Read Under Orders: The story of a young reporter Page 22



  AS MAY well be imagined that westward journey was a sad one to Myles.The detective, who never for a moment lost sight of him, was not atalkative man at best, and made it a rule not to hold unnecessaryconversation with his prisoners. Thus Myles was left to his ownthoughts, and the more he pondered upon his situation the morecomplicated and hopeless it seemed to him. Who had sent him thatmoney? Could it have been Ben Watkins? He hated to think that his oldclassmate could do so mean a thing as that, and even if he were sure ofit how could it be proved? He no longer had the note that came with themoney, and he did not believe its sender could be traced if he couldproduce it; for it was probably written in a disguised hand. Still, itwould help prove that the $50 had been sent to him, and its post-markwould give the date. Yes, it would be a most important bit of evidencein his favor if it could only be found. But he had not the slightestidea what had become of it; he had not even discovered its loss untilhe was starting away from Mountain Junction, and had felt for moneywith which to purchase his ticket to New York. Billings had bought thatfor him without exactly understanding how his friend happened to bewithout money, and had loaned him a few dollars besides. No, it was notlikely the note ever would be found.

  How, then, could he prove his innocence? To be sure, he had powerfulfriends who stood ready to help him, but all the friends in the worldcould not clear his name from disgrace unless this horrible chargeagainst him could be disproved. Supposing it should not be? Why, hiswhole life would be ruined, that was all. Who would care to associatewith a thief, or even one suspected of being such? Who would give himemployment? Yes, his career was blasted. He might as well, or better,be dead. What would they say at home? Would it kill his mother? As yetthey had no suspicion of this overwhelming disgrace. How could he dashtheir fond hopes by letting them know of it? He could not. And yet,suppose they should hear of it through some other channel!

  Thus the poor boy thought and puzzled and despaired over his situationuntil it seemed as though there was no hope nor happiness left in theworld. He felt like one already tried, found guilty, and sentenced to alifetime of disgrace. At last, about midnight, he fell into a troubledsleep. When he next awoke the detective was bending over him and sayingthat Mountain Junction was in sight.

  The train had hardly stopped at the well-remembered station beforethere was a commotion at the car-door, and a little man, whose presenceseemed in a moment to pervade the whole car, rushed in, elbowing hisway with remarkable dexterity through the crowd of passengers whowere leaving it. They growled at him, but they gave way and maderoom for him to pass, as all crowds will before any one who has theself-assurance to push himself forward. In a moment he caught sight ofMyles, and called out:

  “Good enough, old man! You’re a trump to come back and face the music.Now we will have some fun.”

  Here the detective stepped in front of Myles, and said sternly:

  “That will do, sir. I can’t allow any communication with my prisoner.”

  “Your prisoner!” cried Billings—for of course it was he. “Well, that’sa go! What is he your prisoner for, I’d like to know? And what’s thematter with my interviewing him? Is he an anarchist or a horse-thief?Whatever he is you can’t stop me from talking to him unless you muzzleme, and you can’t muzzle me, for I represent the press, and it’sagainst the law to muzzle the press in this country. Oh, no, my friend,if you think you are in Russia you are mightily mistaken. You are ina country of freeborn American reporters, and when one of them setsout to interview your prisoner, or even yourself, you’ve got to submitquietly to the process, or else you’ll find yourself up a pretty talltree in less than no time. So step to one side, if you please, and letme speak to this gentleman.”

  Bewildered and overwhelmed by this torrent of words the detectiveactually did step aside, muttering if the gentleman was a reporter ofcourse that made a difference.

  “And I am his lawyer,” said another voice behind them. “Of course youcannot object to an interview between your prisoner and his counsel.”

  As the officer looked around to see who would be the next to claim theprivilege of speaking with his prisoner, the gentleman who said he wasa lawyer, but who wore the uniform of a soldier, stepped past him andheld out his hand to Myles.

  It was Captain Ellis, of the 50th Regiment, the one who had been withhim when he sent back that key.

