Read Unholy Advent: Deception Of The Christ Page 28

Commander Washington made Eloa moan in a manner that David had never heard before. It was pornographic, really -- unnatural and bordering on ridiculous. There didn't seem to be a place in the garden in which it couldn't be heard loud and clear; David had looked.

  He had plenty of time to do so, as it seemed the latest addition to their tiny community could think of nothing better to do than to have his way with the woman. They were at it constantly; over and over again at all hours of the day and night.

  The man had seemed adamant when he walked through the gate that he and Eloa would be leaving the following morning to set out on some illustrious journey to Jerusalem with intentions of saving the world. Apparently he had submitted his drive when he got his hands on the woman, though his libido wasn't in question. At least a week had passed since he invaded the sanctuary, and he seemed no more interested in leaving than he did in striking up a friendship with David Sparks.

  Washington had a voracious appetite for Eloa's Lotus flowers as well; the buds that had decorated the place before were suddenly becoming scarce. David had taken to nibbling on other plants to satisfy his appetite, afraid he might incite the stranger's anger if he took of the remaining sweets. None were as delicious as her prize, though - some bitter and barely edible, in fact. He had continued to apply the nectar of the Lotus to the smoothing flesh where he had been cut, however. The plant had incredible healing powers, the slice now tightly closed and free of all infection.

  He replayed the events in his mind trying to make sense of it all... how the roles had reversed overnight, the original king of this realm now relegated to an alley creeper - desperate to escape the place himself. He had spent a considerable amount of time and effort trying to jimmy the iron gate open, but it seemed a lost cause as it was simply impenetrable. Climbing over the walls of bushes was out of the question as well, as there were spiny thorns hidden just below the green that caused incredible pain when they bit at his palms and fingers.

  David was stuck there, wallowing in shattered dreams of what might have been. Making matters worse were the effects of a crunchy orange flower he had consumed on this particular evening. Something about it seemed to be playing tricks with his mind.

  The garden seemed alive to him as his stomach churned at digesting the leaves; inanimate objects calling his name in whispers on the wind. He had crumbled to the ground in his bout of gastric distress, curled up in the fetal position on the only barren patch of land the place had to offer.

  This was considerably less comfortable than the luscious grass in which he wasted away his days before, when Eloa was his keeper. He was delirious now as he writhed there; exhausted, weak and ill. It would have suited him to die at that moment in time... he longed for darkness yet again.

  He lay there for hours before the rain started to fall. It was cold and full of spite, pelting his flesh with a malice cruel and unusual. It was then that he met the chipmunk; the only breathing thing in the garden that would offer him the time of day.

  "Why do you surrender?" It asked him when it peaked its head from within the dirt.

  David was understandably taken aback at the scene; he'd only heard claims of speaking animals from nut jobs like The Dog Whisperer and the Pritchard character who had tried to kill him long ago. He assumed he'd taken a headlong dive from the deep end on account of his latest meal, but he didn't have the energy to doubt his eyes as he normally would. He was intrigued; willing to listen to what the creature had to say.

  "Why are you so fearful?" It continued. "How is it that you have no faith?"

  "Faith in what?" He asked the animal, expecting to hear the chorus of Witch Doctor as much as any reasonable response.

  "In yourself -- in destiny -- in the Lord. You are among the chosen, David Sparks... yet you cower like a defeated man in the presence of the devil."

  "What purpose would I have to stand? Who would it serve to bring conflict to this place?"

  "This realm is born of evil." It replied. "To destroy it would earn favor in the eyes of the Father."

  "How can I destroy it?" He wondered through his anguish. "I have no means to do so."

  "What is spawned of fire can be destroyed by such - you need only spark the flame."

  David didn't understand the meaning of the words, nor the feelings the animal stirred within him. The world was silent, save the pitter patter on the leaves. The moment was surreal, the building fury palpable. He wasn't sure why he was getting angry; he only knew he was. A deep hatred for the intruder known as Washington was taking root in his soul, a lust for vengeance he'd never known driving him to rise. This was supposed to be his kingdom... who was this usurper committing bloodless regicide?

  "Kill him, David." The chipmunk urged. "Kill them both and free yourself."

  "Of course." He said in realization of his desire. "They should die... no one will have what's mine!"

  A surge of strength rushed through his muscles as he stood and inhaled deeply, detecting the foul odor of sex and betrayal in the air. His will was solid, his mind made up... he would no longer kneel before anyone so long as he drew breath.

  "That's it..." The chipmunk encouraged. "Make them pay for what they've done to you."

  "I will." He returned with immeasurable ire. "The time has come... the time for me to shine!"

  His stomach seemingly settled, he set out to find the happy couple. They were asleep near a bed of roses when he saw them; their bodies intertwined line the vines that grew wild in this garden. They looked so content in their slumber, blissfully unaware of the murderous intentions he harbored against them.

