Read Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Page 2

Chapter 2

  While everything seemed to move slower for Alex he heard the person behind him finally splash into the stream. He knew that he had to save the person’s life, knowing the dangers better than the person did at the moment. Even a warrior could die by surprise, no matter how powerful. Alex already knew that he didn’t stand a hope of a chance surviving against a dangerous predator such as this, but he felt in his heart that it was better than watching the person get killed while not doing anything about it.

  At least I gave you the chance to run, foreigner. He thought absently.

  The large shadow below his feet was still changing as the Shadow Fang fiend lunged at him with the hungry intent to kill. The creature was actually coming out of the shadow itself. Its long white fangs were huge and Alex knew he was going to be killed if he didn’t move from its strike. The cold golden quality in those eyes of the killer reminded him instantly of Rakkel. They were the eyes of a bitter and corrupted executioner. Alex’s chance of survival seemed to drop even more after this realization coursed through his thoughts.

  He managed to somehow jump back and to the right just as the chest of the Shadow Fang came out from the shadowed ground. Alex tried his best to completely evade it, but the Shadow Fang got a hold of his arm in its huge mouth. Alex yelled out in pain as the rest of its monstrous body came out of the ground.

  The predator’s teeth firmly held Alex’s left arm just behind its sharp saber’s. It had already dislocated his arm at the shoulder and large teeth had drawn blood. It stood on all fours and was over five feet tall, from its shoulder to ground. It had solid and sleek black fur from its muzzle all the way to its tail which Alex knew to be completely impenetrable by conventional human means. Its sharp claws were as long as a man’s fingers and was nowhere near as deadly as what lay contained within them. They carried a neurotoxin in their claws which will kill, if you were ever scratched, and there is no cure for it. A single drop of the toxin can kill over twenty full grown adults.

  The murderous predator lifted its head and Alex as well when it knew that its initial strike had in a blurring show of speed missed, but thanks to the trapped arm the prey couldn’t get away. He was totally helpless in its maw while also in the air. The boy’s heart raced beyond anything ever experienced and still felt overly hot and a part of him wished that he had a way to escape all this. His mind kept racing for a solution and found only one. Alex had to kill an opponent who is far stronger than he ever could be. He knew of only one written method to kill a Shadow Fang, and that was to stab it in its only weakness. It’s eye.

  Alex desperately wished for there to be an item that he could use to defend himself from this fiend. Then he remembered that his right hand still clutched something. He was still holding a pointed stick. He remembered trying to save the person and broke a stick off the tree just as he ran to the hopeless rescue. Alex saw that the stick in his hand was at most a foot long and where he broke it from the tree, it had a reasonably sharp point.

  Its toss of Alex’s arm and body stopped as he gratefully landed on his feet again. He looked back at the beast as its mouth was opening again to fully bite through Alex’s arm. Alex could also see that the beast’s mouth was almost steaming and wondered if it was his hot body that caused it. The beast was still intent on the kill and Alex couldn’t continue thinking.

  This was going to be his only chance.

  Your mine! He shouted within his mind.

  Just as the maw began to close, Alex firmly planted his feet and jumped forward. The beast’s left cold and golden eye met Alex’s enraged gray eyes just as he screamed out and thrust his right arm forward. He didn’t know where the courage or even the burst of strength came from, but he harnessed it. The pointed stick seemed to scream as well, while making its way to the intended target. The Shadow Fang tried closing its eye, to protect itself, but it was already too late. Alex had the advantage at this very moment and the creature didn’t.

  The stick pierced the large black pupil of the golden eyed Shadow Fang, and Alex continued pushing it further in as hard as he possibly could. The only way to truly kill such a powerful creature is to pierce its brain and the only access was through its eye. He pushed the stick in as far as it would go and hoped to hit its brain. Just as Alex released the stick, he felt a dull pain in his left thigh.

  The Shadow Fang’s mouth opened wide and Alex managed to bring his bloodied arm back before it could close again. The monstrous creature let out a short, but loud and terrifying, death yelp. The sound reverberated and shrieked through the woods like nothing else Alex has ever heard. The creature just announced his death and Alex’s very first win in combat. Alex jumped a few feet back while still feeling his heart thundering and ready side step if the beast managed to continue fighting again.

  A single moment later the beast crumpled heavily to the ground next to the flowing stream. Because of its size and weight it made a large splash as it rolled off the bank. Its blood drained from its lifeless eye and colored the once clear water ominously. It twitched only once, but Alex knew it wouldn’t ever get back up or cause harm ever again. He had won a chance to endure.

  Alex had done the impossible and survived.

