Read Under The Moon Page 4

  "First we need to get out of here," Helena said, wrinkling her nose as she looked around for a key or anything that could help them escape.

  "It might be better if you lift the spell this cage is drenched in. I am pretty sure that warlock casted a locking spell on this cage," Fae hinted, looking at Helena.

  "Okay, here we go," Helena made a show of pushing her sleeves up to her elbows then held out her hands towards the bars of the cage. "I call upon the powers four: air, earth, water and fire, come to me and set us free. This is my will, so mote it be," she added.

  When Helena confirmed that the spell was broken, Fae rushed towards the door, pulled at the huge lock and cried, "It didn't work on this lock! How on earth are we ever going to get out of here?" she moaned.

  "But I'm pretty sure the spell is broken. How can it not work?" Helena looked confused.

  "Maybe the lock itself was not charmed in the first place? Here, let me try," Grace grinned, pulled out a hairpin from her complicated braided up do and sat by the door, picking at the lock.

  "How handy!" Fae smiled. Turning to Helena she asked, "Does Grace always wear her hair in such elegant fashion?"

  "Come to think of it, she does. Grace loves to play with hairstyles and because of it, you can always count on her to have close to a hundred hairpins in her hair," Helena giggled.

  "Wow, that must be a lot of hair if she has close to a hundred hairpins," Fae said with amusement.

  "Ta-da!" Grace grinned, turning to the other girls with the lock in her hands.

  "Awesome! Now we can get out of here!" Helena exclaimed, grabbing her backpack and handing Grace's hers.

  "Thanks," Grace shouldered her backpack. "You know, you could've used your powers to unlock that padlock instead of having me pick at it," she teased.

  "Huh, I didn't really thought about that. I was so busy wondering why my spell didn't work," Helena laughed.

  The three girls ran back to the safety of the library to discuss what to do first: vanquish the warlock or call the cops on the missing henchmen. "I vote for calling the cops. That way the cops can keep an eye on this place and arrest those men while you two figure out a way to save Fae's family as well as vanquish the warlock," Grace suggested, logging in on one of the library's computer terminals and pulling up the local wanted list for Fae to identify the two henchmen.

  "Why do you need me to identify them?" Fae asked, confusion swimming in her eyes.

  "Well, I figure, fairies aren't supposed to expose themselves to humans any more than they have to, right?" At Fae's nod, Grace continued, "That means, I have to be the one to tell the cops that the two men abducted me and I have to be able to identify these men if I were to successfully convince the cops."

  "And we can't really include the warlock in this report because you and I are vanquishing him," Helena added, addressing Fae.

  "And if the cops can't find the warlock they will become suspicious and dig deeper and our supernatural secret will be exposed!" Fae concluded, finally understanding human politics.

  "Exactly," Grace and Helena whispered in unison.

  With their plan clearly laid out, Helena and Fae set out to find the rest of the fairy clan while Grace called the cops from the librarian's office.

  When the cops arrived at the library, she handed the officer the printout of the two men's wanted profile and explained to them how she got it and the events from the moment she stepped out of the library to getting kidnapped leading up to her escape. Thankfully, the library’s outside surveillance cameras were under maintenance and were turned off that morning so the cops had to go with what Grace reported.

  "I'm glad that you're okay. Be careful next time and no snooping around private property," the officer said, returning to his car to radio the station for updates. He then parked the car in a secluded spot, walked back to the abandoned house to investigate and wait.

  When the officer disappeared, Grace bid the librarian a good day, assured the young lady that she will be alright going home on foot and jogged all the way home.


  "Wait here," Fae whispered when they reached the edge of the woods where Helena vanquished an evil wizard two years ago. "I think my family is somewhere in this woods and I don't think it's a good idea for you to come in with me — at least until I've talked to them," she explained, her eyes darting left to right, scanning the woods for any sign of her fairy clan.

  "Okay, just be extra careful," Helena whispered back, crouching low behind a bush to conceal herself in case the warlock is lurking somewhere nearby.

  "You too," Fae said before shimmering into thin air.

