Read Unwitting Alliances - Hunter Blake Series Page 10

Chapter Ten

  “Anyone heard from Hunter?” Frank was asking someone on the phone. “I’m worried. No one’s been able to pick up his transponder signal.” Frank listened for a moment. “Okay. Let me know if you hear anything.” He hung up.

  “Frank?” Karen asked stepping into the room. “Who are you talking to? Is it about Hunter? I’m so worried about him. I don’t like what I’m hearing on the news.”

  “I know,” he said. “Everyone’s concerned.” He looked at his wife. “Who else might know where he is?”

  Karen thought a moment. “Maybe Jim Wesley. He and Hunter have gotten to know each other working on the Rathdrum projects together. You might give him a call.”

  Frank nodded. “That’s a good idea. I’ll do that and see if he knows anything.” He made the call and had a brief conversation with Jim, then hung up.

  “The last time he and his wife saw Hunter was at dinner the other night. They’re worried too. He said he sent Hunter a text message but hasn’t heard back.”

  Karen frowned. “And no one else has seen or heard from him?”

  “No one I’ve talked to,” Frank said.

  She looked at her husband. “From the news reports it sounds like he’s mixed up in something illegal, but I cannot, for the life of me, believe any of it is true. Not the Hunter I know!”

  “I agree, honey. The only other thing Jim could tell me was that Hunter was paying for some repairs to the home of one of his congregation. She’s staying at the Resort until the repairs are finished. Hunter is paying for everything.”

  “Now, you see? That’s the Hunter I know and love. A man who is compassionate and generous,” she said. “Do you think this woman might have heard from him?”

  “Not likely. They only met the one time, I think and she doesn’t know who’s paying for everything. Hunter insisted Jim keep it a secret.”

  “That is so sweet.” Karen smiled. “How many women can say they’ve had dinner with Hunter Blake?”

  Frank grinned at her. “And how many women can say they’ve had Hunter Blake as a house guest from time to time and he loves her apple pie?”

  “Speaking of food,” she said, “can we go out for an early dinner tonight? I really don’t feel like cooking anything.”

  “Just name the place,” Frank said.

  “Well, since you mentioned the Resort, you know how much I enjoy eating there.”

  “Okay. Dockside or Beverly’s?”

  “Dockside would be fine especially if we can get a table at a window. I like watching the boats come and go.”

  “I’ll make the call,” he said.

  Dinner was enjoyable and afterward they decided to stroll along the floating boardwalk and enjoy the evening air. “It’s so lovely here, isn’t it?” Karen said taking her husband’s hand.

  “Yes it is,” he said. “We do live in a beautiful area.”

  Karen smiled. “I love this time of evening. It’s so peaceful listening to the sound of the water lapping against the boardwalk.”

  Frank put his arm around her. “All that and spending time with someone you love.” He gave her a squeeze then stopped as his phone rang. He pulled it from its belt clip. “I better get this,” he said, and stepped away.

  Karen continued to watch the water and a couple of boats still out on the lake at anchor. She let out a sigh and found a place to sit down to wait for her husband. Another conversation nearby got her attention for a moment as she noticed two women standing at the rail looking out across the lake. Karen glanced back at Frank who was still engaged in his conversation, then resumed watching the lake.

  The two women moved a little closer, still chatting quietly. Karen found herself unintentionally listening to their conversation which rambled from one thing to another until one woman asked, “So when will your house be finished?”

  “I’m not sure,” the other said. “There was so much water damage from that broken pipe. But Jim found some organization that helps finance catastrophic repairs like this so it’s coming along.”

  Karen was now intrigued, especially hearing the name Jim, and found herself staring at them.

  One glanced around and smiled. “Hello,” she said. “I hope we’re not bothering you. We can move.”

  Karen was caught off guard but quickly responded. “No, no. You’re fine. I’m sorry. I’m waiting for my husband to get off the phone. I guess I’ve been eavesdropping. My apologies.”

  “That’s okay,” the woman said. “I’m Betty and this is my friend Samantha.”

  “I’m Karen.”

  “Are you staying at the Resort too?” Betty asked.

  “No. We live north of here. This is just a favorite place of ours to spend a night out together. We like the food and the atmosphere… and the view.” She smiled.

  “It is pretty,” Betty said in admiration.

  “So where are both of you from?” Karen asked.

  “I’m visiting from Missouri,” Betty said, “but my friend Sam lives here.”

  Samantha smiled. “I live near Twin Lakes.”

