Read Under The Moon Page 2

  In a blink of an eye, he seized her arm, pulled her closer to him and bared his fangs, snarling. Fear gripped her heart and he sensed it somehow because he let her go and warned her never to come back. At that moment, a woman’s scream pierced the silence of the woods accompanied by thunder and lightning that went straight to Grace's heart. Fear drove her to flee blindly back home.

  Richard Von de Witt slowly made his way back towards his own home in silent reverie. That girl, why did I warn her of danger in coming close to my family? Why did I feel like the thunder itself has struck me dead when I touched her? Why did I feel like kissing her and holding her in my arms? And most of all, why did I show her the dark creature I really am? For the very first time in fifty years, it is just now that Richard felt so alive, as if he can stand seeing the sunlight without burning himself to death. For fifty years, it is just now that he felt love — again. Could she be the same girl I love and have been looking for in each and every one of her lifetimes? he asked himself as he searched the full moon for an answer.


  “I have been waiting for you all day, brother dear. Where have you been?” Catherine asked excitedly the moment Richard walked through the front door.

  “I have been to the village. Why?” Richard asked, his shoulders stiffening.

  “Nothing, it’s just that … the girl you were talking to a while ago? She seems nice and sweet, so fresh … so alive!” Catherine said, licking her lips.

  “Catherine, don’t you dare,” Richard warned.

  “You want her for yourself then? Can’t I share with you? She is so tempting, do you know that?” Catherine inspected her nails for dried blood.

  “Don’t you dare touch her! She is mine!” Richard said with such conviction that he shocked both himself and his sister. “Why don’t you try animal blood for a change?”

  “No, thank you. I still prefer human blood, fresh human blood, especially the blood of that girl. Just the thought of her makes my mouth water,” Catherine said, gliding towards the window.

  “I’m warning you, Catherine. Touch her and you’re history!” Richard said, unreasonable fear gripped his heart.

  "You couldn't even hurt me if you tried. Oh wait, you did try for three hundred years without success," Catherine gloated. "There's no point in changing her life cycle now," she added, her evil laugh echoing down the hallway as she glided upstairs.


  The new students were the talk of the entire school as everyone tried to catch a glimpse of Richard and Catherine Von de Witt or better yet, be close enough to offer their help.

  I wonder if they'll be this accommodating if everyone knew what they really are? Grace wondered, slamming her locker door shut in annoyance and walking over to first period.

  "They're not humans, are they?" Grace's best friend Helena whispered, falling into step beside her.

  After Helena saved the world from an evil wizard last year, Grace was not surprised by the question. Helena has a funny way of knowing things that Grace can't even begin to understand.

  The first bell rang loud and clear, sending the rest of the student body dashing to their respective classrooms. When everyone in the class quieted down, Grace's English teacher began attendance and no sooner was he done, a polite knock came from the door. All eyes riveted to the door as the teacher spoke to the person in the hallway who then beckoned Grace to go with her. It was the assistant principal and Peter, the school paper's editor was with her.

  "The two of you were randomly selected by the computer to act as tour guides for our new students, Richard and Catherine Von de Witt. There will be a coin toss as to who gets who. Don't be shy. They're both friendly," the assistant principal explained in her no-nonsense voice, ushering them inside the principal's office where the Von de Witt siblings waited.

  The tiny office was charged with electricity when Grace stepped through the door. She was surprised her hair didn't stand on end. Her hands felt clammy and her heart started to pound nervously. They're vampires! Grace fidgeted, looking first at Richard then at Catherine, resisting the urge to bolt.

  If you end up with Catherine, make sure you’re never alone with her. She is more dangerous than I am. It was she who I was warning you about in the woods, Richard's voice sounded in Grace's head.

  Is he conversing with me telepathically or am I going insane? Grace wondered.

  I am conversing with you telepathically, Grace. Now pay attention, Richard's lips held a hint of a smile.

