Read Underground Guardians Box Set Page 26

  * * * * *

  It was a long time later when Mason finally left the surveillance room, a plan in place to take over Area 51. His mind was on Holly, pressing him to locate her, wanting to hold her.

  He found her in the lab.

  Roger sat in a chair as Holly took his vital signs. Mason leaned on the doorframe, eyes watchful.

  Holly looked up at him, answering the question he never asked. “He’s dehydrated and needs rest. Where will he sleep?”

  “Sterling has an extra room next door.”

  “Won’t Michael be using it?”

  His tone was flat. “Michael won’t be staying.”

  Her eyes met his over Roger’s head. She understood. Don’t ask in front of Roger.

  She gave a barely perceptible nod and refocused on Roger. “Let me take a tube of blood and you can get some rest.”

  Roger stiffened and started to stand up. “No. I don’t feel up to giving blood.”

  Holly frowned at him, pushing him back down into his chair with a firm hand on his shoulder. “You have to, Roger. What if something’s wrong?”

  “Tomorrow,” he insisted. “I need rest.”

  “Not tomorrow, now,” Mason said in low voice he intentionally allowed to hold a hint of threat.

  Holly and Roger both looked at Mason. Silence filled the air, heavy and tense. After several long seconds, Mason spoke. “Take his blood, Holly.”

  She nodded. Roger swallowed visibly.

  Mason watched Roger the entire time Holly was withdrawing his blood. He was hiding something. No doubt about it. Mason didn’t take his eyes off Roger but he spoke to Holly. “Have you tested any of the blood samples yet?”

  “No, I was planning on doing it tomorrow. I spent most of the time you were gone today filling out questionnaires with Sterling.” She smiled as she disposed of the used needle. “And learning to shoot a gun.”

  Mason’s brow inched up.

  “You hate guns!” Roger exclaimed.

  Holly gave him a look. “I hate being helpless much more.”

  “Angel,” Mason said with a completely serious tone, one holding pride and tenderness, not surprise or anger. “One thing you will never be is helpless.” Then he turned his gaze on Roger. “Come with me. I’ll take you to Sterling.”

  Roger scowled a bit but stood up. Mason’s eyes locked with Holly’s. “Meet you upstairs.” And then, certain Roger wasn’t looking, he winked. Holly rewarded him with an angelic smile.

  Damn, he loved her smiles. He loved her.

  He was looking forward to some alone time with her. The battle plan they had drafted was going to take a lot out of him. He needed Holly. She helped him stay focused on what was important. She helped him remember he wasn’t the bad guy.

  Unfortunately, right now, he had to deal with Roger. And the man was most definitely trouble.

  * * * * *

  Mason didn’t say a word to Roger until he was inside Sterling’s living room. The instant Mason stepped off the elevator, Sterling’s eyes settled on his face.

  “Problem?” Sterling asked.

  Mason looked at Roger, fixing him in a hard stare. “Perhaps we should ask our visitor that question.”

  Roger fidgeted. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Mason crossed his arms in front of his body, his legs spread wide. “Oh, you know. Why didn’t you want Holly to take your blood?”

  He averted his gaze. A sign he was lying. And he was. Mason could practically smell his dishonesty. His senses were getting stronger. “I told you. I’m tired.”

  Mason walked toward Roger.

  Roger took several nervous steps backwards bumping into the wall.


  Mason didn’t touch him. He didn’t have to. His anger was like an electric current in the room. His power was charged, thick with its presence, and far more alive than it had ever been in the past.

  Mason’s voice was low. Calm. Too calm. Threatening. “If you put Holly in danger, I’ll kill you. No hesitation.”

  “I…I swear. I would never hurt Holly.” Roger was trembling. He looked like he might cry.

  Mason gave the man a pity look. “You’re pathetic.”

  Exchanging a look with Sterling, Mason knew he understood the risk Roger represented. Mason moved with impatience toward the elevator, edgy from his power, now racing through his veins like some sort of liquid heat. Michael had been right. Accepting his Arion genetics allowed him to bring his skills to life.

  Controlling them was now his concern. His mind was powerful, as was his body. In anger, it could be deadly. Control was critical.

  Mason found Holly facing the kitchen counter, one foot propped on top of the other, writing on a notepad. He watched her for several seconds, just soaking in her presence. It was said the female in an Arion mating had the power to keep the male calm and focused. Now he believed it. She wrapped around him like a second skin, holding him together and making him complete.

  Just being near her made him relax.

  Holly looked up, as if she sensed his presence, and smiled at him. “Everything okay?”

  He walked toward her as she sat her pad and pencil on the counter and turned to face him. He rested his back against the counter and pulled her with him, her thighs resting against his.

