Read Unlocked: A Love Story Page 26

  Finally, my greatest thank-you to God Almighty, who is First and Last and all things in between. I write for You, through You, and because of You. Thank You with my whole being.

  Dear Reader Friend,

  Ever since I first introduced John and Elizabeth Baxter many years ago, I knew that one day I’d write about their love story. Through the journey of more than twenty books about the Baxters, I’ve waited until just the right time to tell that story.

  That time was now.

  As I wrote Love Story I felt like I was pulled back in time. I was there at the dance watching them meet for the first time, a bystander at a nearby picnic table as the spark of their relationship turned into a flame.

  A flame so bright all the world might see it.

  That’s the way it is with love stories. Even fictional love stories. It’s the reason I included not just the love story of John and Elizabeth, but also of Cody and Andi, Brandon and Bailey, Landon and Ashley, and others.

  I pray that as you read Love Story, you took a minute to think of your own. Or if not yours, then your parents’ story or the story of someone you care about. Real-life love stories teach us much about loyalty and dedication, passion and devotion. And when the story is so beautiful it takes your breath, love stories teach us about faith.

  After writing the love story of John and Elizabeth, I felt like I learned something about loving my own husband. Maybe just a realization that it never lasts long enough.

  I hope you feel that way, too. That’s the point of Life-Changing Fiction™. That you not only be entertained, but that you also walk away closer to God and the people you love.

  And now that you’ve finished Love Story, pass it on. Share it with a friend or give it to your mother. Leave it on a table in a restaurant or in the waiting room of your next doctor or dentist appointment. Give it to a cashier or your child’s teacher . . . or your teacher.

  That one random act of kindness could change a life.

  As always, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And join my free newsletter! I send out a monthly blog, and once a month I’ll choose one of you to win a free autographed book.

  Until next time, remember God loves you most of all!

  Love and blessings,


  The Kingsbury Family is passionate about seeing orphans all over the world brought home to their forever families. As a result, they created the One Chance Foundation!

  This foundation was inspired by the memory of Karen’s father, Ted C. Kingsbury. Ted always said, “Life is not a dress rehearsal. We have one chance to love, one chance to truly live!” Karen often tells her reader friends that they have “one chance to write the story of their lives!”

  Now with Karen’s One Chance Foundation, readers can join her in the belief that all of us have one chance to make a difference in the lives of orphans.

  In the Bible, James 1:27 says that true Christians ought to care for orphans. The One Chance Foundation was created with that truth in mind.

  If you are interested in giving to Karen’s One Chance Foundation and having your dedication printed in one of Karen’s upcoming novels, visit and click on the Foundation tab. The following dedications were made by some of Karen’s readers, who forever are making a difference in the lives of orphans around the world.

  • Kelsey, you are the melody in my music . . . and you are my love story. Happy 5-year Anniversary!—Love, Kyle

  • Praying for Good Health, Love & Happiness for all of You! Love, Mom

  • In honor of Beth Montgomery, a woman who loves well. Love, Kevin, Megan & Michael

  • My dear friend, Betty O’Neil. Your struggle with cancer is over & you are at peace. I miss you. Love, Mary Jo Srgo

  • Best wishes, Sue, on your retirement! Love, Deb, Fran, Cynthia, Sandra & Kim

  • Dixie Roof, thank you for always being there for us. Love, Joseph

  • To my mom, Sharon, for always showing me unconditional love. All my love, Brenda Lacey

  • Celebrating our four precious grand-blessings + more joy on the way! K&S Holman

  • In memory of my husband, Ted Kingsbury. Our Love Story began in 1961 and though he is in heaven now, he lives in my heart forever.

  • Thanking God for our love story: Bo and Peggy, 55 years, August 12, 2016!

  • Forever in our hearts mom/grandma (Norma Pedersen). We love you!—Bass family

  • Julia & Stephanie, you’re so precious and unique to God! Love you, Ouma Wouda xx

  • In memory of Dala Ann Vonderheide. A wonderful woman. Thanks for introducing Karen Kingsbury to me. Love, Danielle

  • For Emilie H. and Elizabeth A., sisters from WI who love the Baxter Family!

  • Mom, Carolyn Ann Sexton—you taught us how to love. Love, Tonya, Tara and Tasha

  • In memory of Oleta Hardy. A loving wife, mother and mawmaw. Until we meet again.

  • For Margaret Elaine Powell, now in the arms of Jesus. Beloved Wife, Mum & Grandma

  • Hubba Hubba, I will cherish each moment of our love story forever. Love, your wife, Tamara

  • Tim, love stories aren’t perfect; they just begin and end with love. Jolena

  • Thank you, Grandma & Grandpa Grim, for being such great disciples of Christ, showing all of us His love.

