Read Underestimated Page 30

  “I’m going to have to take another shower,” he said, grazing his hand up the back my leg.

  I laughed at him. “It’s grass. I think you’ll be fine,” I teased.

  I felt Drew tense when I ran my hand up his shirt and along his contoured abs. I didn’t stop. I moved it around to his ribs and shifted my weight so that I was above him. I ran the back of my other hand down his cheek as we stared longingly into each other’s eyes. Drew raised his head a little. I accepted the invitation and kissed him. He moaned into my mouth and pulled my leg higher. I could feel his hardness right between my legs as he ground into me.

  I screamed and tried to get away from him, but he wouldn’t let me. I was soaked in about two seconds when the sprinkler system kicked on. He used me for a shield, laughing as hard as I have ever heard him laugh before. I had never heard him laugh other than a snicker or a snort here and there. This was a full-fledged laugh, and I loved it.

  He flipped me over so that he was now towering over me, shielding me from the downpour. He moved a strand of wet hair from my face and ran his hand up my side and then to the snap on my shorts. I was the one to moan in his mouth next as soon as I felt his fingers slide up my wet slit.

  He tugged on my shorts wanting me to raise my hips.

  “Drew, what are you doing? Someone’s going to see us,” I protested, but not too much.

  “We are twelve miles from the closest person. Spread your legs.”

  Okay…No problem…

  I don’t think I had ever experienced anything more erotic in my life. Yeah, yeah, I know. My memory only held four months of memories, but still. I pulled on Drew’s shirt, and he slipped it over his head. The water falling from his strong shoulders onto me as we made love under the Nevada sky was incomprehensible. The beauty of his wet body over mine with only the light from the moon and stars was one of those awe-ha moments. You know, the once in a life time kind. That moment would never be recreated.

  I slept in Drew’s room that night, and the next, and the next, and the next. I stayed with him a lot in his office too, just because I wanted to be close to him, and for another reason that I wasn’t going to disclose to him, ever. I hung out with him and read while he tended to business, and it seemed like I always ended up taking a nap on his sofa. I couldn’t help it. His business was so boring. The only time that I wasn’t with him was when Derik was there, and then I got the hell out of the house. I didn’t want to be anywhere near that bastard.

  When I did drive into the city, it was on the north side. I didn’t go against Drew’s wishes and venture into the strip. I didn’t really want to go there anyway. I liked the north end. I liked my little café, where the guys Timmy, Stan, and Jewels all knew me by name, and knew what I liked. I had graduated from the park and ventured a nearby high school, where I would sit and watch the baseball games, track meets, and sometimes just the girls practicing their cheers. I enjoyed my time there. It made me happy.

  I was watching a boy’s baseball game one afternoon when Drew phoned. I didn’t want to leave and groaned when I saw that it was him. I had been keeping up with the Scorpions, and they were 4 and 0. It was only the fourth inning, and it was going to be a close game. I didn’t want to leave.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “Trinity High,” I answered with a smile. I knew he had no idea what that was.

  “I’m not even going to ask. Come home. I’m done working for the day and Derik left.”

  “Uh-uh, you come to me.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m watching a ballgame. You come here.”

  “Um, no. I’m good on that. I’ll see you when you get home.”

  “Get out of that stuffy suit and come and join me. Please.” I begged.

  “I don’t know the first thing about baseball.”

  “I didn’t either, but I’m learning. Do you know where Trinity is?”

  “Yes, but I never said I was coming.”

  “You are. I’ll see you in a little bit.” I hung up laughing to myself.

  Drew was there in fifteen minutes, wearing his oh, so sexy jeans with a red t-shirt. I smiled when I saw that he was wearing the sneakers that I had bought him just the day before. I moved over on the bleacher, and he slid in beside me.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” he said.

  “Shhhh, bases are loaded, and this kid that is getting ready to bat is remarkable. If he can get at least two of them home it will tie the game.”

  “How do you know so much about baseball?”