  “Yes,” he said, laughing at Myles’ bewilderment, “I am your lawyer, or,rather, I am four lawyers all in one, for I have already received fourretainers to act as your counsel. I retained myself as soon as I heardof your little difficulty, and was glad enough of the chance to offermy services to one who had offered his so freely to me. Then I wasretained by the boys of the 50th, for the regiment has taken up yourcase as its own, and is determined to see you through regardless ofexpense. They are also glad of an opportunity to be of service to you,and their only regret is that they were compelled to return to New Yorklast night without waiting to give you another reception. Next I wasretained by our friend Billings here, on behalf of the _Phonograph_.Last of all I received a retainer just now by telegraph from a New Yorkfriend who does not wish his name mentioned, but who evidently takes adeep interest in your case.”

  “And now, Mr. Detective,” said Billings, who seemed to have taken theentire management of affairs into his own hands, “if you will joinour little party of four lawyers, one captain, one prisoner, and onereporter, and come up to the hotel for breakfast our happiness will becomplete.”

  The detective went, of course, for nobody ever refused Billings anything, and, though the little fellow worried and puzzled and made funof him from the time they sat down to table until they rose from it,he completely won his heart. The officer said afterwards that, when itcame time for Mr. Billings to be arrested, he hoped some one besideshimself would be sent to do it, for the little chap would laugh thechief himself out of the job before it was begun.

  Amid all this merriment in company with these friends poor Myles’mountain of trouble rapidly decreased in size until its difficultiesdid not appear so very insurmountable after all.

  As soon as breakfast was over the whole party went to court, where,after a very brief preliminary examination, Myles was admitted to bailand the date of his trial was fixed for the following Monday. He wasamazed at the ease with which the whole business was transacted. Thereseemed to be a dozen men ready and anxious to sign his bail-bond,though only two were needed.

  When this formality had been disposed of, Myles and his friends,bidding the detective good-bye, returned to the hotel, where, inBillings’ room, they held a consultation as to what was to be done next.

  After listening attentively to his client’s story, and asking him manyquestions, the soldier-lawyer became convinced that the real thief wasBen Watkins, but that, under the circumstances, this was going to bevery difficult to prove.

  “If ever there was a guilty-looking chap in this world,” said Billings,“it was that same Watkins when he found, or rather pretended to find,that envelope under the carpet in this very room. He watched me allthe time he was making believe look in other places, and when he sawthat his companions were about to leave the room he walked right to theplace where the envelope was and stopped there as readily as though itwere lying out in plain sight. If he didn’t put it there himself thenI’m a billy goat, that’s all.”

  “What we have got to do,” said Captain Ellis, thoughtfully, “is to gethold of Jacob Allen, if possible, for I fancy that his testimony wouldbe very important. Then if we could by some happy chance discover thenote signed by ‘A Friend in Need,’ it would be a great piece of luck.We must also find out every thing we can about Ben Watkins and his modeof life since he came to this place. This last I will make my especialbusiness, while I want you two to use every possible effort you canthink of to find Allen and that note.”

  To Myles a search for either of these seemed hopeless, and even thesanguine Billings ack
nowledged that the assignment was a tough one.

  “Still, it’s your first job of space work, old man,” he said cheerfullyto Myles, “and it won’t do to give it up without a big try.”

  Myles first duty was to write home a full account of his presenttrouble, for he had decided that this was, after all, the best thingto do. He made as light of it as he could, and took the most hopefulview possible of the situation; but he did not conceal any thing. Hewas afterwards thankful enough that he did this, for, by some means orother, a very exaggerated report of the case got into one of the NewYork papers the next day, and somebody took pains to send a marked copyof it to Mrs. Manning.

  Myles also wrote a letter, of which he said nothing to either of hiscompanions, to Mr. Saxon. It contained a request which was so promptlygranted that two days later he received an answer which apparently gavehim great satisfaction as he read it.