  “Really,” Karen replied. “So do we.”

  “Maybe you’re neighbors,” Betty said. “Sam’s house is getting fixed up so that’s why she’s staying here for now, but when it’s all finished, she’ll be back out there again too. Maybe you both could exchange contact information… you know, so you can get acquainted.”

  Samantha was surprised at her friend’s boldness. “Betty, maybe Karen doesn’t want to share her contact information with a stranger.”

  Karen glanced back at her husband but his back was turned toward her. “No, actually, I think that’s a great idea. It would be nice to get to know each other.”

  Samantha smiled. “Well, okay. Sure.” They exchanged phone numbers and addresses then continued to visit.

  “So Samantha,” Karen began, “have you lived in the area for long?”

  “No. I’m also from Missouri and been here for just a few months.”

  “I see. Have you met anyone else?”

  “Yes, from church, mostly. In fact, I was staying with my bishop and his wife, for a while before coming here.”

  “Your bishop?”

  “Yes, we’re Latter-day Saints. You know, Mormons,” Samantha explained. “Jim Wesley is my bishop.”

  “Oh. I’m also Mormon,” Karen said, “just not very active right now.”

  “So you know the Wesleys.”

  “Yes. Very well. Good people.”

  Frank’s call ended and he rejoined his wife. “Hello,” he said to the women.

  “Frank, this is Samantha and her friend Betty. They’re friends of the Wesleys.”

  “Really,” he said with obvious interest. Karen quickly filled him in on the conversation she’d just had with them and they all chatted for a while longer.

  Samantha yawned suddenly. “I'm sorry,” she apologized. “I'm just tired. It's been a long day. We've been all over the area sightseeing, but I think we should to get back to our room. It was very nice meeting you both.”

  Karen and Frank watched as Samantha and Betty walked along the boardwalk on their way back to the Resort. “So, what do you think?” Karen asked.

  “I think we just found out who Hunter is helping, that is if she’s the one dealing with house repairs.”

  “She is. I forgot that part, but yes. That’s why she’s staying here.”

  “It fits,” Frank agreed. “It fits.” He put his arm around his wife. “Thanks, honey.”

  Heading for the elevators Betty seemed especially happy. “Really nice people, don’t you think? And friendly. I like friendly people.”

  “Yes, very nice,” Samantha agreed.

  An elevator car arrived and they got on along with another couple who just walked up. A man hurriedly pushed his way in and stood behind everyone. Betty pressed their floor number and the man in back selected the floor above. Betty looked
at the couple. “What floor?”

  “Same as yours apparently,” the man answered.

  “Okay.” Betty smiled at them. “I guess we’re neighbors.”

  The couple simply grinned.

  Stopping at their floor, Betty stepped out followed by the couple who immediately struck up a conversation with her as they walked down the hallway.

  “Isn’t this a fabulous place to stay?” the woman asked. “We’re having such a good time. Have you visited the spa yet? It’s so elegant.”

  “Sam and I have talked about it,” Betty replied, “but we haven’t gone yet.”

  The man began patting himself down. “Oh, dear.”

  “What, sweetheart?” his companion asked.

  “I think I left my wallet at the bar. We need to go back.” Taking the woman by the hand, they hurried to the elevators.

  “Nice chatting with you,” Betty called out. “More nice people, huh Sam? I sure hope he finds his wallet.” She looked around. “Sam? Did you go inside already?” Betty tried the door. “You could have left the door open for me,” she called out. Irritated, she used her own key card and stepped inside. The room was dark. “Sam? Are you in here?” She reached for the light switch. “Sam? Where are you?” Betty dashed to the bathroom then out again. “Sam!”

  Running out into the hall, Betty stood frozen in place. There was no one in sight. Pulling the door closed, she hurried to the elevator and waited impatiently for a car to arrive. Once in the lobby she headed straight to Dockside to see if Samantha had returned there for some reason. With the excuse of losing an earring, she went back to their table. Although another party had been seated she pretended to look around then left. In a panic, she hurried to the registration desk, now nearly in tears.

  “May I help you?” the clerk asked with concern.

  “My friend is missing,” Betty whispered. “She’s gone. I can’t find her anywhere and I don’t know what to do.”

  “Maybe she’s in the restroom,” the clerk suggested.

  “No. We were in the elevator together but when I got to our room, she wasn’t with me.” Betty wiped her face. “Please. I’m scared and I need help.”

  “I’ll call security. Wait right here.”

