Read Unliving Love Page 7

Chapter 5

  A Little Loud and Peaceful

  As Jen and Mike made their way down the steps the house had already begun to fill up with wonderful aromas from his mom’s cooking. They made their way back towards the table and his dad was still sitting there sipping on a new glass of scotch. Mike sat down at the table and Jen continued in to the kitchen.

  “Anything I can do to help mom?” She asked.

  “Well let’s see. You could slice up the carrots and celery.” Mrs. Lachey said as she pointed towards a drawer. “Knifes are in there and the cutting board is in the cupboard underneath it.”

  “Please be careful. I don’t feel like going to the hospital to get a finger sewed back on.” Mike hollered from the table. His dad let out a little chuckle.

  “That’s enough of that Michael.” His mother said back to him. “She’ll be just fine.” She leaned close to Jen and whispered. “Do you know how to chop stuff dear?”

  “I’ve seen cooking shows.” Jen whispered back.

  “Ok, well you’re ok to do it then?”

  “Yep I’ve seen a lot of cooking shows.” Jen smiled as she sat the cutting board on the counter and then reached in the bag and grabbed the carrots and celery. She opened up each package and took them to the sink and washed the vegetables. She shook them off and took them back to the cutting board and sat them down beside it. She reached in to the drawer and pulled out a knife, then grabbed a carrot and began to dice.

  Mike’s mom watched her. “Oh you’ll be just fine.” She smiled and began to continue what she was doing.

  “Did someone put the wine in the fridge?” Mike asked as he stood up and made his way into the busy kitchen.

  “Yes I did.” Mrs. Lachey said. “You might as well go sit back down because If you cross that line.” She pointed at the spot that the dining room ended and the kitchen began. “You’ll be put to work.”

  “I was going to get a drink.”

  Jen paused from cutting. “What is it that you wanted to drink Michael?”

  Mike glared at her. She had never called him Michael before now and he knew it was just to be a brat because his mother had been calling him that. “Well Jennifer, I would love a glass with ice, filled three quarters of the way with the cranberry juice you got and mom I’m presuming that you have a bottle of vodka in the freezer.”

  Mrs. Lachey smiled and nodded her head.

  “Ok then Jennifer if you could fill it the rest of the way with that I’d be grateful.”

  Jen smiled. “Where are the glasses?”

  Mike pointed at the cupboard above her head. “And ice is in the freezer.”

  “Ha, Ha.” Jen said with a glare as she opened the cupboard. “Tall or short?”

  “Short please dear.” Mike said with a smile.

  She pulled out the glass and made her way to the freezer. She opened the door and grabbed a handful of ice and dumped it in the glass. “Where is the vodka?”

  “Bottom shelf.” Mrs. Lachey answered.

  Jen bent down to look on the bottom shelf. “Oh my god.”

  “What?” Mike asked with a smile.

  “Why is there a glass skull in the freezer?”

  “Oh that. It’s the type of vodka mom buys, Dan Akroyd makes it.” Mike looked over to his mom. “What’s it called again?”

  “Crystal Head Vodka.”

  “Yep, that’s it, Crystal Head Vodka. You have to pull the top off. It isn’t a twist off.”

  Jen reached in and grabbed the cold glass skull then sat the glass of ice on the counter, pulled the top off the glass skull and poured the vodka slowly in the glass. She filled it up a little more than a quarter of the way then put the top back on and put it back in the freezer.

  “I put the cranberry juice in the fridge.” Mrs. Lachey said.

  Jen opened the fridge and pulled out the bottle of juice opened it up and topped off the glass then put it back in the fridge. She picked up the glass and swished it around. Then she took a sip. “That’s good.”

  “Yes it is now hand it over please.”

  She took another sip then handed it to Mike and went back and began to finish chopping the carrots and celery.

  Mike took his drink and went back to the table where his dad had pulled the will back out and was looking over it again.

  “I’m curious how much money he has in his account. It would have to be a good deal if you can pay for everything with the interest.”

  “Yeah it would.” Mike took a sip of his drink. “I honestly have no idea though. He never mentioned anything about any of that. I’m not sure why he wants me to do this anyways.”

