Read Uninvited (Fate #7) Page 23

Aiyanna hadn’t even caught her breath when she felt him crawling up her body and stopping at her breasts. “You are so fucking beautiful,” he said, pulling the flap up on her corset top that exposed her breast for more convenient access without having to remove anything.

  He latched on to her nipple, sucking softly at first then harder. It always amazed her how she could feel it down there, and already she felt completely aroused again. Only this time she wanted him inside her.

  Running her hands through his hair, she watched as he sucked her breasts one at a time, taking his time to thoroughly enjoy them each. Even this had her squirming again, and she moaned in pleasure as he sucked a little harder, but it felt so good.

  “You ready for me, baby?” he said, glancing up at her.

  “Yes.” She nodded as she felt her pussy twitch in anticipation. “But I had something in mind with these panties.

  His smile went bigger—wolfish. “I’m listening.”

  “Get a chair.”

  She laughed when he practically leaped off her in response. He was back from the dining room, which was just a few steps away, with a chair within seconds. “Your wish is my command,” he said, placing it in front of her.

  It was such a strange but invigorating feeling to know she had such power over someone so sexy and clearly not deprived of sexual contentment. Yet the fire in his eyes said something entirely different. Just like every other time they had sex, he seemed crazed for it—for her.

  “Have a seat,” she said then touched his arm before he could. “But first . . .”

  She undid his pants button and unzipped him. He wore the same sexy boxer briefs he always did. With one hand, she cupped his massive erection over his shorts and he groaned. She tugged at the top of the briefs and he popped right out.

  So big.

  So hard.

  So ready.

  Aiyanna leaned over and licked the rim as she stroked him. Nathan groaned, moving back a bit. “I need to sit down, Anna, before I lose all the strength in my legs.”

  Within seconds, he’d pulled a condom out, put it on, and sat down on the chair. Aiyanna wasted no time getting comfortable over him, one leg on either side of the chair. “These panties are perfect,” she said, holding on to his big shoulders as she slid onto his throbbing cock.

  She was so wet there was no hesitation at all, and she went all the way down until he was in her so deep they both moaned at the same time. Not wanting to undo the feeling of fullness she loved so much when he was so deep inside her, she sat there for moment, swaying her hips so his cock would rub just the right place. Remembering the videos she’d watched in preparation for tonight—for this—she brought one of her stilettos up on one side of the chair, resting it on the seat. His wide eyes made her smile even more, and her pussy twitched and clutched his dick.

  “Oh God!” he said, letting his head fall back as she brought her other foot up and rested it on the other side of the chair then started the rhythm of her hips.

  As she moved faster, she held onto his neck for dear life, and his hips moved with hers until she was bouncing on him. He fucked her harder and harder with each perfectly timed bounce and his swaying hips. Aiyanna used the thigh muscles she’d been working so hard on all week just for this and lifted up even higher, squatting down and taking him deep each time.

  “Fuck yeah, baby,” he said as she came down one of the times and squirmed around, clutching around him again.

  Note taken. He loved that. And it felt so damn good Aiyanna thought she might come if she did it too long. She bounced up and down on him harder and harder as they both grunted and moaned with pleasure until she started to feel it. The buildup. That beautiful climax was coming again, and she began to cry out.

  “Come on me, Anna,” he said, lifting her by the waist and slamming her down on him again and again. “Come, baby.”

  She came down one last time, clutched her pussy around him, and cried out in unabashed pleasure. Then he grunted, squeezing his arms around her, and buried his face in her neck.

  Chapter 22: Pity Party


  This wasn’t the first time they’d had sex at her place. Just the first time they’d had the whole place to themselves this long. Sam had told Anna since that morning that she was spending the night at her mom’s tonight. So it was safe to say she wouldn’t be back tonight, especially not after what happened.

  Anna assured Nathan Scott would be gone until way late. “He always gets home late when he’s at Josh’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if he spent the night again. That’s how it started when he moved out the first time.”

