Read Undead Or Alive (Bad Things Book 3) Page 3

  “The cuffs are paranormal proof,” he said, inclining his head. “Just in case you’re, you know, lying to me about not being a paranormal. Even shifters can’t break out of them and you don’t exactly strike me as having a shifter’s strength. If you did, I think you would have punched me back at the bar and not used your little taser.”

  That little taser had knocked him on his ass.

  He started walking back down the alley. Since they were now linked, she had to walk, too. He paused just a moment and bent to pick up her suitcase. Was that supposed to be kind of him? She was so angry that Amber was pretty sure steam was rising from her skin.

  Oh, no, wait, that wasn’t steam. It was smoke coming from that weird hand-cuff. “It…hurts.” Burns.

  “That’s because it’s locking you down. It’s linking us. In just a few minutes, it will disappear, and after that, you won’t be able to move more than five feet away from me.”


  She grabbed his arm. “Where does it disappear to, exactly?”

  Sighing, he looked back at her. “They’re magic cuffs. They lock around us both, and they link us both. Right now, they’re linking—that’s why you feel as if you’re burning. The cuffs are creating a special tie between us. You won’t be able to escape me.”

  Not good. “That tie can’t last forever. I mean, once you deliver me to Luke, how do you get rid of the link, then?”

  He leaned toward her. His lips brushed against her ear as he said, “Magic.” He gave a low laugh. “Did you miss that part?”

  Asshole. He was such an—

  “Where is she?” The deep bellow seemed to shake the alley itself. It was a rough rumble of sound and one that was heartbreakingly familiar to her.

  A man had appeared—seemingly falling right out of the sky to land a few feet in front of the Reaper. The man had midnight black hair and golden eyes. Power radiated from him.

  Power. Danger.


  Maybe a touch of madness.

  Amber immediately slid behind the Reaper.

  “Where is my angel?” the man demanded.

  Not a man, not really. She’d recognized the fellow on sight, even though it had been a very long time since she’d had the displeasure of his company. Amber was staring at none other than Leo, the so-called Lord of the Light.

  Luke and Leo were the all-powerful twins who thought they ruled the world.

  Leo was supposed to be on the side of the good.

  Luke was on the side of the bad. The very, very bad.

  In her book, they were both trouble.

  “You came rushing to the Big Easy. I know you were tracking her.” Leo’s voice boomed out again. “Where is the angel?”

  “Yeah, about that…” the Reaper drawled. “I’m not working that case any longer. Better find yourself a new hunter.”

  Wait, hold up. The Reaper was supposed to track an angel for Leo? How had Leo lost an angel? She almost smiled. Oh, she bet that loss hurt him.

  “Cass…” Leo’s voice had grown cold. “You won’t want to play with me.”

  So the Reaper had a regular name. Cass. Amber kind of liked it. Right then, she kind of liked him—because he stood between her and Leo. Leo hadn’t focused on her, not yet, and she knew it was because the spell she’d put in place to protect herself was still working. A spell specifically designed to shield her from Luke…and Leo.

  How much distance remained between them? Ten feet? Had to be…but if he came closer…

  The spell was designed so that neither Luke nor Leo would ever be able to find me. The wizard promised me they couldn’t get within ten feet of me.

  Like, literally. Luke and Leo could not even see her…unless they happened to be within ten feet of her. But if they passed that ten-foot mark, if they came close enough, if they actually stumbled upon her…all bets are off.

  She crouched down, hunching her body so that she could totally disappear behind the Reaper—um, Cass.

  But then she heard the soft rustle of Leo’s footsteps coming closer. “You’ve got a bounty behind you.”

  “She’s of no concern to you.”

  Amber tugged on the stupid, magical handcuff. Still visible. Still slightly burning her. When she tugged, she automatically jerked Cass’s hand back toward her.

  “Are you hiding my angel?” Now Leo’s voice roughened even more. Odd, the normally polished Leo didn’t usually sound as if he were biting nails. But it had been a few decades since she’d seen him. Maybe he’d changed.