  With that thought the world crashed around him. Things seemed to move faster and normal for him once again. The river’s flow trickled in his hearing as did the slowing beat of his heart. Alex was sweating more than he ever had before and his body still felt hot, but the heat started dissipating quickly thanks to the sweat and continuous breeze. His left arm hung limply by his side and it throbbed in pain and the puncture wounds were still bleeding. He was breathing hard and fast from all the exertion. He felt completely exhausted, empty and expended and his body began to shake slowly. Being disoriented would be an understatement.

  This was his first fight that he has ever won and it was the first Shadow Fang he’s ever seen, let alone his first apex land predator. He had heard and read the old legends that they once lived on the islands, but he never knew that they still did. Alex was glad he read a book that told him about the only real weakness that this powerful creature had. Otherwise their positions would be reversed.

  Just then a blade appeared at Alex’s throat and a voice spoke behind him. “What is going on here?” Alex had almost forgotten that he pushed a person out of the way for their own safety. It immediately hit him that the person who spoke was actually a woman with a musically enchanting voice. He thought the person he was following was a man, but it was in fact a woman. From only the position and angle of the blade Alex knew that the woman was just as tall as he and her forearm was thicker than his in muscle tone. She was definitely part of the weapon’s class and a skilled warrior.

  Alex didn’t move and spoke only the truth, and quickly because the woman wanted answers. She didn’t sound like the patient kind of person. “I was following you through the woods and knew something wasn’t right. I’m sorry if I hurt you, but if I didn’t, you would have been its next meal.” Alex took his right hand off his left arm to point over at the lifeless Shadow Fang. The blade didn’t move, but he heard the woman’s foot shuffling, to peer carefully over his shoulder.

  The blade slowly eased away from his throat as the woman walked in front of him, but the blade’s tip remained pointed at him. It was then that Alex finally got a good look at her.

  She was by far the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Her entire body remained drenched from getting push into the stream, but she was a tall woman and stood six foot three as well. Her shoulder length hair was pure white and the dripping water droplets shimmered in the moonlight. Her facial expression was calm as she took Alex in as well and her skin was by far the fairest ever seen, a creamy alabaster. Her eyes were the color of amethyst and they danced with calculating curiosity, but there was something else that Alex knew all too well. There laid a loneliness in them that he’s seen only in his own eyes. Around her neck was a gold necklace. She had large muscled arms for a woman, that were scarred from all the battles and
fights she’s most likely been in. Her legs were well toned beneath her pants and they were used to traveling over large distances. She wore a red sleeveless tunic that hung loosely to her bust and she wore brown pants and black boots. Alex knew she was a Royal Guard, but at this moment it didn’t matter. She was a warrior goddess standing before him and he stared in awe.

  The sword pointed at his throat was a crescent blade, short sword. Its curved length was as long as the tip of his middle finger to his elbow. It is sharp on only the curved underside of the blade and the pointed tip was as sharp as the rest of it. Its blade was so thin that it could easily slip between the ribs of an opponent as easily as cutting through butter. He could see that her wet, sand covered hand was calm and steady on the handle, but the blade itself gave the impression that it wanted something. It looked like it wanted to fight or have a taste of blood; it seems to have a mind of its own.

  The other blade at her hip looked to be straight, but since it was sheathed in its white casing Alex couldn’t tell with a certainty how it was actually shaped. Then something moved in her shirt and Alex caught a glimpse of metal moving over her breast by itself. It then moved down to her abdomen to hide under her sleeveless tunic. Her calm eyes explained that she was used to dangerous surprises. It was just then that Alex realized that he was standing in front of his first Level Five weapon’s class warrior. She was born with three items, that he could see.

  He looked into her captivating purple eyes and asked “Did I hurt you?”

  Her expression didn’t change as she said “Nay, you didn’t, but I did get drenched. And to top it off, I already bathed this morning and smelled quite pleasant.” Then her eyes shifted to Alex’s left arm. She felt sorry for some reason, but she kept her expression calm, neutral. She didn’t understand what was happening so she demanded with a casual tone “Tell me what happened. When you pushed me in, I didn’t get to see what transpired.”

  With the blade still aimed at his throat Alex recounted everything from pushing her, to getting his arm trapped by the Shadow Fang, to putting it down with a stick. She then instantly began to laugh. Alex didn’t like being laughed at so he asked “What is so funny?”

  She giggled and mindlessly slid her sword back into its sheathe. She then used her fingers to push her wet white hair back out of her face. The movement she made actually made Alex’s heart start leaping again, but for a new and strange reason that he didn’t understand. She then replied to him with a smile that seemed to initiate another and faster response in his beating heart. “That is the funniest story I’ve ever heard. Killing a Shadow Fang with simply a stick…” She laughed again at him. She has heard many wild stories before, but this one had topped them all. Her purple eyes twinkled as she said “Come on, you’d have to be at least a level four weapon’s class to even stand a chance of defending yourself from something like that. What’s your weapon? Where is it?”

