Read Until Forever Page 26

  Pastor Tim started the ceremony. When it came time for the vows, Mark began. “Jessi, my dearest Jessi. I promise that I will cherish you, honor you, lift you up when you are weak, and love you as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. You will always be the center of my life. I would forsake everything to be by your side. Your needs will always come before my own, and I promise to provide for us to the best of my ability. I will stay near when you become ill and wipe your tears when you cry. I will rejoice with you when you rejoice, and I will mourn with you when you mourn. I promise to love you all of my days.” When it came time for her to say her vows, Jessi felt her voice wobble slightly, but she remained strong. “Mark, I promise to love you, to honor you, to encourage you, and uplift you. I will stand by you every day for the rest of our lives, no matter what circumstances come upon us. You will always be the one I look to for leadership, love, and friendship. I will remain loyal to you and be your companion all of my days. All of my love will be yours till death do us part.”

  Mark placed the ring on Jessi’s finger, and then Jessi placed the ring on Mark’s finger. They kissed and were pronounced man and wife.

  Before sending the couple down the aisle to wait in the receiving line, the pastor made an announcement. “Everyone is requested to make their way out to the back of the church by the pond where chairs are set up for your convenience. After the outside portion of the service is concluded, the bride and groom will have a traditional receiving line.”

  Mark and Jessi left the platform of the church by way of the side stage doors. They changed into summer clothes, and when they found Olivia changed and ready, they headed out to the pond. Everyone was already seated and wondering what was happening. Pastor Tim let them know. “Mark and Jessi have requested something very special as their first act together as a married couple. They would like the whole family to be baptized together. I am going to baptize Mark, Pastor Gregg will be baptizing Jessi, and our children’s pastor, Pastor Mike, will be baptizing Olivia. While Mark and Jessi are going to be baptized by immersion, the manner our church normally baptizes, we will be doing things a little bit different with Olivia. Because of her recent accident, we don’t want to shock her system, and the water is still pretty cold from the long winter, so Pastor Mike is going to baptize her in the manner of our Christian brothers and sisters who choose to baptize by sprinkling. Our biblical view of baptism indicates that by being baptized we are telling the world we are Christ’s. I believe that God will see Olivia’s heart and know that she wants the world to know that she is truly his. First Corinthians tells us that baptism symbolizes that when we are going under the water, we are burying our old self, and when we are lifted up out of the water we are being resurrected with Christ. Therefore, by dying with Christ, we choose to live with him.”

  The pastors led Mark and Jessi into the water. Pastor Mike lifted Olivia into his arms and joined them. Pastor Tim led the baptismal service, and all three were baptized at the same time. It was a glorious day for a wedding and a glorious day to be baptized.

  Merry watched as Jessi’s head went under. She was so proud of her daughter. She had overcome so much in the past year. It was one year ago that she found out Mark had been released from prison and had given thought to hiding from him. One year later, and she was married to the man. God had a sense of humor.

  After the baptism service, Mark, Jessi, and Olivia changed and they formed the promised receiving line. Jessi had to laugh when so many people commented on her hairdo. The lovely up-do that Julia had spent so much time on was gone. Now it hung limply to her shoulders, still damp from only being towel dried.

  The afternoon was filled with fun and more food than they could possibly eat. There was fried chicken, sliced ham, potato salad, sliced fruit, and much more, with plenty of sweet tea to go around. The church had set up volleyball nets, and horseshoes were being played. The little ones played on the playground. Mark and Jessi’s celebration turned out to be a lot of fun for a lot of people. They were both glad at the end of the day that they had chosen something that everyone could enjoy.

  Olivia returned to Julia’s house with Merry, while Jessi and Mark went to their new home. Olivia really wanted to go with her mom and dad now that they were a family, but Aunt Merry put her foot down. “Tomorrow you will go home. Tonight you get to spend the night with me and Aunt Julia.”

  She was so tired after the full day that she fell asleep in the car on the way home, and Julia had to carry her in the house and tuck her in after she managed to get her changed.

  Jessi was nervous when she and Mark returned to their new home alone. “Mark, do you want something to eat?” She opened the refrigerator, pretending to look for something to eat.

  “No, I am just starting to feel human again after eating so much at the church.” Mark smiled at his wife and pulled his shirt off.

  “Well, do you need some Rolaids? Are you not feeling well?”

  “I’m feeling perfectly fine, Jessi. I don’t need anything but you.” He pulled her close, and she forgot all about Rolaids, food, and anything else that might have crossed her mind.


  Mark watched Jessi as she approached Ethan’s grave. From this very spot he had watched her two years ago and realized how much he still loved her. She was an amazing woman, his wife. He still gave her a moment alone at their son’s grave before he joined her. It was their custom to then come together and tell Ethan about the previous year. He began to walk, anticipating her need to have him by her side. He was almost there when she turned to motion him to her, and she gave a small laugh when she saw where he was. It was little things like this that had drawn them together so close.

