Read Unleashed Page 31

  Chapter 20

  As Drake’s closest friend and without relatives in the islands, the medical examiner had asked him to identify Drake, as if there was any question of who Drake was. Once that was done, the M.E. took a number of photos; they hoisted Drake on the gurney, rolled him into the rear of the ambulance, and drove off. No siren. No lights. But for a few ghoulish characters the spectators had disbursed and Shawn with Frisco were the last to leave.

  After attending to the business of death, Shawn asked one of the other surfers to drop him at a quiet beach near his hotel; he just wanted to be alone. Avoiding the front entrance, Frisco followed Shawn around the side of the lobby building down to the water’s edge where they both sat on the sand, Frisco tucked between Shawn’s legs. It all seemed so unreal, like a dream. But the dream wouldn’t shake.

  Shawn couldn’t stop thinking over and over, if Drake was dead why do I feel like he is here with me on this beach? And why did I make him take on the challenge? It was all my idea and because of me, I killed my friend. My life is totally fucked. Lost my girl, killed my friend and for what? It was all for the love of the image; for a fucking photo. I think I’m such hot shit when I’m a selfish good-for-nothing bastard. Shawn had ignored his phone for hours, but a unique ringtone jerked him out of his thoughts. Sally! Oh no, Sally, he thought. He hit answer and Sally’s face came up on the screen.

  “Shawn, want to have dinner together? Daniel’s leaving tonight. His jet just arrived, and I expect he will head to the airport in about an hour. I want to make up for last night. I need to apologize and to explain,” Sally said. “You are so very important to me, and the way I treated you was horrid!”

  “Sally, he’s gone.”

  “What? Who’s gone Shawn? Did Drake fly out already? Oh yes, I wanted to ask you, how was the surf event?

  “Sally, Drake’s gone. He’s dead. Crushed by dozens of waves, not an unbroken bone in his body, and it was all because of me. I pushed him too far. Sally, I don’t know what to do. I’m a fucking loser, and I killed my friend.”

  “Drake, oh my Lord, Drake’s dead? Shawn, tell me where you are, I’ll be right there. I have a driver and will come pick you up. Just stay where you are, and I will be with you in less than an hour, no, make that minutes.” And Sally hung up.

  Shawn reached out and put his hands around each of Frisco’s soft Aussie ears, massaging them (it was Frisk’s favorite thing) and stared out into the black ocean until Sally arrived in an extended Range Rover. Sally had the driver pull round to the back of the hotel and when she spotted Shawn, told the driver to park nearby. The driver, more bodyguard than chauffeur, emerged to open the rear door and Sally burst out and ran to Shawn’s side. He hadn’t moved an inch since they spoke on the phone.

  “My dear, sweet Shawn, oh my kind Shawn, it’s not your fault, you would never hurt anyone,” and she wrapped her arms around him as he started to cry once again in the security of her embrace.

  “It’s alright Shawn, I’m here for you. Just let it come out,” Sally said as she ran her hand up and down his back. “Cry for a bit, cry for your friend. Take your time and when you feel up to it, we will go back so you can rest. You shouldn’t be alone; I will not leave your side until you ask me to.”

  They sat for an hour, Sally comforted Shawn until he calmed and then the three stood and made their way to the Range Rover for the short drive to the marina. Frisco sat between them the entire drive with his head on Shawn’s lap and when they arrived at the pier, they tried to get Frisco in the skiff, but he whined and would not board. Shawn understood. Frisco’s last boat ride ended in the death of his master Drake, so Shawn gently picked up Frisco in his arms, carried him aboard and held him close till they came up to Salvation II.

  This time Daniel met them on the platform down below. Sally had called ahead and told him of the tragedy, hoping he could offer Shawn some spiritual guidance and to help him find ways to grieve. Daniel immediately moved everyone into the parlor on the main deck and kindly asked Shawn to sit, asking if there was anything he could get to make him more comfortable. A crew member brought coffee along with other refreshments and asked if Shawn wanted something stronger.

