Read Undenied Page 4

  She wanted to rip off the blindfold so she could see his eyes glazed over with passion, see him when he came, but she wasn’t about to risk ruining the fantasy aspect of the scene she’d carefully cultivated. The last thing she needed was to have his erection die a slow death if he got a chance to think too much.

  No, she wanted him to feel, not think. And if she had her way, he was going to feel the best damn sex of his life.

  She straddled him, positioning his cock between her legs. She felt him tense as the head brushed across her entrance. She smiled and eased down, slowly, teasingly.

  His hands gripped her hips but she batted them away and continued her slow downward assault.

  They both moaned as she engulfed him. Tight, so tight. He filled every inch of her, and still she had more to go. Never had she felt anything quite this good.

  She braced herself against his chest as she rocked down on him.

  “Payton…I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  The concern in his voice made her smile. As she’d done before, she placed a finger over his lips. “The question is, am I going to hurt you?”

  His mouth quirked underneath her finger as he grinned. “Oh, I hope to hell so. I’m a big boy. Hurt me good.”

  His hands snuck up her hips again, and this time she allowed it. They glided over her belly and up to her breasts where he found her nipples.

  As he squeezed and toyed with the erect nubs, she forewent the slow, measured ride she’d started and began a faster pace. His fingers tightened around her nipples, and he arched his body to meet her movements.

  She cried out as he slipped deeper. An ache built within her, blooming, radiating through her senses. She loved his touch, tender, giving pleasure. She even loved his concern over hurting her, however misplaced that idea was.

  She leaned forward, finding his lips, fusing her mouth to his as he gripped her hips, helping her in her ride. His fingers dug into her ass as he lifted her up and down.

  “Are you with me?” he whispered into her mouth. “Because I’m close.”

  Was she with him? Hell, if he didn’t come soon, she was going to leave him behind yet again.

  She reached down, slid her fingers between their bodies until they stroked over her clit. She rolled the tight button and closed her eyes as her orgasm built.

  “Oh, yeah, I’m with you,” she said breathlessly.

  He arched his hips and began pumping upward in short, hard thrusts. She pressed harder with her fingers, rotating in a tight circle.

  As he hit a spot much deeper than he had before, she exploded. Her sharp cry echoed across the room just a split second before she felt the surge of his release ripple through his body.

  Once, twice more he thrust hard into her before holding her tight against him as he trembled and jerked beneath her. She slumped forward.

  Slowly, his hands smoothed over her body, moving from her hips up her back in a soothing motion. He rubbed up and down and then in a circular pattern, eliciting a sigh of contentment from her as she lay snuggled on top of him.

  She reached up to remove the blindfold, suddenly wanting to see the sleepy contentment in his brown eyes. He blinked as the satin fell away, and what she saw reflected in his dark orbs made her stomach clench.

  Nothing lazy or contented about him. He looked hungry, aroused, like he wanted more.

  He reached up to cup her face. Then he pulled her down to meet his kiss. Hot. Carnal. Ravenous.

  When she finally pulled away to catch her breath, she stared down at him, studying his reaction carefully. “Like what you see?”

  His gaze dropped to her body, roaming over her breasts. His hand soon followed, touching, exploring.

  “Oh, I like,” he said softly.

  He pulled her down once again, kissing her more gently this time. With his arms wrapped around her, he rolled them over so he was on top. Then he eased from between her legs.

  “Let me get rid of this and I’ll be right back,” he murmured.

  She watched as he got off the bed and slid the condom off. He walked to the trashcan and tossed it in before turning back around.

  Her gaze ran appreciatively over his body. His cock, even in a state of semi-arousal was a beautiful thing to behold. She stretched, arching her body invitingly. His eyes gleamed, and he moved to the bed again.

  He knelt on the end and crawled back up to straddle her knees. He bent and pressed his lips to her belly. She shivered as his warm tongue swirled around her navel.

  When he looked back up at her, the hunger in his eyes had intensified.

  “What do you say we start this all over again? This time I want to see every inch of you. I want to see you when I thrust into your pussy. I want to see you when you come.”