  “Who else does he really have Mal?”

  “His parents.” Mike took a sip of his drink. “I know what you’re saying though.” He shook his head. “I hate that damn house.”

  “You always have since you two were kids.” Mr. Lachey smiled and patted him on his arm. “I remember when you two thought it would be a good idea to sneak in to the house when you were kids.”

  “I remember.” Mike shook his head and took a sip of his drink.

  “You two came running in the house and you were screaming your heads off.” His dad was at a full laugh now. “Hey honey.” He hollered to Mrs. Lachey in the kitchen.

  “Yes dear?”

  “Do you remember when Wes and Mal were kids and thought they’d be ghost hunters and sneak in to Wes’s house when it was run down?”

  “Yeah I do. We told them not to go, but they didn’t listen.”

  “Nope they didn’t. They came running in the house screaming bloody murder.”

  Mike heard Jen laughing from the kitchen.

  “We were kids and the house was creepy.” Mike took a gulp of his drink. “I’m sure you have all kinds of embarrassing stories from when you were a kid Jen.”

  “Nope I sure don’t” She said as she began to chop raw chicken breasts in to small pieces. “I wasn’t allowed to have embarrassing moments. You know that.”

  Mr. Lachey cleared his throat and stopped laughing. “So what are you going to do about this?” He pointed to the will. “I’m sure they’ll want an answer soon.”

  “I know. I’m not entirely sure yet.” Mike took another sip of his drink, swirled it around, and then sat it on the table. “I’m not going to think about it tonight.” He picked up the will and folded it up. “I’ll talk to Jen about it tomorrow on the way back and see what she has to say.” He slid it back into the manila envelope and sat it down. “What do you think?”

  “Well… I think that you two were close for a long time and depending on why you two stopped being friends. I mean if he banged your mom I’d say no, but if it was because he said Tom Brady was a better quarterback than Peyton Manning then I’d say do it.”

  Mike smacked his forehead and began to shake his head. “And you guys could never figure out why I never brought people over.”

  “What’d I say?” Mr. Lachey asked with a slight chuckle. “Listen I’m just saying this, you two were friends for a long time. Wes was a smart kid who never did anything without thinking about it up and down a hundred times over.” He patted Mike’s arm again. “He wanted you to do it for a good reason and I wouldn’t dismiss that lightly.”

  “I know.” Mike put his hand on top of his dad’s. “You’re right.”

  Mr. Lachey turned and looked in to the kitchen then turned back around. “So Jen?”

  “Yes?” Mike was unsure exactly where he was going to go with this.

  “Well is she the one or what?”

  “Oh that.” He said with relief in his voice.

  “What do you mean, oh that?”

  “Hard to say what you or mom is ever going to say at times.” Mike picked up his glass and took a big drink and finished it off. “She’s awesome though isn’t she?” He sat his glass down on the table. “It’s funny she talks about her parents. Tells me how snooty they are I’ve only ever met her father for a brief moment when he came to last year’s championship game.
We didn’t talk much though he was busy hob knobbing with everyone.”

  “If they are so snooty how’d she get so… well, like that?” Mr. Lachey pointed his thumb over his back where Jen was now washing another piece of raw chicken in the sink.

  “I wonder that myself all the time to be honest.”

  “So is she the one?”

  “Yeah I do believe she is Dad.”

  “That’s awesome Mal. When you gonna ask her?”

  “Well I was thinking sometime after the season. I’ll have a little time off and we were going to go away for a week, not sure where yet though.”

  “Well that’ll be pretty romantic. Do you have a ring?”

  “No been busy with the season.”

  “Well we have a family engagement ring that has been passed down from father to son for about four generations now.”



  “I don’t want to take her ring dad.”

  “You kidding? She absolutely loves Jen we’ve already talked about it and she’s all for it.”

  “You two have talked about it? When did you guys do that?”

  “After we came and visited the last time. We talked about it on the way home.”

  “Ok well the summer is a long ways off so we can talk about it then, besides.” Mike pointed at the folded will on the edge of the table. “I have a lot to think about now anyways.”

