Read Undead: Vampire Rising (Lust for Blood) Page 3

  “There is one tale that I think we must believe.” She said. “That you must cut off the head of a victim and stuff their mouth with garlic. You must not take any chances of it creating more of these creatures.” He was living proof of that one. Or rather, he was undead proof.

  “That is specified in the book.” She said. “I trust the book completely.”

  “Can you tell me anything else?”

  “The book warns against looking the creature in the eye, lest it take over your will.” She said. “It also says the creature can transform into a bat, a wolf, a cloud of mist, and a spider. There is some mention of invisibility but that may be due to the mist form. It may have other forms, but no one who witnessed them lived to tell of it. It can control most creatures except the nemesis of the creatures it can become.”

  “Like a mountain lion.” He said. “That’s the nemesis of a wolf, I suppose.”

  “The book does not specify.” She said.

  “Anything else?” He asked. “That’s a lot more than I knew to start with.”

  “The book speaks of a fear of mirrors, but the reason is unspecified.” She said.

  “Mirrors.” He said. “Ok.” He could not imagine what would be scary about a mirror.

  “That is all I can tell you.” She said. “Go now.” She slammed the door and he heard the locking mechanism clack shut.

  Christopher walked away, absorbing this new information. He was a vampire. He was a creature that rose from the dead. All the evidence was there.

  Mrs. Landry said vampires were soulless creatures. He did not feel soulless. He felt the same as he always did, except for the blood lust, superhuman strength and allergy to the sun.

  He did not have the violent blood lust like the creature that changed him. He tried to spare the lives of his victims, unlike the creature. It seemed to enjoy terrorizing its victims and preferred to kill them.

  He would have to obtain weapons that would affect the creature. He needed to obtain a sword or an ax to decapitate it. A tomahawk would work, if he could get one. He would also have to make some stakes of wood. Perhaps he could make a wooden tipped spear. That would be better than a stake. It would give him some reach.

  The creature was probably making similar plans to deal with him. He would have to be vigilant and keep his senses extended all the time.

  He decided to go back to the Daniels farm for the time being. He was sure that the creature would return once it recovered. He would have to be ready for it. He would not allow it to take his humans.

  His humans, he snorted a laugh. In some areas, he was thinking more like the creature than the old Christopher was. Still the Daniels needed protecting, especially Edna. He was extremely fond of her.

  He also liked Derry, her husband. Over the time he visited them and took their blood, he gained a deep respect for the big farmer. Derry was a solid, reliable, honest man. Christopher could see why Edna had fallen for him. She would need him after the baby came.

  He stopped to snack off a bear. He found it trying to get a beehive out of a tree. As a reward, he got the hive down and gave it to the bear.

  Chapter 6: Confrontation

  “You are back.” Edna seemed happy to see him. “Did you decide to wait for tomorrow?”

  Christopher realized that he had made the entire round trip in a few hours. That was something impossible for a normal man, even a mounted man.

  “Yes,” He answered. “I decided to do that.”

  “You helped us.” Derry said. “If you like, you can sleep in the barn tonight.”

  “Thank you,” Christopher said. “I will not sleep. I need to make some weapons for when the creature returns.”

  “What do you need?” Derry asked. “I have a rifle.” He pointed toward the rifle he kept on hooks over the door.

  “I don’t think a rifle will do the trick.” Christopher said. “Not unless you have wooden bullets…” Hmm. Could he make wooden bullets that would not foul the barrel? That was something to keep in mind.

  “Do you have a sword, or an axe?” Christopher asked. “Also, I could use a sharp knife. I need to sharpen some stakes.”

  “I have an axe and a tomahawk.” Derry said. “No sword.”

  “Ok. That will do for a start.”

  “I have a scythe, and a pitchfork.” Derry said, thinking about the possible farm implements that might become weapons. “I don’t know if either would help.”

  “That might help.” Christopher said. The scythe would not be as flexible as a sword, but it would do for decapitating the creature.”

  “I have some four foot wooden rods that I was making for the glassmaker. They could be sharpened to make stakes.”

  “That’s great.” Christopher said.

  “Let me show you where they are.” He said. “I will help you sharpen them.”

  “Sure.” Christopher said.

  They worked late into the night preparing weapons. Christopher left for one of his hideouts near dawn. He told the Daniels he was going to visit Mrs. Landry. That would account for his absence all day.

  When he returned after sundown, the Daniels were expecting him.

  “Did you find out anything about the creature?” Edna asked.

  “She thinks it’s a vampire.” Christopher said. “That is a soulless creature that drinks blood and kills for pleasure.”

  Christopher relayed the information Mrs. Landry gave him.

  “How do you fight something like that?” Derry asked, glancing at his wife. Obviously, he was concerned for her. Christopher wondered if Derry knew he was a father-to-be.

  “With great difficulty,” Christopher said. “But it can be done.”

  The animals outside began making a frightened commotion. Christopher expanded his senses and detected the creature.

  “He’s here.” Christopher said. He grabbed the sharpened stakes Derry had worked on during the day. The rest of the weapons were outside on the porch.