  With his jaw set he pointed directly to the large creature that laid not fifteen feet behind her. “Go look at its eye and see for yourself.”

  Her eyes narrowed, but she turned around and slowly made her way to the carcass. She gripped the hilts her swords with each hand and gasped as she got a better look at the dead being. She suddenly got the feeling that this person behind her isn’t the kind of person to make a joke in this situation. A trickle of respect rose in her for this civilian. She then kicked its massive head and made sure it wasn’t going to come back from the dead. She then knelt by its head to get a closer look at its eyes. Alex heard her whisper “He really did do it with just a simple, everyday stick…” She then reached forward and grabbed the handle of the stick. With one swift movement she pulled it out and whistled in amazement. She stood and walked back to Alex with a broad grin. She brandished the stick in the moonlight so she could see it better. “This was quite a kill. I’ve never known anyone who could take on one of the Big Three with a simple stick. You were lucky.” She dropped the stick and asked “What kind of item do you have anyway?”

  Alex smiled at the breathtaking woman while feeling a little weaker than he felt he should be. His leg began to feel a little number, but he pushed the thought away. Alex said calmly “I’ll tell you if you can put my arm back in place.”

  She grinned and cracked her knuckles. “My pleasure. This will hurt so good.” It was then he realized she was used to pain and took pleasure in inflicting it. Alex wondered what could change a woman with her beauty into such a hardened warrior. On second thought, never mind. Some things were better off unanswered. She saw his reluctance and felt strange being rescued. It was the first time anyone has done something like that for her and she repays her debts.

  She walked up and ripped his shirt at the shoulder so she could use the sleeve and see the amount of damage he took in her stead. She held the ripped fabric in her hand and whistled as she inspected the arm again. “You sure are a skinny guy, but I guess you already knew that. And those wounds will leave some beautiful scars. It will drive the women around here crazy for you.” She grinned as she stepped closer. She wondered why she could talk to him so easily when she didn’t like anyone. She assumed it was the stress of the tense situation.

  She smelled like a warm sea breeze when she came close enough, but Alex acted cavalier about realizing that bit of information. Even after getting a rinse from the stream she still smelled pleasant and intoxicating to him and he enjoyed the closeness for the sudden moment. She now stood in front of him and was proven that she stood as just as tall, but she had larger and more toned muscles than he. Their eyes connected for only a moment, but his heart reacted and raced faster than the fight with the Shadow Fang. He sucked up the courage to change the course of his thoughts and said “Even with the scars, the women won’t like me, and that’s the truth.” She stopped to listen and they were so close to each other he could almost feel a tingling sensation all over his body. “All the women around here know me and they wouldn’t care if I wound up dead tonight. You see, everyone who knows me has treated me as an outcast... Well compared to everyone else I am.”

  She used his distracted mind to her advantaged so she could ease his pain. Her hands grabbed his left forearm and upper arm and she pulled down on Alex’s limb and relocated his bone into his shoulder. He clenched his jaw and didn’t grunt, groan or scream from the pain. She calmly watched him as he flexed his fingers and arm, careful not to increase the pain he was already under. She then tied his sleeves around the puncture wounds. She stepped back and said “That will do for now, but you might need to find a healer to fix those small injuries.” Their eyes met again and she felt like she could talk to him about anything, but she bluntly asked “Now why don’t women like you? You’re not homely to look at. In fact you are quite handsome for a thin man if I may say so. Even if I can barely see what you look like in this lighting.” She rested her hands on the round pommels of her swords out of habit.

  Alex smiled and told her the truth. “It goes back to your question about my item…” He took a calming breath because she has been the first person he’s needed to tell this to in many years. “The truth is, I was born without an item of any kind.” Her amethyst eyes widened even though Alex could tell she had a hard time seeing him. “I don’t know why, but I was born like this.” Her lips parted and she was about to say something, but he continued. “When I said that women don’t like me, that was a lie. Practically everyone doesn’t like me and I can’t blame them. I can even see the shock and disgust from you at just hearing that I was born itemless.”

  “What’s your name? You are like no itemless I’ve ever seen.” She asked calmly and it brought Alex up short with the change of subject. Her eyes began shining again and the look of disgust she just had for him disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. He said “My name is Alex, son of none.”

  She took a step closer to Alex and said “My name is Lily. The title I was given is Lily of the Blood Moon.” Then she did something unexpected, she grabbed Alex’s right forearm and he min
dlessly grasped hers. Lily’s hands were calloused like all warriors for most, if not all of her life. Whereas Alex’s hands were still relatively smooth. “Thanks for saving my life, Alex, son of none. And as a reward for saving me you may ask one thing from me; as long as I am capable of granting it.”

