Read Uninvited (Fate #7) Page 28

  “So now we’re talking about a chick who flirts with guys she knows are married then follows them into the men’s room and a chick who’d make out with her best friend’s ex-boyfriend, who she very recently broke up with.”

  “Sabian said she was kissing me, Sai, not making out. And her text said she’s telling her everything”

  “Is she gonna mention being on your lap?”

  Nathan peered at his brother, not sure why he wanted to defend Sam. He just preferred to be pissed at Scott.

  “How did she know you were going to be there last night?”

  Good question.

  “I need air,” Nathan said, starting to the patio sliding door.

  “I’m just saying, Nate,” Isaiah said, following him out into the sitting area on his patio. “I mean even if Anna really did just mess around naked with the dude but didn’t actually fuck him that’d still be grounds for dumping her ass. But I learned firsthand you don’t just give up so easily on someone if you really think she’s the one. This is bad. I’ll give you that. But the fact remains you still don’t know the whole truth. All you know is they woke up in bed together, right?”

  “Naked,” Nathan reminded him as he plopped down on the oversized lounger, willing the visual of that horrible morning away.

  Isaiah took a seat across from him. “Okay, naked, with her gay roommate. The girls mentioned something about him having a boyfriend?”

  “Not anymore,” Nathan said, letting his head fall back on the lounger and staring up at the hazy sky.

  He explained about Scott and Josh, how that night the girls were supposed to be cheering him up, about Sam getting fired and showing up with a bottle of tequila, and about all the photos he got that night and then the bad ones he saw the next morning. He hated to have to relive that morning again, but he told Isaiah the whole story anyway.

  “So all those photos were supposed to be for Josh, but somehow they were redirected and you got them instead?”

  “Nah, they sent them to both of us,” Nathan said as something about Isaiah’s attitude regarding all this sparked a little hope in him.

  Isaiah didn’t seem at all convinced this was so cut and dry. Even if Isaiah was the calmer more level-headed of his two brothers, Nathan expected him to be a little more disgusted by this whole thing, not almost sound as if he were siding with Anna—giving her the benefit of the doubt—despite how bad the circumstances were.

  “You don’t think that’s odd? Why would they send them to both of you?”

  “Most of them were sent in group texts,” Nathan explained, “even the earlier innocent ones of them eating ice cream and shit. I just think as they got drunker and sloppier they slipped and added my name to some of them.”

  His brother still didn’t seem convinced, and that sort of relieved Nathan. It meant Nathan wasn’t being completely delusional when he’d held out hope that there might still be more to this. But it also frustrated him.

  “What else am I supposed to do, Sai? She can’t assure me she didn’t sleep with him, and Sam’s saying they did.”

  “You said you hung out with Josh,” Isaiah said. “He seemed sincere to you. Have you called him to get his take on all this?”

  Nathan shook his head, feeling stupid because the idea hadn’t even crossed his mind.

  “I’d call him,” Sai said, standing up with a shrug. “What could it hurt?

  Isaiah said he had to leave because Kelli was waiting for him but urged Nathan to call Josh.

  “Do me a favor and let’s keep this between us for now, yeah?” Nathan said, surprised by the second wind of hope he was suddenly feeling.

  As soon as Isaiah was gone, Nathan called Josh. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but his anxious heart was now full of hope that he’d shed light on something.

  They started out with small talk asking how the other had been; then Nathan got to the point of his call. He first explained about breaking up with Anna because of that night. How he hadn’t even spoken to her since. “I know you saw the same photos that were sent to me and how bad they seemed, but I was curious what your take on all this is. You really think Scott slept with Anna?”

  To his surprise, Josh chuckled. “Not for a second.”

  It was a relief like none Nathan had ever felt. Not that this meant everything, but at least he wasn’t alone in wanting to believe it wasn’t true. “Really, why?”

  “For starters, in the entire time I’ve been with Scott, I’ve never known him to get so much as a limp rise from women, and I know for a fact that once he’s been drinking heavily he can’t even get one for a guy.”