  Just then the two ladies came in from the kitchen, each carrying a full wine glass. Mrs. Lachey made her way to the other end of the table and sat down in the chair while Jen went and stood behind Mike and put her free arm around him.

  “You two done in there yet?” Mr. Lachey asked.

  “Yes we are and I have a pretty good idea on how to cook your favorite meal sweetie.” Jen said as she kissed Mike on the check.

  “Can’t wait to try it.” He reached his hand up and placed it on hers. “I bet it’s going to be delicious.”

  She gave him another kiss on the check and then made her way to the empty chair beside him. “Ok so what are we going to do while we wait for dinner?” She took a sip of her wine. “Besides drink that is.” She smiled.

  “Well we have board games.” Mr. Lachey said. “Or we um, oh we can play cards.” He stood up and went to the kitchen. He made his way to the fridge and pulled a deck of cards off of the top. “How about euchre?”

  “I’ve never played.” Jen said as she finished another sip of wine.

  “Are you kidding me?” Mr. Lachey said in astonishment. “You mean Mal has never taught you how to play euchre? We played it here all the time.”

  “Yes because you guys made us.” Mike said as he too stood up and made his way to the kitchen.

  “We never made you guys.”

  “Not physically but it was just easier to give in and play a few games than it was to get out of it.” Mike had begun to make himself another drink.

  Jen took another huge gulp of wine. “Hey honey will you get me some more please.” She handed her glass to Mr. Lachey who was still standing. He then handed it to Mike. “So dad... I assume I’m to call you dad?”

  Mr. Lachey smiled. “Of course.” He sat down in his chair and opened up the deck of cards.

  “So dad, why do you call him Mal?”

  “It’s his initials.” He smiled as he began to separate the cards in two piles. “He went through this phase where he hated his name. Told everyone to call him Mal because that is what he wants to go by now. Saw it on a movie or TV show or something” He picked up one of the piles and slid them back in the box. “It just kinda stuck.”

  “Well that makes sense.” Jen said with a smile.

  Mike was now making his way back to the table. He handed Jen her glass then took his seat. “You might not want to go too crazy babe. You haven’t eaten since this morning.”

  “I’ll be fine don’t you worry.” She took her glass and took a sip. “So how do we play?”

  “It’s easy.” Mr. Lachey said as he handed two cards to Mike and his mom. “You two will be partners and us two will be partners.” He waved his finger between his wife and him.

  Mike switched seats to the one across from Jen. “We play to ten points. We use a six and a four card to keep track. We’ll just play basic rules.” He began to shuffle the cards “Each person gets five cards. We deal in sets of two and three.” He finished shuffling and laid three cards down in front of Mike. “I go three then two then three then two.” He dealt himself his cards. “Then I do the opposite.” He finished dealing the cards and laid the left over cards down and flipped the top card over and showed a jack of diamonds. “Oh looky there.”

  “What’s so special about that?” Jen asked as she fanned out her cards.

  “Well.” Mike said as he did the same to his and moved some cards around. “The cards are divided up in suits one suit is called trump.”

  “Who calls it?” Jen said as she began to move a few cards around in her hand.

  “The choice starts with me. I can either tell him to pick it up or pass and then it goes to mom, you, then dad. If I tell him to pick it up diamonds will become trump.”

  “Trump?” Jen asked.

  “Yeah if diamonds are trump then that means they are automatically the highest. For instance a nine of diamonds will beat the ace of any of the other suits.”

  “Well why are we only playing with half a deck?”

  Mike smiled. “You only play with nines and up. If diamonds are trump then the highest card is.”

  “Ace of diamonds?” Jen interrupted.

  “You’d think so, but no.” He laughed as he took a drink. The alcohol on an empty stomach was starting to get to him and he was beginning to laugh at every little thing. “Jack of diamonds is highest, then jack of hearts, then ace of diamonds and down.”

  “So Jack of the suit that is called trump then jack of the same color then in order?” Jen said with a smile.

  “Exactly.” Mr. Lachey answered. “You’re a smart one.”

  “That’s my favorite thing about her.” Mike said with a smile and a wink.

