Read Uninvited (Fate #7) Page 26

  “But seriously,” Em said, shaking her head. “That laugh. There’s no way Scott would’ve flirted with her after hearing it. I’d sooner believe that laugh would turn a straight man gay then the other way around.”

  Sydney laughed, kissing Em on the cheek. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous, Em.” Emi nudged him playfully but laughed.

  “Scott’s gay?” Lorenzo asked wide-eyed.

  “Well,” Liv said, lifting a brow. “That’s debatable now.”

  Thankfully, Rosie and Vince arrived and derailed their Scott conversation. After greeting Vince and Rosie, Nathan excused himself to get a drink and then quietly made an early exit. He still wasn’t up to being around other happy couples when just a few weeks prior he’d been insanely happy with Anna.

  Later that evening he got a call from Em. “I noticed you snuck out early today.”

  “Yeah,” he said, sitting back on his sofa where he’d been vegging, changing channels on his TV aimlessly. “I was tired.”

  She was briefly quiet, and he knew his sister didn’t buy that for a moment. “Listen. I just wanted to let you know that Lucy’s probably not as bad as I made her sound, not a psycho anyway, but I do remember her being aggressive as hell, and women like that, the kind who refuse to take hints from men, are always delusional. Liv told me about her saying Scott flirted outrageously with her. I can guarantee you it’s not the case. Wasn’t his boyfriend there that night?”

  “He was. But I think she told them this before his boyfriend got there.”

  “Still, I’d bet you anything it wasn’t true. If he was even polite to her or laughed at something she said or at her donkey bray laughter, she took it as him flirting.” Nathan laughed, despite the mood he was still in and probably would be in forever. “I just wanted you to know that in case you’re putting any weight on Scott’s flirting with her to confirm your suspicions about him. I for one believe he’s gay, and I have no idea why Anna would think for even a minute that she might have a better relationship with a gay man than you. If I could talk to her and ask her, I would, but I won’t, only because you asked me to cut all ties.”

  “Yeah, don’t, Em.” Nathan sat up, running his hand through his hair then down his face. “It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s over between us. The sooner I let this go, the sooner I’ll get over it.”

  More disingenuous words had never been spoken.

  The call on the other line from Moe was proof of that. It’d be a while before he’d even begin to consider letting this go. He thanked Em for the info then ended the call so he could take Moe’s. “What happened to you tonight?” Moe asked as soon as he answered. “They said you were there for like a minute then disappeared. I was gonna tell you about something I found on this Scott guy.”

  “I was tired, so I ducked out early,” Nathan said, suddenly needing to stand. “What’d you find?”

  “Well, it’s not much, but I thought maybe you could make something of it. He had two different sets of social media for a couple years, way back. At first glance, it seemed he just had two Facebook and Instagram accounts with the exact same info. I couldn’t figure out why. But when I dug a little deeper, I noticed the names on the ones he ended up keeping were different from the two he deleted. He only used his first initial and he spelled his last name different: Kearns vs. Kerne, the real spelling of his last name.”

  Nathan took the info in, but it didn’t mean anything. “So was there anything else different about the other accounts other than the spelling of his name?”

  “That’s why I’m calling you; otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have even mentioned it. Lots of people delete old social media and start over with newer, more mature ones. But he had his going simultaneously for years, and the biggest difference is that in the ones he deleted he posted a lot of pictures and photos with girls. And did you know he studied abroad for a year at Oxford?”

  “I think Anna mentioned that once,” Nathan said, pacing in his kitchen now, wondering what to make of this if anything. “But I think it was just a semester. So?”

  “So he’d post tons of pictures of partying in his dorm, always with chicks hanging all over him. There’s not a single picture of him with a dude, not with him doing anything that looks gay anyway. But from the chick pictures he’d post—some pretty raunchy ones like them touching tongues, him squeezing their tits and ass and what not—I’d say the guy was a player with the chicks.”