  That last statement hadn’t been made with much enthusiasm. But Nathan hadn’t commented. He didn’t see the point. It was beginning to feel like, with Scott and Josh back together and after that evening’s incident with Sam, either Sam would be looking for new roommates or she’d be moving in with her mom soon. Because after tonight Nathan would really start dropping hints about Anna moving in with him, if not all-out trying to sell her on the idea.

  Nathan didn’t mind driving out to see her. He’d drive farther if he had to. He just hated that feeling of unease he’d had most of the night because they’d practically created a porn movie tonight, not just in her bedroom but the front room and kitchen, and two other people had keys to this place. Already, while they’d been in her bedroom, he’d stopped in the middle of kissing her or making love to her more than once when he thought he heard something out in the hallway. Both times Anna had called out for Scott then giggled, calling Nathan paranoid.

  They’d stopped for a while to catch their breath and give their bodies a break. But it was getting late, and with both of them having to work tomorrow, Nathan wanted her one last time—put her to sleep well and good—before he headed home. Anna was still in her surprise outfit. Nathan hadn’t wanted to get her out of it. With all the important parts of her body easily accessible even with it on, he loved fucking her into tomorrow looking so damn sexy.

  His dirty girl.

  “Come here, dirty girl,” he said, pulling her over his legs. She straddled him in the middle of the bed, but he didn’t want to go there just yet. He loved the times he took his time with her, as much as the times he took her hard and fast. This time he’d go slow.

  Opening the sheer nighty down the middle, he ran his fingers and hands over her flat stomach. He loved that it wasn’t completely flat even if she didn’t. It made her even more perfect somehow. He began by sucking her breast, and she let her head fall back, leaning back onto her hands, as he sprinkled kisses down her ribs and her middle. That’s when he heard the noise again. It had been a least a couple of hours since they’d last heard what sounded like possible footsteps out in the hallway, and he froze.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t hear that?” he said, staring out the open bedroom door. “Did we leave that light on out there? Or did someone just turn it on?”

  “I don’t remember,” she said, but the footsteps were gone. “Scott, is that you?”

  No response. Fuck, he hated this. Then he remembered the key out in the planter. How easy it would be for anyone to find it and unlock the front door. “Anybody else know about that key outside?” he asked in a lowered voice.

  Anna moved off him slowly, shaking her head, her eyes widening as if it suddenly dawned on her what he could be implying. The footsteps, loud and clear this time, had Nathan jumping off the bed, throwing his boxer briefs on, and grabbing the cheese spreader from the tray they’d brought in the room. Without hesitation, he charged out the bedroom door and collided with someone he grabbed by the shirt and threw against the wall. The sharp part of the cheese spreader was already at the guy’s throat when he realized it was Scott.

  “What the fuck?” Scott said, shoving him away.

  “Why didn’t you answer?” Nathan asked, but his adrenaline was still pumping and he was more suspicious than ever about the guy.

  “Answer who?’’

  “Anna. She called out for

  “I didn’t hear her,” Scott said as his brows furrowed. “I was in the bathroom.”

  Anna rushed out of the bedroom, wearing Nathan’s buttoned shirt over herself, which came down to her knees. “Scott?” she said, almost as surprised as Nathan had been, then turned to Nathan. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know.” He turned to Scott. “How long have you been here?”

  “I just got here!”

  “Why didn’t you answer when I called out for you?”

  Scott lifted his hands in front of him. “I didn’t hear you. I went straight into the bathroom, and I was trying to sneak into my room just now without interrupting you two. Until this guy came charging at me with a . . .” He frowned, looking at the knife. “What is that? A butter knife?”

  Anna brought her hand to her mouth to cover up her smirk. “It’s a cheese spreader and you spooked us. We thought we’d heard stuff all night, and then we really did and you didn’t answer.” She shook her head then hugged Scott. “No harm no foul. Sorry my boyfriend almost killed you with a cheese spreader.”

