Read Unforgettable You Page 24

  “You know, for the first time, I feel like there’s some hope for you.” I reach out and take both of her hands in mine.

  “Doesn’t feel that way to me. I’ve lost everything I ever had.”

  “And you’ve gained something. You’ve gained four friends. You’ve gained our respect, and the respect of your son. That’s got to count for something, right?”

  She gives me a tired smile. “Being good is hard work for me, Steffen.”

  How horribly sad. I know the smile I managed is a sad one. “Oh, I believe that, but you’re doing a good job. Just keep doing it. It’ll get easier when you realize how many more flies you can attract with honey than you can with vinegar.” That makes the corners of her mouth turn up just the tiniest bit. I can’t help it; I reach for her, hug her against me, and kiss the top of her head. At first, she’s stiff as a board in my embrace, but then she softens and her hands find their way around my waist. “Adele, I’m so sorry, but I want you to know, I did love you. I loved you with my whole heart. And honestly, I guess there’s a little tiny piece of it that will always love you. I just want to see you be happy and healthy and enjoy life. Please try, for your son’s sake.”

  She looks up at me and a single tear rolls down her cheek. “I will. Thanks, Steffen. Thanks for forgiving me and giving me another chance to show you that I can be a good person. I’m trying, I really am.”

  “I know. Now get on out there to the car and behave yourself. I’m sure you’ll see Morris again in a few weeks. It’ll all be fine, you’ll see.”

  She turns without another word and walks out the door, straight to the waiting cruiser, and I watch her go, head down and shoulders rounded. Once she’s in the back seat, the officer climbs back in and the car pulls away.

  I wish I could describe the way I feel standing here, watching her roll away. Part of me is very relieved, but another part is sad. Watching her so devastated, her life wasted, is hard, but she destroyed herself with her choices. I almost destroyed my life with mine. Sheila gave me another chance to redeem myself, and I want to give Adele another chance to redeem herself too.

  A pair of soft arms wraps around my midsection from behind, and I feel her press her cheek into my spine. “You okay?”

  I turn and sweep her into my arms. “I’m fine. I’m so, so fine. Thanks, babe. Thanks for letting me back into your life when I didn’t deserve it, and for loving me when I wasn’t very lovable.”

  “Thanks for saving my life. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened to me if you hadn’t walked into that club. Speaking of which, I think it’s about time to let someone watch the kids for the evening and go in to play a bit, don’t you?”

  I give her a peck on the lips and shake my head. “Not until the adoption’s finalized.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. That’s probably best. But I miss it.”

  “I do too, baby. Let’s go spend some time with Clint and Trish until we have to go. Joey has that birthday party to go to, remember?”

  We stroll back into the den, arms around each other’s waists, to find Trish and Clint making out like a pair of middle schoolers on the sofa. About the time we start to do the same, five kids come thundering into the house asking for cupcakes.

  A cupcake. That sounds good right about now.

  The phone wakes me. “Steffen?” I look at the clock; it’s three twenty-five in the morning on a Sunday. “Steffen? You there?”

  “Clint?” Now I’m confused. “What the hell’s going on? You guys okay?”

  “Yeah. No. I don’t know what to do.”

  “What do you mean? What’s wrong?”

  There’s a long pause and I feel dread wash over me, but I’m totally unprepared for what he says next. “The detention facility called about ten minutes ago. They found Adele in her cell. She hanged herself on the bars. She’s dead, Steffen. Adele’s dead. And I don’t know what to do, what to say. Does she have family? You were married to her; you know more of this stuff than I do. Tell me what to do.”

  I stop and think, but there’s not one soul I should call. Her family is mostly dead, and the ones that aren’t are in jail, so there’s really no one to notify. “There are no calls to make. Just make arrangements for the body. What’s your gut tell you?”

  “Cremation. And then find a way to tell Morris.”

  “I’ll help you with that if you want.”