  She opened her arms as he moved up her body. “Mmmm, I like the way you think.”

  Wes woke with a warm, soft body curled up tight against him. One of Payton’s arms was thrown across his chest and her head was tucked underneath his chin.

  He felt sated. Heavy with contentment. A killer kind of tired a man got from having knock-your-socks-off sex. Carefully, so as not to wake her up, he raised his right arm and looked at his watch.

  Fuck. He had to get up now and get his ass on the road or he wasn’t going to make it home in time to change and get to work.

  Regretfully, he eased away from Payton and sat on the edge of the bed in the dark as he searched for his clothes and shoes. Finally he got up and turned the light on in the bathroom, leaving the door open an inch so he could see. He returned to the bed and began pulling on his jeans.

  “Going so soon?” Payton asked around a lusty-sounding yawn.

  He turned back to her and slid his hand over her curvy body. “I have to be at work in an hour.”

  “Then you better get going.”

  He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “Any chance I’ll see you again?” He cursed himself the instant it came out of his mouth. He sounded…needy.

  She leaned up on one elbow as he retreated off the bed. The low beam from the bathroom bathed her in just enough light that he could see her soft, tousled body. Her hair streamed over her shoulders, and she clutched the sheet over her breasts.

  “The wedding is early, and I could be persuaded to skip the reception if you were interested in meeting me back here around nine.”

  “I’ll be here,” he said as he finished pulling on his jeans.

  He thought about her the whole day. He operated his entire shift on half a brain. Thank goodness it was like ninety percent of all the other days in small-town Texas. Mostly boring. A few traffic stops and one domestic disturbance call that turned out to be a false alarm.

  By the end of the day, he was a walking dick. He was hard-pressed to even remember the episode from twelve years ago, and he felt like a dumbass for all the angst it had caused him. He and Payton may have both been inexperienced virgins then, but she’d freaking rocked his world last night.

  Quitting time came none too soon, but then he realized he’d have to face several more hours of twiddling his thumbs before he headed to Beaumont. He also needed to remember his own damn condoms this time. Thank goodness one of them had been prepared because he’d left his brain behind last night when he’d gone to her hotel.

  As he was leaving the station, his cell phone rang. He looked down at the LCD and saw Jeremy’s name. Ah shit. Saturday night. They always got together at Jeremy’s on the weekends.

  Well, he could go over for a little while, pass the time until he headed for the hotel. He’d enlist Gracie’s help if he had to in order to avoid an interrogation about where he was going.

  He flipped open the phone. “Hey, man.”

  “Hey, you coming over or what? We have beer and a fight ordered.”

  “Everyone going to be there?” Wes asked.

  “Yeah, the whole gang.”

  “Cool. Let me stop off by the house and I’ll be over. Need me to bring anything?”

  “Nah, we got it. See
you in a few.”

  Wes closed the phone and turned into his driveway. He’d shower and change so he could leave straight from Jeremy’s later on.

  Twenty minutes later, he left his house again and drove the two miles to Jeremy’s. When he pulled in, he saw Luke’s and Jake’s trucks already parked in the drive.

  He walked in the front door without knocking and immediately heard talking and laughing. He sauntered into the living room to see Jake, Luke and Jeremy sprawled in their seats.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Luke called.

  “Where are the ladies?” Wes asked.

  “Kitchen,” Jake said, pointing around his beer.

  “Ah well, not that I don’t like y’all or anything, but I’d much rather go say hi to the women first.”

  Jeremy chuckled. “Gee, and we wonder why he has them all wrapped around his little finger.”

  Wes grinned and walked on to the kitchen where he saw the three women standing around the bar chitchatting. He wrapped an arm around Ellie first and kissed her noisily on the lips. “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Wes!” Her pretty face lit up even as a hint of a blush colored her cheeks.

  He turned to Michelle next and picked her up to kiss her. “How’s the munchkin doing?”

  “He’s fine,” she said with a smile. “Sleeping right now.”

  Finally he turned to Gracie, who winked at him just as he bent down to kiss her.