  Stopping cold in the middle of his kitchen, the strangest feeling of relief swept over Nathan. He’d been right about Scott all along, but he still didn’t know what to make of all this.

  “It could be as simple as this,” Moe went on. “If he was studying to become a teacher, he knew there’d be a pretty stringent background check eventually when he applied for jobs, so he knew all along he’d be getting rid of this one. I mean there’s pictures of him holding a bong and a bunch of other shady shit that would make him a pretty undesirable candidate as an educator.” He laughed. “Only thing that doesn’t make sense to me is if he was smart enough to think ahead he had to know nothing online is untraceable. The trace I did wasn’t even that deep and these came up.”

  “So you can go deeper?”

  “Well, yeah,” Moe said a bit hesitantly. “But what exactly am I looking for, Nate?”

  Nathan closed his eyes, pinching the rim of his nose. He hadn’t even told Moe the real truth about his breakup with Aiyanna. He couldn’t even bring himself to say it. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled loudly. “Look. I need this to stay between you and me, okay?” Moe agreed and Nathan took a moment to decide how to word it. “I think this guy’s manipulating Anna. I just don’t know exactly how or why. But for starters, he has Anna and everyone convinced he’s completely gay.”

  Nathan shook his head when he remembered his day out on the golf course with Josh. Not once had he gotten even the slightest indication of insincerity from the guy. Either the two were Academy-Award-worthy actors, or maybe even Josh was in the dark about Scott’s apparent double life.

  “This is good,” Nathan continued, bringing his fist to his mouth. “This is a start. It shows he’s lied about something pretty significant in the past and then tried to hide it. I just need more. I need to tie it in with Anna. Can you find out about the guy he was living with for over two years. Josh something?”

  Moe said he already had a lot on a Josh Hayden. But he hadn’t really looked into the guy. He agreed to dig deeper on both then promised to get back to him as soon as he had something. After getting off the phone, Nathan stared out at his ocean view from his kitchen. He wondered the same thing he’d been wondering since day one. Would he ever be rid of this feeling of complete despair and isolation? He didn’t think he’d ever be able to share the torment of what he was really dealing with—with anyone.

  Chapter 26: End of the World


  How was it possible that this nightmare could get any worse? This year was supposed to be a new start. A new beginning. Aiyanna had so many goals and aspirations, and it’d begun better than she’d ever imagined. The first few months had been pure bliss. Now she’d been knocked off the cloud she’d been floating on and landed in fiery hell.

  The knocks on the bathroom door didn’t even phase her anymore. She barely heard them. It wasn’t just Scott and Sam outside anymore. They’d called in backup, and now her mom and sister were outside the door, trying to coax her to open it—talk to them.

  “How long has she been in there?” She heard her mother’s anxious voice ask.

  “At least an hour,” Sam said. “That’s how long ago I noticed the bathroom was occupied anyway.”

  “She’s been very depressed,” Scott added.

  “Anna, darling,” her mother said against the bathroom door. “Please open the door. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it with you. I know you’re heartbroken, but I promise you this isn’t the end of the world.”

  “Yes, it is,” she said, staring down at her hands as the t
ears dripped onto them. “This is absolutely the worst thing that could happen to anyone.”

  “I know it feels that way,” her sister said. “Remember everything you’ve learned in school, sweetie. This is just the first stage. Once you get past this—”

  “I’ll never get past this!” she cried, burying her face in her hands. “This heartache will be with me forever!”

  “No, it won’t.” This time it was Scott talking. “I went through the same thing . . .”

  Scott went on a bit more about how he’d been finally getting past that stage until Josh came back into his life, restarting the whole thing again, but assured her it does pass. Then her mother started up again on how they’d all be there for her and how, before she knew it, she’d move on and be happy again. She’d meet someone new and fall in love again.

  That’s what did it. That’s what made her snap. That any of them could think she’d ever get over Nathan—ever get over how badly she fucked up the best thing that ever happened to her—was infuriating. “I will never get over this!

  “Honey, I understand how you can feel that way, but—”

  “No, you don’t. You have no idea!” she screamed, cutting her sister off.