  It made perfect sense. Why the hell hadn’t he thought of that? As unlikely as it seemed, if Nathan was that wasted, he might even have a hard time getting up for Anna.

  “How can you be sure, though?” Nathan asked, wishing somehow he could get full confirmation. “Those photos were so damning.”

  He heard Josh exhale. “I haven’t actually talked to Scott because he’s still refusing to respond to my texts or answer my calls, but I can guarantee you, even if he doesn’t remember, he knows in his gut nothing happened.”

  Nathan didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but he wanted to make sure Josh, who was so sure about this, knew as much as he did. “Josh, I drove down there the morning I saw the photos. They were in her bedroom. Scott was naked.”

  Josh was quiet for a moment, and Nathan felt his stomach drop. No wonder the guy had been so sure. He didn’t know all this.

  “I saw the photos, Nathan,” Josh said, not sounding nearly as shocked or hurt as Nathan had expected him to. He explained the whole thing just stunk of a set up but wasn’t sure for what. “I saw you were the other recipient on the photo texts and it did make me wonder why, but I figured either it was a drunken mistake or you were in on it. That you knew they were just doing it to try to piss me off—make me jealous.” The guy actually laughed at that. “But I just didn’t buy you’d be okay with any guy touching and kissing her, even if it was fake or that she was doing it with her gay best friend.”

  “I wouldn’t be,” Nathan said, tightening his jaw. “I was so pissed I raced down there.”

  “Good to know, because I had another theory.”

  Josh dropped a bomb, something that he couldn’t prove, but if Nathan could, then Josh’s theory made a whole lot more sense. He got the information he needed, and the moment he got off the phone with Josh, he called his cousin Moe. “Forget about Scott for now. I need you to find out everything you can about Samantha Baltsaros instead, Anna’s other roommate. But first, I need you to cross reference these phone numbers and see if they’ve ever communicated, particularly during a certain week.”

  He gave Moe the numbers and dates and any other information he needed to get started on this then hung up. Nathan paced the patio for a few minutes. Despite the feelings of relief that there might be a valid explanation for all this, his adrenaline pumped, and he felt his blood begin to boil.

  Chapter 29: The Decision


  It was days like today Aiyanna was beyond grateful she worked for her stepdad. This was the third day this week she’d called in sick. If she worked anywhere else, she might start worrying about getting fired. Thankfully, her stepdad was more than understanding. She still couldn’t assure him she wouldn’t be pregnant soon because she still hadn’t decided, but the more she thought about it, the more she was beginning to side with keeping the baby. Either way the small window of time she had was getting smaller with every day that passed. She had to make a decision soon.

  The morning was a beautiful one, the kind Anna used to love. Instead, she was miserable. Walking Scott out as he left for work, she hoped the bright sunlight would lift her spirits a little. Scott kissed her forehead before heading down the steps then stopped at the bottom and turned back to her. “For the record, I agree with your mom. Regardless of whose baby it turns out to be, you won’t be alone raising him or her. This kid will have more aunts and
uncles that’ll help raise it than most kids with a single parent. Keep that in mind when you decide. I’m behind you no matter what you decide. I just know you, and I fear deep inside you’ll always regret it if you don’t keep it.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind,” Anna promised, crossing her arms in front of her and leaning against the porch pillar. She managed a small smile for him. “Thank you.”

  Scott nodded then waved one last time before heading across the street to work. Anna watched until he walked into the building up the street and was out of sight. Then she went inside. Sam still hadn’t found another job, so she at least had company on days like today when Sam didn’t have school either. After Scott left for work, Anna made herself comfortable on the sofa. As usual, she kept the wastebasket nearby. Just like the other days Anna called in, Sam stayed in her pajamas with her most of the day in a show of solidarity. Sam had insisted she relax while she cleaned up their breakfast mess in the kitchen then came out to the front room and sat with her.

  “I brought you tea and crackers,” she said, setting them down on the coffee table in front of Anna.

