Read Under the Hill Page 1

  Under the Hill

  Emily Storey

  Copyright Emily Storey 2014

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  Table of Contents:




  The Plan…………………………………16


  About the Author…………………….23


  To Victoria: my aunt, my best friend


  Part One: Rune

  Journal Entry #206, 3rd journal.

  June 2nd 2068

  Written by Rune West.

  After two months I’ve finally found another journal on one of my hunting trips. Sitting here, waiting for my sister to wake me up for her question I realize I’ve never introduced the world around me. I’ve always kept these journals in case someone ever comes around to read these, hundreds of years from now. So, I suppose I’ll tell you, you being someone reading this, years from now. Let me start with the first thing. I may like to write stories, especially stories for my sister but I’m not good with writing from my point of view. I don’t mind though, I know the importance my journals may hold. I hope, I pray to a god my parents believed in, that maybe one day these journals will be more than fuel to a lone man’s fire.

  It’s been forty years since the “Age of Man” had been demolished. At least – I think that’s what it was called. I was never apart of it; I’m apart of the Nothing. The Age of Nothing sounds exactly like what it actually is. Man has been “destroyed”. Humans are supposed to be extinct and sometimes I wish we were. Forty years ago an unknown alien species decided to spark war on Earth. From what my mom told me years before all this happened some group called N.A.S.A sent sounds and music into space. Well, from the aliens thought this sound was the way Humans asked for war. Who knew Beethoven was meant as a death threat?

  No one knows who these aliens are, or where they came from. All I do know is that they’re ruthless and once a month they send a ship to look over Earth, just to make sure no one is here… and unfortunately not many people are. As a kid my parents went to get food, leaving my little sister and I back at the fort… they never came back. From what I’ve heard the aliens kidnap the people and use them for something, no one knows what and honestly I don’t want to know.

  See, the aliens weren’t our enemies at first, well, that’s what us Humans thought. See when they first came they began injecting people with this serum called Cotosin YXG. From what I was told this serum was meant to kill the humans but it did quite the opposite. The alien’s plans backfired and the serum went down through every generation changing humans slowly.

  That’s where Canna and I come in. I wouldn’t even consider me and my sister humans anymore. I’ve seen old pictures of our parents and their families as a kid and we don’t look much like them. The surviving humans looks like a totally different species than what we once were. We’re all grey-toned, some lighter or darker than others but we all have flat faces, not much for noses or lips for that matter. But eyes? Yeah, got those! Usually they’re quite large though the color varies even more than skin tone. There is one thing all of us do have though and that’s black hair. Yeah, nothing special, but Canna doesn’t mind. She’s doesn’t mind much of anything, never has. I know I shouldn’t say things like this but I think there’s something wrong with her, she’s so quiet all the time, only asking a strange question once in a while. That question always bothers me. She’ll wake up in the dead of night and stand over me, her glowing eyes like a candle and whispers in an emotionless tone, “Rune, when is mommy and daddy gonna come home?” I told her they’re dead but she still asks that.

  I suppose that’s just what normality is now for the human race. Weird quiet faces, weird quiet lives, weird quiet questions in the night. That’s all right though; I’d rather be woken up by Canna every single night than not have her at all. I’d rather sit with her until day breaks and she – half sleeping – names every single bright green leave on the trees sheltering us from whatever alien ships may lie above. I could escape, both of us could, we could get out and look for other Humans but what’s the point in that? I’m happy here, in my little cave, under the hill naming leaves.

  Journal Entry #207

  Canna’s question today was “what if the leaves turned silver and the sky turned green!” sometimes I wonder if she’s smoking some of the leaves around the hill. Although, I got to admit, that question isn’t the weirdest I’ve been asked. I’ve lost count of the questions she’s asked that has made me question both of our sanity.

  Another alien ship came today while I was out. I don’t know how to explain this but they actually touched down on the planet! I saw them! I actually saw them! Ok, ok I didn’t see “them” I saw one person! I think it was a women, she looked like Canna but older. Is it possible that Cotosin XYG wasn’t… no that’s a stupid question. Never mind, this journal isn’t meant to be filled with my stupid thoughts; it’s supposed to detail the world around me…

  Journal Entry #208 (later that day)

  Canna woke me up a while ago and I haven’t been able to sleep again. Her question this time? “What are we Rune?” I didn’t know how to reply. I can’t stop thinking of that alien I saw, no not alien, she wasn’t an alien she was like Canna and me! I said I wouldn’t include my stupid thoughts and ideas but I can’t help it. Cotosin XYG was given to humans and it changed us. My parents thought the serum was originally meant to kill us but maybe… maybe it was meant to turn us into them.