  “I learned by coming here watching when dick face Derik is in my house.”

  Drew laughed, and then looked at me like I had lost my mind when I jumped up with the rest of the Scorpion fans, screaming when the batter hit a home run bringing in all four players.

  The other team was good too, and it was neck and neck all the way to the ninth inning.

  “I thought there were only nine innings,” Drew presumed. He was into the game as much as I was. I thought it was cute.

  “There is. They’re going into an extra inning because it’s tied. We’re the home team. If we score this time the game is over, and we win. If not, the other team gets another try,” I explained.

  The first batter made it to first. The second batter was tagged out, but the player on first made it to third. Everyone held their breath when the third batter was trying to beat the flying ball to first. He slid, and the umpire called out, but the guy on third, beat the ball to the home plate, and scored the winning point.

  “That was kind of fun. When do they play again?” Drew asked. I took his hand as we walked back toward the school.

  “Friday,” I smiled.

  “Where are you parked?”

  “In the parking lot at the park, walk with me,” I coaxed.

  We walked through the park holding hands and then along the sidewalk of the different stores and restaurants.

  “Let’s go in this sports bar and eat barbeque for supper,” I suggested.

  He looked up at the sign and then back to me with a frown. “I don’t think so. Have you been in this place?”

  “No. Only because I knew you would throw a tantrum about it.”

  “I would. I will take you some place to eat if you want to go out. Not here.”

  I gave him the same frown and pulled his hand toward the door. “If you take me out, you’re going to make us go home and change into stiff outfits. We will fit in just fine here.”

  Drew growled, but he caved and followed me in. We sat at a high table with barstools.

  “Country music? Are you kidding me?” He protested.

  I laughed, and then got serious. Why did I know the words to this song? I was deep in thought when the waitress came to take our drink orders.

  “Bud lite in a bottle,” I spoke, unconsciously.

  “The same,” Drew said. He knew that I was remembering something.

  “What’s wrong, Morgan?”

  “How did I know to order that? And why do I know this song?”

  “Maybe from when you were in Florence,” he suggested.

  I gave him a look. I might regret it but here goes.

  “I was never in Florence, Drew.”

  “What do you mean? Where do you think you were?”

  “I don’t know, but I heard Derik tell you that I was going to run away again. I think I ran from you, for whatever reason. I’m just not sure how I ended up back with you or why I left in the first place.”

  The waitress brought our beers, and I chugged half of mine in one drink. Damn that tasted good.

  Drew reached for my hand. “Morgan, I would do anything in my power for you to never remember,” he said.

  “But, you’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “I can’t.”

  “Don’t you think I have a right to know, Drew? Do you have any idea what it is like to wake up every day not knowing where you came from?”

  “You have a right to know, but I
don’t want you to know.”

  “Because it would hurt me?” I asked, quietly.

  “Yes, Morgan. It would.”

  I drank the rest of my beer in the next drink. “Then don’t tell me,” I said. I didn’t want to know. I was afraid it would ruin what Drew and I had. I didn’t want that.

  The waitress came back, and I ordered for us.

  “One basket of ribs, an order of jalapeno poppers, and two more beers,” I said, handing her back the menu.

  Drew only stared with a confused look. I knew he was fighting his own demons.

  “Drew, let’s just forget it, okay?” I said, trying to ease his trepidation.

  “I’m afraid of losing you,” he admitted. I smiled a warm smile.

  “Don’t be. I’m not going anywhere. Do you know why I’m not going anywhere?” I asked as our beers were brought to us. I waited for her to walk away. “Because I am so madly in love with you, I couldn’t imagine not having you in my life.”

  He smiled. “You love me?”

  “A little,” I teased.

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, I love you a little too.”

  I laughed, even though I wasn’t laughing on the inside. We had just said I love you to each other, sort of.