  “You look like a man who got laid last night,” she murmured so only he heard.

  “And what does a man who got laid look like, smartass?” he asked in her ear as he hugged her.

  “That shit-eating grin is a dead giveaway.”

  He pulled away, and she grinned mischievously at him. “I will find out later. Count on it.”

  “Find out what?” Michelle demanded.

  “Nothing,” he muttered, giving Gracie a hard look.

  She smiled innocently back at him and mouthed later.

  Later came much sooner than he expected, but then Gracie was determined if nothing else. She cornered him in the kitchen when he volunteered to make a beer run.

  “Okay, so spill it,” she said as he rummaged in the fridge for the beer.

  He gathered the cans in his arms, backed out of the fridge and nudged the door closed with his elbow.

  “Demanding wench, aren’t you?”

  She grinned. “I just know a juicy story when I see one.”

  “I slept with her,” he said simply.

  “I’m assuming we’re talking about the chick you said you couldn’t get it up for?”

  He laughed. “You’re such a bitch.”

  “And you love me for it.”

  “True. Very true. Yes, I slept with Payton.”

  “Oh, do share. I guess your impotence issue didn’t last too terribly long.”

  He winced. “Could you not use that word? It sounds so…medical. I don’t have impotence.”

  She shook with laughter, her auburn curls doing a jig on her shoulders. “All right, so your dick suddenly started cooperating with you. That better?”

  “Much,” he said with a grin. “I wish I could claim the credit, but that goes to Payton.”

  Gracie raised her eyebrow. “Now I know I have to hear the rest of this.”

  He quickly outlined the events of the night before. When he glanced over at Gracie, she looked chagrinned.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Damn, why didn’t I ever think about a blindfold? I’m so going to have to steal that idea for Luke.”

  “Luke having problems getting it up?” Wes smirked.

  She flipped him the bird. “Are you suggesting he isn’t turned on by me anymore?”

  Wes laughed. “Hell no, I know better. That man can’t be in the same room with you without getting the shakes.”

  “So what now?” Gracie said, adopting a more serious expression. “You going to see her again?”

  Wes nodded. “Tonight. I sort of need your help escaping without getting the third degree. I’d rather not answer a hundred questions.”

  She nodded then laughed as Luke bellowed from the living room. “No problem. Better get that beer back into the living room. The natives are getting restless.”

  They both headed back into the living room to see Thad, Jeremy and Michelle’s newborn son being passed around. Ellie sat on Jake’s lap holding the baby, and they both were extremely gooey-eyed over the wiggling lump.

  Ellie made eye contact with Wes, and he raised an eyebrow at the soft joy on her face. Her eyes twinkled merrily, the look of a woman with a secret she couldn’t wait to share. Wes smiled back, satisfied to see her so happy.

  He sat next to Gracie and Luke on the couch, popped open a beer then glanced back over at Ellie and Jake. “So, guys, got something you want to share with the rest of us?”

  Jake glared suspiciously at him then raised an eyebrow in Ellie’s direction. She shrugged then laughed.

  “I didn’t say a word.”

  “You don’t have to, girlfriend,” Gracie piped in. “It’s there to see on your face. We’re all just wondering how long you’re going to leave us in suspense.”

  Ellie blushed, a rosy, ecstatic glow lighting up her face. Jake smiled back at her with such tenderness it made Wes feel a little gooey himself. In a twisted, marshmallow kind of way.

  “We’re having a baby,” she announced.

  The room erupted in a chorus of congratulations, backslapping and hugs. Wes sat back and smiled, enjoying the smiles and laughter of his group of friends. They’d all found happiness and the love of a good woman, or so the country song went. And, well, the love of a good woman was hard to find, so he certainly didn’t begrudge them that. Even if they had all turned into pussies.

  Chapter Six

  So she’d skirted out of the wedding a little earlier than she should have so she could go shopping for sexy lingerie. She hadn’t planned on hooking up for some wild sex while she was here, so she hadn’t packed for the occasion.