  “Okay,” her mother said in a very calm voice. “Then help us understand, baby. Help us help you. We’ll do whatever it takes.”

  “There’s nothing you can do. Nothing anyone can do. I’ll be living with this torment for the rest of my life.”

  “Baby, why do you feel—?”

  “Because I’m pregnant, Mother!” She sobbed as the reality sunk in deep. “Pregnant and I’m not even sure who the father is.”

  The silence on the other side of the door was deafening. Aiyanna picked up the pregnancy test and slammed it against the wall with another exasperated scream.

  Chapter 27: And It Thickens . . .


  Aside from the second set of social media accounts, Moe had yet to find anything more that was questionable about Scott’s character. The fact that Anna hadn’t made any attempts to try and reach Nathan or to plead her case meant only one thing to him. Memories of that night had likely come back to her. There was probably no denying the fact that she had slept with Scott.

  That thought alone tore Nathan apart. As agonized as he was that she was no longer in his life, there was no way they’d ever get past that, not even if she cut all ties with the guy. He knew himself. It’d forever be forged in his mind that Anna had cheated on him—slept with Scott in the midst of their perfect relationship—regardless if she’d been out of her mind drunk. Nathan had been pretty shit-faced a few times in his life. He still knew right from wrong, and he couldn’t imagine fucking someone else, knowing he’d lose Anna in the process. Hell, he still couldn’t imagine even kissing someone else. So he agreed to a night out with Xavier for the second time in less than a week.

  Nathan needed to get out. Move on. He needed to stop sulking around his house. But the last thing he wanted was to be around all the happy little couples in his family. He needed to let loose a little, get wasted even, and it had worked the first time. It was a reminder of what his life had been like not that long ago, when he was a free spirit that had a new experience with every new girl he met. Albeit nothing even came close to being as profound as what he’d experienced with Anna. The first time he’d gone out, he’d been able to unwind; although, the most he’d done was get a little dirty on the dance floor. Maybe tonight would be different. He wasn’t sure he was ready yet, but he knew if he waited until he was, he may never move on. So since Xavier was driving tonight, he planned on getting wasted, and whatever happened, happened. Nathan had since gone golfing with the guy several times. He’d told Xavier about this exclusive club AJ and Sabian had introduced him to years ago. High-profile players and other celebrities could have a night out in San Diego there without being mobbed by fans. Nathan had always enjoyed coming down and getting his groove on.

  The only thing that sucked about it now was it was tarnished by the memories of the times he’d brought Anna and her friends. They’d all had a blast, including Scott, who’d been single at the time and spent most of the evening celebrity ogling with Sam.

  Already Nathan had probably had way too much to drink, but he was dancing it off pretty well. Xavier was having a good time, too, and had even hooked up with someone he appeared to hit it off with. “I can Uber it home tonight.” Nathan leaned into him on the dance floor. “If you need to get out of here, you know . . .” He motioned to the girl Xavier was dancing with—the same girl he’d been dancing with all night. “I’m good. Don’t worry about me.”

  Xavier nodded but didn’t say if he would or he wouldn’t. Nathan motioned that he was going to use the men’s room. He let the girl he was dancing with know, and they walked off the dance floor. As usual, he couldn’t go very long without thinking of Anna. If things had gone differently, he’d be holding her on the dance floor tonight then making love to her all night afterward. Dancing with all these random chicks didn’t hold a candle to what he still felt for her, despite the betrayal. It’s what pissed him off more. He should hate her now, not still feel hopelessly in love.

  The moment he was back at the bar, he asked for a double. One of the girls he’d been grinding on the dance floor earlier walked up to him “You never even asked me my name.”

  Nathan smiled, taking his drink from the bartender. “I’m sorry. The music is just so loud on the dance floor it’s hard to have a conversation. What is your name?”

  She tilted her head with a coy smirk. “Buy me a drink and I’ll tell you.”