  I ate one of the eight ribs and Drew ate seven of them. He loved them. We drove back the five miles to the house and picked up Marta to drive my car home. I tried to tell Drew I wasn’t that drunk, and I would follow him, but he wouldn’t hear of it. Marta rode with us and drove it home.

  I was stripping clothes as soon as his our bedroom door was closed.

  “I think I like you drunk,” Drew teased, removing his own clothes.

  “I think we have a new toy that we have not tried out yet,” I teased, kissing his chest and shoulder. He got serious, and I wasn’t sure what it was about.

  “We don’t have to do that, Morgan. I’m happy just making love to you.”

  I shoved my tongue into his mouth. “You’ve have an obsession with my ass the whole four months that I remember knowing you, now all of a sudden you’re not interested? I don’t think so. Put it on,” I demanded.

  He smiled moving me back to the bed. I scooted up on my elbows and waited for him to come back with the contraption.

  “Spread your legs,” he whispered, in that damned sexy raspy voice as he toed off his sneakers and removed his jeans.


  I lay there exposed, propped on my elbows while I watched him figure out how to slide the device up his rock hard shaft. Drew never took his eyes from my unprotected body, lying on top of his covers. Once he had the new toy securely in place. He stroked himself.

  Holy mother fucker…

  I thought I was going to orgasm just watching him.

  “Slide to the edge of the bed,” he rasped. I did.

  He moved my legs up so that he could watch and guide the knobby ruse into my ass. He was longer, and I felt him move into my wet pussy first, and then I felt the penetration sliding into my ass. I moaned as he held my arms to the bed. I moaned louder as he began to move in and out of me, and then ridiculously loud when the third part of the new toy came in contact with my clitoris with every thrust.

  I didn’t feel at all used or abused. It was hot as hell, something that we were sharing together. I had to keep my eyes focused on his face. Every time I closed my eyes I was taken to a dark Drew, one that was angry and made me do things that I didn’t want to do. I didn’t dwell on it. I wanted to stay right there in that moment with Drew. He didn’t have that look on his face. It was pure rapture, like he was tuned into me and nothing else. The faster he went the more I felt myself losing control.

  “Drew, can I come?” I panted. He stopped.

  “Don’t you ever ask me that again. I am trying my damnedest to make you come.”

  I smiled, and he began to move again. I was spent and sent spiraling into a whirlwind orgasm. As soon as I was coherent Drew pulled out and removed the device. He lifted my legs higher and slid into my ass with a moan. He pumped hard in and out of me while his thumb kept my clitoris happy. We climaxed together, and he fell to my body, out of breath and panting.

  I ran my hand up his damp back and sweaty hair.

  “You’re hot,” I said.

  “You’re hot,” he retorted, kissing my nose. “Let’s go shower,” he suggested.

  “Let’s not. Let’s go get in the pool,” I countered.

  Drew started to protest, but didn’t. He pulled me up and kissed me before turning to grab his shorts. I pulled them out of his hand.

  “Not with clothes,” I warned with a smile. I opened the door and walked out, down the long hall toward the pool.

  “Morgan!” he called after my naked behind in a loud whisper. “Marta is here.”

  I didn’t answer and only gave him a sexy smile as I flipped my hair.

  I walked down the pool steps and had to laugh at Drew covering himself and speedily walking after me.

  As soon as he was in the water, I had my arms and legs wrapped around him. He held me tight to him and walked us out to about four feet. I let go of my hold around his neck and laid back, dipping my hair in the water. He ran the palm of his hand down my chest and brushed my nipple with his thumb.

  I pulled myself back up to him, and we kissed.

  “I love you, Morgan,” Drew whispered to my lips.

  “I hope so, we’ve been married for eight years,” I teased. He wasn’t laughing.

  “I mean it, Morgan. I love you more than I ever thought possible, and no matter what happens, I am telling you now, how sorry I am while you love me too.”

  “Don’t, Drew.” I begged. I wanted him to stop. I didn’t want to know anymore. I didn’t care about what I didn’t remember. I hoped that I never remembered.