  Journal Entry #209

  Ok, I did something really stupid today. Really, really, really, really stupid. So stupid that Canna’s question tonight will probably be, “Rune? Why is my brother so fucking stupid?” I just know it! So today while Canna was still asleep I… I sort of went outside, I went back to where I saw the ship, see why I’m stupid? You never go back to where you’ve seen an alien space ship! That’s common knowledge! Yet I still did it! What is wrong with me? I could have gotten myself killed! There could have been traps! I mean, nothing was there but still!

  Ok, I lied; there was something there, totally something there. The “there” I mean is actually an old store, of course there’s nothing inside thanks to my parents and I but still. I usually go there to get books and paper to write with but today there was something totally out of place! Ok, honestly it wasn’t out of place but I’ve been there a hundred times, I know every single item and where it’s placed! There was a journal on the floor, right by the doors! Here’s the thing, here’s the big surprise! It was written in! I haven’t looked at it, I mean just because I live in a cave doesn’t mean I don’t have things to do! I don’t even know if I can read it!

  Journal Entry #210

  Canna’s question of the day was “Where did you go?” Not exactly what I thought she’d say but it’s close enough. Now, to more exciting matters, I can read the journal! I can’t believe it! I can actual read it; it’s in English and everything! Let me write down the first entry, I think it’s important and that’s what my journal is for, right? So here it is:

  Journal Entry #1

  My name is Adee; I’m a knight for the Ciclo Republic. All writing is currently banned from all knights but since I’m one of the knights who goes to Earth, I have plenty of time to write and no one will find out. I like to write, I’m not sure how good I am but it helps get all the thoughts out of my head.

  Today I saw someone on Earth. All knights are supposed to
report any sightings of humans but what good is that going to do? To many people have died… Besides, this boy looked like a Cicloic, there has to be a reason for that, right? Besides, what harm is he going to do? I don’t he think he saw me; he was just looking for food I think. He may be one of the last people living on this planet for all I know. I wonder if I could talk to him, I wonder if he can even speak. Maybe I should put this journal in the building I saw him in. If he can speak or read, he might reply back. This is probably a really bad idea but what do I have to lose? So, um, I’ll introduce myself to the boy, in case he can read.

  I’m Adee, I’m one of the people who look for humans down on Earth. I’m not your enemy, I swear, honestly I shouldn’t be doing any of this. I could get killed for even writing! Honestly though… I don’t understand what my people are doing, I don’t know why they hurt the people on this planet and then just left it to rot. I’m sorry, I really am. I really hope you can read this! If you can, if you know what I’m saying write on the next page and put it back where you found it. I’ll be going down to Earth the day after tomorrow and maybe I can write you back!

  My parents never liked my to swear but I have to say holy shit! I’m going to write her back! I can’t believe this! I have no idea what she’s talking about but I have to ask her.

  Journal Entry #211

  The sun isn’t even up yet I admit and honestly I couldn’t sleep. The last person I talked to was my parents five years ago. I don’t know if I can trust Adee but as long as I don’t mention where I live or to many details about myself I think it’s going to be ok. I just want to talk to somebody. I just want to have a conversation that isn’t with Canna. I mean, I love her but sometimes I just want to talk to a person that doesn’t ask me what would happen if all the leaves on the trees disappeared forever. I’m just worried that this will end up hurting someone yet I still find myself writing this letter to this girl I don’t even know, someone my parents would have considered the enemy…

  This is what I wrote to her:

  Dear Adee,

  My name is Rune; I haven’t spoken to someone in five years! I’m sorry that such a place has forbid you to write. I like to write too actually. I like this idea, of swapping letters in this journal, as long as no one finds out. It seems that our species are on opposing sides but no one can speak for an entire species, right? I’m a human - at least I think so. You said in your letter that I looked like your species. I saw you too and you looked like my sister. I have so many questions for you. What is it like in space? I look at the sky every chance I get. I wonder what it would be like to fly through the stars. Can you do that? I admit, I don’t know much about space, I’m sorry if I sound like a fool but I’ll write to you as long as you’ll write to me. We’ll keep this journal in the store but where you put it last may not be a good idea, in case if someone finds it. We should hide it. No one is around here, but maybe one of your people will see the journal and read it, it could be trouble for both of us. So, I’ll leave the journal where I found it, but when you write me back put the book in isle 8, there’s a lot of books there so put it between the books Pyramids and Eclipse, ok? It’s exciting to talk to someone, even if it’s through a pencil and paper.