  “She’s not yours. This bounty has nothing to do with you so step out of my way. I told you…you need to find someone else for your angel job. I’m not working for you.”

  The rustle came again. Leo—moving closer. Eliminating that all-important ten-foot rule that had kept her protected for so long.

  She heard Leo’s sharp inhale. Now that he was closer and past that magical barrier, he’d be able catch her scent. And when Cass moved, Leo would see her.

  I’m done.

  “Please,” she whispered to Cass, so desperate that she would have tried anything. “Don’t let him take me.”

  Cass swung back toward her in surprise. “Why would Leo want you?”


  The instant Cass had moved, she’d fallen into Leo’s line of sight. He raced forward, his arms outstretched.

  He was coming for her. He was—

  A couple of things happened very, very fast.

  First…Cass yanked off the glove that covered his right hand. The hand that was not cuffed to hers.

  Second…the glove hit the ground.

  Third…Cass lifted his uncovered hand toward Leo.

  “Ready to die?” Cass asked the Lord of the Light.

  Leo froze, jerking to a halt that appeared to be just inches from Cass’s outstretched hand.

  “Because I can take down just about any paranormal being that walks on this earth,” Cass told him flatly. “And I’m thinking…if Luke is afraid for me to touch him, then you have to fear me, too.”

  Was that true? Did Luke fear his touch?

  Leo started sweating. His gaze darted from Cass’s uncovered hand to her face. “Amber,” Leo whispered. “I’ve searched for you.”

  “And I’ve hidden from you.” From him and from Luke—for very good reason. I never wanted to be found. I don’t want to be a part of your war…or your world.

  Leo shook his head. “You don’t need to be afraid.”

  She absolutely did.

  Leo’s gaze flew back to Cass. “Luke hired you to find her.”

  “I don’t like discussing my clients,” Cass murmured. “All you need to know is that I’m no longer hunting your angel. Find someone else—and actually, you’d better hurry with that hunt. Because the last time I checked, a certain werewolf was intent on finding her.”

  Leo shook his head. “Lila can wait. I need Amber.”

  Amber was shaking—with fear and anger and too many other emotions she didn’t want to think about. “We have to get out of here,” Amber said to Cass. “You can’t trust him. He’ll turn on you.”

  “Amber!” Leo called out.

  She stared straight into Leo’s eyes. “You turned on me. Just when I needed you the most.”

  “Because you chose him! What was I supposed to do? You gave him—”

  “Get me out of here,” Amber cut through Leo’s words before he could say too much. “Reaper, I will agree to any deal you want—just get us away.”

  Cass gave one hard nod and kept his stare on Leo. “You’re in my way.”

  The air in that alley seemed to heat. Leo’s shoulders stiffened. “You don’t want me as an enemy, Reaper.”

  “No? Well, since I’m not exactly in the market for friends and I don’t generally give a damn about enemies, how about you just get the hell out of my way…before I make you move.”

  Leo’s chin jutted into the air. “Try it. She’s worth it. I will fight—”

/>   White light shot out of Cass’s hand and hit Leo dead center in the chest. Leo flew up into the air—then he flew back and went crashing toward another dumpster. Amber didn’t even get to see him land. Cass had grabbed his discarded glove, he’d snagged her suitcase again, and he’d started running down that alley. She ran with him, more than happy to get away from Leo and put that all important ten-foot rule into place once more.

  Now you see me…now you don’t.

  Her breath heaved from her as they burst out of the alley and she found a dark SUV waiting for her.

  Cass threw her suitcase into the backseat and then he yanked open the driver’s side door. “Get in and get buckled.”

  Automatically, she glanced down at the handcuffs, wondering how she was supposed to manage that maneuver.

  But the handcuff had vanished.

  “Consider it a five-foot tether. You can’t get away from me now.”

  Five feet…I have to stay near the Reaper.

  Ten feet…Luke and Leo can’t find me.

  “Time’s up,” Cass growled. “Get that sweet ass in the vehicle before I have to kill the Lord of the Light for you.”