  “That’s not what you said a few days ago.” Jen began to laugh hysterically.

  Everyone else at the table began to laugh with her.

  “Why Jen I do believe the alcohol is getting to you.” Mrs. Lachey said. “You are going to fit right in with this family.”

  “Pass.” Mike shouted. “I pass, your turn mom.”

  “Pick it up.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Mr. Lachey replied. “Your go Mal.”

  Mike laid down a king of spades and his mother immediately laid down a queen of diamonds.

  “Ok now, she has that hand won so far but you have to follow suit so if you have a spade then you have to lay it down.”

  “Does she have to follow suit?” Jen asked as she laid down the ten of spades.

  “Yeah everyone does so you can assume she doesn’t have any spades.”

  “What if she does?”

  Mr. Lachey laid down the nine of spades.

  “Well then that’s called reneging and we would get a point if she gets caught.” Mike answered.

  Mrs. Lachey took the pile of cards and then threw down another one.

  Jen followed suit. “How do you score?”

  Mr. Lachey laid his card down.

  “Well if they get three out of five tricks then they get a point.”


  “Hands… Tricks are hands. If they get five out of the five then they get two points. If we get three out of five then we get two points for euchring them. That’s when the team that doesn’t call trump wins that round.” Mike laid his card down and Mrs. Lachey once again cleared the cards from the table.

  “So we aren’t doing so well.” Jen said with a laugh.

  Mrs. Lachey took a big gulp of her glass and laid down the jack of hearts. “And that will secure us at least one point.” She started to laugh as Jen’s jaw dropped.

??This sucks.” Jen stated with a pout as she threw her card down.

  “It’ll be fine.” Mike threw his card down as his turn came. He stood up and walked to the kitchen. He went to the stove and took the lid off of the pot of simmering stew. “Wow that smells so good you two.” The smell wafted in the air. He picked up the large spoon that sat near the stove and he stirred it. “How much longer?” He put the lid back on and made his way to his seat.

  “Well we have to make the dumplings and put them in in about an hour.”

  “Oh I don’t know mom.” Jen said as she took another sip of her wine. “Oh what do you think of it by the way.” She held her glass out towards Mrs. Lachey.

  Mrs. Lachey held up her empty glass. “It’s very good.” She held her glass out to Mike as he reached the table. “While you’re up dear.”

  He took the glass and went back in the kitchen.

  “Oh but like I was saying.” Jen said. “I don’t know how much help I’ll be in the kitchen, Mal called it. Wine on an empty stomach, I think I’m getting a little tipsy.” She began to laugh.

  Mike walked back to the table and handed his mother her full glass. “Ok where were we?”

  Mr. Lachey tossed out one of his cards and everyone followed in turn. They played hand after hand Mike and Jen losing most. After the last hand the score was eight to two.

  “Time out.” Jen said as she finished off her glass of wine. “I have to go tinkle.” She stood up. “Where’s the bathroom?”

  “Straight down that hall past the stairs it’s the door at the end of the hall.” Mike said as he pointed down the hall.

  Jen turned and began to walk in her instructed direction.

  “Mike I like her more and more every time we meet.” Mrs. Lachey said. “She is nothing like her parents.”

  “You know her parents?”

  “No just from what she tells me. They don’t seem very personable.”

  Just as Mrs. Lachey finished her sentence and began to take a drink of wine. Jen let out a loud yell followed by a loud “Oh my God!”

  Mike jumped up and quickly made his way down the hall. “What’s wrong? You ok?” When he made it to the end of the hall he found Jen sitting in the door way of the bathroom.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me you had a cat?”

  He began to laugh and could hear his parents laughing from the table.

  “It’s not that funny.” Jen pouted.

  He reached down, put his hands under her arms and pulled her to her feet. “It is kinda funny babe.”

  “Is not. I went to turn on the light and all I see is this giant fur ball jump towards me from off the toilet.”

  “Yeah… it is funny.” Mike said as he gave her a hug.

  “Is not.” She said as she failed to hold back the small laugh that came out. “It scared me.”

