Read Under Suspicion - The Legend of D.B. Cooper Page 78

At that instant, Milhouse came around the side of the hanger and walked up to Alan. “Did you get it?” Alan asked.

  “Right here.” Milhouse waved a piece of paper. “How do you want to proceed?”

  Alan thought about that for a moment. He really wasn’t expecting to find anything. After examining the logs, Alan saw that Schaffer’s pattern for flying out to sea, happened about once every two to three months.

  Schaffer had just returned from such a trip a few days ago, and wouldn’t make another for quite awhile. Alan was holding to his original deduction. Schaffer had picked up the opium at sea, then delivered it to Henderson’s house where it was processed into heroin.

  Phantom then picked up the heroin, ready for the street, from Henderson’s yesterday morning. By the time Alan had gotten there, Phantom and the heroin were probably already on their way to the city. Who knows, he thought, They probably passed each other on the highway.

  If the opium hadn’t already been processed and delivered to Seattle by now, he was sure Phantom would’ve dumped it. Phantom was too smooth of an operator to hold onto anything incriminating while an investigation was going on so close to him. Alan knew it was a long shot, but he hoped that Schaffer would be Phantom. However, watching Schaffer walk towards them, he could easily see that he didn’t match the description of a large Sicilian.

  Alan regretted not coming down here the day he’d found the brick of opium. If he had, this investigation would already be over. He didn’t intend on making that mistake again. He was going to push on as hard as he could to close this case.

  He did, however, need to be cautious. He couldn’t allow a dead end here to reflect poorly on him. That’s why he needed Milhouse. If they didn’t find what he was looking for, he could again point his finger at the Sheriff’s department. Alan would direct Milhouse and when the time was right, he’d take over and get the information he needed. He turned back to Milhouse.

  “You’ve been doing such a great job so far. I’ll let you serve the warrant and conduct the search. I’ll help if we find anything.” Alan said with a smile.

  Milhouse’s face lit up. “All right! I’m ready!” He turned and looked towards Schaffer. He was still several yards away, but closing the distance quickly.

  “Rick, I’ve got a warrant to search this plane and your property.” Milhouse said in an official tone as he held up the paper.

  “For what?” Rick took a step back, both surprised and shocked.

  “Opium!” Alan barked. “Go ahead Deputy, conduct your search. I’ll watch the prisoner for you.”

  “Prisoner?” Rick said with a start.

  “That’s right, Schaffer,” Alan said as he showed his badge. “I’m Special Agent Alan Bradley and you’re my prisoner.” The two men stood in silence as Milhouse searched the plane. After several minutes Milhouse emerged from the door. “Nothing. It’s clean.”

  With that, Rick was able to shake off the shock and his bladder reminded him that he had something to do. “Then if you two are through screwing around, I’ve got to take a leak.” Rick turned and started to walk away.

  “Not so fast, Schaffer,” Alan barked. “The Deputy wants to search your room, too.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. Show us your room.” Milhouse spoke up with more authority.

  “I guess if you want to waste your time, that’s fine with me.” Rick’s bladder was too sore to argue. “This way.” Rick walked into the hanger as Milhouse and Alan followed.

  Milhouse’s conscience had been bothering him all morning so he spoke to Alan softly. “I think I should call the Sheriff and fill him in on what’s going on.”

  “Be patient. If we don’t find anything, he doesn’t have to know at all. There’s no harm done, and you won’t get in trouble,” Alan assured him. “I’m letting you conduct the search. If he was here do you think he’d do the same? Of course not. Wait until we find something, then you’ll be a hero. He can’t get mad at you then.”

  Milhouse thought for a moment. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  The three men walked through the hanger and into the back hallway to Rick’s room. Pulling the key from his pocket, Rick unlocked the door.

  “That’s far enough, Schaffer,” Alan said. “Deputy, you should go in alone. That way Schaffer won’t be able to destroy any evidence. We’ll wait for you out here.”

  “Can’t I at least pee?” Rick argued. “I’ve been in the air for hours!”

  Alan shot Schaffer an annoyed glare and was about to refuse, but Milhouse spoke up first.

  “Alright,” Milhouse agreed. “But I’ll have to search the john first.” Milhouse stepped into Rick’s room then into the bathroom before Alan could stop him. Alan thought it would be comical to watch a drug smuggler pee his pants. Rick hurried past him and into the bathroom.

  “You’d better stay in there with him, to make sure he doesn’t flush anything he’s not supposed to.” Alan recommended.

  “Right,” Milhouse agreed.

  Rick stepped up to the toilet and unzipped his flight suit. Looking over at Milhouse, he saw a look on his face that Rick hadn’t seen since his days as a drifter, traveling from town to town looking for work. It was a look of suspicion and mistrust. That look unnerved him so much he couldn’t urinate.

  After a long moment, Milhouse began to get impatient. “Well, go ahead—pee!”

  “Do you mind not watching?” Rick was noticeably shaken and irritated.

