Read Unique, Different, Found Page 16

  I'm not gonna waste my time explaining that to this douche bag though. What he said has just pushed me over the line and there's no going back.

  "This means war," I seethe then storm out of the pack house with Celina tucked safely in my arms.

  I haul myself and Celina into the car and speed off Moonlight Pack territory. All that's running through my head is how much I'll go through to kill that son of a bitch Damon. What he just did and what he's done to Celina is just cruel! No matter what Celina says, he doesn't deserve to live.

  Speaking of Celina, she's been really quiet since Damon proposed that he take her back. I wearily glance at her from the driver’s side. She's looking out her window with that adorable thinking face on, the one with her eyebrows furrowed and her lips puckered just that little bit.

  "Celina?" I call, but she doesn't answer. "Celina?" I say a bit louder. She still doesn't answer. "Celina!" I exclaim and she jumps in her seat.

  She puts a hand to her heart as she tries to even out her breathing.

  "Geez, Axel, don't do that! You scared the living day lights out of me!" she screams at me and I smile sheepishly at her.

  "Sorry. You ok? You seem a bit out of it," I question her. She just shrugs and looks out the window again.

  "Celina, you're stuck in a car with me for another ten hours, you'll have to tell me sooner or later," I tell her and she sighs in defeat. Callum's in another car since he knows that I’m pissed off, so it’s just me and Celina.

  "Axel, it's just... I don't know. A lot of memories just sort of rose to the surface when Damon bluntly said he would take me back. He said it like he owned me, like I was his possession that nobody could take away, not even you," she mumbles the last part and all I can do is place a comforting hand on her thigh. She smiles softly at me as she places her hand over mine.

  What Damon did to Celina, the pain and hurt she felt, he's gonna feel it ten times worse when I get my hands on him. He won't even know what hit him...



  I lie on my bed just looking up at the ceiling. We arrived home a few hours ago. Everyone's downstairs for dinner, but I told Axel I wasn't hungry. He left reluctantly, but I think he knew that I needed some space.

  Being back there, I don't know... It just brought forward memories that I would rather have locked far away in my mind. All the beatings, orders, dominance over me, it came back full force. That's why I acted like I did. On any normal day, I wouldn't have punched Tina and I wouldn't have growled at not only one, but two alphas as well as a Luna. That's definitely not me...

  Then there was Damon, thinking he could take me back just like that. Just take me away from Axel, my pack, my happy life. Axel wouldn't let him though, and because of that I've started a war. A war for dominance and power, just as the prophecy said would happen.

  I close my eyes as I try to calm myself. Why does life have to be so hard? Why can't it just be simple? Just for one day, I don't want anything going on in my mind. I just want to relax.

  'I can make that happen,' my wolf suddenly states. I raise an eyebrow at her.

  'Really, now?' She nods her big wolf head at me. I sigh again, what have I got to lose? 'Ok, go ahead,' I tell her. I don't bother to ask her what she's gonna do. I just want to think of nothing.

  She’s silent for a few minutes before a feeling rushes through me, making me gasp. Want and need fill my whole body and all that's in my mind is Axel. How he speaks, how his laugh turn my stomach into a frenzy, how his beautiful silver eyes gaze into my gold ones, his soft white hair that I love to run my fingers through, everything. Everything Axel invades my mind.

  'What did you do?' I ask my wolf as I try to keep myself on the bed and not run downstairs into Axel's arms.

  'I've made you go into heat. You didn't want anything on your mind, so this is the best I could do. Have fun,' she says cheekily then disappears into the shadows of my mind.

  I groan as pain washes over my body. I need him, I need Axel. I start to pant heavily as my stomach does twists and turns and I thrash my head from side to side to try and ease the pain. A cool sweat rests all over my body and my toes curl against the pain. How is this fun?

  At least five minutes later, Axel comes waltzing into the room without a care in the world. When he catches sight of me, he goes rigid. His eyes turn from their sterling silver to a midnight black.

  "A-Axel," I call weakly as the pain makes me arch my back. He leans against the door as a groan escapes his lips. 'God, I want him right now! I need him right now!'

