Read Undressed Page 21

  She pressed her hand over my heart, and I heard myself say, “I never thought I’d be the kind of guy who would fall in love.” I dropped my hand on hers, hoping I hadn’t just terrified her with my confession.



  It was the last thing I’d expected from Will.

  “Will . . .” I started to say, pulling a blanket from the couch and draping it over the top of us. But Will scowled at me.

  “Stop. You got to go first, now it’s my turn.” He turned onto his side so he was facing me. He had that look, the one he always seemed to have, like he was hiding a smile just behind that serious expression. He bit his bottom lip. “I’ve been a jackass pretty much my entire life, Lauren. I’ve treated girls like they were disposable, never getting attached, never giving any of them a reason to want to be attached to me. And then one day you walked in, and . . .” He frowned, and somehow he even managed to make that look like he was hiding a smile as he shook his head. “I can’t explain it, but you refused to put up with my shit, and fuck if that didn’t turn me on.”

  I reached between us and ran a hand lazily over his bare stomach, doubting I’d ever get tired of admiring this view. “I came here to get over you, you know.”

  He caught my hand, narrowing his eyes. “I thought you came here because you were in some kind of trouble. Emerson seemed to think this had something to do with unpaid parking tickets in Tempe.”

  He had my complete attention now. “Parking tickets?”

  “Yeah. That’s what she said. Parking tickets.” He lifted an eyebrow as he studied me and I got the sense he knew I’d thought it was something else. “When your volunteer paperwork was run, it came back that you had somewhere in the neighborhood of five hundred bucks in unpaid parking violations from campus security.” He smirked. “Apparently, they take that shit pretty seriously.”

  There was no way I could hide my relief as Will ran his hand absently along my arm. “Apparently, Emerson is listed as your emergency contact, so when they couldn’t reach you, they got in touch with her. She wired the money to the college so you’re no longer a fugitive. Everything’s been taken care of. And for the record, I don’t want you to get over me. I want you to come back to California and move in with me. Anything you think is going to come up—any problems you’ve been running from—we can figure them out together. I mean it, Lauren, I love you.”

  “What about Tess?”

  “Tess is a big girl. Plus, I told her where I was going, and we talked about this.” He looked down at me. “She likes you.” He grinned, and my pulse sped up. “Says you’ve got mad computer skills.”

  If only things were that simple. There was a reason I was so good with computers. “I’ve done some shitty things, Will.”

  “So have I. Didn’t you hear that part where I was an asshole?”

  “Not like that.” I wasn’t sure I could do this, but if I didn’t tell him now I never would. Besides, it was the right thing to do. “I . . .” I sat up and went for it. “I used to strip.”

  Will sat up too. “As in, dancing?”

  I shook my head. “No, not really. As in, on the Internet. I ran an online peepshow. I did it to be anonymous—I almost never showed my face. But I did take off my clothes for money.”

  When he didn’t say anything, just kept watching me, I shrugged, feeling more self-conscious than ever. “I told you it was shitty.”

  “Seriously? You thought that would scare me away?” He reached for me, and I swear I could feel the relief coming off him as he gathered me in his arms. “Jesus, Lauren, you actually scared me for a second.”

  “That doesn’t freak you out? Not even a little?”

  “I mean, I hate the idea of other guys looking at you. And I really don’t want you doing it anymore. But it’s definitely not the worst thing I’ve ever heard. If I’m being totally honest . . .” He drew away so I could see his face, and he plastered a kiss on my neck, and then lower, on my collarbone. When he reached my breast, his tongue circled my nipple in lazy circles. By the time he lifted his head again, my stomach was tied in knots. “It’s actually sorta fucking hot.” He tackled me, drawing me beneath him.

  “Is that where you got all that money?” His voice was somewhere between a growl and a groan.

  “Some of it . . .”

  He lifted his head, and my body rebelled against having his lips that far from me. “But not all . . . ?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t want to have this conversation. Not now. And Will seemed more than happy to oblige as he dove back down to kiss my breasts. His tongue traced the dark halo around my nipple as he worked it into a taut point, finally taking it into his mouth. His lack of concern over the bag of cash he found at my place was confusing, and even as I arched up, to give him better access, I couldn’t help asking, “Don’t you want to talk . . . about . . . the money?” The last two words came out on a strangled sigh, and Will laughed as he took a teasing nibble of my skin.

  “I do,” he admitted. “I want you to feel like you can tell me everything. But I won’t push you.” He eased up on his elbows, so he was watching me, and I wondered if he could see the ache he’d caused inside of me. “Look, I know you told me a long time ago that you don’t need to be taken care of, but if you let me, I’ll be there along the way. I can keep a secret, Lauren.” He ran his hand along my thigh, letting it slip higher and higher, until his thumb was teasing me, stroking that need even hotter. “I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe . . . but only when you ask, and not a minute sooner.” He grinned as I shifted, so I was lifting my hips toward his hand, begging him without words to put me out of my misery. “And if you play your cards right, I might even teach you to swim.”

  I gasped, reaching for him and pulling him on top of me. “Oh, I can swim,” I said against his lips, when I opened my legs and felt him plunge inside. “You lost your chance for that.”