  He wanted the only one thing he’s never had. “What about being my first friend? It that a reasonable reward from you?”

  Her brow furrowed as she took her hand off Alex’s and he released his hold as well. She took a step back to study Alex in a whole new light. No one has ever asked her for something like that. “Normally men want money or pleasuring favors…but you want a friend? You would want to befriend a woman who is built like a man? Is something wrong with you? Did you hit your head or something?” Lily has never felt this strange emotion before, it was alien.

  Alex smiled weakly and spoke the truth. “I just think you’re a beautiful woman and I want to at least have one friend in my life... I just…”

  His body felt weaker than ever before and his legs had gone completely numb. The image of Lily standing before him began to blur and shift in a strange way, like looking at ones reflection in a rippling pool of water. Lily shouted “What’s wrong!” as Alex’s left leg buckled and the next thing that he knew he began looking at her sideways. He knew that he’d fallen completely down to the forest floor, but didn’t understand why. He knew his arm hurt from the attack, but it was treatable. Then Alex remembered a weird feeling from earlier. He was barely able to manage turning over on his back to say “Check my legs.”

  Alex’s blurred vision of Lily began quickly walking closer and she knelt by his legs. He didn’t feel anything as Lily grasped his pants above where they were slashed and ripped it open further to see what he was speaking about. She touched the area where three shallow cuts had been inflicted just above his knee. His flesh, she realized, was feverish and coated in sweat and blood. When he didn’t react to the sensation she pressed painfully into the wounds. A normal person would be shrieking in agony from what she was doing. She suddenly knew what happened and feared for her savior. In a haunted voice Lily asked “Alex, can you feel this?” He shook his head slowly. Her lips became a hard white line as she rocked back to sit on her bottom. Her blurring purple eye looked at his face and he knew whatever it was, it wasn’t good. She spoke in the same sorrowful tone. “I’m sorry to tell you this, Alex, but you’ve been scratched. The Shadow Fang must have somehow done it during the fight; if it did then...”

  “You don’t have to say it.” Alex cut her off. “I know what it means. There isn’t a cure to counteract a Shadow Fang’s neurotoxin.” He took in the deepest breath he could, feeling his strength leave by the second and said “What’s your answer?”

  “What was the question?” Her voice still remained hollow.

  Alex closed his heavy eyes and asked “Will you be my friend?”

  Lily let out a soft and quiet laugh. She moved closer to him by crawling on her knees. Alex opened his eyes just as she laid a comforting hand on his chest, but barely felt it because the toxin was paralyzing all of his nerves and his body was going completely numb. He could almost see her smile and thought it truly beautiful. “Aye, I will be your friend if that is your request.” He smiled and sighed, feeling a burden being lifted. She asked “You look happy. May I ask why?”

  He managed to say “Because I have the most beautiful woman in the world as my friend. I will at least know that I did the right thing and gained a friend before the toxin takes my life. It took me eighteen years to finally obtain a friend.”

  “You’re as old as I am! I’m thankful that you saved my life. You did your duty and sacrificed yourself for the greater wellbeing of all the lands.” With Alex’s one good arm he grabbed her wrist that was still on his chest. He squeezed with all he had and she said “Alex, that really hurts.” She wondered where this burst of strength came from after seeing him getting weaker, the grip was unbreakable.

  “Forget about being my one friend.” She gasped and tried pulling her hand back, but he was feeling strong at the moment. Alex looked at her warping face and said “I don’t like people who can’t think for themselves. Our lives are ours alone and not the king’s to do as he wants. To other’s I’m considered a slave, but in my heart I know I’m not. I chose to help you because it was my decision. I didn’t do it for anyone, but for myself and for you. I make my decisions and do what I want, but the Royal’s are mindless drones who do what they are told without conscience. My uncle told me stories of how the Royal Guard butchered innocent families just because they wanted to live by themselves and not want to be ruled by that tyrant.” Her purple eyes grew in surprise at his rant. “If you’re one of those mindless drones and kill for the fun of it or because you’re afraid to stand up to your superiors, I don’t want you as a friend. I will only be friends with those who love and cherish freedom rather than those who are taking freedom and breath from the people.”

  Her voice became quiet as she said “What if I think about what you said?” Alex released his grasp on her wrist.

  A soft whisper was the most he could manage. “Then we are already friends. That was the first step you just made… all on your own. You’re beginning to think like you were born to do, not obey someone else and be treated like a beast. Now I’m proud of you even though we’ve met only this once.”

  Numbness and absence of sensation consumed him rapidly as he closed his eyes, but his hearing remained intact. Lily said in a heartfelt and casual tone “Let me carry you back. It’s the least I could do, my friend.”

  “Nay… it is too dangerous to carry…me. Too many… dangers are still around. Just leave me here…and get to safety. This is… my final request…” It became increasingly difficult to breathe, let alone continue speaking to her.