  He saw but little of Ben Watkins during this week, for Ben was out oftown most of the time, and even when he was not, both he and Mylescarefully avoided meeting each other.

  In the meantime Myles and Billings made two trips out to the lonelylittle cabin in which the former had found shelter on the night thathe lost the “Friend-in-Need” note they were now anxious to discover.Both times they found the cabin closed and deserted, and, though theylingered in its vicinity for several hours, they saw nothing of theman named Bill who lived there. Still, the place did not have theair of being abandoned. They even felt almost certain from what theysaw that it was occupied between the times of their visits, and onceMyles was confident that he heard Tige barking at a distance up on themountain-side. The locality seemed to have a peculiar fascination forBillings, and Myles found it difficult to get him away each time thatthey visited it.

  “There’s something here, old man,” said the little reporter; “somethingthat I want. I feel it in my bones, but I can’t tell where or what itis.”

  The study of Billings’ character interested Myles greatly, and servedlargely to divert his thoughts from the unpleasant contemplation of hisapproaching trial. The little man had sent to New York for a trunkfulof clothes, and was no longer obliged to borrow shirts and collarsmany sizes too large for him. On the contrary, he now dressed withthe same attention to detail that Myles had noticed when they firstmet. When about the hotel he was the same languid, tired-appearingindividual, apparently indifferent to all that was going on about him,that he appeared in New York. When, however, he was on duty and engagedin some difficult undertaking, like the present search for the lostnote, he was another being. He became wide-awake, alert, sharp-witted,and so brimful of cheerfulness that it continually bubbled over inlaughter and bright sayings. To Myles he was a true friend, a charmingcompanion, and a constant puzzle.

  On the day that Myles received the letter from Mr. Saxon he inclosedit in an envelope with one written by himself, and took them to JacobAllen’s cottage, in which the striker’s wife and little Bob stillremained. The child was playing outside, and its mother sat in thedoor-way sewing. Myles lifted his hat as he asked:

  “Is this Mrs. Allen?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Did your husband tell you of what an escape little Bob there had aweek or so ago?”

  “Indeed he did, sir, and it makes me tremble now to think of it. Thechild was saved by a New York reporter. God bless him!”

  “Yes,” said Myles, flushing a little, “I know it, for I am the reporterwho was fortunate enough to be on hand just in time.”

  “You, sir! Are you Mr. Manning?” cried the woman, starting from herchair and gazing eagerly in Myles’ face.

  “Yes, that is my name.”

  “Well, sir, I’ve wanted badly to see you and thank you with my ownlips, and I would have done so too but for the trouble that has come tomy man. They are watching me that close in the hope of me leading themto him that I can’t stir from the house without being followed. But oh,sir, I’m proud to see you, and thankful, and may a mother’s blessingfollow you all the years of your life for the brave deed you did thatnight!”

  “I didn’t come here to be thanked or praised, Mrs. Allen,” said Myles,considerably embarrassed by the woman’s warmth of manner, “though I ammuch obliged to you for your kind words. I came to ask a favor of you.”

  “Ask a thousand, sir, and if it lies in my power I’ll be only too gladof the chance to grant them all.”

  “Well, perhaps you will find it hard to grant even the one I am goingto ask,” said Myles, smiling. “It is that you will take this letterand contrive some means of getting it to your husband within the nextthree days. If you can do that you will indeed be conferring a favor,for I am in a great trouble that I believe your husband can help me outof.”

  “And him with a price on his head!” exclaimed the woman, regarding theletter doubtfully, as though it might contain something dangerous toher husband’s safety.

  “I know it,” said Myles, “and I realize that it may be very difficult,and perhaps impossible, to get this letter to him. I know though thatyou will undertake it for the sake of what I was able to do for littleBob, and because your husband would want you to if he knew of it.”

  “Of course, sir, I’ll gladly take the letter and get it to him if Ihave the chance. I only hesitated because of the unlikelihood of havingit in his hands within the time you named. I’m watched so close. Therecomes one of them now. Give me your letter quick and go your way, sir,before the spy suspects what we are talking of.”

