waiting for his heart to beat again.

  It has to beat. He has to come back to me.

  Her other hand was curled around the gun.

  “If you’re smart, you’ll get the hell out of here,” she warned. “You’ll run fast and you’ll hope that Luke never finds you. Because if he does, he’ll make you wish for death.”

  “Haven’t you heard? Luke doesn’t get his hands dirty. He hires out that work to fools like Cass there.” And Gregory advanced another step.

  “Don’t,” Amber bit off.

  “But I must. You see, I really do have this all planned. I’m going to kill you, and then I’m going to let Luke and Cass fight it out over your dead body. After all, Luke will be arriving any moment. He’s been so desperate to get you back."

  The crows called out again.

  “So you have to be dead before Luke arrives. You’ll be dead, literally at Cass’s feet. When he wakes up and finds you that way, I’m counting on him going crazy. And the man who’ll be in that crazy path?” He nodded once, obviously pleased with his plan. “Luke. Cass will go for him, and the Lord of the Dark will die.”

  “No.” She kept her gaze on him. There was a serious flaw with his logic. “Cass will know you are the one who hurt me. Not Luke. You’re the one he’ll come for.”

  His voice dropped to a whisper as he told her, “I won’t be here. It will just be Cass, your dead body…and Luke. And here’s the thing, dear Amber…I think Cass gave you his heart. I think he’s finally—after centuries of having nothing—found a woman that he let get close.”

  Her hand was over his heart right then. And it’s still not beating.

  “Cass won’t have a sane thought when he wakes and you’re dead. He’ll know only rage. And even if he did try to fight through that fury…Luke will be blaming him. Luke will see him as your killer. So Luke will attack. They’ll fight, and I’m sure it will be epic.”

  She couldn’t let that happen. She wouldn’t let that happen.

  Why wasn’t Cass waking up?

  “So…this little chat has been fun—always nice to have my brilliance appreciated—but it’s time for you to die.” He snapped his fingers together. “Marguerite, love, why don’t you go for her eyes?”

  Distracting. That was what he was doing. His witch was coming for her eyes and Amber knew Gregory would attack her at the same moment.

  Amber aimed and fired—again and again and again. She shot at the crows as they flew at her and they dropped to the ground. One, two, three, four—

  Cass’s heart jerked beneath her hand. He was coming back! She just had to hold off the attack a little longer.

  Bam! Bam!

  Five, six crows down…Did she have to kill them all before Marguerite stopped the attack? Amber fired again—

  And at that last shot, all of the crows just fell from the sky. They hit the ground and took the form of Marguerite. A very still Marguerite.

  “Out of bullets?” Gregory was right in front of her.

  “Not yet.” She fired at him.

  The bullet blasted right into his chest but…

  He was a vampire. That wouldn’t kill him.

  She tried to fire again. But the gun just clicked.

  Now I’m out.

  The fear must have flashed on her face because he laughed again. Gregory grabbed her and yanked her up. His hands locked around her neck. “Can’t have too many wounds on you. Has to look as if his touch alone killed you…”

  She slammed her forehead against his. He swore and his hands tightened on her neck.

  He didn’t let her go. Without her wings, she was no match for him. Barely stronger than a human. And she called out desperately for help…using the last of her strength to send that psychic call…knowing there was one thing she had to do…

  Luke…don’t hurt Cass! Don’t!

  She opened the psychic path between them, pulling Luke in once more as she fought to send out that message—


  She was staring straight into Gregory’s eyes when he broke her neck. He smiled at her and then he dropped her to the ground.


  Gregory rubbed his hands together. Amber was at his feet, her body half-sprawled across Cass. Perfect positioning.

  Humming, he turned and headed toward Marguerite. Her eyes were wide open and staring at nothing. The gloves were still on her hands.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” he murmured as he took those gloves and slid them onto his own hands. What a perfect fit.

  Overhead, lightning flashed across the sky and thunder rumbled. Luke would be coming soon…after all, Gregory had called him while his werewolves had been attacking Cass and Amber. The bullets had started flying and he’d known it was the perfect moment to bring in the Lord of the Dark.

  Now it was time to retreat and watch the fireworks. He was sure the battle would be something to see…the stuff of legends.

  He’d always wanted to be legendary.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cass’s eyes flew open and he sucked in a deep gulp of air. “Amber!”

  His hands shot out as he sat up and…

  And Amber was on him. His hands had curled around her shoulders. His bare hands.

  He let her go instantly, but she just sagged back onto him. Her body was limp. Lifele

  No, no. He slid from beneath her, terrified of again touching her with his bare hands. Her eyes were closed, her body slack on the ground. “Amber?” He pressed his mouth to hers, trying to breathe for her as he’d done before.

  Don’t do this. Please, fucking please…stay with me.

  Thunder boomed overhead. Lightning flashed in the sky.

  And he couldn’t look away from her.

  “Please come back!” He was begging and he didn’t care. This was Amber. His gaze flew over her. Her hands were covered with blood—his blood. He remembered her touching him. Remembered the fear on her face. He’d wanted her to run because Gregory was still out there…

  But she couldn’t run. I tied her to me and the forty-eight hours hasn’t quite ended. Not yet…

  His head shot up and he glanced around. Bodies littered the ground—the werewolves, the vampires and…Marguerite.

  Where in the hell was Gregory?

  Cass put his mouth against Amber’s once more and tried to breathe for her. Her body…she looked perfect to him. He didn’t see any wounds on her.

  Did I do this? When I grabbed for her, did I kill her? Because his touch never left so much as a mark on his prey.

  Horror iced his heart.

  Amber isn’t prey. Amber is everything.

  Had he killed her? That first touch?

  Or did Gregory hurt her while I couldn’t stop him?

  Because Cass had failed to protect her. I should have fucking killed Gregory at the hotel.

  The ground shook. Lightning flashed, hitting a tree, and the air seemed to burn with the scent of ozone.

  “Get away from her!”

  Cass was crouched over Amber’s body. His hands were on either side of her. His mouth just above hers.

  “Reaper…” That snarling voice belonged to Luke. Cass knew it without looking up. So he didn’t glance away from Amber.

  More thunder rumbled. “Get your ass away from my sister,” Luke roared.

  Away from his—


  Cass’s head whipped toward Luke. The Lord of the Dark’s wings were fully extended, the scales gleaming.

  My mother was a fairy, but my father was the darkest of the dark…a demon. Amber’s words replayed in his head.

  “I told you,” Luke gritted out. “I wanted her back alive. Alive.”