  “I will never forget you, Alex. You are an honorable and brave man. I now wish I had gotten to know you better. I hope we meet again in the afterlife, my friend.” Lily could see how quickly he was departing for the next life. She made a decision that she would keep the memory of her first friend as he was and not as a lifeless corpse. He deserved more than dying alone out here but she knew he was right. If a Shadow Fang existed here than there would most likely be more and there were other fiends to worry about. She needed to tell someone, but who would believe? Alex faintly heard the leaves moving beside him and knew she stood up. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m going. Good bye, Alex the Fang Slayer.”

  As Alex heard her departing all he saw was the darkness of an empty abyss and felt absolutely nothing. He wasn’t sure if he was even alive or dead anymore because time felt like an endless void of darkness. He couldn’t tell if it had been centuries or a single moment that had passed. Nothing seemed to truly matter anymore. The sounds of the forest started becoming weaker, dimmer and quieter until he was all alone. He was weak and this was the consequence of his passive nature. The feeling of nothingness became maddening. So this is what it is like to die? Being in agonizing pain would be a comfort rather than the constant nothingness. He thought. It was like he never existed to begin with. He stared into the abysmal and empty darkness as it seemed to welcome him with open arms. He didn’t even know if he was warm or freezing to death. Everything he did during his life culminated into dying alone in the forest. That was certain.

  All alone... I’ll be that way forever. That is the way it will always be for me.

  Then it hit him about being alone. Alex remembered hearing that little boy’s voice out here. His parents were both killed and he was also alone out here with the person who had killed his family. Alex didn’t know what he was capable of doing, but he would fight this emptiness and learn how to get to that child to safety, any way he possibly could, if it weren’t already too late. He needed to help and fast.

  Darkness still swirled around him, but he began fighting it. The abyss was reluctant to release him, but he finally felt a warmth in his belly telling Alex that there was still fight left wit
hin him. He was still alive at the moment. The emptiness wasn’t going to hold him prisoner. It began like a slow burning smolder, but as he fought against the cold emptiness the heat inside began growing and spreading to his limbs.

  As the fire raged through the darkness he heard the child’s voice again. “Mister, are you still alive?” Alex also thought he heard a whimper.

  He then began to feel his extremities once again. It was a dull and weak feeling, but it let him know that the dark abyss was losing the fight. He wasn’t strong enough to open his eyes yet, but he somehow managed to use his voice. It was strange because when he spoke his throat seemed to change and feel different. Alex’s throat was dry so that was probably why it felt different. “Aye, I’m still alive… Did you get away from that evil person safely?”

  “Yes, but it seems like you took care of him. And he was my uncle.” His small voice was quiet, but full of emotion. The voice sounded relieved most of all.

  Uncle…? I didn’t take care of your uncle. I didn’t even see him. The only thing that died by my hand was that fiend.

  Then Alex heard the child making his way closer to him. Then he heard an felt the child smelling his face. The breath was warm against Alex’s cheek. The little boy then said “You have my uncle’s foul smell all over you. It seems like you were the one who saved my life. And the lives of others no doubt,” He didn’t know what the kid was talking about let alone know why he just smelled him. Alex kept fighting until he could feel his eyes again.

  As Alex began to open his eyes once again he realized that he was still laying flat on his back. The ground felt cool and slightly moist under him, being so close to the stream he was glad it didn’t rain to raise the stream’s water level. The sky was still mostly dark, but the first rays of the sun had colored the empty atmosphere. Alex knew that he had been laying here for at least six hours. He could hear the musical chirping of some birds or the loud mating calls of others. The sound of trickling water flowed several yards from his head and the fresh smell of that water helped to sharpen his senses. He then managed to move his head to the side to speak to the child, but instead froze instantly.

  Right in front of Alex sat another Shadow Fang, but this one was still just a small pup. It sat on its haunches, staring right at him with peaceful and intelligent gold eyes. It sat like a proud little warrior. It had a wet black nose and its opaque whiskers were relaxed against its long muzzle. It had two small white saber’s, barely visible passing the flap of its lips. They were only two tiny nubs, but they were sharp. Its pointed ears were both attentive and aimed directly at Alex. He saw the little black tail swishing slowly back and forth over the dried leaves where it sat. The pup seemed excited. Its two front legs were straight and the little black nails Alex saw were just as deadly as a full grown adult’s. Sleek black fur covered every inch of its body.

  Scanning around the pup he said “Little boy? Where are you?”

  The ears of the pup folded back at his raised voice. “I’m right here.” Alex followed the voice back to the pup and thought he was losing what remained of his sanity. It cocked its little head and when it opened its mouth it said “I was the only one talking. Did you hit your head?”