  "Wow, that is some handy trick," Helena observed.

  Minutes passed by without a word from Fae and Helena was beginning to feel anxious, not to mention, her legs were starting to cramp. She peered around the bushes to make sure no one — especially the warlock — was in sight. The coast looks clear, she thought, cautiously she stood up and stretched her legs. A second later, someone was holding a blade to her throat.

  "Don't move a muscle or this blade will cut your vein," one of the fairy guards shimmered behind Helena and is now holding her hostage. Helena's martial arts training kicked in, throwing her opponent a few feet in front of her. The fairy landed on his back with a grunt, got up to a fighting stance and was about to attack when the rest of the fairy clan shimmered into view, each holding weapons, forming a circle around the two combatants and cheering the fairy on.

  "She's a witch and most likely in league with that warlock who kidnapped Fae! Kill her!" they shouted.

  "I am here to help Fae! I'm here to vanquish the warlock!" Helena screamed, never taking her eyes away from her opponent and danced around the fairy when he lunged.

  He was about to attack again when suddenly, everyone in the circle grew quiet. Fae and the fairy Queen shimmered into view and everyone knelt down on one knee.

  "What is going on here?" the queen demanded, her voice cold, a whiplash to the ears. They cringed.

  The same fairy guard who attacked Helena lifted his head and explained, "I was defending our home from this witch, your majesty."

  "Ah, so you decided to kill the one person who can help us vanquish the warlock?" the queen said in annoyance. "How would you like me to vanquish you instead?" she asked.

  He bowed his head in shame and repentance. "I am so sorry your highness! I didn't know. I didn't realize," he stammered.

  "Your majesty, if I may?" Helena began, looking to the queen. She nodded. Helena turned to the fairy who attacked her and said, "You are forgiven. No harm was really done to my person.” Then she turned back to the queen. “Your majesty, I beg you not to punish him. He was merely doing his duty to protect you all," she pleaded on his behalf.

  "Very well," the queen nodded again. "You are all dismissed," she added, waving a hand until everyone shimmered out of sight and the only people in the woods were Fae, Helena and the queen.

  "I am so sorry about that. This is no way to treat a friend of the fairies," Fae exclaimed, hugging Helena. "Anyway, Helena, I would like you to meet my mother, Queen Titania," she added.

  Helena gracefully sank into a curtsy and said, "I am most honored, your majesty."

  "The honor is all mine, my dear, for rescuing Fae and for willing to take on our problem with this warlock," she flashed Helena a radiant smile.

  The threesome walked around the woods while they discussed strategy to defeat the warlock and agreed to meet back at the woods in three day's time. Helena found herself back where they started and after saying their goodbyes, she teleported herself home to avoid the warlock or his henchmen in case the police haven't arrested them yet.

  The kitchen phone was ringing when Helena materialized in the foyer of her home. She ran towards the kitchen and was thrilled to hear from Grace. "I'm glad the police was able to arrest the two men. At least now, all we have to do is vanquish the warlock. Grace, promise me you'll be careful, okay?" Helena said then hung up the phone to
start working on her warlock vanquishing potion.

  An hour later, the garage door opened and closed and in walked Helena’s mother.

  "What in the world are you cooking up?" Helena's mother waved a hand in front of her face to disperse the stench emanating from the kitchen.

  "Hi mom! Sorry for the smell. It's a vanquishing potion for this evil warlock who wanted to sacrifice fairies," Helena turned, giving her mom a hug then promptly returned to the stove to bottle the potions. "I'll be done in a minute then you can have your kitchen back," she added while her mother climbed the stairs to the master bedroom.

  "It better be clean and free of magic, okay?" her mother said, disappearing at the top of the stairs.

  "Yes, mom," Helena mumbled.


  Three days later, Helena carefully packed the bottled potions in a wooden box lined with red velvet then dialed Grace’s number from the kitchen phone. “Grace, make sure everyone in your family is safe at home. Remember, no one goes in or out starting now until you get another call from me. I don’t want you or anyone in your family to get hurt,” Helena said.