  He put his arm around her. “How was your visit with your son?”

  “I hope you don’t mind that I already told him about his little brother.”

  “And to think we were going to do that together.” He drew his very pregnant wife into his arms. “Something tells me that Ethan already knew about his little brother. I wonder if he had any say in picking him out for us.” He grinned down at her. “God does have a sense of humor, you know.”

  “Oh, I think God had him picked out a long, long time ago. Before the foundation of the world is how I believe it goes.”

  Mark kissed her nose. “Yes, I believe you are right.”

  They both heard her before they saw her and turned toward the very rambunctious Olivia running toward them. She had fully recovered to the point that you would never have known the doctors thought she may never walk again. “Mom, Dad, I don’t know why I couldn’t come with you guys. Aunt Merry took so long in getting here. She had to stop by the store for something. Did you already tell him everything?”

  She waited for their response. Mark answered her. “Your mother already told him about the baby, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Ugh! I thought we were going to tell him together.” Olivia plopped down on the ground and waited for Aunt Merry so she could complain some more.

  Jessi reached up and rubbed noses with her husband. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  Mark scratched his head and pondered the question. “Nope, I don’t believe you have.”

  “Well, my dear husband, I will love you until forever.”

  Reading Discussion Guide

  The following questions may be used as part of a book club, Bible study or group discussion.

  1. In the beginning of the story, Mark is thinking and commenting to himself about Jessi not being religious. He also makes the observation that Jessi does not consider herself to be worthy of God’s love. Have you ever felt this way? Do you know others who feel this way? What is the truth regarding being “worthy” of God’s love? How can we help others to understand they can come to God just as they are?

  2. Ethan is four years old but he is conveyed as having a great faith. How does this line up with scripture? How can children who believe be an example to us?

  3. I love the character Aunt Me
rry. There were a few women who crossed my mind as I created her. My grandmother, Ella Louise, is one of them as is Linda Johnson who wrote the forward for Until Forever. Both of these women were examples to me as I have grown in my faith. Can you think of women in your life who have been mentors for you? How have they influenced you? Do you have them on a pedestal? Or do you see them for who they really are?

  4. At the end of chapter two, Jessi makes a very difficult decision. She decides to end life support for her son, Ethan. This is a very controversial subject. What are the pros of doing such? What are the cons? Does scripture support your beliefs? How?

  5. While in prison, Mark is presented with the gospel and in turn gives his life to Christ. He is in a constant battle between forgiving himself and allowing the enemy to bring up his past sins. Psalm 103:12 states that He has removed our sins from us as far as the east is to the west. If that is indeed so, and we know it is because the Word says it is so, why do we continually remind ourselves and allow the enemy to remind us of our past sins? How does this type of behavior affect our purpose in Christ?

  6. Aunt Merry is the first one in the family to face the “changed” Mark. She does not want to disappoint Jessi, but she also knows what God requires of us in terms of forgiving others. Aunt Merry uses her own story to help Jessi learn that everyone falls short and everyone needs forgiveness. How does transparency help your testimony? Are you transparent? James 5:16 instructs us to “confess our sins to one another.” What do you think the purpose is for this action? Read the remainder of James 5:16 and see if that brings to light the reason.

  7. Christ is revealing Himself to Jessi at every turn. Her aunt, her ex-husband and her daughter are Christians. She finds herself running farther and farther from Him. John 15:16 tells us that “you did not choose me, but I chose you…” Wow. The Creator of the universe has hand chosen us because He wants to have relationship with us. We have already discussed how Aunt Merry uses her past to teach Jessi about forgiveness. How does the Holy Spirit use Mark in bringing Jessi to Christ? How has the Holy Spirit used you to show others Christ? Have you learned anything from Mark’s example?

  8. Before his conversion to Christianity, Mark made excuses and justified his actions. How did this change after his conversion? How did this change affect his relationship with Jessi? Looking back on your life are you the same person you were ten years ago? How about five years ago? What about two years ago? Last month? As Christians, we should continually be asking Christ to change us into the people God is calling us to be. If we are not growing, we become stagnant. When we meet up with someone we used to know, we should not be recognizable. Changing requires that we be honest with ourselves. Will you look at your life and ask what areas need more of Christ and less of you? Are you willing to implement those changes with Christ’s help?

  9. In praying for Jessi, Aunt Merry was relentless. The ladies in her prayer group knew the most important event in a person’s life was their complete and utter abandonment to Christ. They also knew to keep a journal of answered prayers. These answered prayers are what gave them the strength to continue on in their prayers and have faith that their loved ones would accept Christ before their death. How is your prayer life? Do you set aside prayer time daily? Do you believe that your prayers will be answered?