  “I must have if I’m talking with a fiend.” Alex still didn’t dare move.

  The pup lifted his lips into a playful smile. It looked rather menacing, but the gesture made Alex’s worry become disarmed. Long canines were still sharp despite their apparent size. “I can’t believe I’m talking to a human either. My parents wouldn’t believe me…” Then his ears dropped as did his eyes. Alex couldn’t believe he was conversing with a fiend, let alone see one them showing emotion’s similar to a human. The pup sniffled and wiped his nose with the back of his left paw and said “I wish I could tell them… they would have had a good laugh with me… I can’t believe my uncle killed them for no reason. They never hurt anyone out of meanness. When they would hunt, they did it only to survive…”

  Alex managed to finally move his weak right arm. Since the pup was so close he was able to easily reach its head. It was stupid of him to do so, but even if he was insane, the pup needed to feel safety in the form of touch. Alex placed his hand on the top of his head and found his head was only as big as his palm. The pup’s fur was actually soft even though nothing could normally penetrate it. He began rubbing, slowly and reassuringly to the little one.

  When the pup realized it was Alex rubbing his head he felt his body tense up. Ever so slowly his head turned up and their eyes met. Alex knew of only one thing he could say that would help the little one know he wasn’t alone anymore. “I know what it is like to lose a parent.” His little gold eyes began to tear up at the words. “I lost my mother when I was a child too. I was raised by my uncle and I love him as if he were my real father. Things happen in this world that are unbearably tragic, but it can be overcome with the help from those who love you.”

  The weakness and accumulated strain forced him to lay his arm down on the ground and the pup followed the movement. He thought: The human seems kind and he did take care of my problem. What’s more, he is unlike any human I’ve ever heard before. I understand this human. When he finally looked back at Alex he said “Those who love me will help me get through a tragedy?” Alex nodded and he grinned again. “How about I make a proposition with you?”

  It was a big word and Alex has never known a child say before which impressed him much more than how they were communicating. He said “What do you have in mind?” Alex smiled knowing how ridiculous all this sounded right this minute. He was making a deal with a fiend and a Shadow Fang at that.

  “Since we’ve both lost our parents, how about we become brothers?” He proudly proposed, showing his smiling teeth again. “We will help each other, play with each other, laugh and cry, eat together, protect each other and most of all love each other as a real pack...” His gold eyes turned into the distance as he recalled something from his past. “My father once showed me a group of human children who aren’t related, but they all still lived together and did everything like a pack. I think we could be like them.”

  Is he serious? How could we be brothers? My life needs a change like this and he’s putting his hopes in my hands. Alex didn’t have to think long because he could tell the pup meant every word. How could anyone crush the hope of a child? It wouldn’t be Alex who would start. He smiled and said proudly “Alright. I will be your big brother and you can be my little brother.” He grinned even brighter and threw his head back into a childish howl. Every animal sound around them became instantly silent. Even powerful fiends give a wide berth to a Shadow Fang; even a pup. Then Alex remembered something important and had forgotten to ask. “By the way my name is Alex. What’s yours?”

  Alex had to give the pup credit he had a strong sense of pride for one so young. He drew himself up on all fours and threw his head straight and level, just like his father taught him. The breeze moved some of the fine ebony hairs on his back and the morning light made his black fur glisten. He was a beautiful creature and one of the greatest. He spoke proudly and clearly. “My name is Shade given to me by my father, Specter of the Crashing Waves. I am also the younger brother of the human Alex. I am eight months old and I’m the strongest amongst the other two pups my age.” Then he tilted his head and his gold eyes told Alex to do the same.

  He wouldn’t have a weak sibling nor would he get one. Alex thought. Even though numbness consumed him he could still feel a little bit of his extremities. He tested them out, finding the right arm worked he turned his head to his left side. Alex’s left arm was still giving him the feeling of a numbed pain. Forcing his shoulder to move he tested the movement of his right arm and fingers. They all worked. He lifted his head up slowly and wiggled his dirty toes and rotated his ankles. Alex drew his right heel up and firmly planted it in the loose dark soil and then moved the left. He clenched his abdominal muscles and pushed with his arms into a sitting position. It wasn’t easy to do and he still felt exhausted
from earlier and the toxin’s damage remained ever present in his weakened state. Alex gritted his teeth and used his remaining strength to lean forward and pushed with all the leg strength he had remaining.

  He didn’t have any balance, but there was a nearby tree and he was able to grab onto it before crashing back to the ground. His left shoulder screamed in agony so he let go of the tree limb and held on with only his right hand. It was able to support his weight and he was breathing heavily. It took some time before his equilibrium became mildly solid and sure.