  “Would you? Oh, god, that would be great. I really don’t know how to approach that.”

  “We’ll figure it out. Go back to bed and try to relax. Fuck Trish. That’ll do it.”

  “Jesus, Steffen, really?” Then he chuckles. “Hmmm. You’re right. Talk to you later.”

  “Later, bud.”

  “And hey. Thanks.”

  I smile on my end. “That’s what friends are for.”

  I think back to my days with Adele, and the years I’d spent wondering where she was and trying to get out from under her curse. In all that time, this was not what I’d ever wished for her. I don’t know what had been wrong with her to make her be the kind of person she was – probably that fucked-up mess of a family of hers – but I’m sad for the time we’d had together and how I hurt her. I know what she did had nothing to do with me, and I feel okay with the way we left things. But now Morris will never again see the mother who raised him.

  Fresh starts. I’ve gotten one. Sheila’s gotten one, and Joey and Rachel, and Morris. And Clint and his girls have certainly had one, not to mention Trish. Dave could probably use one.

  In some odd way, I guess this was Adele’s. And even though I feel bad that Morris will probably be the only person in the whole world who mourns her, I can’t shed a tear. I forgave her for what she did to me. But I’ll never forget.

  “What a day!” I help Sheila out of the car. “We start out at the courthouse finalizing the adoptions, spend the afternoon in closings on both of the old houses, and then dinner with my Aunt Sophie. My throat’s gonna be sore for a week from yelling at her. She’s so deaf she couldn’t hear her own thoughts.”

  She giggles. “I’m pretty sure that’s true. She kept saying she didn’t know where she’d put her teeth, and they were in her mouth. I managed to not laugh, and believe it or not, that was the hardest thing I’ve done in years!”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Will they be . . .”

  “I know what you’re going to say, and yes, they’ll be fine. I think Clint and Trish know what to do with two kids.”

  “Two more kids. Our kids.”

  “Give it a rest, Mommy Dearest.” We walk into the dimly lit area and I call out, “Hey, Dave! How’ve you been?”

  “I’ve been great! God, it’s so good to see you two! Sheila, lovely as ever.”

  “Awww, thanks, Dave. You’re looking damn fine yourself.”

  “Well, you’re looking pretty fine for a women who had two great big kids since the last time I saw her! Got that figure back quick, I see!”

  “Hey, she never lost it!” I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her. “Got openings in the performance areas tonight?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. You can have three anytime you want it. Right now it’s set up for nipple torture and a three-way, but that’s easy to remedy.”

  “A three-way, huh?” I watch as Sheila’s mouth drops open, but there’s a sparkle in her eye. “Maybe someday, but I’m not ready for that yet.” She pretend pouts. “But nipple torture? Yeah. I can get into that. Shall we negotiate, sub?”

  “No, Sir. Do as you please with me.”

  “No safeword. Can you handle that?”

  “To service you, Sir? I can handle anything.” She grins up at me.

  “You’re going to regret saying that. Meet you over there on that sofa in ten minutes.” I slap her ass as she strolls away toward the locker room, and Dave laughs at us both.

  “I was hoping to scene with the two of you. You know you can trust me, and that woman of yours is fine, brother.”

I know it. But the idea of your cock up her ass just doesn’t sit well with me yet. Maybe in a year or so, but not now.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, let me know. I’m always up for it.”

  “You’re always up, old perv.”

  Dave throws back his head and laughs. “I’m glad you realize that, young deviate!”

  I’m still laughing as I go to the locker room. I see Gary and a few other guys there as I’m dressing out. My leathers still fit like a glove, and I look down to see the outline of my hard cock plainly visible through the front. Yeah, Master Steffen’s in the house. Lock down your women and hide your treasures. No one’s safe tonight.

  Yeah, right. Who am I kidding? I pulled up in a minivan. I’m like a Rottweiler with all of its teeth missing. And I’m oddly happy about it.