  • To Christina Evans, an amazing wife and a wonderful mother.—Joey and Kimberly

  • In loving memory of Papa & Granny, Big Will & Meme—in our hearts forever!—Melinda

  • For my parents, Houston & Linda, on your 50th. Your Love Story is my favorite!—Susan

  • In memory of my grandmother, “Nanny,” and in honor of my mom and aunt who cared for her. Love, Christina

  • To my cousin, Nancy James, who shares my love of reading about the Baxters.—Jan

  • To my Tati, Ruth Fones, who cheers me on positively with laughter and love.—Jan

  • With love to the One Chance Foundation, Leslie Smith

  • Michelle Lynn Gee: You left this world too early. You are missed. Love, Mom & Sisters

  • To my beautiful mother, Christa Leckebusch, your love & warmth came straight from the heart. We rejoice in knowing that you’re dancing with Jesus. See you in Heaven.—Your Youngest, Tanja, with Nico, Enya, Mocha, Shadow & Cookie

  • In loving memory—Bob Roberts & my precious son Douglas Pruitt. Forever in my heart.

  • To Duane and Hazel, who had a great love story. You were a shining example of love and commitment.

  • To Isabelle and A.R. Motley, who had a 57-year “love story” marriage of their own!

  • To my Mother-In-Love Arlene! Thanks for years of fun and friendship! Love, Shelly

  • Helen Kay McClintock, you are our greatest blessing! With much love, Your Family

  • To my lovely love sweetheart sweetie! Blessed Anniversary! Love your Hubby, Eric

  • In memory of our mom Caroline, gone too soon. In our hearts always, Deby & Dianne

  • Carrie, let’s continue to grow old together. I wouldn’t trade a moment.—Hoke

  • With love to the One Chance Foundation, Malinda Blevins

  • R&J, one heart resides in heaven but your love story will live on forever. J, J&R

  • To Amber Rachi, my loving wife, soul mate and best friend. Love, Benjamin Rachi.

  • To Melissa, my favorite flute player & biggest Karen Kingsbury fan I know; & for our 10-year-old miracle baby—Rebekah

  • Ann, it is one of my greatest honors to be called your dad. Love you both—Gregg Johnson

  • Dedicated with love to Renette Steele—loving wife, mother and grandma! Love always, John

  • Dearest Jessica Danielle Bartholomew, we love you so much! Your life is a testimony of God’s faithfulness & love! Love, Mom & Dad

  • Bob + Judy B: Your love story = Steve & I. Grateful you’re our parents. Love, Connie

  • Rick, Happy 32nd Anniversary! My life is beaut
iful because of you! Tammy

  • Jan & Ray Buckingham: U instilled faith and love & inspired us! Love B1 B2 B3 & M&J B&G B&A

  • In honor of my wife, Myrtie. Love, Sammy

  • To Peggy Sparks, a special friend sharing books and concerts for many years!—Jan

  • Honoring Barbara McPheeters’ courage & her 95th birthday!! Lovingly, Your Family

  • To the woman who inspires us and loves us unconditionally. We love you. XOXO, Kristie, Lindsey, Alexis & Ashley

  • Happy 1st anniversary to Shirley Easterwood & Jerrell Hightower! Love, Sha & Tut

  • Jim, I thank God for placing us together in our Love Story. I love you deeply, Donna

  • Colby, you are a blessing to all who come in contact with you. Love, Mom and Dad

  • In Loving Memory of our son, Mick Craig—Love you so much, Mom & Dad

  • In memory of Marvin & Darline Laubach, my dear parents.—Ellen

  • Wendy, you are my beloved, and I am always yours. Love, Brian

  • In honor of my parents, Auston and LaVerna Davis. What a love story! Love, Vicki

  • Kim—Thanks for loving me & allowing God to create our own Love Story! Love, Ry

  • Happy 60th Anniversary to Glen and Margaret Witt. Thanks for modeling a Godly marriage!

  • Happy 32nd anniversary, Don! You’re the reason I believe in dreams. Love, Peggy

  • Dad & Mom, Your Love Story touches many & SHINES for Jesus! Love, Jim & Schellie

  • Leslie Miller, my best friend and wife, you’ve amazed me for 34 years! Love you, Paul

  • Thank you for loving us unconditionally, Mom! Love, Rachel, Robin & Ryan

  • Kaley—wishing you a life full of love.—Mom

  • Happy 70th Anniversary, Ma & Pa Deardorff. You’re such an inspiration to your family & our community through your service. Your daily prayers for our family have continued to surround us each day. Thank you for teaching us about Jesus, showing us how to serve others & leaving a legacy. Your family loves you!




  The following are questions for your reading group or family. Have everyone read Love Story, then have a night of talking about the book, answering these questions and making a memory in the process!