  Journal Entry #212

  Well after I wrote that I went back to the store and put the journal exactly where I found it. It was still night when I came back home and the second I got back to sleep Canna came to ask her question. “Do you think there are good people besides us?” it made me think about Adee, I don’t know if I can trust her but maybe, just maybe I can. Maybe Canna, Adee is a good person too. At least, I hope so. I’m planning on heading out to the store later tonight to see if the journal is there but I’m being safe about it, I’m bringing my dad’s sword. I’m worried that this is all a trap, that this is some set up and honestly Reader, I’m scared. I’m scared that I’m putting Canna and myself in danger but a part of my stupid brain just wants to talk to someone. I hope Adee is a trust-worthy person and I hope this isn’t my last entry…

  Part Two: Adee

  Journal Entry #213

  The journal was exactly where I said to put it. There wasn’t anyone around and I just read her entry! Here it is:

  Dear Rune,

  I’ve never flown through the stars; I wish I had! My base is just above Earth, on your moon. I’m sure if you looked close enough you could see it! I was born and raised here. Then when I was five I entered training. Honestly if it was up to me I’d live down there on Earth. Whenever I get to come down there I love to see the green grass and the trees. Do you ever get tired of it? I never do.

  I’d love to know more about Earth. How old are you? Did you know what Earth was like before I came? I’ve heard so many stories; I wish I could have seen it. My brother told me a story about how the trees on Earth turn colors! Do they really? I’ve never seen them do that before, maybe you can show me one day.

  I’ll be coming back to Earth in a week; it will be my first lone mission! My mission is to… well it’s to destroy any humans but I’ve honestly never killed anyone before and I swear, I never will. I’ll report to my commanding officer that I didn’t see any humans since I’ve been on Earth. Your secret is safe with me. I do have to ask though, is there others like you where you live? You mentioned your sister, is she still alive? How old is she? I have a brother named Everest, he’s quite a bit older than me though and honestly I don’t see him very often. That doesn’t matter though; I want to ask you something Rune! I want to meet you in person! Like I said, next week will be my first lone mission, I’ll be all by myself! If you don’t want to meet me I understand, I really do. I can only imagine what my people have done to yours… I wouldn’t be hurt if you didn’t trust me. Can I admit something to you? I hate what my people have done. It’s cruel and I wish I could go back in time to stop this all from happening. Sorry, I’m making this letter sad; let me get back to my point. If you do chose to meet me I’ll be on the top floor of that building we’ve been going too. Last time I was there I saw this overgrown lunchroom. It’s beautiful there. I hope to see you soon,


  I don’t know how to react. I have plenty of time to think about it but I think I might go see her. I’ll at least write her back in case I choose not to go. I always thought these aliens were all ruthless monsters that destroyed humans for their own pleasure. Maybe that’s not the case with everyone; maybe I can really trust Adee… maybe…

  Journal Entry #214

  Canna’s Question of the Day was “Who do you keep writing to?” I’ve got a feeling she’s caught me red handed. Honestly my sister isn’t exactly “right” in the head. It’s hard for her to understand things. When my parents were still alive my mom said Canna had something called autism. She said it wasn’t a disease, just a different way of thinking. Canna may be ten but her “different way of thinking” turns her into a five year old. Even so, she’s still smart. I have to find a way to tell her what’s going on with Adee. I know if I don’t Canna’s going to find a way to sneak out of the cave and follow me if I go see Adee. If I get hurt that’s one problem, but if she gets hurt then I’d never forgive myself. How am I supposed to tell her?

  Journal Entry #215

  I told Canna about Adee. I said Adee is a good person, she’s not like the aliens who killed our parents but that doesn’t mean we can trust her yet. I think I’ve convinced her to stay here when I see Adee; she’s also decided to write Adee her own letter! And by letter I mean drawings of me and her.

  I’ve also decided that I’m going to meet Adee. I’m going to see her in just a few days now and I’m honestly really scared. I don’t want to get anyone hurt but I have a feeling everything is going to be ok, at least I hope so.

  Journal Entry #216

  I’m exactly where she said we’d meet. I’m hiding in the corner of the room in an old closet just to make sure Adee is really alone. It’s so weird; she looks so human, just like me and Canna. For the people t
hat may read this, I’ll describe her for you. She has a flat face, but not as long as mine. She has giant almond eyes that match the colors of the vines around her. She’s sitting alone at an old table with the journal in her hand. I can’t believe I’m going to say this but she’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve never seen hair that long. It’s brown, like a tree trunk. When I first saw her, her hair was up and I couldn’t see it but now she’s let it down. It’s draping over the back of her chair is pretty curls and settling on the ground. Canna would be so jealous right now. She always wanted long hair but for some reason her short blonde hair doesn’t grow much past her shoulders.

  Adee doesn’t seem to be armed besides a small knife on the table. She also doesn’t have any armor on; she’s wearing human clothes. A tight burnt red tee shirt and a pair of leather pants tucked into combat boots. She claims to be some species called Cicloic but she looks pretty human to me. I don’t think she lied; maybe our species just look a lot a like.