  Sheila joins me and I get the usual jolt as I apply a pair of clover clamps to those big, hard nips. Then I strap her down to the whipping horse and stroke her clit until she comes, followed by fucking her ass like I mean it. Listening to her whine and cry out brings back all of the primitive, raw feelings I always have when I’m scening, and I want to fuck my little slut until she remembers who her master is. Once I’ve finished fucking her ass, I run my fingers into her channel and torment her sweet spot until she gushes onto the floor, then ram that beautiful pussy with my iron rod until we’re both shaking and weak. A crowd has watched the whole scene, and I’m full of myself and overflowing with pride that I’m there with this beautiful woman who’s now mine.

  When I unstrap her and pick her up to take her to the back, a pair of eyes meet mine, and I give them a gentle nod. Once we’re on the bed, I take off my leathers and meet her skin to skin, her chest, breasts, neck, and belly still flushed with arousal. She responds to my kisses and shows me her hunger, but she stops when she feels movement behind her on the bed. “Who’s there? Is someone there?”

  A familiar voice answers, “It’s just me, darlin’. I think your Master here wants to give you a special treat tonight. You listen to what he tells you and you’ll enjoy this. I’ve done it enough times to know what I’m doing, so you’re safe with us.”

  I’m worried about her response, but I needn’t have been. The look she gives me is saturated with deep, strong lust, and I know I’m doing the right thing. A foil packet rips and the top of a lube bottle snaps open. I watch her mouth make an “O” as he works the lube into her tight little back door, and I slip my stiff, unsheathed dick into her pussy and wait. Dave whispers to me, “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “Babe, Dave’s going to enter your ass. When he does, you’ll be full, and it’ll hurt this first time, but after this, you’ll want it the next time. Don’t be afraid. Are you ready?”

  To my shock and delight, she glares at me from under her brows and growls, “Fuck me.”

  “You heard the woman, Dave. That beautiful ass is all yours.” I watch as he bores his way into her, the looks of fear and pain on her face at first, then the bliss that follows as he fills her in a way she’s never experienced before. The three of us lie there on our sides for a few minutes, letting her channels adjust to our length and girth, and then I nod to Dave. His breath puffs in time with the strokes he’s laying into her ass and I draw back, my cock buried deep in her, to start the stroking of her clit. In just seconds she comes with a scream, and I let her rock with it for about two minutes before I still my finger. And that’s when I start my stroking in and out of that super-tight, hot pussy my manhood calls home. I hear Dave groan behind her, and I watch her face, completely immersed in the act of being fucked by two large cocks of men who love and respect her, their first and most important goal being to see her more satisfied than she’s ever been. His hands snake around her ribcage and cup her breasts, and I watch fingers that aren’t mine pinch, pull, and twist my wife’s nipples, hear her groan, feel her back arch, forcing her tits out to meet his hands.

  Her eyes are closed, her lips slightly parted, her hands gripping my biceps, and I’m enthralled, watching her being satisfied this way. And just when I think she’s flying and knows absolutely nothing that’s going on, she groans out, “Oh, god, thank you, Sir. Thank you for this fucking, Sir. Oh, god, fuck me, Sir.” In that moment, I know that this is my woman. Doesn’t matter who’s fucking her, who’s touching her, she’s going home with me. She belongs to me. She’s handed her body over for my pleasure, and I’m giving it back to her. I’m the guy she wants. I’m the guy she needs.

  I’m the guy she loves. I smile, then say, “Ready, Dave?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  “Okay then.” I give her lips a gentle kiss and call out, “Let’s make her fly.”


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Did we pack Joey’s toothbrush?”

  I laugh right out loud. “You’re lying here with two huge cocks in you and you’re worried about Joey’s toothbrush? Hey, Dave.”

  He snickers. “Yeah, bud?”

  “You know we’re real motherfuckers now, right?”

  “How’s that?”

  “Because we just fucked a bona fide mother. So I guess that makes us . . .”

