Read Unique, Different, Found Page 32

  No word from Celina. The one person who I thought I could trust. She's had three years to look for me and still, she hasn't found me. Yet, it was me who found her. I wonder how the triplets are doing. I've missed their first step, first word, first everything. I wanted to be there, to be uncle Comrade. I guess my fantasies will never become a reality. Axel is the man who has power, strength, and courage. In all honesty, I wanted to be like him. Key word: WANTED.

  Now, all I want is to know why he hasn't found me yet. As I’ve said, he has power no one else in this world has. He's the Moon Goddess' son for Christ sake! He could've done something! He can do something. Then you have Callum, the first choice guardian, the first choice beta, the first choice friend, the first choice in everything. He even made Celina laugh first. He's seen the triplets' first step and heard their first word. He's the first uncle. Uncle Callum is always there to make someone laugh, always there to make Celina happy.

  What did I do? I made her feel pain. I made her worry. I made her cry and cry and cry. There's one thing I did though that's good. That one little thing... was making her feel loved when nobody else did.

  Axel abandoned her when they first met. Callum just tagged along for the ride and wanted to see where it ended. Me? I cared for her. I loved her. I made her feel safe. I helped make who she is today, the confident and kind Celina Heart.

  Again, I hear the doors unlocking and opening. This time though, it's not Kate. A buff man over six feet tall with graying brown hair, cold black eyes and clothes to match his whole demeanor. Everyone, I like to introduce you to Mr. Crusher. That's all I know of his name, the nickname that was given to him for a very good reason. I learned that the first day I met him. Never again, never again...

  I bolt into a standing position and clench my fists. Mr. Crusher catches onto this and chuckles darkly at me. "You know what today is, boy? Workout time," he booms in his almighty voice while unlocking my cell and grabbing me around the neck.

  Four times a week, I'm forced to do workouts by fighting against the most, well-trained wolves and push my limits to the max. As torturous as that sounds, I find it as a way to vent my pent-up anger, to let everything out when I feel the need to. For me, it's a way of mentally fixing myself.

  It's also made me a lot buffer than I was before. I have biceps, an eight pack, calf muscles, and most importantly, I have the strength to carry on. Something I needed for a very long time. Mr. Crusher drags me to the workout station that's only a few meters away from my cell. He throws me straight into the wall that's adjacent to the weights. I look at them with an emotionless expression. Here comes the pain.

  "Get to work, boy!" Mr. Crusher snarls. The vein in his head starts to make an appearance and his muscles flex with annoyance. Hey, I would be annoyed too if I had to wake up at six o'clock on a Saturday to supervise a prisoner. It'll probably be better if I just do what he says and get this over with, but where's the fun in that?

  I take my sweet time while getting up just to aggravate him more and make my way over to the weights. I lower myself onto the bench press and physically prepare myself for the 250 kilograms I know I have to lift.

  "Don't test my temper, boy. I have power over you,” Mr. Crusher threatens. To add to his threat, he of course, adds another 50 kilograms to the weights, forcing me to bench press 300 kilograms. That bloody bastard.

  On top of having werewolf strength, I also have my guardian strength added to that, making me extra strong and mighty helpful in these circumstances.

  "One!" Mr. Crusher booms and I lift the weights with determination, just to prove the bastard wrong. He will not overpower me! "Two!" he continues and I lift it again. The muscles in my arms work with all their might as I strain and push them to the limit. "Three!" he booms again. I lift the weights again and all that's going through my mind is: 'I hate that bloody son-of-a-bitch.' He continues until I've done 100 bench presses with a 300 kilogram weight. Yet, this is just the beginning. Mr. Crusher smirks at me. "Tired?" he asks curiously, his smirk still evident on his face and his eyes twinkling with hate towards me. I'm sure mine are burning with the hate I feel towards him too.

  I smirk right back with a challenge in my eyes. "Not even the slightest." The smug smirk drops from his face and a deathly glare replaces it. Bring it on, Mr. Crusher.

  Hours and hours of gruesome workout and I'm just about ready to collapse. I won't though, because that will mean giving in and I don't do that. I won't even mention the stuff Mr. Crusher got me to do. It's too painful to think about. "Had enough now, boy? Huh? All tired out and ready to give in?" Mr. Crusher mocks me. I shakily rise from the floor where I just had a defense and offence game with the one and only Mr. Crusher. Guess who won? Not me.