  “Then maybe I’ll teach you some other things . . .” he said, and I closed my eyes as he did exactly as he promised.

  We didn’t leave first thing the next morning, or even early in the afternoon. It wasn’t until late in the day that we’d finally peeled ourselves out of bed and showered. And then we ran out of hot water because of all the things we did in the shower.

  True to his word, Will taught me some “other things.” He was a great instructor—much better than he’d been at the pool—and I was more than eager to learn the things he was teaching me. Along the way, I managed to surprise him with a few tricks of my own, giving him a private peek at why my website had been so popular. I’d put the tease in striptease, and by the time I was finished, Will was begging me to put him out of his misery.

  Who was I to argue?

  I’d never miss the anonymity of the camera again, not with Will’s hungry eyes on me. He was the only person I wanted to strip for—as me or as Lola.

  No doubt we’d be making several detours on our way back to California.

  After throwing the last of my things in the trunk, I came back in and caught Will admiring the view from the window, and I did a little admiring of my own.

  “You have the best ass,” I told him, easing behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. My hand dropped lower, and within seconds he was already responding to my touch, stiffening beneath my fingers.

  He turned, his eyes landing on my lips, looking like he wanted to devour me. “Should we stay another night?”

  “I thought you had to get back to start your new job?”

  He searched my face. “Some things are more important.”

  I shot him a skeptical look. “Hmm . . . pretty sure your new boss would disagree. Besides, I think Tess’ll put out an APB if you don’t check in soon.”

  He pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose. “Trust me, Tess can handle herself. She’ll just be glad I found her a new mommy.”

  I punched him in the chest, giggling. “Call me mommy again and you’ll be driving back down that mountain alone.”
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  He hauled me into the strong circle of his arms as he laughed against my ear. “Never.”

  I remembered the first time I’d seen Will behind the bar at The Dunes. I’d been convinced he was a player. A first-class jackass, as untrustworthy and unfaithful as they came.

  But now I knew the real him. I couldn’t imagine anyone else making me feel safer. More comfortable.

  He’d made it easy to explain why I’d started stripping in the first place—to make money, plain and simple. I knew it made me sound mercenary, and I had been. But I’d also been desperate to break free from the life I felt my parents had shackled me with. To save enough to live my own dreams.

  Childhood dreams that had morphed into something better and more satisfying than I ever could have imagined.

  More though, I couldn’t believe he was so willing to accept my past. He made me feel safe. Loved.

  And he didn’t even blink when I’d told him about Jefferson Brandt.

  “There was nothing you could have done,” he’d said, his fingers grazing the ticklish skin behind my ear, and moving lower then, tracing my neck and making me shiver. “He was obviously depressed, Lauren. His showing up there with all that cash might’ve been a cry for help, but what he really needed was a mental health professional. You couldn’t have predicted what he was gonna do.” Will and I had been lying in bed, and I’d honestly believed he’d spent all my energy during our last session. I hadn’t thought there was anything left in me. But Will’s touch was electric and he’d been watching me intently, and suddenly it hadn’t mattered that we’d been talking about Jefferson Brandt, all I could think about was Will, Will . . . Will.

  I’d closed my eyes against the way my body was reacting to him, feeling like I was betraying Jefferson Brandt’s memory. “I should have stopped him. I should have at least tried.”

  “Stop beating yourself up. You can’t change the past. He’s gone, and you’re here.” His fingers had slipped lower, circling my nipple. My eyes lifted to his. “We’re here.”

  “Yes.” I’d finally surrendered, because he was right. He was very, very right. “Yes.”

  I’d given in to him completely then . . . all over again. I’d let him kiss me until my pulse had been racing and my thighs shifted restlessly. And when I hadn’t been able to wait another moment, I’d taken control, pushing Will onto his back so I could drink in his incredible form. He was beautiful and strong, and mine.

  He’d gazed at me from beneath hooded eyes when I’d climbed up on him and straddled him. And when he’d started to reach between us, I’d stopped him.

  “Don’t,” I’d ordered. “Let me.”

  I’d moved my hand until it had closed around his cock, which was already hard and ready for me. His eyes had clamped shut and he’d bit his lips. “God, you’re the most . . .”

  “Shh.” I’d lowered my mouth to his, shutting him up the most effective way I knew how.

  It hadn’t been the time for talking. I’d wanted him, right there. I’d wanted to show him what he did to me.

  I’d eased up until the tip of his erection was pressed at the slick opening of my pussy, and hot need had pulsed through me.

  And then I’d finally ended both of our anguish, lowering myself onto him, letting him fill me. It had been pure bliss, the rush of power as I’d kept my eyes fastened to his, wanting to witness the expressions altering the planes of his face.

  Will’s hands had locked onto my hips as I’d begun rocking, undulating back and forth, up and down. In no time we’d been moving in perfect synchronicity, riding each ripple, each wave with abandon.

  Will had reached between us then, his thumb finding the oversensitive spot at the top of my clit, as I rode harder, harder, harder. And when I’d finally reached that crescendo, I’d collapsed into him, gasping.