  By luck of a coin toss, Grace ended up tour guide to Richard and Peter with Catherine. The principal excused them from classes for the rest of the day to show off the school as well as share the history of the buildings and some other boring stuff.

  Towards the end of the day, Grace and Richard sat under the shade of an Oak tree. "How did you become a vampire? Do you like being a vampire?" Grace asked cautiously.

  He sighed. "It's a very long story. Do you mind if I showed you instead?" he asked and when she nodded, he touched her hand and sent dizzying images to her head until finally it felt like watching a movie.


  October 30, 1682. Nervous tension filled every corner of the Von de Witt castle. Rain has been pouring hard since yesterday. Not even a single star in sight to shed a little light of hope in the fearful hearts of the villagers.

  A few months ago, an epidemic broke out. It started two villages away, and it nearly killed everyone there. Then it moved to the neighboring village and almost killed everyone there too. Those who survived said it was no disease that caused the deaths of the villagers but was due to some beast, a creature of the night.

  One night, a bone-chilling scream pierced the silence of the castle and woke the Von de Witt household. Catherine was the first to go down the stairs and was the first who saw the lovely creature. The massive front door was thrown wide open as if a storm passed by. She, the creature of the night, was crouched low on the ground, her dark hair completely hiding her face. She was wearing something black underneath a black hooded cloak. A few minutes later, she dropped the castle guard she was cradling in her arms. Slowly and gracefully, she stood up and stared directly at Catherine, who stood rooted to the ground at the bottom of the stairs. With utter grace and poise, the creature advanced on her. Catherine simply stood, mesmerized by the creature’s beauty. When the creature was near enough, Catherine grabbed the railing to hold herself up.

  “What kind of creature are you?” Catherine whispered, holding on to the railing.

  “I am a creature of the night, a vampire!” the creature answered, the blood lust still raging in her eyes.

  “Is it true then that you are immortal? You are forever young and beautiful?” Catherine was getting excited at the prospect of living forever.

  “Yes,” the creature said with a look of regret. Slowly, she raised a hand to caress Catherine’s face and felt her smooth, silky skin. “Too bad, you humans grow old and ugly. Don’t worry for you will no longer see the light of day,” she added.

  The creature bared her fangs and was about to feast on her when suddenly, Catherine was kneeling on the ground begging not for mercy but to be just like her. “Please turn me into a vampire. I want you to change me. I want to be immortal. Please!” she begged.

  Catherine got her wish. The creature bit down on her neck and after draining her to the point of death, the creature bit her own wrist and offered it to Catherine, who grabbed the offered wrist and sucked greedily. It was just then that the rest of the family came down and saw Catherine drinking blood.

  Still hungry and weak, Catherine stopped drinking and faced her family. “I am immortal now, forever young and beautiful! Won't you all join me?” Catherine coaxed and held out a hand to them.

  Afraid of dying, both parents gave in to their daughter’s dark invitation. Richard stood firm. Catherine watched the creature change her parents into vampires but the sight and smell of blood reminded her of her own hunger. Witho
ut thinking, she grabbed Richard and started drinking from him. Her hunger finally satisfied, and her mind clear, she realized that she had drained her brother almost to the point of death. “Richard. Richard! No! Don’t die!” Catherine cried out as she bit on her own wrist. “Drink this Richard so you may live! Drink it!” she ordered hysterically when he shoved the proffered wrist away but she replaced her wrist on his mouth. Richard had to make a choice: to swallow the thick, metallic-tasting liquid or to choke to death. The strong, basic instinct for survival kicked in and Richard drank deep.


  "Three hundred years and counting. Wow, that is a long time to be alive," Grace said in amazement. "Don't you get bored or lonely? Most likely all the humans you know have died,” she added then immediately clapped a hand to her mouth. Oh my God! How insensitive of me! she squirmed.