  During this whole time Shade only watched silently and patiently. He didn’t realize how badly he was hurt, but even he knew what happened to animals who show weakness. The human, Alex, must know how dangerous it is as well. The only thing that moved was Shade’s head and he was now looking up. His eyes remained focused solely on Alex. Even he knew this was taking his all.

  With balance restored, he moved away from the tree to stand in front of the small Shadow Fang. Even as Shade stood he only came up to the middle of Alex’s calf muscle. He looked down to check his appearance. His left pants leg were ripped just above the knee and clearly revealed three large claw marks from where Shade’s uncle scratched him. The leg was still bloody, but it had dried and begun to scab. His left arm was still wrapped up, but they were completely soaked with his very own blood.

  He looked down into patient golden eyes and eventually made his introductions. “I am Alex, son of none. My mother’s name was Eriana. I am older brother to the fiend, Shade. I was born itemless and as such I’m weaker than my human brethren.” His tiny brow furrowed at Alex’s foreign words. “But I’ll make another vow to you, Shade. I will become as strong as I can to protect my family. That is what a big brother does.”

  He grinned with his cute little fangs again. “And I will do the same when I grow up big and strong.” A moment later Shade tilted his head and his attentive ears sagged to the side. He was looking at all of Alex’s wounds, but something else had caught his attention. “What did my uncle do to you, Alex?”

  “He bit my left arm and scratched me with his claws.” He didn’t need to know all the details, but Alex couldn’t lie.

  His gold eyes widened and he trotted forward. He pushed himself up on his back legs and placed his front paws gently on Alex’s left kneecap. He leaned in closer and examined the claw marks on his thigh. He then sniffed the wound and his ears flipped back and snarled deep in his chest. Alex became frightened for a moment, but relaxed as the fiend dropped down again. Shade was confounded by what he scented. His eyes spoke of disbelief and when he opened his jaw he said “My uncle pumped you full of the toxin. How are you still alive? Mother said only we were immune to its effects.”

  Alex spoke honestly to him. “I haven’t a single clue. But I’m still feeling the effects of it. I can’t even explain how I’m even still breathing…” Then a thought hit him. “Maybe I’m resistant to the toxin your species produce, but as far as I know I’m the only one who has ever survived.”

  Then Shade broke into a full grin. “That is good news.” Then he looked down and moved around to stand beside Alex’s right leg, but he faced the opposite direction. His tone became cold and passionless. “What should we do with him?”

  Alex turned to see Shade glaring at his deceased uncle. He spoke in the same tone of voice “We cannot do anything. He is too big and I would guess he weighs nearly two thousand pounds… We should allow the scavengers to do their job.”

  Shade caught the meaning and said “He deserves nothing better for what he’s done to both of us.” Then he looked up and his gold eyes softened. “Before we go I think you need to fix your coverings.”

  Alex looked at himself after figuring what he meant and said “You’re absolutely right. I can’t tell anyone about fighting a Shadow Fang or else they might try and hunt the others down, if they believed me that is. I don’t want you to be in any danger like that.”

  He couldn’t believe that Shade could understand complex words, let alone know about adult reasoning’s. He is smarter than should be possible. Shade then asked “May I be of any help?”

  Shaking his head was an easy gesture to comprehend. Alex looked at the uncle and saw that the stream had dropped an inch and the blood didn’t mix with the clear liquid. He said “Give me a few minutes. I need to look decent.” In answer, Shade sat back on his haunches. Alex looked up to see that the sun had risen and removed the eerie night.

  Alex walked past the deceased beast and waded into the cold stream. The dirt whisked away from his feet as he placed them in the water. Alex walked in until it came up to his knees. He knew that his pants were ruined beyond repair so he finished ripping the cloth from around the knee. With a firm grasp he ripped off the other side of his pants so they could match. He cupped the water in his one good hand and took a drink of the cool, refreshing liquid. With his throat now wet it felt so much better. He untied the blood stained bandage and threw it over on the bank with the other scraps of cloth. His arm felt worse than it actually looked. The blood wasn’t sticky and it was almost completely dry. He cupped the water again and washed all the blood off his arm. He counted a total of eight bite marks, but they only broke the skin and a miniscule amount of muscle had been pierced. Alex felt grateful that an artery wasn’t severed. He knew he didn’t need to see a healer because the wounds would heal on their own in time, if they didn’t get infected. He ripped the other sleeve carefully with his left hand to match his sleeveless left arm. After cleaning his clothes from laying in the dirt, he took a quick dip to submerge his entire body. It was cold, but he didn’t feel so dirty or smelly anymore.

  When he walked out of the water he said “My uncle will be worried about me and I need to see him anyways.”

  “Can I come with you?” Shade asked, standing up.

  “We’re brothers right?”

  Alex’s smile made him smile.