  Drew had to go out of town the next morning, but surprised me Friday afternoon by showing up at the Scorpions baseball game with me. I loved watching him walk toward me knowing that he was mine. Our eyes locked with the same smile. He missed me when he was gone. I could tell.

  We ate ribs again at the little sports bar because he said that he was in love with them. We only drank one beer because we had no Marta at the house to drive one of the cars home.

  He flew me to Ubud, Indonesia for our eighth honeymoon and my birthday. It was already passed both, but he decided that we needed to celebrate. I was game. I had to make an appointment with Dr. Tharp before he would tell me anything. I would have never thought Indonesia could have been so exotic. It was, and we had a blast. The food too was exotic, and I loved trying all of the different cuisines. I had things that Drew had to pronounce and order for me. He loved it and laughed when I would try to say the names as well.

  He gave me a beautiful necklace for my birthday and a brand new wedding set that I was sure cost more than I cared to know. He took the set back that I had been wearing. I almost ruined his moment when I stared blankly at him sliding the rings off of my finger. It was déjà vu. This happened before. Drew sensed it too.

  “Morgan,” he softly spoke, pulling my eyes from my fingers to his eyes.

  “What’s wrong with the rings that I have been wearing?” I asked, trying to recover.

  “They were put there for the wrong reason. I think you know that. This set is truly from my heart, and I hope you will always wear them.”

  I smiled as he slipped them on my wedding finger. “I will try my best,” I said, and he knew what I meant by that. “I love you,” I said kissing him.

  “Read the back of the necklace,” Drew said.

  “Please give me twenty more,” I read, and I hoped that I could.

  We spent seven days in Ubud. We had amazing food, watched some shows, joined in a street dance, and made love several times a day, including the plane ride home. It’s a good thing we had a private jet, I was sure we would have been thrown to our deaths.

  Other than hating Derik, my life was perfect, and I was working on that. I had finally gotten the number for Mr.
Callaway one afternoon when Drew left me in his office while he got us something to drink. I had the yellow post-it in my pocket, and when Drew left the next day I went to town with Marta. We walked around a pawn store for a little bit and then had lunch at my favorite café. That was where I was going to make the call to Mr. Callaway so that I didn’t have to use my cellphone.

  Marta and I were standing at the counter laughing with Timmy and Jewels when I heard my name.

  “Riley?” I heard, and instantly turned my head.

  Everything came crashing back to me like a tsunami. I stood frozen while my whole life flooded my brain, my home in West Virginia, my parents, my little lost brother, Drew…Oh God Drew. I thought I was going to throw up right there. My entire retched life was being played out right before my eyes. My head hurt. It hurt horrible. Was it the flood of memories? Why did I have such an excruciating headache all of a sudden?

  “Dawson,” I managed to say.

  “Morgan, I think you need to sit down,” Marta said, concerned with my ghostly white complexion.

  “Riley, please talk to me,” Dawson begged.

  Marta was right. I needed to sit down. My head felt like it was going to explode and the sick feeling I had in the pit of my stomach was unbearable. Dawson, it was Dawson, my sheriff. I couldn’t breathe. What was happening?

  “I’m sorry, but you evidently have the wrong person,” Marta told Dawson, but she knew something was up too, she had to. I didn’t just have this reaction for no reason. She helped me slide into a booth while Timmy brought me water.

  “Marta, could you leave us alone for a second please?” I asked.

  “I don’t think that’s a good Idea, Morgan. You look like you’re ready to pass out.”

  That’s because I am…

  “I’m okay. I’ll just be a minute.”

  Marta walked back to the counter, and I knew all eyes were on Dawson and me.

  He sat across from me and looked like he didn’t understand. I didn’t understand. What the hell just happened? What a sick fucking joke. Was life really this cruel?

  “There’s a high school two blocks north of here. I’ll be there at six tonight. I can’t talk to you here. Meet me there,” I explained.