  Payton stood in the bathroom of her hotel room, fiddling with the tie of her satin flyaway negligee. All ego aside, she knew she looked hot. The tie cinched her breasts and plumped them up to their best advantage, and the flyaway portion bared her belly and the tiny lace underwear that hardly covered her pussy at all.

  She grinned at her reflection. No blindfold tonight. He was going to see it all, and she wanted it to be an experience he wouldn’t soon forget.

  Promptly at nine, a knock sounded at her door, and she went to answer, foregoing the coy hide-and-seek act she’d played the night before.

  As soon as she opened the door, he swept in and pulled her into his arms. Their lips met, collided in a fury of heat and passion. He backed her toward the bed while she yanked at his shirt.

  She fell backwards onto the mattress, staring as he tore his shirt the rest of the way off. His shoes went flying and hit the opposite wall seconds before his jeans and underwear made fast tracks down his legs.

  He had that hard, lean look of a hungry male as he loomed over her, his gaze blazing a trail over her body.

  “Just the underwear,” he said. “Take the underwear off and leave the rest.”

  “You do it,” she said mischievously.

  With a sexy growl, he reached for her hips, snagged his fingers in the strings and ripped downward. The material gave way and he tossed the remnants over his shoulder.

  His eyes gleamed, and he gave her a predatory smile as he lowered his body to hers.

  “Love the outfit,” he murmured.

  She sucked in her breath when he touched his lips to the swell of her breasts pushed together by the negligee. He proceeded to nibble at the plump flesh, burrowing his mouth between the mounds.

  He delved deeper, his goatee scratching against her skin, sending tiny goose bumps to her nipples until they puckered and formed taut points. As he pulled back, he caught the tie with his teeth and yanked, loosening the top until it fell away from her breasts.

p; Unwilling to wait for the attention she wanted, she buried her hand in his short-cropped hair, and finding little purchase, she slid her fingers to his ear to pull him toward her nipple.

  She felt him smile against her skin before he lazily rolled his tongue over the sensitive bud. She moaned, voicing her approval, encouraging him to continue.

  He sucked the nipple farther into his mouth and lightly grazed his teeth over the tip. She arched, feeling the shock all the way down to her pussy.

  “I want you now,” she said, tugging at his shoulders.

  “Do you?” he drawled. “It would seem I have the advantage here.”

  She framed his face in her hands, forcing him to look directly at her. “If you want to keep that advantage, it would be in your best interest to give me what I want.”

  Laughter rumbled out of his chest, vibrating against her clit which only served to heighten her need. “I do love a bossy woman.”

  “I can be very rewarding,” she purred, arching her breasts higher.

  “In that case,” he said as he backed off the bed, “come down here and show me just how rewarding.”

  She lifted one brow as she regarded his wide-legged stance, his cock straining upward. He grasped the base, and he worked his hand slowly down then back up again.

  She was always up for a little payback.

  As he bent to dig in his jeans pocket for a condom, she slid off the bed, gliding to her knees in front of him. As she settled down, she shrugged out of the negligee, letting it fall to the floor. She placed her hands behind his knees, running them up, slowly, until her fingers splayed out over his firm ass.

  She rose up on her knees until the head of his cock bobbed just an inch from her mouth. Blowing softly, she watched as he flinched in reaction. She kneaded his behind, moving closer to the cleft. Then she trailed one finger down the seam then back up again. His knees nearly buckled, and she smiled.

  “Tease,” he muttered. He tossed the condom on the bed then wrapped his fingers in her long hair, gathering it in his palms until his knuckles brushed against her scalp. He tugged on her hair at the same time he rocked toward her.

  She let her hands fall from his ass and moved them to his front. She curled her fingers around the base of his cock as he strained forward. She opened her mouth the barest of inches, circling just the head with her lips. Holding him there, she ran her tongue over the small slit then underneath to the taut seam. She traced the edge of the soft skin, enjoying the velvety smoothness.

  He bucked against her, trying to seat himself farther into her mouth, but she held him firmly, continuing her slow exploration.

  A drop of moisture seeped onto her tongue and she lapped at the slit, spreading the small amount of pre-come over the head.

  “Payton, please,” he groaned.