  When she sat down next to her, Anna rested her head on Sam’s shoulders. “You’re too good to me. You and Scott both. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  “That’s what friends are for, Anna. Scott and I know you’d do the same for us in a heartbeat.”

  “I would,” Anna agreed immediately then sighed deeply. “God, I just wish I knew for sure what the best decision is about having this baby. I wish I had some sort of sign that would help me decide.” Lifting her head, she turned to Sam, who was staring at her a bit strangely. “I’m leaning towards having this baby, Sam. Do you think that’s completely insane? What would you do?”

  Sam glanced away. The strange demeanor Anna thought she’d noticed as she sat down grew even heavier now. “What?” Anna asked, feeling a little anxious. “Just be honest, Sam. You have a right to your own opinion.”

  “It’s not so much my opinion, Anna.” She inhaled deeply then let it out, bringing her feet under her. “I’d already decided I wasn’t going to tell you this. With you and Nathan broken up, it felt pointless to put you through any more pain. But seeing that you’re hoping for a sign, it’d be remiss of me and I wouldn’t be doing my job as your best friend if I didn’t.”

  Anna felt her breath catch at the thought of anything that would put her through more pain than she’d already been through. She missed Nathan so desperately she couldn’t imagine the pain getting any worse. Anna knew it was probably her raging hormones, but already she could feel her throat constricting and the warm tears filling her eyes, and she had no idea what Sam was about to tell her. “What is it?” she whispered, her lips already beginning to tremble.

  Sam reached out and took her hand in between both of hers then squeezed. “I’d told a couple of my friends from work about the club Nathan took us to and how that bouncer had flirted with me, so I was sure I could get us in. And I did.” She paused and squeezed Anna’s hand as Anna wiped tears from the corner of her eyes with her other hand because she immediately knew what this had to be. Then Sam confirmed it. “I went there a couple of times, and both times I saw him there . . . with other girls.”

  Anna nodded, trying to hold it together; though she already felt ready to fall apart. Of course he was already seeing other girls. The man was beautiful and he’d treated her like royalty—like his princess from the day he decided he was all in—and she betrayed him in the worst way imaginable.

  She deserved this.

  Still, it hurt so much that he’d moved on so soon. Sam’s regretful expression made Anna squeeze her hand, wiping more tears away, and clear her throat. “I’m glad you told me, Sam. I needed this—”

  “There’s more.”

  Anna stared at her, terrified suddenly, but couldn’t even swallow back the emotion enough to ask. Sam patted the top of her hand and went on. “The last time I was there he followed me outside when I went to change my shoes and . . .” Sam shook her head, glancing away as if she was saying too much.

  “Sam, please, just tell me all of it. I can hardly stand this.”

  “He tried to kiss me,” Sam blurted out, her own eyes filling with tears. “He said ever since he walked in on me you know . . . he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it. About me. Anna, he was drunk and I’m sure still hurt about everything. I knew he figured I’d run home and tell you. That’s why I didn’t. But he also said that his sudden fixation with me is what made him realize he’d jumped the gun on trying this exclusive thing with you. That it was a mistake. He said his family was worried about him moving too fast too. And that his visualizing me when he was with you the entire night after he walked in on me and every time after was proof he wasn’t ready for something so exclusive. He told me to thank Scott he at least didn’t walk away the bad guy.”

  As much as Anna tried, she couldn’t hold back anymore and cried—sobbed—into her tissue.

  “Anna, I didn’t wanna tell you.” Sam cried, hugging her. “I didn’t think you ever needed to know, but since you’re asking for a sign, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t at least tell you.”

  A phone ringing interrupted the moment, and Sam suddenly lunged for Anna’s phone before she could. Startled by Sam’s sudden movement, Anna stared at her, but then Sam smiled after glancing at the screen. “It’s Heidi.”

  Anna took it, but she was so broken up she barely made any sense. Heidi kept telling her to calm down and breathe. As much as she tried, Anna still couldn’t calm enough to speak coherently. Finally, at Heidi’s request, she handed the phone to Sam.