  “No thanks. Couldn’t handle alcohol right now, just coffee, thanks, really, thanks.” He turned to Sally, “My ego, his ego, two big egos…too much incentive money, not enough balance. We pushed it too far. I pushed him too far. Drake knew what the sponsors wanted, and gave me what I needed, or wanted, but was it for me, or for Drake? He felt he had to keep coming up with more and more dangerous stunts, like he was some kind of a circus monkey. He prostituted himself for Deep Surf and for me!”

  Shawn held his head and tears welled up, “Daniel, do you have any tissues? Christ, I feel like a baby, sorry for crying again Sally.”

  Daniel went behind one of the bars and found a box of Kleenex for Shawn.

  “Shawn, don’t do this to yourself,” Sally consoled. “Drake was out of control. You were the best thing in his life. You grounded him. Think about it, it was only because of Drake that Deep Surf had their star, and you had your position. If Drake was any different than he was, you would be working with dozens of other pro surfers and Deep Surf would have to play the sponsor game same as the others. Drake knew his daring and risk-taking placed his rankings far above the others.”

  “Sally, I should have called it off. I sensed something wasn’t right. Last night, when I skipped out on dinner, I knew I was bummed you had gotten engaged and felt something weird, like something bad was going to happen, but it wasn’t you and Daniel. Sure, it sucks, maybe not for you, but for me for sure.” Shawn, not really caring Daniel was in the room, continued, “But it was Drake. I knew deep inside he would die today, and I still let it happen. My best friend is dead, and I don’t give a shit if he ever surfed or if I ever photographed him, I was closer to him than anyone on earth except for you.”

  With that comment, Sally and Shawn did a quick glance of understanding to each other.

  “You have to get things straight as you begin the grieving process Shawn,” Daniel interrupted. “It is not your fault. Drake commanded his own destiny — he and God actually.”

  “No! God had nothing to do with it! Drake did it for the camera, he did it for me,” Shawn erupted as he shook his head.

  Sally took Shawn’s hand and said, “Shawn, I came down to the beach before you and he went out. I saw Drake on the beach in front of the press. He was a great kid, but he was young and immature. You did all you could for him, but it looked to me like he did it for the glory, money, and the sponsors. If he had any other photographer, they may have been his friend, but they would never have cared as much as you and he would have gone out regardless. Have peace because he was your friend, and still is really. Your time together was priceless and his memories will keep him real within you.”

  Daniel added, “Shawn, take comfort he is in a better place, beside his maker. He can do more good for you now, and the world, than he ever could while walking among us.”

  “Bullshit,” Shawn exploded, “and excuse me, but you’re no real minister. You are so mistaken! For Drake, the camera made it real. He allowed me to capture his most unreal moments, the things in life most important to him. And I’m the asshole who got it all for him. Like I’m some hot-shit surf photographer! Forty-two frames per second in that goddamned black box, that Sentient pile of crap, right up until the frame where he left us. And that’s it. All except for what I have on my data drives. That’s all there is. And all there’s ever gonna be for Drake.”

  He hung his head again as his shoulders rose up and down as he tried to suppress his tears. Sally came over to sit beside him. Frisco squeezed in, and for a moment they all weep together.

  “Sally…I…how can? Holy shit, what can I do?”

  “It’s okay. Let it out. I’m here for you. Just rest,” Sally soothed.

  Daniel was emotionless. “Shawn, your friend’s soul is already with the Lord, or will be soon, I
pray. Anger and lashing out is normal under these circumstances. In time, I’m sure you’ll feel differently.”

  “Right, Drake is in a little black box on the way to the airport. One day, I’ll feel great about that! Appreciate you wanting to help, but save your religious clichés for your TV Christians. This is the real world not some hole called heaven in the sky you tell your people exists just to get them to follow you.”