  “Well if you didn’t have to pee before you sure would now.” Mike reached in and flipped the bathroom light on. “Big bad Peyton isn’t going to bother you anymore.” He laughed. “You want me to stand guard outside the door in case he comes back?”

  “Shut up.” She said as she smacked him in the arm. “You’re such an ass.” She turned and walked in the bathroom and shut the door in his face.

  Mike turned and walked back to the table.

  “She ok?” Mr. Lachey said as he was making his way in the kitchen wife’s glass in hand.

  “Yeah she’s fine.”

  “Oh honey.” Mrs. Lachey snapped her fingers. “Will you please check the pot and give it a stir?”

  “Of course my dear.” He sat her glasses down on the counter next to the fridge then spun around and checked the pot and stirred the contents. “It’s looking good dear.” He then turned back around and began to make her a drink.

  Mike began thinking about how much of a good time he was having just being back home. Away from the school and the team. For the first time since they started playing cards he thought about why he was back in town to begin with. The happiness went away and a huge feeling of sorrow started building up inside him. Here we are joking and laughing having a good time and Wes’s poor parents are probably over there in tears. He thought as he walked out to the table grabbed his glass and took a big gulp finishing it off. He turned and made his way to the kitchen. “Hey dad?”

  “Yep?” He answered as he finished filling Mrs. Lachey’s glass with wine.

  “Is it ok that we are over here fooling around while Wes’s funeral was today and his parents are probably distraught and alone over there?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I don’t imagine he’d want everyone crying all night.” Mike opened the freezer and grabbed a handful of ice and placed it in his glass. “Actually he always said he’d rather his funeral be a huge party than something depressing.”

  “Then there you go.” He picked up his glasses and began to walk out of the kitchen but stopped and turned to Mike. “His parents are going to be sad there isn’t anything anyone can do or say to make it any different. You’re not a bad friend to be having a fun time with people you love and who love you. You’re honoring him the way he would have wanted.” He smiled at Mike. “You’re a good kid and regardless of what happened between you two you both loved each other. I really believe that given a bit more time you two would have found your way to be friends again. He loved ya Mal. We all know that.”

  “Yeah you’re right.” Mike finished making his drink

  “Of course I am. I’m a wise old man.”

  “Let’s not get full of ourselves ok.” He laughed although he still felt a little guilty on the inside about being so happy in this moment. He began to wonder if they would have actually become friends again. He had thought about calling Wes a few times but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. All those thoughts went away as he walked out and saw Jen sitting at the table laughing with his mother about who knew what. She always had that ability, to take away the pain. He just now after all this time began to realize what Wes could have been feeling. What would he give up for Jen he started to ask himself. It’s completely different. HE was delusional. Jen is real flesh and blood. He thought before getting too far inside any more thoughts.

  “You ok Hun?” Jen asked as she looked at him with a look of concern.

  His mother now looked up at him. “Everything ok?”

  “Yeah I’m fine, just getting hungry.” Mike forced a smile.

  “Well I’m sure I can hurry it along a little.” Mrs. Lachey said as she stood up and made her way out to the kitchen.

  Jen mouthed the question again and Mike answered with a smile and a nod.

  He made his way to the chair he had originally been sitting in and pulled it closer to Jen. “I love you.” He said as he sat down and placed his free hand on her knee.

  “I love you too baby.” She smiled, leaned in, and gave him a kiss. “You ok? And don’t give me that you’re hungry crap.”

  Mike smiled. “Yeah just thinking about the day. I was feeling guilty about having a good time given the funeral.” He sat his drink on the table and placed his other hand on Jen’s other knee.

  “Jeeesssu… That’s cold jerk.” She said as she pulled her knee away from his cold hand.

  “Sorry.” He laughed. “I couldn’t help it.” He smiled then gave her a kiss.

  “Jen Honey?” Mrs. Lachey asked form the kitchen. “You want to learn how to finish the dumplings?”

  “I sure do.” She looked at Mike. “Sorry baby, I have to go learn how to be a good wife.” She gave him a quick kiss and hoped up. After she steadied herself, she made her way out to the kitchen.