  "Celina, you've gone into heat. I need you to stay calm and try to control it," he advises me as he makes his way cautiously to me.

  I'm still lying on the bed, so he timidly sits next to me and places a cool hand on my boiling head. Sparks shoot through me and all I can do is gasp in pure pleasure.

  Without giving time for Axel to react, I push him down on the bed at lightning speed and straddle him. I run my hands slowly up his shirt covered chest, earning a grunt from him, and tangle them in his hair as I lean my head down so my face is only millimeters from his.

  "I want you, Axel," I tell him in a hoarse whisper, my voice thick with lust and want. "I need you so bad."

  I rip Axel's shirt off his chest and watch as the shredded material falls to the floor. I pepper light kisses all over his chest, earning groans and grunts. I trace the rim of his jeans and he stiffens.

  "Please, Axel," I beg and the next thing I know, I'm flipped over with Axel hovering above me.

  "Sweetheart, you are a very naughty girl." He growls then crashes his lips to mine in a brutal force that leaves me moaning.

  I kiss him back with everything I've got as I run my fingers through his soft, white hair.

  "Nah uh, sweetheart, it's my turn," Axel growls against my lips before pinning my hands above my head.

  He sucks on my bottom lip asking for entrance and I happily oblige. Our tongues battle for dominance, but I lose of course.

  Axel's hands travel down my sides and grip the hem of my shirt, yanking it up and breaking our kiss. I gasp for breath as Axel's lips attack my neck and his hands gently massage my bra covered breasts.

  He roughly bites my soft spot and I moan loudly.

  "Axel!" I gasp when I feel his teeth graze over the same spot.

  "All in good time, sweetheart, all in good time," he teases me while sucking on the same place.

  After totally assaulting my neck, his magic lips slowly make their way down my body. They go past my cleavage and down my stomach to the waist band of the skirt I'm wearing.

  He hooks his fingers around the skirt and heatedly slides it down my long legs. He discards the skirt somewhere on the floor and kisses his way back up the inside of my legs. He sucks on my thigh as his hands trail slowly up and down my legs and sides.

  He comes to my core, but totally bypasses it as his lips travel back up my stomach. I whine loudly and he chuckles at me.

  Without saying a word, he unclips my bra and slides the straps off my arms, leaving my chest bare to him. My chest heaves up and down with the breaths I'm taking and, Axel's eyes become even darker.

  Without warning, Axel's mouth latches onto one of my nipples. I groan loudly and arch my back into him as I grip his shoulders. It should be illegal to feel this good!

  He licks, sucks, and plays with it until it feels raw then moves onto the other one. I’m just moaning and groaning the whole time and begging for more.

  He pulls back to look at my flushed face and trails a finger over my jawline.

  "So beautiful," he mutters and I blush at his compliment.

  I flip him over so he's the one on the bottom now. His eyes latch onto my breasts hanging from my chest and growls. I trail a teasing finger down his chest all the way to the hem of his jeans.

  "My turn," I whisper then proceed to slowly peel his jeans off, leaving him only in his boxers.

  His hard erection is very visible now. I can't wait any longer and rip his boxers to shred
s. I hear a chuckle and lift my lust-filled eyes to look into Axel's.

  "A little eager, are we?" he teases. I growl at his teasing tone and start to work my hands on his member to shut him up.

  His head lolls back into the pillow with a groan as I slowly rub my hand over the length of him. When I have him where I want him, my hand ceases and my tongue takes its place. I torture Axel with pleasure that I don’t even know I can give. When I'm done, his juices are all over me.

  "Liked that, did ya?" I tease in his ear as I bite his earlobe hard. He growls and grips my hips, flipping us over once again.

  He starts to grind against me, running himself on my core. I moan loudly and grip his shoulders.

  "You're going to like this a lot more," he threatens then shreds my underwear into tiny, irretrievable bits. He grips a hold of my butt cheeks and yanks my hips high, so that my core is lined up with his mouth. He growls at the sight before he ravages me with his mouth.