  “I understand and don’t worry about us. I have everything set up to keep everyone at home: monopoly, scrabble, a lot of popcorn and mom and dad just arrived with pizza. We’re all set here,” Grace tried to make her voice sound lighthearted. “Hey, be careful, okay? Promise me you’ll kick his butt and vanquish him so he can never return to haunt Fae and her clan,” she added.

  “I’m pretty sure I’ll kick his butt,” Helena said with false bravado so her friend won’t worry so much. “Well, I have to go now. Blessed be,” she said then quickly hung up without waiting for Grace to respond back. With a calm she wasn’t feeling, Helena walked back tot he opposite side of the counter, shouldered her backpack, held the box and teleported herself to the edge of the woods where the fairies were waiting for her.

  Fae rushed towards Helena and gave her a hug. “I am so glad you’re here. Grace’s family will be okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, I placed wards all over their house and I also casted a protection spell for both the house and everyone in it. They should be good,” Helena smiled then looked around at each of the fairies there until her sight landed on the Queen. “Shall we do this then?” she asked the group.

  At the Queen’s nod, Helena drew a wide circle around her using her athame, following it up with a ring of salt for added protection. She took out four white candles and placed them at the four points of the compass, invoking the elements as she lit the candles. When she was ready, Helena summoned the warlock.

  A gust of wind with the force of a whirlwind brought the warlock to them. After regaining his balance, he said, “So the little fairies have finally decided to cooperate. Who is the first one to die?” He threw his head back and laughed.

  “You’re the only one shedding blood this night!” Helena retorted. She flicked her wrists towards the warlock and sent sharp shards of ice at him.

  The ice shards turned to snow when it struck the warlock’s chest. “Child’s play, my dear,” he laughed again, flicking bolts of fire at the fairies, who in turn shimmered out of harm’s way. The bolts of fire struck the trees and shrubs and caught fire.

  “He’s going to burn down our new home just like what he did to our last home!” cried one of the younger fairies in a panic.

  “Everybody, calm down! We can defeat him yet!” Fae exclaimed, calling everyone closer behind Helena.

  “As your Queen, I ask all of you to lend Helena our support and magic. I believe that she can save us all,” Queen Titania said and one by one, the fairies shimmered into fair lights hovering around Helena inside the circle, lending her their energy.

  “Thank you,” Helena whispered, combined their strength with hers, flung her arms wide to encompass the burning woods and painfully drew the fire into one big ball of golden light.

  By the time the warlock noticed what Helena was doing the ball of flame struck him full in the body, burning him. “This is far from over!” he screamed.

  “Yes it is. Be gone from our sight and never to return!” Helena chanted while the fairies shimmered back into their true forms and as one, they threw the bottled potion at the burning warlock to the sound of another agonizing scream.

  “No!” was the only word the warlock had time to say before turning into a mixture of ash and black, bubbling puddle.

  “Wow, that wasn’t so bad this time,” Helena said, wiping her hands on her jeans before turning towards the fairies. “Thank you all for lending me your strength and your magic. Without you all, I don’t think I’ll be able to truly vanquish him,” she smiled, kneeling down inside her circle. She then thanked the elements for their help and dispersed her circle.

  As soon as she stepped out of her circle, Fae flew to her and hugged her. “You saved us all, thank you!” she whispered.

  “I’m glad I can help. I’m sorry about the damage to your new home though,” Helena looked around at the scorch marks and bowed her head in apology.

  “Do not worry about our home, it will be back to normal as soon as we fairies can go back to tending the earth. Go with peace and with the knowledge that the fairies are in your debt,” Queen Titania waved goodbye and all the fairies shimmered out of sight and the woods fell silent.

  Helena quickly gathered her things into her backpack and walked out into the sunshine. Ever since I’ve become a witch, all these magical creatures are suddenly coming out of the wood works. I wonder what kind of creature I’ll be meeting next? She wondered about all the other mythical creatures she’s read in fairy tales and other books and wondered some more if they are all real or if some of them were merely figments of the imagination. Looking around, she teleported back home once the coast was clear. She reappeared in the kitchen right beside the phone and immediately dialed Grace’s number.