  Christopher stepped outside and grabbed the scythe and pitchfork waiting beside the door.

  An arrow thudded into the wall beside his head. Christopher moved aside, out into the yard. Another arrow flew beside his torso, ripping his shirt and nicking his side.

  He kept moving toward the creature, dodging arrows as he went.

  When he neared the creature, it snarled, dropped its bow, and pulled a long sword from a scabbard on its back.

  The creature’s sword measured over four feet in length. It looked massive and heavy. It had a two handed grip but the creature swung it around one handed. Christopher did not let that fool him. A normal man would have required a two handed grip.

  Christopher barely dodged the sword as it whistled through the air at neck level. He tackled the other and they went down in a heap, snarling and biting. The scythe and stakes went flying as they collided.

  The creature bit his neck and tried to tear his throat out. Christopher barely avoided that. He was bleeding but still in the fight.

  They scrambled up and grappled one another.

  Derry came up behind the other and stabbed him with a stake but missed the heart. The creature backhanded him and he went flying, to land in a heap.

  Christopher used the distraction to throw the creature away from him. It came back immediately swinging the sword.

  Christopher dodged again, grabbling up the scythe and swinging it. The sword met the handle of the scythe and snapped it off just above the head.

  The sword stabbed Christopher in the breast above his heart. It hurt.

  Christopher stabbed the creature with the broken handle of the scythe. It backed up. Derry stabbed it from behind with another stake. That distracted the creature again.

  Christopher took another deep cut in the abdomen from the sword.

  He was badly wounded and bleeding profusely, now.

  In a last ditch attempt, he stabbed it with the scythe handle again. He caught it in the heart.

  The creature screamed and froze. It crumbled to dust b
efore his eyes.

  It was over. Christopher staggered and turned toward the Daniels house. He would have fallen but Derry caught him and helped him into the house. Derry laid him down on the bed and went to get bandages.

  “I think I’m going to pass out,” Christopher said. “Get me someplace dark before sunup.”

  “What? I don’t understand.” Derry said.

  “He’s a vampire too.” Edna said.

  “You know?” Christopher asked.

  “I’ve known since the night the creature attacked.” She said.

  “He’s like that thing?” Derry said, standing up in shock.

  “No,” Said Edna, patting Christopher’s hand. “Whatever he might be, he’s not like that thing.”

  That is the last thing Christopher remembered. He passed out form his wounds.

  Chapter 7: Decisions

  He woke in a darkened room. His body ached with the blood hunger. He felt the pain from the damage of his injuries. He knew he would not heal without a large amount of blood.

  He could tell it was after midnight. He heard crickets and the normal nighttime sounds he expected. He guessed he was still at the Daniels farm. He sensed the vital sparks from a number of animals. There were two people above.

  After a moment, he realized he was in a basement or a root cellar. He did not remember how he got there. He tried to rise but could not. His wounds were too severe.

  A door opened above and the Daniels descended the stairs, coming to stand nearby. Derry held a box.

  Involuntarily, his fangs appeared and his mouth started watering from the bounty of blood before him.

  It took a major effort of will to resist the urge to command them to him. With his hunger as great as it was, he would drain them dry without realizing it.

  “You are awake.” Derry said. “We had the feeling you were.”

  “Stay back.” Christopher said. “I don’t want to harm you accidently.”

  “I just got back from town. I brought some fresh cows blood from the butcher.” Derry told him, bringing the box close. “You can drink cow’s blood?”

  “Yes.” Christopher replied. He took the box from Derry and sat it on the bed. It held a dozen large jars of blood. He took out one of the jars and drank it, sucking it up through his teeth.

  It was rank but safe. He drank seven of the jars before he felt full.

  As he sucked the blood up through his fangs, he began to feel better.

  “I need to change the dressings on your wounds.” Derry said. “We don’t want them to fester.”

  “Ok.” Christopher said.

  “This is amazing.” Derry said. “Edna, look at his wounds.”

  Edna gasped. “Your wounds, they’re healing as we watch.”

  Christopher did not need to see them to know they were healing.

  “I will be leaving soon.” Christopher said.

  “Where will you go?”

  “Out west. There are fewer people there. I will not be tempted to hurt anyone.”

  “When will you leave?”

  “Tonight.” Christopher said. “I have little to carry with me.”

  “Derry?” Edna looked at her husband.

  “Go ahead.” Derry told her, looking down.

  “Are you sure?” She asked.

  “Yes.” He said. “We both know what you want.”

  “Yes.” She said looking down.

  “I’ll be upstairs.” He said.

  Edna walked over and stood beside Christopher. He sat up and looked at her.

  Her scent enticed him. It was part vitality, part delicious red blood, part fear, and part arousal.

  She seemed to make up her mind.

  “Derry and I have discussed it.” She said. “We want you to stay with us for a while.”

  “Derry fears me.” Christopher said. “You do as well, although not as much.”

  “He does, but he realizes you saved our lives.” She told him. “We know you have been taking our blood and making us forget about it.”

  “What are you talking about…?” he started to say.

