Read Unleashed Page 48

  Chapter 37

  “Try Sally again,” demanded Daniel. “Where ever she is, I need to speak to her right away. She’s upset, but I don’t understand why.” Daniel paced back and forth in his penthouse suite at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Honolulu.

  “We have valid reasons to bring the ungodly experiments of Photon and the government to light,” he argued to himself, out loud. “As servants of the Lord we have to abide by what is right and what is wrong. Sally should know God holds no secrets, and there are no secrets we can hold from God. It is not our part to play in the creation of life!”

  Already the press was calling for an interview and the lobby downstairs was mobbed. He turned to his assistant and between clenched teeth said, “Again I said, I’m not speaking to the gang of pariahs until I comfort my poor dear Sally! Find her please and get her on the phone. If you don’t, you’ll be unemployed by morning.”

  A knock at the suite entrance interrupted Daniel and he shrieked, “I told the hotel manager, no one from the press on our floor! Send them away!”

  “Reverend, it’s not the press. They say they have official business. I think you should see them; they’re armed,” urged Daniel’s assistant.

  “Find out what they want. I don’t care if they brought bazookas; I’m in the middle of something.”

  “Reverend Daniel its Hawaii Five-O and the FBI. They will only speak to you. It has to do with Salvation II and a shooting.”

  Daniel spun around. Sally was on Salvation! “Tell them to come right in.”

  When they entered it was the FBI who wanted to talk. Five-O was only accompanying them. There were also two representatives from Homeland Security. Daniels concern and impatience became apparent, but as protocol dictated, they showed their identification in succession before talking.

  “I believe who you are!” Daniel exploded. “Is Sally Evans okay? Was she onboard when the shooting took place?”

  “No, we don’t think Dr. Sally Evans was not onboard when the incident occurred, but we haven’t been able to locate her to confirm. Do you have any idea of her current whereabouts? We need to ask her some questions.” The Special Agent in Charge, quick to reassure Daniel even before starting the interview, said, “We were aware from witness descriptions Dr. Evans had been onboard as recently as last night but the only evidence suggesting she may have been there when the attack happened…”

  “Salvation was attacked?” Daniel exclaimed.

  “Yes, your vessel was attacked, all crew members killed, but please let me finish,” the agent said. “The only evidence she was there was a cabin with an unmade bed where we think she may have been sleeping.”

  “Yes, that would have been in the stateroom next to my cabin, on the second deck,” Daniel added.

  “No, sir, this cabin was on the third deck. The stateroom you mentioned was undisturbed. We also found women’s clothing with blood on in the adjacent cabin but haven’t confirmed whose blood or clothing it was. The lab is working on that now.” The agent paused before going on. “There was something else in the cabin where the attack went down. There was a dog, an Australian Sheppard that was shot and killed, but we found him in the bed positioned as though he was sleeping. What can you tell me about the dog, if anything?”

  Sally was there, Daniel thought. He knew Sally was the only one who would have been onboard and shown such caring for a dog. And if she had placed the dog in the bed, it meant she had been onboard last night. Daniel wasn’t ready to tell the agents this just yet.

  “Reverend, Dr. Evans may have been there when the shooting started, which would explain the dog in the bed, but it doesn’t explain how she got away. These were pros and from what we understand, Dr. Evans is a research scientist with no military training.” Then the agent asked, “Daniel is it true you two are dating, actually engaged to be married? And if you are, why don’t you know where she is? We find that a little strange.”

  “I’ve been trying to find Sally, I mean Dr. Evans all day, ask my staff, but have been unable to find her. You see, we had a little disagreement,” Daniel added.

  “Well sir, it is your vessel, so let me provide a detailed account of what happened last night.” The agent then walked him through the assault and ensuing gun battle in which both his first and second mates were murdered, as well as the chef who they found on the bridge, which was also odd. After forty-five minutes, they still had more questions. “Reverend your dingy, or the boat you use to transport people to your yacht, was found tied at the dock. There was another boat, a kayak which was adrift. Up to now we don’t know if there was anyone else but the two assailants but we’re pretty sure it was how they got out to Salvation. There was one other casualty. Reverend, did you have any other security posted on shore in a van in the parking lot?”

  Daniel shook his head, bewildered and unable to speak.

  “He was shot from behind and we are certain he is a security professional, but we found no ID on him.”

  “No, we’ve never placed anyone onshore as security. The only three who would have been on Salvation would have been the men who were killed. And Sally too, if she was there at all,” Daniel answered.

  “One more question sir, and think hard about this. We identified the first and second mates. They were in our system, oh, and some intel databases too. They were former operators, assassins. Tell me Reverend, why do you have hired killers guarding you and your yacht?”

