Read Unlikely Romance Part 1 - The Clean Romance Chronicles Page 6

  Chapter 6: Lost In Translation

  Approaching the edge of the city limits, Jackie and Michael came to a four-way stop with a green and white sign, listing a few neighboring towns. Next to each town, a directional arrow pointed to the way to get to each place along with the number of miles to travel to get there.

  Making sure no one was in the opposite direction; Jackie put her car back in gear and began to drive forward.

  The commercial break continued to play in the background.

  The scenery around them began to change. From all of the trappings of the city buildings, houses and streetlights, they were entering into a serene, quiet woodland area. Surrounded by tall trees, and the occasional vegetation, no one else was on the road as they drove down the lonely two-way road.

  Soon, the radio show had came back on and the hosts were beginning to take incoming calls from listeners to comment on the topic Tucker and Carla were discussing.

  As she listened, tension started to rise inside of Jackie as she kept replaying the comment Michael made in her mind. She was annoyed and offended by Michael’s willingness to agree with what she believed was a sexist and narrow-minded point of view about single women.

  Jackie tried to keep quiet, but her body language was revealing her annoyance and anger not only towards what was on the radio, but to the man sitting next to her.

  Noticing her stiff composure, Michael looked at Jackie, asking her, “What’s up with you? Why are you so quiet?”

  “Nothing,” Jackie quickly answered. She didn’t even take the time to look at him.

  “Seems like a whole lot more than nothing to me,” Michael insinuated.

  Jackie turned to Michael, giving him a glowering look. Distain was all over her face.

  Michael returned her scowl with a humorous stare; almost breaking into a smile.

  “Well nobody asked you for your opinion wise guy.”

  “Excuse me,” Michael responded. His face was quickly transforming from being playful and light hearted to stern and serious.

  “You are unbelievable,” Jackie contended.

  “Okay, are you seriously getting that pissed off about a dumb study?” Michael questioned.

  “Typical,” Jackie claimed. “Just like a guy to dismiss something when he doesn’t want to man up and take the blame for it.”

  Michael’s mouth dropped in disbelief as he shot straight up in his seat, giving Jackie an angry stare.

  “Look here, you need to slow your roll Jackie,” Michael commanded. “I don’t know where you get off assuming stuff about me; but I got a suggestion for you. Maybe you ought to get to know someone first before judging them.”

  “Oh don’t you worry your pretty little head about me. I know everything I need to know about you Mr. Reidland.”

  “You do huh?”

  “Yeah,” Jackie argued.

  Ahead signs of civilization started to appear in the distance as an old gas station came into view.

  “Oh, this ought to be good,” Michael countered. “I would love to know about what you think you know about me.”

  Jackie’s cheeks were beginning to turn a bright crimson color. She quickly pulled over to the side of the road, a few hundred feet from the gas station. Gravel and dirt crunched against the tires below.

  “Get this straight convict,” Jackie sassed, “I don’t think you have any right to talk to me like that. Let’s not forget who’s doing who a favor.”

  “Oh okay. I see where this is going. So I don’t have a name now huh? I’m just some piece of trash you can just crap on,” Michael barked. He paused as he took a deep breath. “You know, I’ve tried really hard to ignore it since the yard sale on Saturday,” he started, “but you have been giving me nothing but attitude from the beginning. I am about sick of it.

  “You walk around here like your stuff doesn’t stink. Like you are holier than thou. Well guess what, your apple pie don’t taste too nice Jackie. You are exactly like the rest of the miserable women out there. Your head is so far up your butt, you wouldn’t even know a decent human being if the good Lord pinned them on the back of your thunder thighs.

  Jackie‘s gasped in disbelief. Michael’s words pierced through her like a samurai sword. Her heart was beating hard and fast. She thought her head was going to explode off her shoulders. Jackie was literally seeing red as her vision began to blur.

  Trembling, Jackie screamed, “Get out of my car and never speak to me again jerk!”

  “Gladly. My house is only a few miles away from here anyway,” Michael offered in a sarcastic tone. He hurried out of his seat and opened the back passenger door, snatching his toolbox. “Oh, by the way,” he shouted, slamming the door, “you can take that fake Christian charity and shove it where the sun don’t shine!”

  “Screw you!” Jackie yelled, leaning over to close the front passenger door.

  Dirt and gravel shot up like little bullets in Michael’s face as Jackie put her car in gear, making a hard left turn. She started driving away in the opposite direction back towards the city limits.

  To Be Continued…

  What happens next with Michael and Jackie? Will they reconcile? Or has it ended before it has even begun? Pick up Unlikely Romance Part Two to read the surprising ending to this tale. The story for this two has only just begun!

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