  Listening to Sam retell the painful story again only made Anna cry more. Sam continued to hug her even as she spoke with Heidi on the phone. “I had to tell her,” Sam said as if apologizing, so Anna jerked her head up and shook it because she didn’t need to.

  Sam nodded with a pitiful little smile but was still listening to whatever it was Heidi was saying. “I agree,” she said softly. “Thank you, Heidi. I just feel terrible, and like I said to Anna, I don’t really think he meant it all. I think it was just his way of hurting her back the way she did him.” She paused as Heidi said something else to her, then nodded. “Okay, here she is.”

  She handed the phone to Anna, who’d calmed a little. “Hello?” she squeaked.

  “Anna sweetie, I know I was on Mom’s side with this, but I don’t know now. There’s a good chance that baby is Nathan’s. If this is what he’s really like, do you seriously want to risk being stuck with that spiteful piece of shit for the rest of your life?”

  Shaking her head adamantly, Anna wiped more tears away. “No,” she said, sniffling. “No, I don’t.”

  “Okay, well, let’s not be too hasty,” her sister said in a calmer voice. “You know I hate to hear you so hurt, and you’re in so much pain maybe we should back up a little. Calm down. This is still a huge decision. Why don’t you sleep on it for a few days and then decide?”

  Anna agreed then listened to her sister’s consoling words: more about how this too shall pass and all the same crap she and everyone else had been saying to her ever since that awful day. When she was finally off the phone, she immediately started tapping at the screen.

  “Who are you calling?” Sam asked, sounding a little alarmed.

  “Heidi thinks I should sleep on it, but if I do, I might change my mind.” She Googled abortion clinics, wondering if that’s what they were actually under and feeling like she might fall apart again. “I’ll see when’s the soonest I can get this over with. I am not risking having that man’s child.”

  Sam gave her a sympathetic smile as Anna tried in vain to hide the pain she was still inundated with. Her friend reached over and soothed her back. “You asked me what I’d do if it were me.” Sam patted her back softly. “I’d do the same thing, Anna. I think you’ve made the right decision.”

  Chapter 30: You’re in Danger!


at do you mean you can’t find anything on her?” Nathan paced while on the phone just outside of his sister Liv’s house where they were having a baby/wedding shower for Kelli and Isaiah.

  “Nothing that relates to her is coming up for her,” Moe explained. “I mean there’s a couple of Samantha Baltsaros in southern California but nothing for her or anyone living at that address.”

  Nathan could kick himself for not mentioning it. “That’s ’cause she’s not on the lease.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Moe said. “If she’s been living there for over a year, there’d have to be something connecting her to the place. But it’s the weirdest shit. I can’t find a fucking thing. Even her cell phone isn’t in her name. I’m looking into a Billie Hoag later tomorrow because it’s also the name her car’s registered under. But listen. Those numbers you gave me to cross reference had plenty of action the week you told me to look into it.”

  Stopping in his tracks, Nathan felt his heart speed up. “She called both numbers?”

  “No, but she did call one of them.”

  “I fucking knew it.”

  “I’ll bring what I have with me to the shower, and we’ll talk more when I get there. But I have to hang up now. Izzy’s gonna let me have it if we don’t get to this thing already.”

  Nathan hung up, but his heart only raced faster. “That fucking bitch,” he muttered then considered calling Anna to tell her.

  He needed more though. If Sam really was behind all this, no telling what she told Anna about the night at Clouds. Anna would likely be hesitant to believe him. He’d wait for the paperwork from Moe. Maybe he could take a picture of the call logs and text them to Anna as proof.

  AJ arrived before Moe did, and he didn’t waste time pulling Nathan aside. “What happened to you that night at Clouds?”

  Nathan shook his head with a frown. “I was drunk. I saw Sam and thought she was Anna.”

  He explained about her wearing Anna’s dress and how in the dark club he could’ve sworn it was Anna. “She was with a dude and I guess I lost it. It wasn’t until I caught her ass outside that I realized it wasn’t Anna.”