  Minutes later, she was in a private office explaining everything to Officer Callahan, including chatting with the other couple on the elevator and in the hallway outside her room.

  “Sam just disappeared. If she was going to have gone someplace else, she would have told me. She wouldn’t have snuck off somewhere and scared me like this. She wouldn’t do that! Besides, she was tired and ready to go to bed.”

  “Okay. Let me check around and see if we can locate her. I’ll be back. Please try to stay calm.” Ten minutes later, Officer Callahan was back with one of the hotel managers.

  “I’m Randall Cummings,” the manager introduced himself.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Betty Johnson,” she shook his hand.

  “We’re still checking around for your friend.”

  “Shouldn’t you call the police?” she asked. “It isn’t like Sam to disappear like this. She knows I’d be worried.”

  “Let us complete our own in-house investigation first. Then we’ll decide what to do next... unless, of course, she turns up.”


  “It’s standard procedure. It isn’t unusual for someone to simply show up when everyone else thought they were hiding or lost.”

  “Yes, but...”

  “Let us do our job. You can go back to your room to wait, if you like.”

  Back in her room, Betty was more agitated than ever pacing back and forth in her room. An hour passed and she was getting ready to call security when someone knocked at her door. It was Officer Callahan.

  “We’ve stopped our investigation,” he said.


  “We decided to turn the matter over to the police. They’ll be sending someone to talk to you in the next day or so to get more information if your friend hasn’t shown up by then.


  “I’m sorry but it’s procedure. In most cases the missing person turns up within twenty-four to forty-eight hours and there’s no need for an investigation.”

  Betty burst into tears. “But she was kidnapped!” she struggled to say. “Someone took her! She wouldn’t just disappear for no reason! That’s not like her!”

  “Okay. Okay,” Officer Callahan said, trying to calm her down. “Is there anything more you can tell me about the couple you mentioned on the elevator?”

  “Just that they got on with us and were holding hands. Oh, and that other man who never said anything. He just pushed his way in and stood behind us.”

  “What other man?” Callahan asked. “You didn’t mention him before.”

  Betty frowned. “I didn’t? I guess I wasn’t paying that much attention to him, Mostly because I was chatting with the man and woman. Besides, we were anxious to get back to our room so we could turn on the television. Well, I wanted to turn on the television to find out about Hunter Blake. Sam mostly wanted to go to bed.”

  The officer smiled. “Can you describe this other man?”

  Betty sighed. “Not really. Like I said, I wasn’t paying attention. Mostly I talked to those other people.” She teared up again. “First he disappears and now Samantha...”

  “Excuse me? The other man disappeared?” the officer asked, confused.

  “No. Hunter Blake,” Betty replied and sat back, closing her eyes.

  “Wait. Are you suggesting there’s some kind of a connection between the Hunter Blake situation and your friend’s disappearance?”

  Realizing her gaffe, Betty looked at the officer then stammered, “N-No. It’s just... I-I’m a Hunter Blake fan and... and... oh, never mind.”

  Officer Callahan stood up. “Perhaps I should mention this other man to the police and maybe take a look at some surveillance footage too.” He headed for the door. “Let me know if you can remember anything else,” he said and left.

  Betty stayed on the sofa absently staring at the blank television screen mounted on the opposite wall. All she could think of was Samantha.

  Twenty minutes passed. Betty had dozed off on the sofa. She was startled awake by a tap at the door and hurried to take a peek then jerked it open. Two city policemen introduced themselves as Officers Norbert and Brown. She let them in then sat and answered their questions, repeating everything she had told the Security Officer Callahan, and sharing any other details she could think of.

  As they were getting ready to leave, one of the officers casually brought up Hunter’s name. “The guys downstairs mentioned you seemed to think there is a connection between his disappearance and your friend’s. Do either of you know him personally?”

  “Well,” Betty began but hesitated. “Sam does... sorta, but she only met him twice. It’s not like she knows him really well or anything.”

  “I see,” Officer Brown said. “Were they dating?”

  “No. Oh, heavens no. She accidentally ran into him at the Home Center. Her cart collided with his. And then she was staying with the Wesleys before she came here and they know him pretty well and invited him to dinner. So she had dinner with him, but the Wesleys were there too.” She frowned at them. “She didn’t know he was going to be there.”

  “Blind date?”

  Betty shook her head quickly. “No. Nothing like that. He’s just a friend of the Wesleys and they wanted to see him and I guess thought it would be nice for Sam to meet him too... maybe... to cheer her up.”

