Read Undone - Virginia Henley Page 43

  Mary Campbell opened the chamber door to admit the couple who were so obviously in love. The Duke of Argyll sat before the fire with his crippled leg propped before him. The look on both their faces was eager and expectant.

  "I have asked Elizabeth to marry me, and she has accepted."

  "Congratulations, John. This is marvelous news!" Mary's face beamed with genuine happiness.

  "Come, lass, let's ha' a look at ye," Argyll demanded.

  With John's hand at the small of her back, Elizabeth approached Argyll. She felt shy and unbelievably young.

  Argyll looked his fill then nodded. "I think ye've met yer match, Campbell." He winked at his daughter-to-be.

  "We're getting married tonight in the chapel."

  His mother's face showed her objection. "No, no, you must have a proper wedding. A formal wedding before the whole clan!"

  John firmly shook his head. "Even if Beth were willing to wait, I'm not. We'll say our vows tonight and sail tomorrow."

  Mary looked at Elizabeth. "Argyll men are so bloody dominant."

  Elizabeth smiled. _He's putty in my hands_.

  John ushered her through the door then turned back for a word with his mother. "I'll try to talk her into a formal wedding when we get back. I'm an Argyll male: When domination fails, our powers of persuasion are formidable. It just takes a little time with willful females." He kissed his mother's cheek and winked at his father. "I'd wait forever, but my bride is insatiable!"

  Burning incense masked the damp smell of the chapel, and tall, tapered candles cast their flickering glow over the couple who stood before the altar exchanging their sacred marriage vows. Elizabeth, in amethyst velvet, carried purple heather. John, wearing his Campbell kilt, held his bride's hand tightly and solemnly gave her his pledge.

  "Elizabeth, wilt thou have this mon tae thy wedded husband, tae live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou obey him, and serve him, love, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only untae him, so long as ye both shall live?"

  John felt her hand tremble and knew how much courage it took for Elizabeth to put the control of her life into a man's hands.

  "I will." Her clear voice showed no hesitation.

  "Who giveth this woman tae be married tae this mon?"

  When Mr. Burke stepped forward, she gave him a tremulous smile.

  "I, John, take thee, Elizabeth, to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."

  Elizabeth was surprised when the wide gold band he slipped on her finger fit her exactly. _How long has he had this ring_?

  John looked into her eyes. "With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee honor, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow."

  When they were pronounced husband and wife, Emma surreptitiously wiped away a tear at the obvious love they gave each other.

  Their lips clung briefly in a chaste kiss, and as they turned from the altar, Elizabeth saw that the Duke and Duchess of Argyll stood at the back of the chapel to watch the ceremony. As the newlyweds reached John's parents, Mary enfolded her new daughter in her arms. "When you sail tomorrow, will you entrust Jamie to me?"

  "Yes, but he can be an imp of Satan," his mother warned.

  The duchess smiled. "Rather like my own son when he was a boy."

  Argyll winked. "Come, Grandma, ye should be abed at this hour."

  Hand clasped, the bridal couple quickened their pace as they left the chapel and made their way to their own turret. They glanced in at Jamie and laughed when they saw he hadn't moved since they'd put him to bed two hours ago.

  John swept Beth into his arms and carried her up the stone turret stairs. "I've loved you forever, Elizabeth Campbell."

  "That's Lady Sundridge, if you don't mind." She bit his ear.

  He grinned down at her. "I don't mind. Never before has a _duchess_ stepped down so gracefully to the rank of _lady_."

  "I'll never really be a lady," she whispered seductively.

  "I'll hold you to that promise, my _Irish wildcat_!" He carried her across the threshold and set her feet to the carpet, intending to kiss her, but she gleefully darted away from him across the sitting room toward the bedchamber. "I need a head start."

  He stalked her slowly, savoring the moment. When he entered his chamber she was standing in the middle of his bed unbuttoning her gown. "Damnation, I want the pleasure of undressing you!"

  She came down into his waiting arms in a flurry of petticoats. As she yielded her mouth to his, her hands slipped beneath his kilt and cupped his bare buttocks. "Highland savage!" she teased.

  He groaned his pleasure against her lips, thanking the gods that this exquisitely beautiful woman, who had laughter and passion in abundance, was his at last. "You've given me a merry chase and no doubt will continue to do so, but I wouldn't want you any other way." John undressed her slowly, savoring the moment, yet when they were at last naked, neither of them could control the fierce desire they'd held in check for what felt like forever.

  The second loving was drawn out as the groom paid homage to his bride's beauty. "I love the feel of your hair. It slides like golden silk through my fingers and cascades down upon my chest." His lips glided from the nape of her neck, down the curve of her back, then pressed kisses on her bottom cheeks. He changed her position from prone to supine and, starting at her toes, moved up her legs and thighs, tasting every inch of her luscious flesh.

  Her response was more generous than in his wildest dreams. _Lord God, how she makes me quiver_! "I long to draw out my lovemaking all night, but our passion is far too hot for such control." When they spent together it was achingly perfect.

  They lay replete in each other's arms and whispered about their future. "Your parents know Jamie is your son."

  "They're not blind, sweetheart."

  "Do you think they resent him being the Duke of Hamilton?"

  He kissed her brow. "Of course not, love. The Douglas-Hamilton clan is renowned for its fierce strength and dauntless courage. I will teach Jamie its glorious history, and together we'll make sure he grows up to be a worthy leader of his Border clans."

  "I've never left him for more than a night before."

  "It will be difficult for both of you, but he's going to have to learn to share you. He'll be safe here. The young devil already has Mr. Burke eating out of his hand, and by the time we return he'll have my parents' heartstrings wrapped around his fingers."

  She brushed her cheek against his heart. "I know he'll be safe." Elizabeth herself had never felt safer in her life, and it wasn't entirely because of Argyll's wealth and power. She was secure in John Campbell's unconditional love. He had put her wishes before what he wanted for himself. Because of his deep and abiding love, he had offered to set her free. Beth smiled her secret smile. _My heart will never be free of him_.

  Early the next morning, when John opened his eyes and saw her beside him in the bed, his heart overflowed with happiness, and his spirits were high. He leaned over to kiss her and offered a tempting suggestion. "While we're still in Argyll, why don't we try for another son?"

  She pushed him back onto his own pillow and came over him in the dominant position, her eyes glittering with mischief. She raised his arms above his head and kissed the black birthmark in his armpit. "What will you do if he doesn't have the mark of Argyll?"

  "Beat you to a jelly, of course."

  "Ye'll need a stout stick fer that. D'ye have one, laddie?"

  John raised his head to look down at his jutting arousal, then he erupted in a roar of laughter. While he had slept, Elizabeth had been busy with her black beauty patches. She had stuck one next to a flat nipple, one beside his navel, and one above his cock. As he watched her lick her lips, he shook his head and surrendered. "Madam, I am undone!"

p; *Author's Note*

  Elizabeth Gunning outlived her sister, Maria, by thirty years. Maria died in 1760 of consumption. Her health had been impaired by the use of white lead face paint.

  William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire, returned from Ireland and became Prime Minister of England, with William Pitt as his Minister of War.

  Elizabeth became the Duchess of Argyll upon the old duke's death, and John Campbell, her husband, rose to the rank of general in His Majesty's forces before the Seven Year War with France ended. After their marriage they had two sons and two daughters.

  King George II died in 1760, and when George III came to the throne, Elizabeth was chosen to accompany the king's bride, Princess Charlotte, to England. Elizabeth was then appointed a lady of the bedchamber to England's new queen.



  Virginia Henley, Undone - Virginia Henley



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