  The elder sibling started walking through the forest with Shade trotting by his side. He kept up with Alex’s strides without any effort. As they slowly made their way to Alex’s uncle’s farm he told Shade “Listen, I don’t want you to get hurt and the only way I can do that is to keep you a secret.” He looked up at Alex and kept silent so he went on. “People are afraid of fiends and would kill you on sight before they ever got to know you. I will be with you as much as I can, but we will be safer in the dark hours… By the way, what do you eat?”

  He grinned, showing all his teeth. “Everything… I like the meat my parents brought me back from their hunts and all the sweet fruits and berries. I don’t like bitter or bland things.” Alex didn’t know that Shadow Fangs weren’t strictly carnivores. When one thinks of predators we think of meat eaters, but Alex filed away this new and important fact.

  “Then tonight I’ll bring you out some food. You look like you can use some. How long has it been since you’ve last eaten exactly?” He noticed Shade’s ribs were beginning to show and his little hips were bony.

  Shade looked down, feeling ashamed for his past few stressful nights, but kept walking alongside his new brother. “My last meal was three days ago. That was when my uncle killed my parents. I was searching for food last night when he found me.” He looked up and changed the subject. “What is your den like?” Alex told him about where he live and Shade felt a thrill about visiting a new place.

  During the rest of the trip they learned small things about each other.

  When they finally returned to the farm, Alex showed him a place he could hide. Shade went willingly and curled up in a small hole inside the base of a hollowing tree. Before Alex knew it Shade was fast asleep. Alex reached into the hole and rubbed his head and said in a whisper “I will come see you when it gets dark and I’ll bring food too.”

  The sun was almost overhead when Alex slipped out of the confines of the trees and into the farm. He quickly saw his uncle’s movements breaking the soil with his item, off on the far end of the field. He didn’t see Alex, so he walked over. When Alex c
ame closer he saw an item at work. Gambit’s hoe is a Level One utility. Its special property is to cut through the hardest substances as easily as cutting through water. He was breaking the volcanic rock for the next planting season. Though it’s been twenty years since Gambit first worked the fields he still finds large stones that need to be broken down. His bare back muscles had a thick sheen of sweat that was covered in black volcanic soil.

  When Alex was close enough he felt that weird sensation in his throat again as he said “Uncle, I’m back.”

  Gambit spun around and Alex saw a pain of worry leave his uncle’s face. Pure relief showed on his smiling expression when he saw Alex return home safely. His brow was caked in sweat and mud from all the work he’s been doing all morning. He held his item in his left hand and rubbed the sweat from his eyes with the back of his right. His blue eyes twinkled and his beard flew in every possible direction. He began to walk towards his nephew as he spoke “Alex, where did you go?! I checked your room before I left this morning and…” His eyes widened as he saw the arm and ripped attire. “Alex, what happened?!”

  Alex smiled as they were close enough to speak normally. “I went out last night to get a start on the present you got for me and I slipped on some sharp rocks and they did this.” He lifted his throbbing left arm so Gambit could get a better look. Blue eyes studied the riddled arm closely and Alex could only hope the tooth patterns were odd enough that he’d believe the story. “And when I got back up I realized my leg happened to be scratched as well.”

  Gambit lifted his head back and started laughing. Alex hoped he didn’t know that he lied to his uncle’s face. He put a hand on Alex good shoulder and was grateful that that was the worst that happened. In a chiding tone he said “See what happens when you forget to take a torch with you. Now tell me how you feel?”

  Alex looked behind him and pointed. “I feel like the stones you just broke.”

  He turned and laughed. “So you feel that good? Boy, don’t scare me like that again. If you hadn’t come back by nightfall I was going to start up a search for you.” He looked back at Alex a few moments later and eventually said “We need to talk about my son, Rakkel.”

  Alex held up his hand for a moment. “Hold on a minute, Uncle.” He waited as Alex explained “Let me go get a rake to help you smooth out that new soil.”

  As the words registered in Gambit’s mind his jaw hung by their hinges as his nephew walked back to the farmhouse to get a rake. Alex knew why his uncle was stunned; he couldn’t believe that he was going to help him to work out in the field.

  It was a change neither would have expected.

  When Alex made it to the house he walked through the door and grabbed the rake. As he was passing the awning he saw that the wooden pail was empty. Alex knew that his uncle would be thirsty from working so hard. He picked up the bucket and walked behind the house to fill it up with the fresh and cool water.

  He smiled knowing that he was taking his very first step to becoming stronger. Alex felt a change slowly happening within himself. And then he remembered Lily taking her first step towards finding herself and not letting the king dictate how and what she was ordered to do. Alex looked into the building clouds and sun to pledge “I’ll search you out and show you I’m still alive, my friend. I hope your still around by then.”

  Alex then held the heavy water in his right hand and the rake rested carefully in his left as he began walking forward and taking a first step to a new and respectable goal.