  10. Jessi waited until her bottom dropped out before she turned to Christ. Why do we do that? It wasn’t until Olivia was in a hospital bed with nowhere for Jessi to turn to that she finally submitted herself to Christ. Have you invited Christ into your life? Have you given him complete and utter control of your destiny? Please don’t wait until you can no longer handle things on your own. If you would like the assurance of spending eternity with Christ, pray this prayer with me:

  Lord God, I come before you, a sinner. I believe in you and I believe your word is true. I believe Jesus Christ is your son and that he died on a cross so that I might be forgiven my sins and spend eternity with you. Without you, I am nothing.

  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today.

  I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ."


  Enjoy this excerpt of Forever Blessed

  Book Two

  of the


  Darlene Shortridge


  There were days when he moved silently, almost as if he were invisible, watching every move she made. This was one of those days.

  The children sat at the table eating their breakfast and she was standing at the kitchen counter making his lunch. She spread the last bit of mayonnaise on his sandwich when he grabbed a fistful of her hair, weaving her long dark tresses through his fingers.

  Making her listen, he forcefully whispered in her ear “Did I tell you to put mayonnaise on my sandwich?”

  The pain tore through her skull and she fought the threatening tears. She shook her head no. Even though he’d had mayonnaise on his sandwiches for the past seven years of their marriage, no, he did not tell her to make it that way today. She managed a slight whisper “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again”.

  He used her hair to propel her face forward into the open-faced sandwich. “Let this be a reminder to you. You do nothing without asking me first. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, trying to breathe as both her mouth and nose pressed into the bread, the sticky white condiment quickly filling the open spaces.

  He yanked her head up, turning her to face the children, who watched with open curiosity, “Look at your mother kids; doesn’t she look ugly with mayonnaise on her face?”

  The youngest, being two and finding humor with most anything, pointed and began to giggle. The five-year-old followed suit. Only the eight-year-old remained quiet. She stared at her mother for a moment then grabbed her school bag and headed for the door. The five-year-old ran to catch up.

  When everyone had left for the day and the two-year-old was busy playing with toys, the woman sank to the floor and cried tears that flowed from the depths of her soul.

  Chapter 1

  After putting Melanie in her car seat, Laney quietly used her hip to securely shut the door. The still night air did nothing to muffle the sound. She stood still, waiting for him to come running out of the house to stop her. She said her last silent goodbye to the house that was supposed to be her dream house. She had dubbed it the house of horrors shortly after moving in. Goodbyes had never been easy for her. This time it was what she wanted most in the world.

  She still had to get out of the driveway. She whispered to her oldest daughter, Joy, that it was time to do her job. Laney put the car in neutral and started pushing. Joy had her hands on the steering wheel and her foot ready to push the brakes. They made it to the street. Laney continued pushing until they were two houses down. She motioned for Joy to apply the brakes. Joy scooted over to the passenger seat. Laney jumped in the van and started it.

  She was two hours north of town when the lights in the big two-story brick house came on. She couldn’t possibly hear the shouting and cursing, yet her insides were knotted and her stomach churned. If he caught her, he would kill her. Of that she was certain.

  Laney drove all night, only stopping to get gas. She paid with the cash she had safely squirreled away. She didn’t drink anything for fear she would have to go the bathroom. The kids slept. They only had the pajamas they wore to bed and one change of clothes she had stashed the week before when she was doing laundry. She had managed to get their social security cards and birth certificates as well. If she had packed anything else he would have noticed. She was wearing the sweats she normally slept in. She had nothing else. When she started planning her escape she realized she would be giving up many things that held sentimental meaning to her. It didn’t matter. N
othing mattered as long as she and her children were safe and away from the man she called husband.

  Laney watched her life disappear in the rear view mirror. If only the memories could disappear as well.

  The sun was rising when she noticed her eldest daughter stirring in the seat next to her. She knew the other two would be rousing soon as well, wanting something to eat. They still had several hours before they would arrive at their destination.

  Laney glanced at her daughter. With one eye on the road, she looked at Joy, wanting to see approval on her daughter’s face.

  Joy smiled at her mom. “I love you, Mom. You did the right thing.”

  Laney teared up hearing such grown up words coming from her still young daughter. “I love you too. You mean everything to me.”

  Melanie started to whimper and Laney knew it was time to stop. She pulled into a truck stop. While she was cautious, she knew Paul had no idea where she was headed. She purposefully did not go to the obvious places, like her parents or her sister’s house. She didn’t let them know she was leaving. She thought it would be safer to wait and inform them later. That way, when he contacted them, which she knew he would, they wouldn’t have to lie to protect her.

  Laney wiped away the threatening tears and concentrated on her children. Melanie was in a mood. She didn’t get a good nights rest and was sure to be cranky for the rest of the trip. Hopefully some breakfast would help. She looked at the face of her still sleeping son, Matt. Such a sweet boy. Thank God he was such a hard sleeper. The night before, Joy had quietly led him outside and into the car where he continued to sleep. He would have many questions when he was fully awake. Only Joy had known ahead of time that they were leaving. Even then, it was only out of necessity that she had told her. She needed help to get the other two children quietly to the car in the middle of the night. Joy had saved her.