Read Unliving Love Page 36


  Mike slowly walked into the room with the wardrobe. He remained cautious even knowing the room only had a large roll top desk and of course the antique wardrobe. He knew he probably wouldn’t run into any furniture but with what was going on tonight running into furniture was the least of his worries.

  He shined his flashlight around the room, no sign of Jen. No way she’s in here, no place for her to be. He thought to himself as he began to turn to leave. He stopped mid turn as he heard a sound coming from inside the room. Mike whipped his light around illuminating the section of the room that he heard the sound. Slowly he began to walk in the direction of the sound. He took a few steps then stopped listening intently, hoping to hear it again. Nothing came so he continued to stand still hoping to hear it again.

  Just then, as quickly as they had turned off, the lights in the house flicked back on. “Shit!” Mike said out loud.

  From the area he thought he heard the noise a loud banging began.

  Mike took a big step back from the shock. He stood there staring in the direction of the noise. “Holy shit!” He said as he worked out where it was coming from. The wardrobe! He thought to himself. He covered the distance in three large steps, grabbed the knob, and swung the doors open.

  There curled in a ball sat Jen her hand held up as if she was going to have to fend off an attacker. Her lips curled up in a slight smile on her wide eyed, tear covered face. “Mike!” She yelled as she saw him standing there arms wide open.

  He dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her. “Are you ok?” He could feel her wet tears against the side of his face as she nodded her head up and down. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know.” She said through tears.

  He moved his arm around and scooped her up. He stood up, turned, and began to make his way out of the room. “Tracy!” He yelled as he made his way into the hallway. “Found her.” He started to make his way slowly down the steps.

  “Where?” Tracy was now standing on the top step. “Where was she?”



  “I don’t know.” Mike was now standing by the front door. “Can you open the door Trace?”

  “Yeah.” She reached up and opened the door allowing him to make his way outside with Jen. She reached for her pocket and pulled off the walkie that was clipped to it. “He found Jen.”

  “That’s great.” Grant said through the walkie. “Where?”

  “She was in the wardrobe.”

  “Ok I am going to keep looking around down here a bit. I will be out soon.”

  “What are you looking at?” Tracy looked back into the house.

  “Nothing really just looking around.” Grant paused. “I will only be a couple minutes max all the doors seem to be locked.”

  “Ok, well be careful and meet us at Mike’s parents’ house.”

  “Ok go left out the drive, right?”

  “You coming or staying Trace?” Mike yelled as he walked around to the driver side of his car.

  “Yeah left out the drive then take a left at the stop. You’ll see his car in the drive.” Tracy said into the walkie.

  “Ok be there soon.”

  Tracy turned and stepped out of the house closing the door behind her. She quickly made her way down to the car and climbed in the back seat.

  Mike turned the key and began to make his way around Grant’s car and out of the drive. A minute later Mike and Tracy were helping Jen out of the car and into his parent’s house.