  “Are you or the fairies hurt? How did it go?” Grace asked, anxiety evident in the tone of her voice.

  “We’re alright. The woods were a little burnt but other than that, everything’s fine and the warlock has been vanquished,” Helena updated her friend, a wide grin forming on her face even as fatigue crept in. “Hey, I have to go and rest now. I’m really tired,” she added then after listening to Grace’s concerns, she nodded once then hung up the phone. With backpack in tow, she made her way to bed to recharge in order to fight another day.

  Song Of The Sea

  “Let me go!” the girl being dragged to the beach yelled and struggled against her captors, two tall guys, both muscular with shoulder-length blond hair, sporting board shorts. “Where are you taking me?” the girl demanded, flipping a stray lock of long brown hair from her face.

  “I don’t care where you go as long as you stay on land,” one of the guys in the board shorts said, finally dropping her arm.

  “If you go back to the castle, we will know and it will be on your conscience when we kill off your family. Stay here and your family lives,” the second guy added. They both walked to the shore and dived into the ocean without a backward glance.

  When the two guys were out of sight and didn’t seem to be coming back anytime soon, Grace stood up and approached the girl. “Are you okay?” she asked, noting the bruises on the girl’s arm. “My name is Grace and my friends are over there. Would you like to join us?” Grace held out a hand.

  “Serena stopped sobbing and looked Grace over, noticing the other girl’s pale skin, long straight black hair, pink tank tops and brown shorts. She seem nice enough, then she looked over to where Grace indicated her friends were. It would be nice to have a friend here on land even though they most likely can’t help me, at least I won’t be alone here, she thought and shot Grace a watery smile. “I’m Serena. It’s nice to meet you Grace,” she said, taking the other girl’s proffered hand and together they walked over to where Helena, Drake and Richard sat on a colorful beach towel under a giant beach umbrella.

  When the two girls reached the group, Grace made the introductions and
they all made room for Serena under the umbrella. “Oh, you’re hurt!” Helena cried, noticing the bruises on Serena’s arm. “Here, let me heal you,” she offered.

  Seeing the confused look on Serena’s face, Grace smiled and explained.

  “Oh wow, two witches, a former vampire and a human,” Serena breathe a sigh of relief. “I guess it would be alright to tell you guys that I am a mermaid and the two guys with me earlier are mermen,” she added while Helena healed the bruises on her arm.

  “From all the commotion earlier, it seemed like they were harassing you. Why?” Richard, the vampire-turned-human, asked, curiosity getting the better of him since now he doesn’t have the power to read other people’s minds.

  “It’s a long, sad story. You guys probably have better things to do than listen to this,” Serena replied, eyes downcast. After much insisting from the rest of the group, she finally relented. “My parents rule the Pacific Ocean and the two mermen you saw are only but a small part of a big rebel group who crept around the castle one night, killed or arrested the guards and held my parents hostage up in the tower. Their leader then took over the throne and the kingdom,” she added.

  “How did you escape?” Drake, Helena’s Wiccan guide, asked.

  “It was very fortunate that I was out with my friends, hanging out at one of the restaurants here in the surface. When we returned, it was a good thing that we were quiet and that was when we noticed the slain guards. Those who took their place were not familiar to us. So we went to one of my friend’s home and her family told me to stay away for a while just to keep me safe. Because I am the rightful heir to the throne these rebels will either kill me and usurp the throne or marry me to have a legitimate claim to the throne. So I swam for shore and hid on land. But then those two guys found me and threatened to kill my family sooner if they catch me anywhere near the castle. I can’t really call for help from the Atlantic merpeople because they’re too far and have fewer warriors. So I’m stuck here,” Serena sighed.

  “Well, it looks like we still have time to plan something, right?” Helena, ever the adventurous one, grinned at everyone. “We’ll help you get your family and kingdom back,” she added and the others echoed their agreement, ready for another adventure.