  Scott chuckled, but Nathan still wasn’t feeling it. He knew now what he’d heard earlier hadn’t been imagined. The footsteps had sounded exactly the same except softer. He even thought he heard that same damn squeak that got him caught like a deer frozen in headlights earlier.

  “You alright?” Scott asked, peering at Nathan.

  Nathan didn’t even realize he’d zoned out. He nodded absentmindedly. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.” He chuckled for good measure but could barely manage a weak smile. “It’s just been a bizarre night.”

  Scotts brows rose in question, but Anna waved him off. “I’ll tell you about it later. Just don’t ask me about it in front of Sam.”

  That appeared to pique Scott’s curiosity even further, only she shook her head again and tapped his arm. “Tomorrow, good night.” She reached out for Nathan’s hand, and he slipped his fingers between hers immediately. “Come on, my hero. I think you could use a sip of wine.”

  They got into her room, and she closed the door behind her then locked it. Before he could start sharing what he was feeling, that something didn’t seem right, Anna got down on her knees, pulled him out of his briefs, and took him deep in her mouth. “Ga damn,” he said, feeling his legs go weak.

  Taking her hair in his hand, he groaned at the feeling of her tongue around his shaft. Okay, maybe this conversation could wait for another day.


  Staring at the screen of the station’s computer, Nathan frowned. What the hell did he think he’d find? So far every search he did on Scott Kerne came up with nothing. Well, nothing more than what he already knew. He balked at the idea of asking his cousin Moe to look a little deeper into the guy. Ever since the night he nearly put a cheese spreader through the guy’s jugular, he’d been honest with Anna. Something wasn’t right. His gut told him the noises they’d heard hours before Scott got there were not imagined. He was only pissed now he’d been too eager to get back to what he’d been in the middle of to get up and investigate.

  Anna, of course, was still insisting the house was creaky and even the wind could make the old place make spooky noises. “Honestly, it’s not the first time I thought I’d heard something outside my door, only to get up and see it was nothing.”

  Like that made him feel better. It had been a few weeks since that happened and the good thing was she was beginning to come around about moving in with him. She’d even stayed over at his place on nights where he had to be at work the next day. Twice now. Both times she’d had school the next day, and they’d left his place at the same time in the morning. Both times she went on and on about how much easier and faster the commute to school was from his place. And, of course, each time Nathan had more than welcomed her to move in with him.

  Anna hadn’t agreed yet, but she had done something else several times in the past two weeks. She now had a key to his place, including a garage door opener, and she’d stayed over at his place on nights he was working but they were both off the next day. So she’d be there when he got home to greet him. Such a small thing and he was already hooked. Getting home with her there to greet him was something he’d be working on happening more often now, until he could convince her to just move in. He’d feel so much better about her living situation. For now, he could only hope Scott might move in with Josh. At least Anna mentioned his staying over there was happening more often.

  “You golfing anytime soon?” Xavier asked, leaning against the office door as he sunk his teeth into an apple.

  “Why?” Nathan spun his chair to face him. “You feel like getting your ass handed to you?”

  “Shit.” Xavier laughed then shrugged. “Actually, I haven’t been out in a while, so I probably will, but I’ve been wanting to.”

  “What happened to you, man?” Nathan said, shutting down the browser and standing up. “You disappeared for a while. I haven’t done shit with you in months.”

  “I’m back,” Xavier said, holding his hands up with a big smile.

  Nathan started out the door, and they walked to the gym area of the station so he could do some lifting. He’d been neglecting the gym to spend time with Anna instead. “Where were you?”

  “Thought I was in love for a minute there. Then this bitch up and pulled the rug out from under me.”

  Xavier spotted Nathan as he told him about the girl he’d been seeing for the past few months, until her ex got a divorce and started calling her again. Suddenly, she was confused.