  “Do you have any idea how many crazy left-wingers want to kill me?” he said in disbelief to the agents in the room. “Don’t you watch my show? We are the true believers, the chosen sons of God. Only my Flock will rise to the right hand of the Father. It shouldn’t be too difficult for your men to understand how the sinners around us seek revenge and retaliation, rather than the truth. Their desperation will send them to hell!”

  “Well, Reverend, we have reason to believe the two attackers have ties to a terrorist cell in Northern California which has been dormant for years, but may obviously have gone hot for reasons we must take seriously for national security reasons. From intel we have gathered, we believe they may have been after Dr. Evans, not you, a TV preacher. Other than to visit you and to conduct a lecture at the University, do you know if Dr. Evans was in Hawaii for any other personal or family matters?”

  “First of all, I’m an ordained Minister, not a TV preacher. Media is my most effective means to speak to my congregation, so please refer to me at all times as Reverend. And yes, Sally was here for a funeral service.”

  “Sure, we’ve learned that already,” the agent went on, “but she has also moved around some of the other islands including a trip to a remote location on the north shore of the Big Island. This was about a week ago, about the time you came over to. Is it just a coincidence?”

  “Purely a coincidence, Sally had told me she was flying over for Photon business and a visit to an old colleague to clarify something about her research project,” Daniel answered.

  “In any case Preacher, oh, excuse me, Reverend, we feel her trip to her past associate may have something to do with why she was targeted…again, if she was even there when they stormed your boat.”

  “It’s a yacht,” Daniel stated, “and is this interview quite through?”

  “Not quite, but soon and of course it’s a yaachht’” the agent purposely slurred.

  “Why would Sally be of interest to terrorists?” Daniel asked.

  “Sir, we reviewed your preaching show from last night. You said it yourself, Photon Corporation is on to something in the field of creation science – the same type of work Dr. Evans does for Photon. If what you accused Photon of creating is true, it’s a fairly safe bet the bad guys might also want to bring some pals back from the dead don’t you think?”

  Daniel quieted, and then began to orate as if onstage, “So the devil is raised and the evil we dread begins; spawned from the blasphemous scientific distortion of God’s wishes! These scientists, they feel their research is above the will of G
od! I have interviewed renowned scientists, prominent experts in their fields, and they make excuses. They say, If God did not want us to do our research and promote advancements in the scientific community, then why did he gift us with the skills and knowledge? And I will always answer, God gave us a tongue, and the ability to pray, or the option to sin and use his name in vain. He has given us free will to either follow his commandments or suffer in the everlasting eternity of hell!”

  Daniel’s emotions began to get the best of him as he strode around the agents, his voice rising, now raising his hands to heaven. “When can I gain access to Salvation? We have a retreat planned while here in Hawaii but will have to cancel. Instead I will call a council of ministers to be held immediately. I will need my yacht.”

  Man this guy is cold, the FBI agent thought, noting that he didn’t ask once about the family members of the deceased or if any of them suffered.

  “Reverend, your boat,” the agent said to piss Daniel off, “is a crime scene and under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security. It will be weeks before you will be allowed onboard. If there are any personal items you need, send me a list,” he said as he handed Daniel a business card, “and we will see if they can be removed.”

  “No, thank you. But I, too, am trying to find Sally. Can you help me? We are engaged, and I think she is very upset with me.”

  Again, this guy only cares about himself. “Reverend Daniels, we are doing everything we can as Dr. Sally Evans may be our only live witness. We will stay in touch and let you know the minute we bring her into custody.”

  One of the DHS agents interrupted, “In the meantime Reverend, you are to refrain from discussing this matter with anyone, including your staff, or even bringing up Photon Corporation in any live or broadcast addresses to one, ten or any number of your congregation until we say otherwise. If you do, you will be immediately taken into custody and prosecuted under the Patriot Act.”

  The senior FBI agent chimed in, “Reverend, let me summarize for you in a way you might better understand. If they were trying to kill you, you’d be dead already. And it’s the same for Dr. Evans. There good at killing, not capturing, so it’s apparent they wanted her alive. The cabin as riddled with bullets and these are the types of guys who don’t miss. So try not to get in their way or tick them off.”

  And with that warning they excused themselves and left the suite.

  Daniel called his staff into the living room and said, “Get the press in here. It should be easy as they’re all downstairs.” Defiantly, Daniel muttered to himself, “No one is going to speak to me like that. I only answer to one higher power!”

  Turning to the wide-eyed staff members, he dictated, “It’s time for a press conference to announce my summit. We will gather and pray for the strength and means to stop the heretics who hide behind science in their attempts to normalize technologically-assisted human reproduction. Find a suitable location here on the islands to host a conference. Invite all clerics of all faiths to join us here to undertake and deliver God’s will, and tell the press to be ready in one hour, we’re going live!”