  "It's okay Grace. I have to admit though that it was hard watching the person you love most dying in your arms but a human's life cycle continues and they get reborn. So finding her as fast as I could became a challenge that I lived for and the most rewarding thing for me was looking at her face and seeing the recognition in her eyes," Richard confessed, staring deep into her brown eyes.

  His blue-gray eyes are so mesmerizing but why is he telling me all this? A disturbing feeling crept up Grace's spine, a fleeting memory she can't recall. What is it that I'm trying to remember? What am I afraid of? Grace frowned down at their intertwined hands laying on the grass. She slipped her hand out from under his and folded her hands in her lap. Why does this whole thing feel like I've done this before? she wondered in annoyance.

  "I have been looking all over for you two. I have been meaning to introduce myself since this morning but there wasn't much time," Catherine appeared seemingly from out of nowhere. She turned, stretched out a hand and said, "Hello Grace. I'm Catherine and I am so very pleased to finally meet you.”

  Her smile gave Grace pause but she was raised to be polite and so Grace stood up and took Catherine's hand. In that instant, Grace was taken back through the many lives she has lived and died by Catherine's hand. Dark and disturbing images flashed before Grace's unseeing eyes. The stream of images was suddenly broken when Richard pulled Grace away, holding her tight.

  "I warned you once Catherine, you are not to harm her," Richard said protectively.

  "She has every right to know what happened to her in the past, Richard. Because of your own selfishness, she always had to give up her life for you. Are you afraid she'd run away if she knew?" Catherine spat. "Guard her well and enjoy what little time you both have," she added with a laugh before sauntering back into the building.

  "Was all that true? The images I saw of my previous lives?" Grace felt cold all over and had to sit down.

  "I'm sorry you had to find out from her in such a callous manner," Richard sank down beside her, took her hand and started drawing circles on the back of it. The motion slowly calmed her nerves. "But I'm afraid those images you saw were all real. They all happened to you in your past lives and you did die young. She always killed you the day you turned fourteen," he added.

  "I don't understand how you could've allowed for this to go on, how you could've allowed her to kill me. I saw you. You were there as I was dying. You didn't do anything," the images were bothering Grace more than she thought possible. Not to mention overwhelming.

  "Believe me, I did. I tried my very best to protect you, to keep you safe from her but somehow, she has gotten through every safety precaution I have implemented. I don't know how she did it but in the end, it doesn't matter what I do. She's too powerful. Our parents died when they tried to help me save you," Richard recalled, head bowed, fat, red tears falling to the ground, staining the grass red.

  They sat like that, wallowing in sorrow. After a moment, Grace sat up, patted him on the knee and declared, "Well, I am not dead yet and there is still time. Maybe, if we get a powerful witch to help us, I might yet live past fourteen this year. What do you think?" she asked, trying to sound cheerful. I may only remember being in love with this vampire but I am sure tired of dying young. Maybe one day, I'll recognize him as my one true love but before then, I will try to stay alive, Grace thought grimly.


  Helena found her best friend browsing the new age section of the library, took one look at her troubled expression and immediately pulled Grace out of the library to talk. Grace told her everything that happened, including past lives and reincarnation and how she only have less than a month left to live before Catherine kills her like she did the last time.

  "Grace, don't worry. I'm sure everything will turn out alright this time. I will ask the Crone for help with this matter and maybe with the witches on your side, you might live to see your fourteenth birthday and more," Helena hugged her dearest friend before hurrying off to her grandmother's house.


  Three days later, Richard, Helena and Grace were gathering various materials that Helena and her coven would be using in a spell to help keep Grace alive and defeat Catherine once and for all.

  "Helena," Richard briefly touched her on the arm. "I truly appreciate you and your coven's help in keeping Grace safe from my sister. Do you think there is a way for me to be human again so I can grow old and die with Grace, like any normal person would?” he asked wistfully.

  "Just so we're clear, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Grace but because you love her so much, I don't mind helping you too," Helena smiled. "As for being human again, it is possible but very risky. You might not survive," she added in a serious tone.