  Settling his hands around her waist, he said, “They are now.”

  Holly’s hands settled on his chest. “I was worried about you tonight. It’s going to be hard for me to get used to you always being in danger.”

  “We, Holly,” he said. “We are both always in danger.”

  Her connection to him, as his mate, actually could offer her some extra protection but she would always be in danger, with or without him. David had made her a target. That was a fact that wouldn’t change.

  “I know,” Holly said in a barely audible voice. Then, in a normal voice, “You know I’m not blind. I see the writing on the wall. That’s why I asked Sterling to teach me to shoot a gun.”

  He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I think that’s a good thing. I’d like you to learn every possible way to defend yourself. I know you don’t like violence but protecting yourself is critical. There are skills you can learn, things I can teach you if you allow me to.”

  Holly nodded. “Arions don’t seem to die easily. How can I defend myself against something like that?”

  “A gun will kill an Arion. It just has to be at the right spot, which means catching them off guard. Their mental ability allows them to deflect a bullet if they know it’s coming.”

  Holly gave him an odd look. “You’re talking about Arions like you aren’t one.”

  He sighed. “I know. Arion is the name David gave his people. As in, Hitler’s better race. He wants the same thing. To rule the world with his new race. I will always be a Black Knight, Arion blood or not, and so will our people. Anyone who joins us becomes a Knight, with or without alien enhancements.”

  “Our people?”

  He traced the line of her jaw with his thumb. If he was to be the leader, as his mate, the Knights would be their people. But she didn’t know that. “I consider you part of this. I hope you do as well.”

  Her voice was soft, her green eyes, bright and compelling as they locked with his. “Of course, I do. You know I do.”

  He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. The touch made his body surge with awareness, only it wasn’t merely physical; it was much more intense and utterly consuming. He felt her tremble slightly and knew she felt it as well.

  Whatever it was.

  She searched his face. “I don’t understand what you make me feel.” Her voice was a barely-there whisper.

  “This is new to me, too,” he told her in complete honesty. “When I am with you, Holly, I feel stronger, more able to face what’s before me. For that, I can’t thank you enough.”

  Her eyelashes fluttered, settling against her ivory skin like half moons and, for a minute he thought she was blocking
him out.

  But then she looked up at him, raw emotions in her eyes. “I’ve only loved two people in my life, my mother and my father, and they both died on me.”

  He slipped his hand to the side of her face. “I don’t die easily, angel. I’m far more worried about you than me.”

  Her expression was completely serious. “I don’t die easily, either. I want to learn to fight. Teach me what you can teach me.”

  Mason smiled. He couldn’t help it. “You never stop amazing me, Holly Heart. You hate fighting but now you’re determined to learn to fight.”

  She frowned. “I hate death and, as I told Sterling, mine in particular.” She paused. “And yours. I don’t want you to die.”

  A mate could join minds with his partner. He was only beginning to understand how it worked. But he was certain it was a benefit he would be thankful for. As he became stronger, and so did their mental bond, he could lend her some of his power. It would be far more effective, however, if she knew about their mating. He couldn’t wait too long to tell her.

  He had to make everything that might impact her safety available to her as quickly as possible. “As I said, there are many things I can teach you. Just using a gun will not be overly effective. Not for you. It might buy you seconds but that won’t be enough.”

  Holly nodded. “Thank you for rescuing Roger.”

  He didn’t say anything. What could he say? At this point he wished like hell he had left the man with the Arions.

  She responded when he didn’t. “You don’t trust Roger.”

  His expression was grim. “I’m afraid I don’t, Holly. I think they got to him.”

  Her voice held a hint of hurt. “I don’t want to believe that.”

  “I know you don’t.”

  “He didn’t want to give me his blood. Why?”

  “I suspect they promised him Arion power and gave him the first injections toward gaining his transformation, to win his loyalty. It is a common manipulation tool for David.”

  “But they held him as if captive.” She frowned. “Didn’t they?”

  “They did but that isn’t uncommon either. He hadn’t been with them long enough to prove could be trusted.” He thought a minute. “Then again, it could have been a setup. We might have been meant to rescue him.”

  “But you weren’t injured.”

  “No,” Mason said thoughtfully. “But…”


  “Something’s not right. I hope like hell Michael isn’t walking into a trap.”

  “Where exactly is he?”

  “He went back to the Arion base to coordinate a take over of 51.”

  “Which means what?”

  “He will gather several key people, bring them to fight by my side, from the outside in. He will lead a group from the inside out.”

  She swallowed. “When?”