  A large boulder caught his eye, almost glowing as it called for him to retrieve it. It was heavy; so much so that his back screamed in objection when he wrapped his arms around it bending at his knees. He fought against the strain to stand erect, hoisting the chunk of Earth against his bare stomach as he did his best to inch forward with it in his embrace. It felt as though it were breathing in his arms, a warmth exuding from it like the feverous rage that had overtaken the depths of his soul.

  He grimaced at the strain, moving slowly and stealthily until he stood over the heads his intended victims. Positioning the stone carefully, he prepared to drop it upon them; hoping to crush both their skulls like ants under his foot. Counting down silently he reveled in the anticipation. The scene played out in his head, the sickening crunch the sudden weight would make as it flattened their heads a welcome end to this chapter of his journey.

  Giving a final herculean grunt he leaned back with all his might, earning a few extra inches of height from which he released the bomb to his body's delight. The sound alerted the lightly-sleeping Commander, the man opening his eyes and seeing death about to rain on him from above.

  Washington yelped as he darted backwards, the boulder smashing to the ground just inches from his face with a heavy thud. He looked up at Sparks in shock, then at the convulsing body of Eloa which showed from underneath the rock. It covered all of what had been her head, along with her neck and the crest of her shoulders. Her limbs trembled violently in the throes of death, Washington growing sick at the sight of her suffering.

  "You son of a bitch!" He howled as he jumped to his feet, tackling David with the force of a middle line backer.

  The soldier was considerably stronger than his foe, burying his massive fists into his body at will with incredible force behind the blows. David did his best to defend himself, summoning all his strength as they wrestled in the grass.

  The chipmunk stood on its hind legs, growing taller and transforming into an unholy form. The antlers of a ram sprouted from its forehead, curling back around themselves as its face morphed into a hideous shape looking more demon than man or animal. Its body took a humanoid figure, strapped with bulging muscles under a coat of wiry fur.

  It cried out with a haunting high-pitch whine of a roar as it lowered its head and charged at the struggling men. Leaning forward, it thrust at them
from the neck, catching them at their chests with the rough and scaly horns. The force was super-human, lifting both of their bodies from the ground and hurling them through the air.

  They were separated in flight, flailing their arms in futile attempts to control their trajectories as they were slammed into the thorny bushes that were the wall around the garden. Their flesh was torn as they slid back down to the ground, a painful sting radiating from the spots from which they bled.

  Washington seemed dazed as he tried to regain his footing. David saw the opportunity and pounced, jumping on his back as he had when he choked the life from the bandit that attacked Eloa. He squeezed his arms like a boa around the Commander's neck, dragging him down into the weeds as the world grew dark around him.

  "Yes!" The demon cheered as it looked on. "Kill him! Choke the life from Christ's disciple!"

  David squeezed tighter as Washington clawed at his arms, unable to mount a viable defense since the man had taken his back. Sparks wrapped his legs around the Commander's gut, applying incredible torque in his scissor hold to further restrict his breathing. He felt as powerful as a god in the moment, denying life to a man of twice his size and strength.

  The walls were closing on Washington, his lungs swelling in his chest. In the corner of his eye he saw the woman inexplicably stand, her head flattened and oozing blood and brain matter. She smiled an evil grin as she approached the beast that taunted Sparks. She wrapped her arms around the demon, showing her affection to the monster as it watched its will be done.

  With the last remaining bit of his energy, the Commander pointed at the deceivers. He hoped that, should he die, somehow his killer would survive to escape the trap that had apparently been set for them by Satan himself.

  David saw what Washington was trying to bring to his attention and released the choke just as the body in his arms went limp. He stood slowly and watched, waiting to see what the forces of evil had in store.

  "Silly creatures." Eloa said as the monster stroked the slimy hair of her less than rounded head. "God is right to destroy them. They stray so easily from the righteous path, even when it's right before their eyes!"

  "How should we proceed?" The beast cackled through hearty laughter. "Shall we kill him now - or make him watch as his world is condemned to the depths of Hell?"

  David's attention was pried from them at the sound of rolling thunder. A whoosh produced by a torrent of fire that was creeping up on the horizon. The monsters seemed delighted at the sight, laughing hysterically now as Washington stirred a bit on the ground.

  "This way!" A foreign voice beckoned from atop the green wall of the garden.

  David looked up and beheld a one-eyed priest; standing on the crest with arms outstretched toward him. He looked down at the Commander, barely conscious as he vomited half digested white petals from his mouth.

  "Bring him!" Jennings commanded. "We have to go - NOW!"

  Again summoning his strength, David lifted the heavy man over his shoulders as a savage heat warmed his back. He raced to the wall, chucking Washington so that the priest could drag him over.

  Looking back on the demons celebrating in the glow, he felt a strange detachment. This place had held him in a trance; a tranquil state to which he almost longed to return. The ghosts of his former life hadn't haunted him in the bliss of eating the Lotus; but a stream of blood falling from the reformed slice on his brow told him there were even greater challenges ahead.

  He was frightened of what might be on the other side of the walls that surrounded this garden, but he wasn't prepared to surrender yet... Tracey likely wouldn't approve.

  Chapter 29