  1. What did you think of Cody Coleman’s advice to his player, Aaron Baylor, when it came to the prom?

  2. How does it sometimes help your own situation when you give advice to someone else?

  3. What’s the best relationship advice anyone ever gave you?

  4. What mixed emotions do you imagine John Baxter might have had after Cole asked him to help with his school project?

  5. What are some of your most beautiful memories?

  6. What’s the most beautiful real-life love story you know?

  7. What did you think of Elaine’s attitude toward John at the beginning of the story?

  8. What’s the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?

  9. Talk about your favorite part of the mixer where John and Elizabeth met.

  10. How did you meet your spouse? If you’re not married, share a romantic story about another couple and how they met.

  11. Despite Cody’s two failed engagements with Andi Ellison, how do you feel about his decision to pursue her again?

  12. When John and Elizabeth were at their lowest moment, how did people around them respond?

  13. Tell about a time when you were struggling. How did people around you respond?

  14. Do you think Elizabeth’s parents were bad Christian people? Why or why not? What makes someone a true Christian, in your opinion?

  15. Cody suffered from PTSD. Talk about a veteran in your life who has struggled with memories of war. (And tell them thank you for serving!)

  16. Have you ever had a difficult situation turn into a blessing, the way it happened with John when his car broke down?

  17. Share what you liked most about Wilson.

  18. When has a stranger helped you or someone you love? Discuss that time.

  19. John and Elizabeth eventually found faith in God. How has faith helped you through the difficult moments of life?

  20. What do you think changed Andi’s mind at the end of the story? Have you ever had to change your mind about someone you love? How did that turn out?


  KAREN KINGSBURY, #1 New York Times bestselling novelist, is America’s favorite inspirational storyteller, with more than twenty-five million copies of her award-winning books in print. Her last dozen titles have topped bestseller lists, and many of her novels are under development as TV movies and major motion pictures. Her many Baxter books will be the subject of a new TV series—The Baxter Family—debuting this year with Roma Downey, Mark Burnett, and MGM Studios. Karen is also an adjunct professor of writing at Liberty University. She lives in Tennessee with her husband, Don, and their five sons, three of whom are adopted from Haiti. Their actress daughter, Kelsey, lives nearby and is married to Christian recording artist Kyle Kupecky. The couple recently welcomed their first child, Hudson.


  Other Life-Changing Fiction™

  by Karen Kingsbury

  Stand-Alone Titles

  Fifteen Minutes

  The Chance

  The Bridge

  Oceans Apart

  Between Sundays

  When Joy Came to Stay

  On Every Side


  Like Dandelion Dust

  Where Yesterday Lives

  Shades of Blue


  Coming Home—The Baxter Family

  Angels Walking Series

  Angels Walking

  Chasing Sunsets

  Brush of Wings

  The Baxters—Redemption Series






  The Baxters—Firstborn Series






  The Baxters—Sunrise Series





  The Baxters—Above the Line Series

  Above the Line: Take One

  Above the Line: Take Two

  Above the Line: Take Three

  Above the Line: Take Four

  The Baxters—Bailey Flanigan Series





  Baxter Family Collection

  A Baxter Family Christmas

  The Baxter Family: Love Story

  The Baxter Family: If Not Me

  9/11 Series

  One Tuesday Morning

  Beyond Tuesday Morning

  Remember Tuesday Morning

  Lost Love Series

  Even Now

  Ever After

  Red Glove Series

  Gideon’s Gift

  Maggie’s Miracle

  Sarah’s Song

  Hannah’s Hope

  e-Short Stories

  The Beginning

  I Can Only Imagine

  Elizabeth Baxter’s 10 Secrets to a Happy Marriage

  Once Upon a Campus

  Forever Faithful Series

  Waiting for Morning

  Moment of Weakness

  Halfway to Forever

  Women of Faith Fiction Series

  A Time to Dance

  A Time to Embrace

  Cody Gunner Series

  A Thousand Tomorrows

  Just Beyond the Clouds

  This Side of Heaven

  Life-Changing Bible Story Col

  Family of Jesus

  Friends of Jesus

  Children’s Titles

  Let Me Hold You Longer

  Let’s Go on a Mommy Date

  We Believe in Christmas

  Let’s Have a Daddy Day

  The Princess and the Three Knights

  The Brave Young Knight

  Far Flutterby

  Go Ahead and Dream with Quarterback Alex Smith

  Whatever You Grow Up to Be

  Miracle Collections

  A Treasury of Christmas Miracles

  A Treasury of Miracles for Women

  A Treasury of Miracles for Teens

  A Treasury of Miracles for Friends

  A Treasury of Adoption Miracles

  Miracles–a Devotional

  Gift Books

  Forever Young: Ten Gifts of Faith for the Graduate

  Forever My Little Boy

  Forever My Little Girl

  Also by Karen Kingsbury

  The Bridge

  * * *

  The Chance

  * * *

  Fifteen Minutes

  * * *

  The Family of Jesus

  * * *

  Angels Walking

  * * *

  Brush of Wings

  * * *

  The Friends of Jesus

  * * *

  Chasing Sunsets

  * * *

  A Baxter Family Christmas

  * * *


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