  “Cheer her up.”

  “Yes. With all her house repairs and everything going on, she’s been a little stressed out.” She eyed them both. “Is any of this important?”

  The officers looked at each other then back at Betty. “Let’s go over this again. Tell us more about your friend and Hunter Blake.”

ere’s nothing more to tell,” Betty insisted. “Like I said, she didn’t even know he was going to be there that night. She said it was really awkward and she felt embarrassed the whole time so she didn’t say much. Mostly she listened.”

  “And they never saw each other again?”

  “No, because I arrived a couple of days after that and she and I have been together and doing stuff ever since... well until now, and shouldn’t you be out there looking for her instead of asking me all these questions that probably don’t have anything to do with her abduction?”

  Officer Brown nodded. “Okay, and these other people are the Wesleys, you said?”

  “The Wesleys, yes.”

  “We’ll need their contact information.”

  “I can probably get their phone number,” she said.

  Officer Brown turned to his partner. “You want to find out if those surveillance tapes are ready?”

  “Sure.” Officer Norbert made the call then replied, “They’re ready for us,” he said.

  “Good,” Brown turned to Betty. “Ms. Johnson, we’d like you to come take a look with us. Maybe you’ll see something or recognize someone.”

  Both officers her Betty downstairs and to a room with several computer monitors displaying live surveillance images.

  “Over here.” Officer Callahan motioned to them. “We found something interesting,” he said pointing to another computer monitor. “Here’s footage of people standing in line for dinner around the time Ms. Johnson and her friend were there.”

  They all watched intently until Betty said excitedly, “There! There we are!” she pointed.

  The security officer pulled up more footage. “Watch this,” he said as the video showed Betty and Samantha waiting for an elevator. When it arrived, another couple and one other person hurried onboard with them.

  “Those are the other people we were with on the elevator,” Betty said.

  Callahan then showed one other clip. “Now watch this. As the elevator stopped at their floor, Ms. Johnson stepped out first, followed by the other couple. However, Ms. Sinclair was pulled back inside the elevator car by that other man,” Callahan said. “But noticed how he keeps his back to the camera so we can’t see what he’s doing. He probably used something to render her unconscious.”

  “Oh no!” Betty said. “Oh no!” She stumbled backwards and found a chair, sitting down abruptly.

  “Where did that guy get off?” Officer Norbert asked.

  “The next floor up,” Callahan said. “Hallway footage shows he carried her to the stairs but we can’t find any other shots of him or her.”

  “Then they must still be in the Resort. Are there any views that show their faces? Anything?” Brown asked.

  Callahan shook his head. “Nothing. They obviously knew where the cameras were. Even that couple. We can’t seem to get a clear shot of them either.”

  “I see.”

  “I’m inclined to think the couple was meant to keep Ms. Johnson distracted.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “But that still doesn’t explain how they got Ms. Sinclair out of the building.” Norbert stared at the monitor. “There’s got to be something we missed. You can’t just disappear in a stairwell with an operating camera.” He stood quietly for a moment. “Brown. Let’s you and I go take another look.” He motioned to the stairwell footage. “Keep an eye on that,” he said.

  “What should I do?” Betty asked standing up.

  “Why don’t you wait here for a few more minutes, then I can escort you back to your room,” Callahan said.

  “Okay.” Betty sat down again.

  Officers Norbert and Brown quickly headed back to the stairwell on the floor where the man had taken Samantha. Callahan continued to watch the monitor. A moment later he reacted when the screen flickered. Suddenly he was looking at both officers staring up into the camera.

  “I don’t believe it,” he said.

  “What?” Betty stood up. “What is it?”

  “The camera had been rigged so we couldn’t see anything in that part of the stairwell.”

  Soon the police officers returned. Callahan looked at them and shook his head. “I should have been more thorough,” he said.

  “Don’t beat yourself up too much. We almost missed it ourselves.” Officer Brown held up a tiny device. “It’s pretty slick.”

  “I guess we’d better check the cameras on some of the other floors, just in case.”

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Norbert said. “We’ll call in a couple of other officers to help.”

  Callahan looked at Betty. “Let me get you back to your room.” Soon they were at her door. “Let me take a look then I want you to stay inside and not open your door for anyone. Not even housekeeping unless a security officer is here with you.”

  “Okay,” Betty replied. “But I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “We know, but you should be safe if you stay in your room and do what we say.”