Read Unlikely Romance Part 1 - The Clean Romance Chronicles Page 4

  Chapter 4: What Not To Do In Church

  “Church, please turn your bibles to Corinthians thirteen verses four through eight,” Pastor George announced as he stood behind the tall wooden podium, looking out into the crowd. Turning the pages in his thick, antique looking bible, he began to read, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  

  “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  

  “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

  “Ask yourselves as you walk through your day if you living a life as prescribed by Jesus, or do you hold judgment in your heart? When your partner does something you don’t like, are you keeping track of how you think they wronged you?

  “If you are going to truly love, you need to walk in the way the Lord. How you treat others is a direct reflection of how deeply you comprehend and understand love. God regards what you hold in your heart as much as your actions.

  “So it is not merely enough to pretend we are kind when we are empty inside. None of us is perfect. If I make a mistake, will you still be with me, or will you forsake me?

  “It is amazing how we will quickly turn on somebody if they do not act like or behave the way we think they ought to behave. Love is not flippant and moody. Remember those verses as you go through life.”

  As Pastor George continued with his sermon, the congregation interacted with him, nodding their heads in agreement. Occasionally, they would clap and say “Amen” and “Yeah.”

  Jackie sat silent with an absent stare at the edge of a pew a few rows from where the pastor stood. As much as she tried to focus on the sermon, she was so concerned about running into Michael or Maryanne, that she wanted to leave the church.

  Maybe I could just quietly sneak out without anyone noticing me Jackie contemplated.

  Gwen who was sitting next to her would look at her from time to time, concerned.

  Gwen whispered, “Hey, you all right?”

  Jackie mumbled back quickly, “Yeah.”

  Gwen shook her head. She looked ahead, continuing to listen to the pastor speak.

  Just then, Jackie felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Michael smiling at her with a calm and placid smile.

  Jackie jumped a few inches off the church pew as the color left her face and her eyes widened in surprise. She gasped in shock. Several people glanced in her direction. Jackie cheeks then began to turn red from embarrassment.

  Looking around her, she grabbed her purse. Excusing herself, Jackie rushed up the walkway towards the women’s bathroom in the main lobby.

  Closing the door behind her, Jackie took a deep breath as she found the sink.

  Turning the cold water knob on, she placed her purse on top of the black paper towel dispenser and cupped the water with her hands. Jackie pressed them against her face for several seconds.

  The touch of the icy water on her cheeks felt comforting.

  Suddenly, Jackie paused, looking at the mirror above the white sink.

  “Oh crap,” Jackie blurted out. “I forgot I had makeup on.”

  The smeared mascara stains on her eyes and cheeks made her look like a raccoon. She dipped her hands in the running water again to clean up the ruined makeup from her face.

  Jackie turned the cold water off and pulled the side lever of the dispenser to grab some paper towels. After she dried off her face, Jackie discarded the used paper towels into the tall cream-colored trash bin directly below.

  Jackie pulled down her black leather handbag. Once opened, she began searching for and retrieving her makeup item by item, applying each cosmetic on her face.

  As she continued to put on her makeup, Jackie could hear the Pastor George in the background speaking. Before finishing her mascara, she heard him asking everyone to stand and lower their head in prayer.

  “Dang it, the sermon’s over,” Jackie complained, disappointed. “Oh well,” she resolved, “I guess I’ll just wait until everyone starts walking out.”

  Jackie put her makeup back in her purse when she was done. Combing her hair with her fingers, she began to hear footsteps enter the lobby. Jackie gathered her belongings and made a quiet exit out the bathroom door.

  Opening the door, she could feel anxiety start to run all over her body again. Many people in the congregation were making their way out of the lobby and out through the front doors of the church.

  Jackie could see Gwen heading in her direction. She waited for her before meeting her by the bathroom door.

  “Hey there stranger,” Gwen greeted. The heels of her brown shoes clapped against the ground as she walked to Jackie. “You missed the rest of the sermon. What in the world happened to you? You took off like you saw a ghost or something,” she said.

  “Sorry, I just had to get away,” Jackie replied. She moved over several inches, leaning her back against the wall. “That jerk scared the living day lights out of me.”

  “Jerk?” Gwen asked puzzled.

  “Yes, Michael. Apparently, he was sitting behind us. Anyway, he tapped me on the shoulder and frightened me,” Jackie explained.

  “Maybe he just wanted to say ‘hello’ or ‘thanks’ for picking him up from work.”

  “Well he should have waited ‘til after service.”

  “Perhaps,” Gwen observed. “But I have to admit, it was funny. I hadn’t seen you run that fast since you had that bad sushi roll back in 08 at the international fair.” Gwen giggled.

  “I’m glad you feel that way,” Jackie scoffed. “I didn’t find it amusing at all. I ruined my makeup. I was so embarrassed.”

  Gwen tucked a strand of wavy brown hair behind her left ear and adjusted her blue blouse.

  Jackie’s eyes scanned the lobby. As she looked towards the entrance, a look of dread brushed across her face.

  “What’s wrong now?” Gwen asked, staring at Jackie’s face.

  “It’s him….” Jackie answered as her voice trailed off.

  Michael, Pastor George, and Maryanne were walking towards Gwen and Jackie. The feeling of panic Jackie was feeling was reaching a fever pitch.

  She swallowed hard as they came closer.

  Jackie wanted to sprint out of the church. However, she knew it was far too late to do that now. She had to face the man she was trying so hard to avoid.