  Milhouse rolled his eyes then turned and stared at the door with his arms crossed. Rick was finally able to relax.

  In the other room, Alan surveyed the layout. It was small, not much bigger than the walk in closet at his condo. A single bed was against the wall next to the window, a footlocker, dresser, mirror and a chair. That was it.

  The walls were bare except for a couple of pictures of an airplane. Alan walked to the mirror on the dresser. Taped to the glass were some photos. Some were black and white. Old family pictures Alan figured, while others were more recent.

  Wait a minute, Alan thought as he looked at one closely. It was a picture of two men. Both of which held huge fish in their hands and had smiles a mile long on their faces. One of them was Henderson, and the other was Schaffer. They looked a lot younger but it was them.

  Yes! I knew there was a connection. Re-energized, Alan quickly searched the room, but found nothing. Damn! he thought to himself. He’d figured Schaffer would be too smart to have anything incriminating with him.

  Then an evil grin appeared on Alan’s face. It was time to go to plan B. Alan pulled a small package of opium from his pocket, and put it in the top drawer. There. All he needed was an edge. Just a little leverage to help him get Schaffer to talk, he decided. Alan heard the toilet flush in the next room. He moved quickly to the door and stepped out into the hallway just before the bathroom door opened.

  “All right, Deputy,” Alan said from the hallway. “Schaffer and I will wait here while you conduct your search.” Rick stepped into the hall, and he and Alan watched as Milhouse moved through the room. Milhouse moved too slowly for Alan’s patience. Come on, hurry up, get to the dresser, he thought to himself.

  Milhouse searched the bed, footlocker, and closet then he finally moved to the dresser. Pulling out the drawer, Milhouse’s eyes opened wide with excitement. He reached in and lifted the bag of opium, then looked at Alan. “It’s identical to what Henderson had!” he exclaimed.

  Alan grabbed Rick’s arm and pulled him into the room. “It looks like you’ve got some explaining to do, Schaffer!” Alan said as he took the package and put it in front of Rick’s face. “Where did you get this opium?”

  Rick’s jaw dropped open in surprise. “How did that get there?”

  “That’s what you’re supposed to tell us!” Alan said loudly as he gripped Rick’s arm tighter. “When I run this through the lab, do you know what they’ll tell me? They’ll say it??
?s the same purity as the stuff we found at Henderson’s. That means it came from the same shipment.”

  When Rick heard this, he was too astonished to speak.

  “Henderson didn’t get a chance to tell us where he got it. Someone killed him to keep him quiet. Was that you? Did you kill him?” Alan said accusingly. “You had better start talking or we’ll throw the book at you!” Alan’s grip tightened until Rick’s arm started to hurt.

  “Dead? Bucks dead?” Rick gasped as he looked from Alan to Milhouse in disbelief.

  “Don’t pretend you didn’t know! It’s been on every channel of the TV and in all the papers!” Alan yelled.

  “I don’t watch much TV, I swear I didn’t know!” Rick said nervously.

  “Don’t try lying to me. You’d better start talking.” Alan said as he shook the opium in front of Rick’s face. “Do you know what this means? Murder one! You’ll be behind bars for the rest of your life if you don’t cooperate!”

  Rick’s face turned white, and he looked like he was about to puke.

  “Rick, are you all right?” Milhouse asked as he grabbed Rick’s other arm to support him. He didn’t answer. His legs started to wobble like jello. Milhouse grabbed him so that he wouldn’t fall. “Here sit down over here.” He said as he guided Rick to the bed. Rick felt dizzy but after sitting down he started to feel a little better. “Do you want me to get you a glass of water?”

  “He doesn’t need water!” Alan shouted impatiently. “He’s faking! He’s just looking for a way to stall. It’s not going to work, Schaffer! We’re not leaving this room until I get the answers I need.”

  Milhouse started to feel uncomfortable. “Maybe I’d better call the Sheriff.”

  “No!” Alan barked. “Not until I’ve got a confession.”

  “But you said that if we found…” Milhouse tried to say, but was cut off.

  “No!” Alan insisted.

  Milhouse looked at Rick. His face was white and a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead as he continued to stare at the opium. “I think Rick may need a doctor,” he said nervously.

  “He’ll be all right, Milhouse.” Alan tried to say calmly as he took him by the arm and gently guided him to the door. “I’ve seen this dozens of times. Everything will be fine. I’ll take full responsibility.”

  “I don’t know,” Milhouse replied. “I think we should call an ambulance, just to be on the safe side.”

  “Listen, why don’t you wait outside and guard the door so that we’re not disturbed. If he gets any worse, we’ll get help,” Alan said. Milhouse tried to say something, but Alan spoke first. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist.” Alan eased Milhouse out of the room. “Now guard the door.” Alan closed the door behind Milhouse.

  Milhouse paced in the hall nervously and bit his lip. He had to call the Sheriff. He’ll know what to do, he decided then walked out the door to the parking lot and over to his Blazer.