  I moan loudly as my head lolls back and my eyes roll to the back of my head in pure pleasure.

  "Axel!" I scream when I feel his fingers enter me as well as his tongue.

  He continues with his pleasurable torture before moving away just before my climax. I whine loudly at him as I stare into his eyes.

  "Axel, please," I beg in a whisper as an evil smirk makes its way onto his face.

  "What was that, sweetheart? I couldn't hear you," he teases and I growl. It's cut short though when he starts to stroke my core.

  "Please, Axel, please," I beg louder this time, but his smirk just grows wider as his fingers start to work a whole lot faster.

  "Axel, I'm begging you, please!" I scream at him and he finally grants me my wish.

  He lines himself up at my entrance and without warning, he thrusts inside, breaking the barrier. A pain filled scream escapes my lips.

  "Shh, sweetheart. The pain will be gone soon, it's ok," Axel coos in my ear. I take deep breaths and, sure enough, the pain subsides and I'm filled with pleasure.

  Axel starts to slowly thrust in and out until we both pick up our pace. My hips move with his as we come closer to our climax.

  "I'm gonna mark you now, Celina," Axel tells me just before he sinks his teeth into my soft spot and I come with a loud moan. Axel follows suit with a low growl.

  Axel collapses next to me, pulling me into his arms. I can tell you right now, that there is no better feeling than being fully mated with the one person you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with.

  "Wow..." is all I manage to say. I'm still trying to get over the amount of pleasure I've just experienced. Axel chuckles at me while brushing some stray hair away from my forehead.

  I stare into his eyes as they seem to shine with a new emotion. Then Axel mutters three words I never expect to hear from my mate.

  "I love you."



  "I love you."

  My breath hitches in my throat at how those three little words just roll off Axel's tongue. I haven't heard those words for nine years! Do you know how amazing it is to finally hear them?

  Without even hesitating or thinking it through, I just come straight out with it.

  "I love you too," I whisper and the smile that lights up Axel's face is so worth it.

  "You have no clue how long I've been waiting to say that," he whispers then places a gentle kiss on my lips which leads to so much more.

  For the rest of the week while I'm in heat, we don't leave our room. Only when Axel goes to get food is when I actually get out of bed, that and to go to the bathroom.

  As the week comes to an end and my heat settles down, I feel content. I look over to Axel and notice how the sun's rays from the early morning make his white hair shine to a new extent. I glance at the clock and realize that it's already seven in the morning.

  I sigh. Axel has to be at the meeting by eight. I run my hand through his hair and gently tug at it.

  "Axel, you need to get up," I say in his ear as I gently nibble his earlobe. He mumbles in his sleep and wraps his arms around me tighter. I roll my eyes at him.

  "Axel, come on," I mutter in his ear again. I gently nudge him, but that doesn't seem to work either.

  One last chance to wake him up, I press my lips softly to his. After a few moments, he responds and flips us so that I'm beneath him. He smirks at me as his lips connect with my neck.

  "What a lovely wake up call," he mumbles into my neck, making me giggle.

  "Axel, come on," I whine. "You need to be at the meeting soon."

  I involuntary let my eyes close and a breathy moan escapes me as he gently bites my neck, making me throb for him.

  "The meeting can wait," he growls as he starts to tease me all over again. I must say, I'm happy my wolf sent me into heat. Even though it's over, Axel is still all over me.

  We eventually get downstairs just after eight, Axel being fully dressed while I’m just wearing his oversized shirt.

  I quickly scramble some eggs and make some toast. I place them in front of Axel and he scoffs it down.

  "You might want to go get dressed, you know," Axel mutters through a mouth full of eggs. Wonderful manners...

  My eyebrows scrunch together when his words sink in.

  "Why?" I ask as I hug his shirt closer to me. Axel finishes up eating and wraps his arms around my tiny waist, burying his head in my neck.

  "Because, sweetheart, you're coming to the meeting too," he tells me softly and I stare at him in surprise. He's letting me go to the meeting? "Of course I'm letting you go to the meeting! You're the Luna after all, officially now," he says then runs his fingers over his mark, making my knees go weak.