  “I put up with her confused shit for a while there, until she started talking about wanting to take him up on his offer to have coffee and shit. That’s when I said bye. Good call too because it’s not like her ass tried all that hard to convince me she didn’t have feelings for the guy. She’s probably fucking him already.”

  Nathan winced. He couldn’t even fathom the thought. “That sucks. Sorry to hear it, man.”

  “Meh,” Xavier said, trying to shrug it off, but Nathan could see he was more hurt than he was letting on. “At least I didn’t waste too much time on her. It was a few months, but it could’ve been years, right?”

  Sitting up, Nathan went along with him, commending him for staying positive. But he’d only been with Anna a few months, and he couldn’t even imagine spinning her wanting someone else into something positive. He’d lose his shit for sure.

  He started to set up a day out on the golf course with Xavier, partly because he hadn’t been golfing since his day out with Josh, and he usually tried to get out there at least once a week. But also because he felt bad for the guy. They were in the middle of comparing calendars and days off when he got the text from Anna. He clicked on it and read it.

  Bad news, babe. I can’t come to your place tonight. That asshole Josh did it again and Scott’s feeling so down. =( Sam and I are on bestie duty tonight. Lots of ice cream, popcorn, and a Star Wars marathon to cheer him up. But I can still hang out with you tomorrow. I just won’t be there in the morning when you get home.

  Nathan frowned. He wanted to feel bad for Scott, but he still had a bad feeling about him. So much for hoping he’d move in with Josh. He shook his head as he responded, trying to stay positive. At least with him staying there, Sam wouldn’t be left high and dry by both of them, which had been Anna’s biggest hesitation about moving out.

  I can pick you up after work tomorrow. This way I at least don’t have to come home to an empty house. I’m getting used to you being there when I get home.

  Anna responded that it sounded perfect and to tell him she was still free to talk on the phone or text if he wanted to. She just needed to be there for Scott tonight. Then she’d give Nathan the details of what the lying jerk had done this time.

  Nathan thought about that. Was Josh really that big a bullshitter? He seemed so sincere when he said he realized his ex was a conniving manipulator. Was he really that fixated on the guy that he’d fallen for it and messed up again?

nbsp; “Any day during the week that I’m off, I can do,” he said, glancing up at Xavier. “My girl is off on weekends but goes to school and works during the week. So as long as it’s not when she’s off, I’m free.”

  He realized he sounded like a sap, but he didn’t care. Any moment he could spend with Anna he hoarded, and he didn’t care who knew it. Already his mood had taken a dive just knowing she wouldn’t be in his bed tonight, even if he wasn’t there with her. He just liked the idea of knowing she was. He shook it off, reminding himself this wasn’t nearly as bad as what Xavier was dealing with. After going back and forth about a couple of days during the week, they settled on one.



  Chocolate malted crunch ice cream. Check.

  Popcorn with extra butter. Check.

  Star Wars trilogy. Check.

  All Aiyanna needed now was for Sam to get home with the sour cream and can of diced black olives that would perfect her cheese enchiladas, the only Mexican dish Aiyanna was decent at making and one of Scott’s favorites.

  She heard the front door open, and then Sam walked into the kitchen with the grocery bags. “Did you get the sour cream and black olives?”

  “Yes,” Sam said, but she sounded down.

  Then Aiyanna saw the big tequila bottle. “Tequila?”

  “Scott’s not the only one who’ll be licking his wounds tonight,” Sam said with a pout. “I got fired.”

  “What? Why?”

  Aiyanna would never say it to her because it was just an “in the meantime” job while she finished school, but Sam had one of the easiest jobs ever and with a good company. She was a greeter at one of the retail stores of one of the biggest cell phone carriers. Basically, she stood at the door with a tablet. When anyone walked in, she asked them what they were there for and then got them on the waiting list for the next sales or customer-service associate. They also had a bank-teller-type machine in the store where customers could make their payments without having to stand in line for a service rep. So she’d help walk them through the simple task of making their payments on it.