  Mike got up and picked up all the cards and put them back in the box while his dad danced the cha-cha-cha by himself and watched the two ladies in the kitchen. He couldn’t help but smile as he grabbed the envelope containing will and decided he’d run it up stairs so it was out of the way and hopefully out of mind for the rest of the night. He jogged up the stairs and sat it on the bed by his clot
hes then turned and jogged back down. When he made it back down his dad had stopped dancing and was now in the kitchen too but on the far side grabbing large soup bowls out of the cupboards.

  His thoughts soon turned to Wes again though. He wished he was here, he never did get to meet Jen he knew he’d like her. It was at that moment he decided that they would have gotten back in touch and that they would have mended their friendship. Took meeting Jen for that but he was sure it would have eventually happened. Maybe not in the immediate future but in the future none the less. He truly believed it would have happened.

  “Ok It’s just about done.” Mrs. Lachey said as she took a sip off the spoon. “Jen will you grab that loaf of bread and slice it up please?”

  Jen grabbed the loaf of sourdough bread that they had bought at the store and began to slice it up. “Ok done.” She said as she finished slicing the last piece. “Now what?”

  “Grab a sheet pan from under the counter behind you and put it on there then throw it in the oven.” Mrs. Lachey instructed as she turned on the oven to get it warm. She stepped to the side and let Jen put the bread in. “Ok now everyone out of the kitchen.”

  Jen and Mr. Lachey joined Mike at the table where he was sitting in his chair just watching his family. Jen sat down in his lap and gave him a kiss.

  “Smells good babe.” He told her. “I can’t wait I’m starving.”

  “I didn’t do much your mom did the major stuff.”

  “Nonsense!” Mrs. Lachey belted from the kitchen. “You did just as much stuff as I did so you take credit too.”

  This made Jen smile. “Ok.” She turned back to Mike gave him a deep loving kiss on his lips, and a tight hug.

  “What was that for?” Not that he didn’t enjoy it.

  “Just feels like family here. I’m not used to it and I really, really, really love you.” She gave him another kiss.

  Mike’s mom did a few last minute spice additions to the pot on the stove and then took another sip off the spoon. “Ok it’s done. Jen can you help me carry stuff in please.”

  “Sure thing mom.” She got up off of Mike’s lap and walked into the kitchen. “What would you like me to do?”

  “Hand me the bowls so I can fill them up then grab that basket over by the fridge, put a paper towel in it, and then put this bread in it please.” She pulled out the sheet pan of the now warm bread. “Grab the butter and some silverware and take it all to the table and I’ll bring in the chicken and dumplings for everyone.”

  Jen did everything she was asked and took it all to the table. Mrs. Lachey soon followed with the bowls.

  When Mike took a spoon full and put it in his mouth he was immediately taken back to being younger. It had been years since he had chicken and dumplings. They didn’t eat badly when they were at school but it was nothing like homemade.

  “This is so delicious.” Jen said as she tore a piece of bread in two. “I don’t think I have ever had anything like it.”

  “Old family recipe.” Mrs. Lachey said with a smile as she took a sip of her wine. “I’ll have to give it to you before you leave so you can make it up there.”

  “That would be great.” Jen took another large spoonful to her mouth.

  Mike was too busy enjoying it to say much. He was eating so fast that he didn’t have time to talk between bites, even if he had wanted to.

  Everyone finished eating in silence except for a few of Jen’s “mmms’.” or an occasional “So good.” Mike was the only one who went back for seconds so as he was finishing his last bowl everyone else was taking their stuff out to the kitchen.

  He had a huge appetite and he usually ate six to seven meals a day this time of the year. He was on a constant go and easily burnt off the calories. He’d wake up jog, light weight lifting, watch films at the stadium, football practice, then help Jen with homework if needed, and then he squeezed in an hour or so to spend with Jen, usually having sex somewhere in that time. Then it was off to bed. This was his weekday routine during the football season. It altered a bit in the offseason but not a lot.

  “Mike when you’re done will you put that in the dishwasher and turn it on please.” Mr. Lachey asked as he made his way to the recliner that was in the living room. “I think I need a nap.” He said as he plopped down in his recliner

  “It’s about time for bed.” Mrs. Lachey said as she sat down on the couch.