  “Shhhh.” She said. “When you admitted my dreams were real, I figured it out.”

  “You could have killed us a dozen times over if that was your purpose.” She said.

  “I suppose so.” He admitted.

  “Stay with us.” She said. “At least for a time. You can room down here during the day. We can get the cow’s blood for you so your hunger will not become dangerous to others.”

  “Why would you want a creature like me around?”

  “I have an ulterior motive.” She admitted.

  “Oh?” He said.

  “With our plow horse dead, Derry will have to do twice as much work if we hope to keep the farm.”

  “Ok. I could help with that.” Christopher said, beginning to see her plan.

  “You are much stronger that Derry. And you could work during the night while he works during the day.”

  “Yes, that might work.” He said. “That is a brilliant plan.”

  “Then you will stay?” She asked, “At least until after the harvest. We should be able to afford another horse from the proceeds.”

  “I will stay.” He conceded, “At least until the harvest.”

  “Thank you,” She said, throwing her arms around his neck.

  She was magnificent, glowing with rich warm blood, vitality, and smelling of lavender and arousal.

  It took an effort of great will to restrain his impulses. He allowed her to break the hug because he did not trust himself. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, and bite her. He wanted to keep her with him forever. However, that was not his decision to make.

  Regardless of his feelings, he was no longer part of her world. She had a husband and a baby. He had nothing to match that. His future was far from certain. He lived in fear that he would turn feral like the creature they killed. Insanity and death was not the future he wanted to provide to a loved one.

  “Until after the harvest.” Christopher repeated. Edna thought he meant that is how long he would stay. Instead, he was thinking that he would have to restrain himself from taking her as a man and as a creature. He would have to strive mightily to restrain himself from betraying her trust.

  He would not do that. He was an honorable man.


  Authors Notes

  I hope you enjoyed this story. Let me know if you want more.

  Christopher is starting on a journey that will be long and arduous. His feelings for Edna appear real, but he is no longer a part of her world.

  If you liked this tale, PLEASE leave a review if you will not be too embarrassed. (That is what anonymous ID’s are for, LOL!). If you do, I will be eternally grateful.


  Here is the part where I stand before you in patched and faded hand-me-down clothes and pitifully extend my beat-up beggar’s bowl.

  “Good Reviews for the starving writer,” I beg, trying to look as pitiful and needy as possible. "If you liked this story, would you please toss a Good Review into my beggar’s bowl?"

  Good reviews are vitally important to new authors, driving them up the charts and increasing downloads.

  Perversely, while only one in a hundred readers post reviews, those same readers use the reviews to decide if an author’s work is worth reading.

  A Five Star rating is the highest praise you can give, the Holy Grail of reviews. It is my fervent desire to provide you, the reader with Five Star entertainment.

  If you loved this tale, then please give it a Five. Obviously, I think it is a Five. I would not publish something I thought was a One.

  If you think it is a One, however, it is ok if you do not feel a burning need to post a comment. LOL.


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  Below is a list of my ti
tles as of 26 July 2013 (Link to my Author Page)

  STANDALONE TALES (Might Have Sequel if requested)

  Waking Up Married in Vegas, What will Fiancé Say?

  Online Date: Lisa and Tom (Kissed, Cuddled, and Ravished)

  Stories and Tales


  Miriam – Breaking Free (action/adventure/suspense/erotic romance/it’ll tweak your heartstrings)

  Miriam – Broken (The second in the series planned for later this year).


  Serving the Barbarian Marauders: Jaylene Part 1 Virgin Tribute formerly Barebacked and Bred by the Barbarian Marauders: Jaylene Part 1 - Virgin Tribute

  Bred by the Barbarian Marauders - Olga Part 1: Widow Ignited (Barebacked and Bred)

  Kidnapped by the Barbarian Marauders – Andrella


  Hotwife and the Happy Cuckold

  Hotwife and the Happy Cuckold – Double Teamed

  Hotwife and the Happy Cuckold – Phone Sex Cuckold

  Hotwife and the Happy Cuckold – Compendium

  Hotwife and the Happy Cuckold – The Beginning

  Hotwife and the Happy Cuckold – Hotel Date

  Hot Wife's First Time Interracial Cuckold

  Hotwife and the Reluctant Cuckold


  Forced by the Caveman: Dillon – Lost in Time (action/adventure/erotic romance)

  Captured By The Cavemen: Dillon and Vickie

  Chased By The Cavemen: Dillon and Vickie

  Saved By The Caveman: Trina


  Taken by the Demon Lord (action/adventure/humor/erotic romance)

  Carrying the Demon Lord (Meet Spot the sock demon)

  Demons and Dragons

  Demon Lord Trilogy (Taken By The Demon Lord/Carrying The Demon Lord/Demons and Dragons) all-in-one edition at significantly lower price


  Fun and Games with My Professor

  Tricking The Virgin Student


  Making Money For Daddy


  I Love Chocolate: Mindy (what starts out as a lark has unanticipated consequences)


  Hailey’s Birthday Present (a young woman chooses an older man)


  My twisted take on the Billionaire craze…