  “Crazy. You’re fucking crazy. Sheila, baby,” he laughs and kisses her shoulder, “your ass is the tightest thing I’ve ever been in. Thanks for a great ride. I’d love to do this again sometime, precious.”

  “Thank you, Dave. That was incredible.”

  “You’re welcome, baby. I’m going to clean up and dress. Stay as long as you like. And girl, let me give you some advice.”


  “Quit worrying about a toothbrush and fuck your master. He’s a guy and guys need that. Don’t worry about the kids. Clint and Trish have everything under control.”

  “Okay, okay. Thanks.”

  I turn my head toward Dave as he opens the door. “Thanks, bud. It was fun.”

  “Anytime, man, anytime.” He closes the door and I hear his boots walking away.

  “Well? How was it?”

  “Like I said, it was incredible. The only way it could’ve been more incredible would’ve been if there was a guy available to fuck my face.”

  I can’t help the groan that shoots out of my mouth. “You’re not serious!”

  “Well, yeah, I am. We should try that sometime.” While her soft fingers meander through the hair on my chest, she smiles. “But I wish I could clone you so every cock in me was yours. That would make me really happy.”

  “Aw, thanks. I think. How weird.”

  The sound of her laughter fills the room. “You’re welcome. Steffen, why did you decide to do this? I thought you didn’t share?”

  I don’t quite know how to explain it, so I think for a minute or two before I say, “I never shared before because I was afraid whoever I was with would be taken away from me by the other guy. But now? I know you’re not leaving. It doesn’t worry me. And I knew it was something you wanted to try, so why not? I trust Dave, and I was right to. And you got to experience something new.” I stop for just a second before I ask, “And will you be wanting to do it again?”

  Her fingers trail back and forth across my chest, pausing from side to side to ring a nipple before crossing over again. “Hmmmm. I’m not sure. Not anytime soon, I don’t think. That’ll do me for awhile!” She laughs when I pinch her nipple. “Now,” she says, pushing me back into the bed and rolling me to face upward, “I plan to suck that cock of yours until you can’t take it anymore.” I close my eyes as she leans into my face to kiss me, and she grabs my hands and pulls them upward. When they meet above my head, she drops them and, quick as a flash, I realize she’s just cuffed me to the headboard.

  “What the hell?” I practically scream. “Sheila, what do you think you’re doing?”

  That grin and the way she licks her lips sends a red-hot jolt of sexual current through me. “I’m going to have you begging me to stop. But I won’t. No safeword for you, Sir. Not tonight.” I want to protest, but she trails her tongue down my chest, my abs,
and down the inside of my right thigh, then circles back up and strokes straight up the length of my dick. Her mouth engulfs me. Before I can stop, I’ve filled her throat with cum and she’s not stopping, not even slowing down.

  It’s too much, and I’m crazed and fighting the handcuffs. I manage to choke out, “Oh, god, baby, stop! I can’t take it, please, stop! Sheila, oh, god, baby, no more! No more!” But she ignores me and keeps going, and the pressure and pain are just too much as everything in me readies to explode again. I think about throwing my legs around her and rolling her off of me, but then I think better of it. She wants to drive me crazy by sucking me off until I’m screaming.

  Who on earth would turn that down?

  Not this guy. Uh-uh. No way.


  Deanndra Hall lives in far western Kentucky with her partner of 30+ years and three crazy little dogs. She spent years writing advertising copy, marketing materials, educational texts, and business correspondence, and designing business forms and doing graphics design. After reading a very popular erotic romance book, her partner said, “You can write better than this!” She decided to try her hand at a novel. In the process, she fell in love with her funny, smart, loving, sexy characters and the things they got into, and the novel became the Love Under Construction series.

  Deanndra enjoys all kinds of music, kayaking, working out at the local gym, reading, and spending time with friends and family, as well as working in the fiber and textile arts. And chocolate’s always high on her list of favorite things!

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