  “Soon,” he said, wanting to change the subject. “Enough talk for tonight. Right now, I just want you to come to bed with me.”

  Holly leaned into him, pressing her forehead against his chest. He ran his hand down her hair and her back, understanding her silent need for comfort.

  Finally, she looked up at him. “I just want to pretend all of this doesn’t really exist.” She stared at him and then added, “For just tonight.”

  A soft smile turned up the corners of his mouth. “I can think of many ways to take your mind off things. Come to bed and let me show you.”

  Mason took her hand and started moving toward the door. He was all for getting lost in Holly and forgetting everything else. If only morning wouldn’t hold the grim truth. Life was changing forever. They could never go back. And the only good part about the new version of life, at least to Mason, was Holly.

  A few minutes later, Mason pulled Holly onto the bed and into his arms. He simply held her for long moments, loving how perfectly she fit in his arms.

  Moving to his side, he raised up on one elbow, looking down at her. She rested on her back, her eyes wide as they searched his face. Her delicate little fingers traced his bottom lip.

  “You’re beautiful,” she said softly.

  Taking her hand in his, he brought her fingers to his lips and then smiled at her. “Isn’t that my line?”

  “I like it when you smile. You should do it more often.”

  His expression became serious as he moved one hand to rest on her stomach. “I spent a lot of time hating what I am. You make me think it’s not all bad. It brought me to you.”

  “And you to me,” she said, turning to her side to face him and sliding her elbow under her.

  “I traveled with the wind today. I simply became a part of it. It was amazing,” he told her. The need to share his experience with her was unique, almost necessary.

  She blinked. “Like, as in, part of the air?”

  He nodded. “Something like that, yes.”

  She pressed her hand to his chest. “That makes you safer, right? It’s easier to escape an attack like that?”

  He heard the worry in her voice. “I’m not going to die on you, Holly.”

  She looked at him, wide-eyed, her lips parted as if in invitation. He leaned forward, bringing their mouths close and then brushing his lips over hers.

  Her arm wrapped around his neck. She looked into his eyes, not hiding the depth of her emotions. “I am really not used to worrying about someone so much. It tears me up thinking about you getting hurt.”

  “Ah, Angel, I feel the same.” He whispered his response as he lowered his mouth, kissing her as the last word left his lips. As he pulled her closer, savoring how well she fit him, his head swam with the perfection of their bond.

  She was his woman and his mate. He would die for her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Mason’s eyes opened as his arms tightened around Holly, instinctively ensuring her safety. She snuggled closer, cuddling up to him like a sweet little kitten. He wanted to enjoy the moment but he couldn’t.

  Something had woken him. Another sign his senses were getting stronger. To wake him from his sleep when nothing obvious was happening indicated as much. Gently, he started to set Holly away from him but she wouldn’t budge.


  “Yeah, Angel, I just need to go check out the security cameras.”

  She sat straight up. “What? Why?”

  He sighed and reached over and turned on the light. “It’s just a feeling. Go back to sleep.”

  She sat up in the bed, naked to the waist, frowning. “No way. Toss me your shirt.”

  Despite the circumstances, he almost grinned. He had a gorgeous blond, his Holly, naked and sated from his loving, in his bed.

  It was hard to ignore.

  He reached for his shirt, scooped it up and handed it to her. While she pulled it over her head, he stuffed his feet into his jeans, not bothering to button them, and padded across the carpet to the camera room.

  As he expected, Holly followed. Mason sat down in front of the monitors. There were six, all showing different angles of the caverns. Nothing obviously seemed wrong. Holly sat down in a chair next to him as he signed on to the computer.

  After a few keystrokes, he started maneuvering the angle of the cameras. A camera outside the lab brought Sterling into focus. He was clearly on alert.

  “What’s he doing?” Holly asked.

  Mason clicked to the surrounding areas. And there was Roger, just as he expected, opening the lab refrigerator. “Stealing his own blood.”

  Holly gasped. “I can’t believe it.”

  Mason leaned back in his chair. “It’s amazing what the promise of power does to people.”

  Holly just sat there a minute. “I thought I knew him.”

  Mason slid his hand to her leg. “As I thought I knew many of my men, not to mention my very own brother.”

  Holly slipped her hand over Mason’s. “I know and I’m sorry. What do we do about Roger?”

  Mason ran a hand through his long, loose hair. “See what he knows. Find
out if Michael walked into a trap.” He sighed. “Get dressed. You might be of assistance. Roger has a soft spot for you.”

  * * * * *

  Mason and Holly entered the lab to find Roger sitting in a chair, looking like he was going to be sick. Sterling was propped up against the wall, arms and legs crossed. “Took you long enough,” he said dryly.