  Will had rolled us over and thrust several more times, grinding his hips into mine, and then he too had collapsed. He’d dragged me close, sighing heavily into my hair.

  Later, when I felt like I could breath again, I whispered, “About the money,” because we needed to have this conversation eventually. “I don’t want to keep it.”

  Will laced his fingers through mine, like he was silently conveying his approval. “It’s your money. I couldn’t care less what you do with it.”

  I licked my lips. “I think I want to donate it. To the rec center.”

  He squeezed my hands, our palms pressed together. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever known, Lauren.”

  I got lost in his unbelievably gorgeous face, wondering how I’d ever gotten so lucky. “When you said you loved me . . .” I began.

  “And you looked like a deer caught in the headlights?” he finished, and even though I knew he was teasing me, I felt bad I’d left him hanging like that. I should’ve told him then how I felt.

  I let go of his hands so I could feel him above me. I let my hands move over his arms, his chest, his back. “You surprised me is all,” I explained, hoping to make him understand it had nothing to do with him.

  “I know.”

  I met his gaze. “I do love you. More than I thought possible. I’m ready to go back and do this with you.” And I was, wherever it took us. Because that was the thing; this adventure we were about to embark on was going to be surprising and messy and confusing at times.

  I’d always been such a planner that I hadn’t realized before: this was what life was all about, the ups and downs, and everything in between.

  Will had learned that lesson when his mom had died, and he ended up with a little sister who was counting on him. I’d discovered it when I’d come to California with one dream and walked away with another, far better one.

  It was what you made of those changes—those life-altering moments—that defined you. Those were the parts that made life interesting.

  And amazing.

  Ready for more?

  Turn the page for an exclusive sneak peek from

  Emerson and Lucas’s story . . .


  Coming Soon!


  I came to a dead stop in the middle of the sidewalk, asking myself how it had come to this. How I’d failed so miserably. Did my best friend in the whole wide world really believe in fairy tales? “You sure you wanna do this?”

  Lauren stopped too, midstep, her shoulders slumping. “Em, we’ve been through this. I’m not abandoning you.” She dropped the box she’d been lugging and came back to where I stood. This whole beach-house-for-the summer thing had been her idea in the first place. A way to celebrate that college was finally behind us. She tilted her head to the side, studying me as she placed her hands over mine as I clung to the carton marked “BATHROOM” in bold black Sharpie. “It’s not like I’m skipping town or anything. I’ll be less than a mile away.”

  I shot a meaningful look to where Will—Lauren’s new roommate—had gone over and plucked her abandoned box from the walkway and was hoisting it into the back of his pickup truck. I lowered my voice, trying my best to be discreet. “I mean…are you sure you wanna move in with…” I gave a quick nod his way and resorted to Pig Latin. “. . . im-hay? He looks etchy-skay.”

  She took the box I was holding and passed it to Will, too. He managed it with one hand as he winked at me, not bothering to pretend he wasn’t eavesdropping. “Me? I’m sketchy as hell,” he agreed, flashing me the dimple that had surely done Lauren in. “I plan to do shady things to your friend here.” Then he smacked her on her ass with his free hand, and she blushed.

  Fuck. It was too late. I’d already lost her.

  I let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. Whatever. Go on, then. But don’t come crying to me when it all goes to shit.” I scowled as I imparted my wisest words on her. “And it sure’nuff always goes to shit.”

  “Be careful, your Texas is showing.” She grinned, and then cast a calculated glance over my shoulder to the house next door—Lucas’s place. “Like you’re one to talk . . .”

  I se
ttled my hands on my hips, preparing for battle. “If you have something to say, spit it out already.”

  She opened her mouth, looking like she was about to launch into another explanation about how I might not be keeping a toothbrush over at his house, but that I’d hardly spent a single night at our place in the ten weeks since we’d moved here.

  She was starting to sound like a broken record. This was the same discussion we’d had when she’d dropped the bomb on me that she’d be shacking up with Will.

  Ten weeks. That’s all the time she’d known him. Not enough, if you asked me, not that she had.

  Thankfully, Will laid on the horn, letting us both know he had better places to be than stuffed inside the hot cab of his truck watching the two of us say our farewells. Instead, she wrapped me in a hug. “Not everyone are your parents, Em.”

  I wiggled out of her sappy embrace. When had my best friend become such a cliché? “And not everyone are yours, Lo.”

  She blew me a kiss as she climbed into the pickup. “I’m only a mile away,” she reminded me cheerily, before riding off into the sunset with her white knight.

  Me, I was less about sunsets and white knights, and more about Sex on the Beach (the drink and the extracurricular activity) and one seriously hot surfer boy.

  I didn’t need Lauren, I was livin’ the dream. At least that’s what I’d been telling myself ever since Lauren had up and ditched me for he who shall not be named. Seriously, if this was what it felt like to be dumped, I’d take a hard pass. No wonder there were so many heartsick country songs written about it.

  I preferred the no-strings attached thing I had going on. I was the love ‘em and leave ‘em type.

  So what was I doing here now then? Why was I waiting for my hot surfer boy at his place?