  Without hesitating, I bound up the stairs to our room and barge into the wardrobe. I sort through everything and sigh in frustration when I notice that none of the clothes will suit the occasion.

  A small knocking sound is heard and I turn from the wardrobe to see Chloe standing there with an amused look on her face.

  "Do you need help, Luna?" she offers after a little giggle.

  My face lights up at her words and I nod my head vigorously. She giggles again and approaches the wardrobe to stand next to me.

  "Hmm..." she mutters. She ventures deeper into the wardrobe, her eyes scanning all the clothing and shoes. "Well, since it's a proper meeting, I think you should wear something formal, but not too formal. Maybe a dress?" she advises and I nod my head again.

  She sorts through all my dresses till she pulls out a simple, emerald green, satin dress. It has spaghetti straps and a brown belt below the breast while the rest of the dress flows freely down to just below the knees. I smile at it and take it in my hands delicately.

  "Thank you, Chloe. What would I ever do without you?" I say with a slight giggle. She rolls her eyes at me and shrugs.

  "I have absolutely no clue, Luna." She then proceeds to tie my hair into a loose braid quickly and ushers me into the bathroom to get dressed. I do so and walk out to a squealing Chloe afterwards.

  "Alright, you're ready for the meeting!" she exclaims excitedly like it’s some high school dance.

  I meet Axel just outside the pack’s meeting room and his eyes light up when he sees me.

  "You look beautiful," he tells me and I blush at the compliment.

  He grips my hand and we walk into the meeting exactly one hour late. All eyes turn to us. I squeeze Axel's hand for support as we take a seat at the head of the very long table.

  Faces I recognize and don't, are all seated at the table. Callum, Matthew, and Comrade are the only faces I recognize.

  "Celina, these are our best pack fighters and this is former beta, Jason," Axel explains. I nod my head at Jason and he respectfully nods back. "The fighters are Jacobs, Prince, Fred, Carl, and Leonard. You will be seeing a lot of them," Axel continues and I also nod my head at them before the meeting commences. "Right, today we are here to discuss our situation with the Moonlight Pack," Axel announces. I immediately go stiff at his words. "We have dec
lared war on them."

  Everyone in the room goes into hushed whispers and starts to discuss the problem.

  The former beta, Jason, clears his throat and asks, "Pardon me, alpha, but may I ask why we have declared war?"

  Axel stays silent at the question and looks at me. I look back at him and quietly think to myself, 'They'll have to find out sooner or later and what is said in this room stays in this room, right?'

  "Celina," Axel motions for me to speak up, so I take a deep breath and look at all the faces in the room.

  "Before I say anything, I would like to make one thing clear. What is said in this room stays in this room. Agreed?" I begin and there are mumbles of agreement. "The Moonlight Pack was once my old pack and they did not treat me well. I was repeatedly beaten, forced to do things for them, and was disrespected by all. The alpha didn't even help to prevent it. He encouraged it," I tell them, surprised my voice comes out strong.

  I stop for a moment to let this new information sink in. I glance at Comrade to see him gripping the table so hard that his knuckles have gone white. I never did tell him about my old pack. I now wish I did.

  "When we went to help them out, the alpha had simply stated that he was taking me back and their problems will be over. Of course, my mate didn't allow that to happen and you could say that the Moonlight Pack’s alpha seemingly challenged my mate and your alpha. Therefore, this resulted to war," I conclude and everyone looks at me in shock.

  I feel shocked myself, one, for actually telling them all that and two, at how strongly I just spoke. I guess all that royal blood running through me is finally starting to come to the surface.

  "As you could tell, I did not take this lightly," Axel continues on where I left off. "To prevent any of our wolves being severely injured or even facing death, training will be issued to all pack members who wish to fight and defend their Luna. Any questions?"

  Comrade clears his throat and we all look at him. "Alpha, I believe that it would benefit our Luna's safety if she has at least two members with her at all times. Unless if she's with you, of course," he suggests. He glances at me during his speech and I instantly agree. I turn to Axel to see he is contemplating it.