  The staff scattered to pull everything together; they had only fifty minutes to write a speech, find a conference location, and select the ministry who would be included. Daniel said “all faiths” but they knew it only included Christian-based faiths. Thirty minutes later, the furniture had been moved and enough chairs were brought to seat forty or more press representatives. Two network and three cable channels had live-streaming video links up and over their satellites and linked to their newsrooms stateside. The seats were filled with standing-room only as Daniel entered from the master suite.

  “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We understand you have been waiting downstairs to ask follow-up questions after my interview last night. Well, we have much more to tell you so we are pleased you could join us here.” Daniel turned robotically side-to-side, allowing the photographers to take photos and so viewers at home would feel he was speaking directly to them.

  “At the end of this press conference we will hand out copies of the announcement I am about to make. We have already circulated the press release which includes what I am about to reveal.” Daniel paused again, and before he spoke the next words, a banner ran across the lower screens of all major news networks throughout the country: News Alert: Digital Cloning of Humans Underway at Photon Corp; Religious Groups Vow to Stop Research.

  Major Craig was alone in Photon’s employee lunchroom when he heard Photon mentioned on the cable news program playing on the monitor over the refrigerator. He turned his attention to screen and as the banner scrolled slowly across it, he read the headline along with blurbs citing Daniel’s statement.

  “Shit!” he said and he went back to drinking his coffee.

  Sally had her cab stop at a market along the way so she could pick up some personal items she left behind on Salvation II, and to buy two more burner phones. While paying in cash, she looked up at the TV behind the cashier and saw the banner running underneath Daniel standing in his suite in front of dozens of reporters. She took her change, turned towards the door and swore, “Shit.”

  The FBI had left the building but the Homeland Security agents hadn’t eaten all day, so the lead agent, who had warned Daniel to remain quiet less than an hour ago, suggested they have dinner. “On me, you guys have worked your asses of today.”

  They stepped into the lobby restaurant, and were seated and presented with menus. “Beers all around, we’ve a tough day,” the agent said to the waiter. “Have any of you eaten anything all day? I know I haven’t.”

  He then noticed something out of place. “Hey, check it out, where has the media gone?”

  As they all turned to look, the lead agent glanced at the banner running under a News Alert on the TV above the bar. Before he finished reading the banner, the screen filled with the Reverend’s arms raised high as he began to speak.

  The agent choked on his first sip of a well-earned draft and said “Shit,” spilling it all over his new tie. “Damn it, knew that guy was wormy and couldn’t be trusted! Sorry guys, refreshments and dinner will have to wait. Up to the penthouse, now! We have to shut him up before all hell breaks break loose!”

  Daniel looked over his audience and felt powerful. He opened his announcement by saying, “To my beloved congregation, God-fearing faithful the world over, and to the members of the media present here today; I would like to begin by asking you a question. Did you know that Dolly, the world’s first cloned sheep, was discarded about 200 times before one even survived? Did you know that more than 98% of clones are either malformed, stillborn, or die immediately after birth? Did you know that, although they appear normal, most clones have congenital defects such as premature aging?”

  He took a moment to relish the attention and continued, “Cloning is a cruel and unsafe experiment, and any attempt at human cloning would constitute an unethical experimentation upon the unborn child. We, as Christians, have been adamantly against cloning since the possibility was first presented. We Christians, as should the remaining inhabitants of our planet, should consider human cloning as primarily reproductive in nature, and in direct contradiction and in violation of God's will. We acknowledge the reason for this violation being rooted in our religiously-founded beliefs that human cloning is an example of scientists playing God. Additionally, we Christians are deeply worried about the appalling lack of concern for the dignity of the human person, as well as the role of the parents as co-creators. Cloning is simply forbidden territory.”

  Pausing to drink from bottled water, Daniel then continued, “At its very worst, cloning created an animal or potentially a human void of history or prior consciousness so while it should be stopped at all human levels, once more, it only reproduced the body of the creature.”

  Daniel raised his arms once more, this time palms forward, and projected his voice. “What I say should cause us to quake and pray right where we stand. T
o ask for God’s strength to halt Photon Corporation and all who assist them. Today, government sources came and confided with me, confirming what I shared with you last night on our show. Photon has already reproduced humans in their lab! They call these abominations replicants, as the formally-deceased individuals are actually brought back from the dead. And unlike cloning, which copies the body only, Photon replicates the poor being’s body, soul, mind, memories and consciousness. An exact replica of their essence as it exists here on God’s earth!”

  As these words left Daniel’s mouth, the suite’s main door burst open. Armed DHS and FBI agents storming the room, and dashed towards Daniel while cutting the cable feeds for the news channels. The broadcast went silent, but not before Daniel uttered this last request: “Federal agencies are enlisting us all to help stop this sacrilegious experimentation. We ask for your support through your tax deductible contributions to my ministries in the fight against Photon Corporation!

  “Reverend Daniel, you’re under arrest; everyone clear the room!” the lead agent pronounced and Daniel, along with his staff, was handcuffed face-down on the plush carpeting.