  "I don't care about the risk. You know I'd do it in a heartbeat. For Grace," Richard said, hopeful.

  "You can't risk that," Grace couldn't help but overhear their conversation and wanted them both to know that conspiring behind her back — even though it's for her benefit — will not be tolerated.

  "It's a chance I would like to take. To be with you. You may not remember or feel anything for me but I have loved you for so long and I would like for the chance to grow old with you," Richard was resolute in his decision.

  "And if Catherine kills me again this time?" she asked.

  "Then, I'll wait until your next reincarnation so I can grow old with you," he smiled.

  "Alright you two," Helena said, breaking up the building tension between Grace and Richard. "The sun is setting. We must go and prepare these herbs and cast the protection spell," she added, slowly making her way through brambles and twigs.

  "I didn't realize you for a fool brother," Catherine appeared out of nowhere, a few feet in front of them.

  In an instant, Richard and Helena stepped forward, shielding Grace. "Relax, you still have time yet. And I'm telling you right now, whatever it is the three of you are planning, it will not work," Catherine laughed and disappeared into thin air.

  Helena bent down, reached for a good sized branch from the ground and handed it to Grace saying, "Sharpen this into a good 'ol stake and carry it with you always. If you catch Catherine unaware and very close to you, do not hesitate to stake her through the heart."

  "She's right. If you see an opening, take it and make sure that stake is extra sharp. It might be your only chance of surviving," Richard added.

  Richard walked the two girls home and Grace chiseled away at the piece of branch, shaped and sanded it down into a smooth sharp stake all weekend long. When it was done to her satisfaction, she kept it handy in her backpack. Maybe I should make a couple of smaller ones to conceal inside my pant legs? she wondered and decided to make a smaller version.

  Monday morning saw Richard and Helena standing in front of Grace's locker. Grace presented them the stake she made and Richard inspected it so thoroughly one might think there's some clever gadgetry involved in it. "Good and sturdy," he finally proclaimed, handing the stake back.

  "Grace, meet me at my house tonight so we can do a protection spell for you," Helena said, linking her arm through her friend's, heading towards first period.

  That night a coven of witches formed a circle around Grace, each holding a white candle. While Grace stood in the center, they all chanted, "We call on the powers of Fire, protect this person from any pain her enemies might inflict on her; We call on the powers of Earth, guide this person to safety; We call on the powers of Air, hide this person from those who wish her harm; We call on the powers of Water, shield this person from any mental and physical attacks. By the powers of the elements, protect this person from evil and keep her safe. This is our will, so mote it be."

  When the spell was done, they each blew out their candle and left for the comfort of their own homes. Helena walked Grace to the front door where Richard stood waiting to see her safely home.

  The days went by in a blur and Richard was always there to escort Grace to classes, carry her books, opening doors and pulling out chairs, and generally making sure Catherine didn't get the chance to catch Grace by herself. "Too risky," Richard once said when she told him to go away, overwhelmed by his attention. And when it's not him playing bodyguard, Helena was with her, which she didn't mind at all.

  "I know this may sound ungrateful but, I wish Richard is not like this, continually watching over me. I wish everything would just go back to the way they were," Grace whined to her best friend one lazy Thursday afternoon at the library.

  "You probably will feel differently about this whole thing if you're half in love with him. You'll probably think it's very chivalrous of him to be so protective of you," Helena didn't even pause scribbling in her notebook. "Grace, just bear with it for a little while. It will be all over soon. Your birthday is fast approaching and I can see that he really loves you. He's afraid for you," she added.

  "I know," Grace sighed and went back to studying for monday's quiz. I just don't know what to feel when it comes to Richard. He's cute and definitely likeable with a great sense of humor when he's not so busy being worried about me. But carrying this memory of being so desperately in love with him through all three of my short lifetimes can be somewhat overwhelming and I just can't reconcile it with what I feel for him now, Grace let out another long sigh.