  “Shawn, Daniel’s only trying to help. I believe, as he does, Drake will be in heaven soon if he lived his life well.”

  “Sally dear, I’m afraid this may not be the case, that is, if Drake had not found Jesus. Only those who accept and follow in the steps of Our Lord Jesus Christ will join our heavenly Father for all eternity,” Daniel corrected.

  “So now what you’re telling me Preacher Daniel is if Drake wasn’t a born again, he has no way to get to heaven. Boy, this is getting even better! How can you even spew those lies? So you think a good person who treats everyone he meets with consideration will go to hell when they die? Holy shit, I can’t believe we are even having this conversation on the day my friend died. That’s what’s wrong with you fakes, you buy into your own bullshit. Drake may have been immature at times, and a little wild, but he never hurt a soul.”

  “Shawn, Daniel, stop. This is not the time! We can all agree Drake needs our prayers. Daniel, go, or you will miss your scheduled departure time and not make the morning service at church tomorrow. Shawn, we feel you and Frisco should spend the night onboard to collect yourself. You don’t need the media or Deep Surf bothering you, Salvation will save you from all that craziness.”

  Shawn calmed a bit, enough to thank Daniel. “Daniel, appreciate it, yes, a good idea. Sally, I can stay, but I will have to be at the airport at 6 a.m. to catch a hopper to Kauai. Deep Surf texted and they have already organized a paddle out memorial tomorrow evening in Hanalei Bay near the pier. Deep Surf expects there will be dozens of paddle outs in his honor throughout the U.S. and in places like Australia and other popular surf spots, but this one is for his inner circle. Guess they thought it a good idea to move fast and keep the gawkers away. He will already have been cremated tomorrow, and we will spread his ashes by sunset. I suppose somewhere in the cold dark recesses of a corporation called Deep Surf, they might have feelings after all.”

  Shawn stood and when he did, Frisco leapt back up into his arms. Then they all walked to the gangway to bid farewell to Daniel.

  Daniel said in parting, “Be comforted. Tomorrow in our morning service, the entire congregation will pray for your friend Mr. Drake Powers and ease his passage into the afterlife.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks; Drake will be in heaven before your jet takes off, if he isn’t there already!”

  After the skiff pulled away, Shawn, still holding Frisco, looked at Sally and said “Don’t know what I’m gonna do with this little guy. It won’t be long until they give me a new surf pro to tag onto I’m sure. With Drake gone, and none of his surf chick groupies to watch Frisco, who will care for him? Frisco my little Bisco is like my little nephew for God’s sake!”

  “Shawn, I’ll care for Frisco. Leave him onboard with me, at least for now anyway. I’ve asked Photon for a leave of absence, family matter I told them. Daniel gave me permission to bring Salvation over to Kauai where I can be close to you if you need me. I intend to stay in Hawaii as long as you want me near you.”

  “Isn’t holy, holy Daniel going to get suspicious of us spending time together?”

  “No, we don’t cohabitate, if you know what I mean. Much as I love him, he is clueless about that stuff. Think maybe his momma beat him whenever someone mentioned sex. He would never imagine two people doing it unless they were married. Very prudish, even for me!”

  “Frisco, you want to stay with Aunt Sally for a while?” Somehow he knew what Shawn said and hopped happily into her lap as they both sat again in the parlor.

  “Sally, when I get back, I’ve already decided what I’m going to do. I can’t bring Drake back, he’s dead and gone, but what I can do it take the images of his last moments alive and create a fantastic tribute to Drake in the most remarkable hologram the world has ever seen. After the memorial tomorrow, and once I get whatever photos Deep Surf wants out to them, my time will be spent working on Drake’s real memorial.

  A rich, vibrant hologram like the one Ben showed us of the lotus flower; so lifelike, my pal Drake will live on for all time and for all to see.” And with these words, Shawn fell into a welcome sleep as he made plans to use what Ben had shown him for an entirely different purpose.