  I don’t want him dead.

  She shimmied across to the passenger seat. Cass jumped in behind her. He revved that engine and they shot away with a squeal of tires. The headlights cut across the dark road and she saw—

  Wings. Big, powerful wings stretching from Leo’s back. The Lord of the Light was in the middle of the road and he looked pissed. So pissed that he’d slipped up and let his wings out. In public.

  “Amber!” Leo roared her name.

  “What in the hell is it with you?” Cass demanded. “The two most powerful beings in the world are both after you?”

  It would appear that was the case.

  The SUV lurched forward, heading right for Leo. Horrified, she glanced over at Cass.

  “Let’s play a little chicken,” he said and there was a smile on his face. Wild and reckless.

  No wonder he’d wanted her to buckle her seatbelt. He was insane. Psychopath paranormal. She’d pegged him right from the first moment.

  The SUV barreled straight for Leo. The headlights showed his shock and then—

  They hit him. Leo went spinning into the air once more, and she was pretty sure he’d left a major dent in the front of the SUV, but Cass didn’t slow down. Amber looked back, expecting to see the Lord of the Light rising from the pavement. But, no…

  Leo had vanished.

  Chapter Three

  “I…thought we were flying out of New Orleans.” Amber stood in the middle of the hotel room, her hands crossed over her chest. “But…here we are, bunking down for the night in Biloxi.”

  Cass swept his gaze over her and then he stalked closer to Amber, eliminating that five feet of distance. She stiffened as Cass approached, and he caught the tell-tale movement. Amber was afraid of him. Good. She should be afraid.

  Liars pissed him off.

  He stopped right in front of her. “Change of plans. I figured your buddy Leo would be looking for us at the airports in the immediate area, so driving away from New Orleans seemed like the best idea.”

  “Leo is not my buddy.”

  “Then what the hell is he?”

  Her lips—sexy, full, plump lips that made him think of all sorts of dark ideas—pressed together.

  Cass laughed. “Really? You think you don’t get to answer? Come on…I’m just dying to hear why two of the most powerful paranormal beings on earth are about to seriously lose their shit when it comes to you.”

  Her long lashes shielded her gaze.

  She was obviously trying to think of a plausible lie. Good luck with that, sweets. While she thought of her lie, he studied her. Her hair was heavy and golden—not a light blonde but so much richer and darker. Her skin was even golden, as if it had been kissed by the sun.

  Kissed? What in the hell is wrong with me? I don’t think that fucking way.

  He growled.

  Her gaze immediately jerked back to his.

  Her face wasn’t perfect. He kept telling himself that. Her cheeks were a little too high. Her chin was a little too sharp. Her nose was a little—

  Hell. She’s sexy. Her face comes together—it’s better than perfect. I see her and I don’t want to look away. I see her…and I want.

  His gloves were both back in place so he lifted his right hand and cupped her cheek. He could feel the silk of her skin even through the magical fabric. “Want to tell me…” His voice had gone darker. “Why the Lord of the Dark and his brother are both after a human?”

  “I…they think I have something that belongs to them.”

  Truth? Or lie? Cass was betting lie.

  She backed up a step. “I don’t, but they won’t believe me. They think I have what they need, and they’re determined to get it back, no matter the cost.”

  He advanced on her.

  Again, she retreated.

  Did she realize that if she took even one more step back, that she’d be bumping into the king bed that dominated that room? He’d gotten them a room at one of the bigger hotels in Biloxi, one with a floor-to-ceiling window that gave them a killer view of the beach. Their hotel was connected to the nearby casino, and the room was usually reserved for high-rollers.

  “What do you have?” Cass asked her.

  Again, she retreated. Only this time, Amber bumped into the bed. She glanced down, then looked back up, her face utterly horrified.

  Right. That was generally the look women got when they found themselves in close proximity to a bed and to the Reaper. He smiled at her. “What do you have, sweets?” Cass asked again, truly curious to hear her answer. “It must be something very powerful.”

  She licked her lips. His cock jerked. Down. Fucking down.