  “Fair enough,” he said and flagged the bartender down and let her order her drink.

  “Thank you,” she said as the bartender walked away to make it. Then she got so close their bodies were pressed together. “It’s Pamela.”

  Nathan brought his free hand around her back and pulled her even closer. He swayed his hips a little with the rhythm of the music playing, ignoring the complete emptiness and how not aroused this made him feel. Usually doing something like this at least got his blood thrumming.

  “Nice to meet you, Pamela.” She swayed her hips with him too and smiled, gazing up at him. “I’m Nathan.”

  The bartender brought her mixed drink to her, and Nathan paid. It was the only time he took his hand off her, but she’d draped her body all over his, the whole time. Nathan downed his drink when he realized even having a hot girl like Pamela pressing her body against him like this did nothing to snuff the ache in his heart. Maybe if he fucked her it’d help a little.

  He ordered another round, and their bar-side grinding got a little heavier. Nathan leaned in and kissed her neck, taking in a good whiff of her fragrance. It wasn’t something he normally did, but he yearned for the heavenly smell of Anna again. Of course, this didn’t even come close.

  Their drinks came, and once again Nathan downed his. Feeling the room starting to sway with them, he decided they needed to do some dancing. As they walked onto the dance floor, he bumped a few people. Okay, maybe he needed to slow down on the drinking. He was getting pretty sloppy.

  If there was any doubt before, there wasn’t any after just a few minutes with Pamela on the dance floor. She was grinding her ass up against his cock and even cupped him a few times over his pants. This would be a slam dunk—if he wanted it. Only he still wasn’t sure he did. Just a touch from Anna, hell, just thinking about some of the things he’d done to her could have him instantly hard. Nathan couldn’t be sure if it was just the amount of alcohol he’d consumed or if it was the unreasonable guilt he’d begun feeling about doing even this. But even her ass rubbing his cock wasn’t doing much for him.

  The visual of what he’d walked in on that horrible morning and then the photo of Scott lying on top of Anna had him turning Pamela around and pulling her closer to him. His lips grazed hers, and he was ready to taste her mouth. Don’t do it.

  He jerked his head up, not sure if he’d heard the words or if his min
d was playing tricks on him. The music was so damn loud there was no way he could’ve heard someone actually say it. He’d have to lean in all the way to hear anything even Pamela said to him, and their bodies were one at the moment. That’s when he saw her.

  The dance floor was a sunken one, and Anna stood on the other side of the rail that overlooked the dance floor. Nathan froze the moment he saw her, and the guy she was with leaned into her golden curls to whisper something to her.

  Then the guy kissed her.

  Nathan stormed through the crowded dance floor. How he’d been so wrong about the bitch he’d never know. But he was about to show her what would happen if she ever showed up here—the exclusive club she wouldn’t even know about if it weren’t for Nathan—with another guy again. He stumbled his way through the crowded club, shoving some people in the process and surprised by just how drunk he really was. Those last two doubles had really snuck up on him.

  The rage he was feeling had also snuck up on him fast. At this point, if he didn’t make it to her and her fucking new boyfriend in time to kick his ass, Nathan was sure he’d be pounding someone. Because a few of the guys he’d bumped had made angry comments and Nathan was so ready to bury his fist in someone, anyone would do soon.

  Up from the dance floor, he got a better angle of Anna and the guy she was with. She wore the same dress she’d worn on New Year’s Eve, and she wasn’t standing the way he thought she might be when all he’d seen was their heads through the crowd. The guy was sitting down and she was straddling him.

  “You fucking whore!” he yelled as he got closer.

  Everyone in the area turned, including the guy she was straddling—except her. Instead, she got off him and tried to walk away, but the guy pulled her back by the hand. The guy didn’t even see it coming. Nathan hit him so hard the chair flew back and he fell backwards onto the floor.

  Before he could even try to hit the guy again, someone big jumped in front of him. Nathan was sure it was security, but to his surprise and utter relief, Sabian shoved him away from the growing crowd. “What are you doing, man?”