  All my muscles are burning, my joints are aching and I just want to fall to the floor and sleep. I don't answer his question, just breathe heavily. For what seems like forever, we just stare at each other and see whose stare is first to break. We do this at the end of every workout, when I know I've had enough and when Mr. Crusher knows he's won. Neither of us admits it though because sometimes the outcome is different and I'm the one who wins.

  His smug smirk that I've become accustomed to shows on his face. "I do believe that this workout is over." His voice smugly states and all I want to do is punch that already crooked nose of his.

  I don't answer him. I just follow him back to my cell. He gives me a rough shove to which I growl at. He just laughs and proceeds to lock my cell then walks away.

  As soon as I hear the heavy door closing, I collapse to the ground. This is what I had to live with for the last three years. This is the torture I had to go through... and it's only lunch time.

  Get the second book, Forgotten Saved Loved, now available on Amazon!

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  “I really enjoyed this book from start to finish. It made me so happy at some parts and at others I was crying my eyes out!...”


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  “Most thrilling book that I have ever read! I have already bought the book and read it twice, that's how amazing this book is. I give major props to the author Alexandria Ayers for writing such a captivating story, especially at such a young age. Great job.” - Darlene boltz


  This story is a work of fiction. Everything from the plot to the characters have all been created by my imagination and solely that. I thought one day, why not write down one of the stories going through my head? So I did and look where that got me.

  Firstly, I would like to thank my friends. They were there for me when I first started writing this book and they were there when I finished it. They have been my rock and I'll be forever grateful to them for it. They never gave up on me and when I gave up on myself, they hauled me back up and pushed me to go on.

  I would like to thank my parents and older brother. They supported me every step of the way with enthusiasm and happiness. I'm glad they were with me on the journey that I didn't even know I was walking down. They halted their plans to encourage me and motivate me to get this book published and I will always love them with all my heart for that. So, to my parents and brother, thank you so so much because without you, I wouldn't be here.

  I would also like to thank my dedicated and amazing readers on Wattpad. If it wasn't for them, my book never would've hit one million reads and it probably would've never been published. They helped me to continue writing and not give up when writers block got in the way. They were always there with their amazing encouragements and awesome attitudes. Thanks Wattpad and I hope you guys continue to achieve the max.

  One of the most important people in the process of publishing this story though, was my agent Le-an Lacaba. She's been a wonderful agent, always being there to help me through the process and actually giving me the unimaginable opportunity to have my story published. She helped me overcome fears and uncertainties along the way. I will always hold her close to my heart for everything she's done for me. Thank you Le-an and

  I wish for you to have unmeasurable success in the future.

  Everyone in my life has helped me write, create and publish this story and I couldn't be happier. It makes me cry knowing that all these people have given me the opportunity to do something I never believed I could do.

  So, I don't have one specific person to thank for everything, but I have an immense amount of wonderful, inspiring and thoughtful people to thank because without all the people involved, I never would've achieved what I have today.

  I love you all and you will always be close to my heart. Thank you so much and please, never forget the amazing fortune you have given me to be able to publish. For everything everyone has done, I am eternally grateful.

  Thank you and I love you,


  Special thanks to these awesome people:

  Lisa Mak

  Francesca Sanchez

  Geydi Orozco

  Martha McKinney-Perry

  Madeline Bush

  Stephanie Alcor

  Melinda Cardona

  Maddie Moudy

  Maddie Moudy

  Lesley collis


  About the Author

  Violet Samuels lives in Australia, being half Australian and half Portuguese, and is a young girl/woman that is still in her youth. Even for being young, she's never lived in one place for more than two years.

  However, the favourite place she has lived was on the Whitsunday's. Violet loved the Whitsunday's because it's where Unique Different Found all began and it's where her friends convinced her to go for it and have a go. Look at where that's brought her.

  Violet Samuels is a bubbly and energetic girl/woman who is kind, caring and has a big heart. She loves to dance, sing and act and can't wait for so many people to read her book to let them escape from the rest of the world, even just for a little while.

  Sign up to her blog for more freebies and updates!



  Violet Samuels, Unique, Different, Found



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