  “What time is it?” Mike asked as he broke a piece of bread in two and began to wipe the bottom of the bowl with it.

  “It’s ten babe and I agree with your mom I am getting tired now.” Jen joined Mrs. Lachey on the couch.

  Mike finished his bowl of chicken and dumplings and then took it in the kitchen, placed it in the dishwasher, and turned it on. He felt full, beyond full actually. “Well we have to get up early so why don’t we go to bed then?”

  “That sounds like a plan.” Jen stood up and walked over by him.

  “Ok well you two kids get some rest. Any idea what time you are getting up?” Mrs. Lachey stood up and walked over and gave Jen a big hug and then Mike.

  “Oh don’t squeeze mom.” He felt like if she squeezed too hard everything that was in his stomach wouldn’t be after that. “I usually wake up around seven or eight on my own so probably around then.”

  “Ok well night kids.” Mr. Lachey said as he kicked the foot rest of his recliner up and grabbed the TV remote.

  Mike and Jen began to make their way down the hall to the stairs.

  “I have to pee real quick I’ll meet you up there.”

  Mike nodded and made his way to his old room. When he walked in he realized that he forgot that the bed wasn’t made so he took their clothes off it along with the bag from the store and his papers from Wes’s mother. He began to make the bed with the linens his mother had left out for them. It just now occurred to him that his mother had left the linens out prior. Was I set up? That brat, Jen had this planned the whole time. I wonder if mom was in on it. I’m sure she was. Mike finished putting the fitted sheet on and started putting the pillows in the pillowcases when Jen walked in the room.

  “This has been such a long day, a very good later half though. It took away from everything earlier.”

  “Yeah it was nice being here I have to admit.” Mike tossed the pillows on the bed. “So is there something you’d like to tell me?”

  Jen crawled on the bed. “Such as?”

  “Oh I don’t know.” He tossed the top sheet at her. “Maybe how you and mom plotted to have us stay the night here.”

  “What?” Jen smiled.

  “Exactly.” Mike jumped on the bed and crawled on top of her. “You are such a brat. Why didn’t you just ask if we could have stayed the night?”

  “You would have said no.”

  “Fair point.” He leaned in and kissed her. “Maybe I would have said yes.” He kissed her neck.

  “No you wouldn’t have.” She ran her hand up his chest and stopped at his neck.

  “Well I guess we’ll never know.” Mike slid his lips over and kissed the other side of her neck. Then he ran his hand up her leg to her waist.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Being perfectly natural.” He began to kiss his way down her neck, kissing the bare skin that showed from the oversized neck hole of the large shirt. “You said it was perfectly natural remember?” He slid his hand from her waist up under her shirt to her belly and slowly moved it up as he kissed back up to her neck.

  “I was messing around. We are not having sex tonight.” She let out a small moan. “Ok that’s enough.” She grabbed his hand from the outside of her shirt. “Tomorrow night when we get home I will rock your world, but tonight, no.” She smiled as he pulled his hand out of her shirt.

  “Tease.” He rolled over on his back.

  “You were doing everything thank you very much.”

  “Whatever.” He smiled and pinched her leg.

  “Ouch you butt.” She rolled over on to his chest. ??
?Love you.” She gave him a kiss.

  “See… Tease.”

  She smacked him on his chest. “Am not.”

  He started laughing henas he rolled back on his side kissed her. “Love you too Jen.”

  “Good.” She rolled over and tossed the sheet over her.

  He got up and walked over and turned the light out. He made his way back to the bed and crawled in it and scooted up next to Jen. He put his arm around her, kissed her on the head, then laid his head down, and shut his eyes.

  Jen fell asleep almost as soon as she closed her eyes and he could tell she was asleep by the sound of her breathing. He was afraid that he wasn’t going to be able to sleep, that he would just lay there thinking about everything. Surprisingly though after the long drive, the funeral, and all the stuff with Wes and his wishes. He had come to the conclusion that it had been an extremely long day. Add the large meal and the drinks plus the good time at home and he was out cold in minutes.