Read Unholy Advent: Deception Of The Christ Page 36

Jennings' heart pounded like a double-bass drum worked by men with legs of steel as sweat poured from his soaking brow. He was working as quickly as he possibly could, but he feared it might not be enough.

  It was nothing short of a miracle that he had managed to make it work, but this alone wouldn't win him any merit in the eyes of the historians who would eventually tell this tale. He imagined what stories they would tell of him if he failed:

  Over-anxious Priest held the key to victory in his hands, but through his lack of proper planning his contributions were relegated to worthlessness. Had he started an hour sooner, the outcome of the battle could've been much different. His efforts were well-intended, but he proved completely ineffective as result of shoddy execution.

  Of course, since history is generally written by the victors with a slant towards their ideals; it would likely read much worse even than that.

  The anti-Christ dared to oppose, conceiving an ill-begotten strategy which was as foolish as it was arrogant. The Mighty Allah struck down his feeble efforts with a wave of his glorious hand, rendering the beast useless to the infidels he sought to assist.

  As incredible a long shot as the plan was, Jennings was determined to give everything he had in bringing it to light. Success would mean infamy and reverence from the new world, not to mention the vindication of the Christ as he was known to the faithful.

  Cameron Jennings turned the tide with a Hail-Mary born of his genius. Cannon to the left of him, cannon to the right of him, cannon in front of him - volleyed and thundered; into the jaws of Hell rode all the world... if not for the bravery of this warrior in Christ, all would've certainly perished! Praise be unto the savior - the deliverer of all Christianity! A hero after God himself, he stirred the souls of the masses and showed to them the light of Jesus on Earth!

  All he had to do was make it happen in time! If Denisa could stall them long enough; the lines hold firm for just a few extra minutes... there didn't have to be many left, but if there were just enough to keep the Mahdi out of the Well of Souls - salvation would be to Christ.

  He prayed that Hope and the Sutter family would arrive with reinforcements to sure up the defenses if they started to buckle; anything that would give him enough time to see this through.

  The problem working against him, it seemed, was the sand. It impeded his progress; choking the gearing and circuitry to the point that they threatened to seize. Water seemed to help with that, but finding any without straying from the quickest path was fruitless. With any luck it would simply work itself out of the mechanisms and stand down its assault on his hopes.

  "Faster!" He snapped to himself in his fervor. "Faster, damn you! Hurry up!"

  Things were beginning to look familiar; bits of terrain that he had seen before appearing to him. He was close.

  No sooner than a streak of confidence had run through him, he heard the ruckus growing louder outside. The battle was about to begin; put-up or shut-up time upon him and the underdogs that comprised his side in the struggle.

  "Please, Lord!" He begged. "Please let this work!"

  Chapter 37