  “Why?” Amber asked. “Do you want it for yourself?”

  His gaze swept over her body. High, round breasts. Long, long legs…And her scent was teasing him. Driving him wild. Cass knew something he wanted all right, but he couldn’t have it.

  She cleared her throat. “Look, Reaper—I mean, um, Cass—thanks for getting me away from Leo. I super appreciate that—”

  He grunted. He wanted more than her appreciation.

  “But, and trust me on this, you don’t want to get in the middle of this war. And coming between Luke and Leo? That will rip you apart. Or they will.” She shook her head. “I’m speaking from experience, okay? You don’t want to mess with them. Be smart. Just walk away. Leave me here and vanish.”

  “Luke couldn’t find you.”

  Her face immediately became shuttered.

  “I asked him why he couldn’t find you on his own, why he needed me and he said it was because you weren’t dark.”

  Her hands twisted in front of her.

  “You weren’t dark, not completely, and I’m guessing Leo can’t locate you for the same reason, huh? You’re not completely good? You’re hidden from them both, and Leo only discovered you today because he’d been tailing me.”

  She wasn’t just twisting her hands any longer. Now, Amber was rubbing her right wrist. Probably trying to rub off that now invisible handcuff. Won’t happen, sweets. You can’t get free of that.

  Red stained her cheeks. “No, they can’t find me, not normally. But obviously, Leo can find you. And now because of your handcuff mumbo-jumbo, he’s going to be able to find me, too. Unless you go away. Leave. But do your magic first and unhook us, okay? Then you’ll be safe, and I’ll disappear.”

  He stepped toward her. There was nowhere for her to retreat now. Not unless she wanted to fall onto the bed.

  Her head tipped back as she stared up at him.

  Once more, his gloved hand lifted to stroke her cheek. Why did he like touching her so much?

  Because touching has always been forbidden.

  But…there was more, with her. Normally, he couldn’t feel when he used the gloves. He had no sensation in his fingers. But when he touched her, it was
as if the gloves didn’t exist. He could feel her warmth. Could feel the softness of her skin.


  His head lowered over hers. Her lips were so close to his. When he’d been trying to decide if she was human or if she was a paranormal, he’d bent close to inhale her scent. Even though his nose wasn’t nearly as strong as a shifter’s, sometimes, he could pick up the scent of another paranormal.

  But then he’d gone a step beyond and he’d put his mouth on her. Not because of some BS about being able to taste whether she was paranormal or human. Just because he’d wanted to put his mouth on her. Staring at her lips right then—that plump lower lip, that sexy-bow-shaped top lip—he wanted to kiss her.

  His kiss wouldn’t kill. Despite the stories out there, only his hands held the power to kill. She’d be perfectly safe if he kissed her. Or if he put his mouth on other parts of her luscious body. Oh, the things he could do to her with his mouth.


  Her voice had gone husky. He liked it when she said his name.

  “Th-that is what Leo called you, right? Because I’d rather say Cass than Reaper—”

  “My name is Cassius. Cassius Garvan.”

  Her lips curled. “Cass to your friends?”

  “And Reaper to my enemies.”

  She stared straight into his eyes. “And to your lovers? What do they get to call you?”

  Did she realize how dangerous it was to taunt him? He didn’t answer her.

  Amber swallowed, and he saw the delicate movement of her throat. “Cass, look, despite the whole death-touch thing that you have going on, I don’t think you’re a bad person.”

  She thought wrong.

  “I mean, you helped me get away from Leo. That was solid, and I appreciate what you did.”

  Were they back to that? “I don’t want your appreciation.”

  A furrow appeared between her eyes. “Then what do you want? I offered to pay you before—”

  “I want to taste you.” The words came out, unplanned, but truer than anything he’d said to her before. “I want your mouth beneath mine.”

  Her gaze slid to his lips. Had her pupils widened? He thought they had, and her scent seemed to have deepened. But she didn’t look afraid.

  She looked…curious. “Is your kiss safe?” Amber asked him.