  “Very well, madam,” said Myles loud enough for the man who wassauntering slowly past the house and watching them closely to hear,“I am sorry I can’t sell you one of our sewing-machines on theinstallment plan. But here is a circular containing the address, andif you ever feel inclined to give the machine a trial, just drop us apostal.”

  “Thank you, sir,” answered the woman, with a ready comprehension. “IfI’m ever in a way to buy a machine I’ll give you the first chance tosell it to me.”

  As she spoke she turned to go into the house, and Myles, again liftinghis hat, bade her good afternoon and walked away.

  He felt satisfied that he had done a good stroke of business, and wasalmost certain that, by some means, Mrs. Allen would contrive to havehis letter conveyed to her husband within the time named.

  While Myles was thus engaged Billings was also perfecting a plan thathe proposed to carry out alone that very night. As he was already atwork upon it when Myles returned to the hotel the latter could notfind his versatile companion, and wondered where he was. This wonderincreased when he did not appear at supper-time, and had not been seenor heard from at eleven o’clock, when, tired of waiting for him, Myleswent to bed.

  It was broad daylight when he awoke with a start to find a mostdisreputable, dirty, and weary-looking, but triumphant Billingsstanding at his bedside, and holding out for his inspection a soiledand crumpled envelope. As he took it wonderingly, a folded paperdropped from it. It was the identical note signed “A Friend in Need”they had been so anxious to obtain, but which they had given up forlost.

  “Good for you, Billings!” he cried joyfully. “But when, where, and howdid you get it?”

  “Last night, where you lost it, and by asking for it,” repliedBillings, soberly.

  “Oh, come, old man, you know what I mean. Sit down and tell me allabout it, there’s a good fellow.”

  “Well,” said Billings, pretending he was not just as anxious to tellhis story as Myles was to hear it, “if I must I suppose I must,but”—here he gave a prodigious yawn—“I’m powerful sleepy. You see Iwanted to get hold of that bit of paper, and I was pretty certain if itstill existed it would be found in the possession of your cabin friendBill. So last evening I took a walk out that way. I got to the placeabout sunset, and, as usual, it was closed and deserted. Then I justlay low and waited. I have had many a lonely night-watch in the citysince I became a reporter, waiting for some folks to die, for others tobe born, and for more to be arrested, but that wait out there in thewoods, with only the h
oot-owls for company, beat them all for pure,unadulterated loneliness. Scared! I never was so scared in my life,and the noises that scared me most were generally made by crickets orfrogs, or other wild beasts of that kind.

  “However, they say all things come to him who waits, and so all sortsof things came to me; among them a man and a dog.”

  “Bill and Tige,” interrupted Myles.

  “How do you know? Were you there?”

  “Go on,” laughed the other, “I won’t interrupt again.”

  “Well, they were Bill and Tige, and without suspecting my presence,they went into the cabin.

  “After giving them time to get something to eat and settle down a bit,I went to the door and knocked. At the same time I called out: ‘Hello,Bill! Hang on to Tige, for I’m coming in’; and in I went.

  “‘Who are you?’ said Bill, holding on to Tige with all his might.

  “‘A New York reporter, come to interview you,’ said I.

  “That tickled him so that he nearly let go of Tige with laughing. Thenwe had a nice long talk. I told him exactly what I wanted, and what Iwanted it for.

  “At first he said he hadn’t got the letter, and didn’t know any thingabout it, but when I told him that if he’d give it to me no questionswould ever be asked about the money, he finally pulled it out of hispocket and handed it over.

  “Then I told him I wanted him to come to the trial and testify as tohow the letter came into his possession, and how much money there wasin it when Tige found it lying on the ground in front of the cabinwhere you dropped it. If he doesn’t he knows I will tell where hismoonshine distillery is.”

  “Billings, you are a born detective.”

  “I’m better than that. I’m a born reporter, though a mighty hungry,sleepy, and tired one just at this minute.”