  “Hello girls,” Maryanne said as she waved to Jackie and Gwen. The black and green flower dress she had on swayed as her inky black shoes clapped against the hardwood floors. Maryanne smiled from ear to ear in a state of joy.

  “Hi,” Jackie greeted quietly, attempting to mask her less than enthusiastic mood.

  Gwen smiled at the trio as she waved back.

  Now standing in front of them, Jackie got a more detailed look at Michael’s profile. He stood tall and upright. The light of the room bounced off his bald head. Michael wore a long-sleeved onyx silk shirt and black business slacks that covered up his body art.

  Jackie found herself a bit surprised at how well Michael cleaned up.

  Hmmm. Jackie thought, if it weren’t for those dreaded tattoos and the fact he’s an ex-con, he’s actually a good-looking guy.

  Michael smiled as he apologized, “I’m sorry Jackie. I wasn’t trying to freak you out. I just wanted to say ‘hi’ to you.”

  Jackie cleared her throat. “Well, thank you for the apology. I appreciate it,” she acknowledged, tightening her face for a moment.

  Pastor George smiled, nodding his head. Maryanne clasped Jackie’s hand gingerly.

  “Glad all is forgiven. We won’t hold you up. But we just wanted to say thank you again for helping Michael out with giving him a lift home from work,” Maryanne expressed.

  “Yeah,” Michael chimed i
n. “I know you probably are nervous about giving rides to a man you hardly know. But I promise that I don’t bite. Maybe we can get to know each other better.” He extended his hand to shake Jackie’s.

  Apprehensive, she shook his hand.

  Seconds of uncomfortable tension eked by as silence fell over Jackie and Michael.

  After a few moments, Gwen, broke in, saying to Pastor George, “That was a great sermon you gave about love. It really spoke to me.”

  “Well thank you Gwen,” Pastor George said. “It warms my heart to know my sermon sparked something in you.” The pastor looked at Jackie, asking her, “How did you enjoy the service?”

  “It was very good pastor,” Jackie answered. “I didn’t realize there was so much about love in the scriptures.”

  “Oh yes Jackie. If you really study the good book, you’ll start to realize it is all about, love, relationships and the human condition. It’s pretty powerful stuff,” the pastor informed Jackie. It’s just too bad you went running off before you could hear all of it,” he remarked, smiling.

  Jackie blushed. “I’m sorry for leaving so suddenly,” she apologized. “I didn’t mean to. I just reacted.”

  “Now, now,” Maryanne interrupted, “Leave the poor girl alone George. I’m sure she feels bad enough already.”

  Pastor George chuckled as he joked, “I forgive you Jackie. I was just teasing. Perhaps Gwen can give you a recap.”

  “You are incorrigible,” Maryanne giggled. She unlatched her emerald green purse. Pulling out a three by five white index card, she gave it to Jackie who glanced at it briefly. Written on it was the address to the work site and Michael’s full name along with his cell phone number.

  Jackie stuffed the card in the side pocket of her purse, asking, “So, what time do I pick you up tomorrow Michael?”

  “I get off at 4:30 PM,” Michael replied.

  “All right then. I’ll be there between four thirty and a quarter till five because. Not sure how street traffic will be,” Jackie informed.

  “That works for me,” Michael stated.

  Pastor George gave Maryanne a kiss on the cheek, announcing to her “I have some things here to finish up. Can you take Michael home and come back around to pick me up?”

  “Yes dear,” Maryanne assured. Looking at Michael, she asked, “Are you ready to go Michael?”

  “Yeah,” Michael said. “Do you mind if we stop by the store?”

  “Oh sure,” Maryanne answered. “Well I will see you next Sunday girls. Have a good day,” she finished, grabbing Michael’s hand. The two of them began to walk out of the church.

  “Good bye,” Jackie and Gwen called out.

  Pastor George hugged the two of them, saying, “Take care of yourselves. Have a blessed week girls.”

  “You too pastor,” Gwen and Jackie said.

  Pastor George turned his back to them and headed towards several parishioners, beginning a conversation with them.

  Smiling, Gwen tugged on Jackie’s arm. She insinuated in a quiet tone, “So, what do you think of him now?”

  “What do you mean what do I think?” Jackie wondered, putting a hand on her hip.

  “You know what I mean. He cleans up pretty good don’t you think?”

  Jackie rolled her eyes, letting out an exaggerated exhale.

  “I hope Patrick comes back from deployment soon. You need something else to do other than try to set me up with mister ex convict,” she chided.

  “Oh trust me,” Gwen reassured, “Being a private investigator keeps me quite busy. Besides, I just want to see you happy again. Maybe if you got some love in your life, you would start smiling again like a normal person. You know what they say, frowning makes you age faster.”

  “Is that a fact?”


  “And where did you hear that from, the internet?”

  “Well, remember what that girl says in the insurance commercial ‘They can’t put it on the internet if it isn’t true.’” Gwen joked.

  Jackie’s face formed a smile as she began to laugh. Gwen joined her as they giggled.

  “I needed that. Thanks,” Jackie commented.

  “My pleasure,” Gwen said. “What kind of a best friend would I be if I didn’t keep your spirits up? You just have to promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That you will actually pick the guy up.”

  “Yes, I will pick him up. I said I would,” Jackie assured.

  “That’s good,” Gwen stated. “Well I don’t know about you, but I am starving. How about we stop by that Italian restaurant down the road and catch the brunch before it ends? I think it stops at two o’clock.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Jackie agreed.

  Gwen and Jackie walked past the large wooden doors of the church out into the cool, bright autumn day.