Read Unwitting Alliances - Hunter Blake Series Page 17

Chapter Seventeen

  Jim was relieved to hear from his friend. “You have no idea how worried we’ve been,” he said. “Where are you?”

  “Pappy’s. Janet’s with me,” Hunter replied. “Hey, I need to talk to you. Can we meet?”

  “Sure. Where?”


  “I’ll be there,” Jim said. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “I know,” Hunter agreed, “but I don’t think you’re going to like hearing what we’ve been through so far and I don’t think it’s going to get any better any time soon.”

  Hunter hung up. He and Janet finished their breakfast then waited for Jim to show up.

  “What did you mean by ‘Pappy’s?” Janet asked.

  “Pappy’s? Oh, yeah... Pappy Boyington. This airfield was named for him. He was born in Coeur d’Alene in the early nineteen hundreds, and was a Sioux Indian, or part Sioux, I think. Anyway, he was a World War II aviation hero. A Marine Corp officer, that led the famous Black Sheep Squadron into a heck of a lot of air combat missions. He finally got shot down over the South Pacific and was a prisoner of war…for almost two years. Anyway, he earned the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross. Died in his sleep in Fresno, California, of all places, but he’s buried at Arlington National Cemetery.”

  “And his name was Pappy?”

  Hunter laughed. “No. It was... uh... Greg, I think. Yeah. Gregory.”

  “Black Sheep Squadron. Wasn’t there a movie about that or something?” Janet asked.

  “A syndicated TV series called Black Sheep Squadron. Robert Conrad played Pappy.”

  “You sure know a lot about him,” she said.

  “Because I had the same question you did when I moved up here... you know, who’s Pappy?” He smiled. “So I looked it up.”

  It wasn't long before Jim arrived. He joined Janet and Hunter in the hangar apartment when they could sit and talk.

  “Before we get started, how's Sam's place shaping up?” Hunter asked Jim.

  “It’s looking good,” Jim replied.

  “Who's Samantha?” Janet asked.

  “A member of my church congregation,” Jim answered. “She bought an old farmhouse not too long ago, but it needed work. A few men from church were working on it but after the pipe broke, Hunter decided to toss in a few bucks to help out.”

  “A few bucks?” Janet grinned.

  Hunter shrugged. “Well... you know. Things can get a little pricey.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” she said smiling.

  “It should be ready for her to move back in in a few weeks, don't you think?” he asked Jim.

  “I would think so.”

  “Good. They she'll be able to move back in and get settled again. That should make her happy.”

  Janet laughed. “So, if I buy an old fixer-upper will you help pay for my repairs too?”

  “Sure. But how about we buy you a new place instead? One that doesn’t need a lot of fixing up.”

  “I was only kidding, you know,” Janet replied.

  “I wasn’t.”

  Jim shifted in his chair and changed the subject. “So… tell me what's going on.”

  Hunter shook his head. “I wish I knew, to be honest. We’ve been out of touch with everything for the past three days, other than living through a nightmare,” Hunter said. “Although we did see a news report about the Allensbys. That was a shock, but tell us what else is going on first then we can fill you in on more details about our past three days.”

  Jim nodded and sighed. “Well, there was one story that had to do with the two of you in Wyoming, and one other guy, I think. I don’t know. It was vague and then wasn’t a story any longer.” He stared at them. “Then the Allensbys of course.”

  “Yeah. Janet was Gerry’s personal assistant.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, Janet, but there hasn’t been much more reported about that, I’m afraid, other than it’s still under investigation. Then there was something about a young actress.” Jim tried to remember her name.

  “Tiffany Miles?” Hunter asked without hesitation.

  “Yes. I think that was her name,” Jim said.

  “What about her?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t pay much attention since it sounded hyped up to me, but Diane might be able to fill you in. To me it sounded a lot like of the typical Hollywood gossip and since she’s performed opposite you in couple of films, it looked like she was taking advantage of a golden opportunity for the publicity.”

  “Yeah. That sounds like her,” Hunter said. “Well ask Diane if she remembers anything specific, will you?”

  “Sure,” Jim said. “Okay, so now tell me what’s going on from your perspective, because I honestly cannot even begin to imagine, for one minute, that you’re involved in anything illegal.”

  “Is that what everyone thinks? That we’re... responsible for... whatever? Good grief, Jim. We’re the victims, and right now I’m completely baffled by all of it, and especially because of a conversation I just had with Karen.”

  “Karen Bradley?” Jim asked.

  “Yeah. I took a chance and called because I wanted to talk to Frank and find out if he could help us somehow, but Karen answered the phone and told me not to talk to Frank! She was supposed to meet us here earlier but didn’t show, then called to say she was frightened and thought she was being followed, so she didn’t want to try to meet us. She said she’d call back and asked that I not call her.”

  “That doesn’t sound good.” Jim thought for a moment. “What can I do to help?”

  “Janet and I need a place to stay, but not with you or anyone else I know.”

  “Okay,” Jim replied. “Well, how about a couple of rooms somewhere?”

  “I was thinking the same thing, but I don’t want to be seen,” Hunter said.

  “Then the Resort might be your best option. It’s big, lots of people coming and going. Shouldn’t be too difficult to stay there unnoticed. I’ll book the rooms, then you and Janet can sneak in late tonight when nobody’s looking and just stay there until we can think of something else.”

  Hunter nodded. “That might be the best plan.”

  “What do we do in the meantime?” Janet asked. “Stay here?”

  Hunter frowned. “I don't think I want to stay here for too much longer. Let me think.”

  “Hang on a minute,” Jim said. He got on the phone and called his wife. “Diane, you mind if I bring a couple of friends to the house to hang out for a while?” He listened. “Great. Thanks, honey.”

  “Okay. You’re coming home with me. We live at the end of our street so just pull in the driveway next to me and we’ll go in through the side door of the garage.”

  Hunter and Janet followed Jim home. Once there, they were happily greeted by Diane.

  “Hunter! Oh, my gosh! We’ve been so worried about you. And this must be the mysterious young woman everyone’s been talking about.” Diane reached out to her. “You both must be exhausted.”

  “We are,” Hunter agreed. “And I’d like you to meet Janet Feldman, formerly Gerald Allensby’s personal assistant.”

  “Oh, my. It's so tragic... about what happened to him and his wife.”

  “Yeah, and they haven’t found out who did it?” Hunter asked.

  Jim shook his head. “Like I said, it’s still under investigation. It’s like the whole thing was hushed up for some reason.”

  “Well not only that, dear,” Diane said, “the FBI took over and the police don’t seem to know what’s going on either. It’s all very unsettling.”

  Jim smiled at his wife. “Let’s let these two clean up, and I suspect they’re probably hungry. We can talk more later.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Diane agreed. “There are two bathrooms with showers. I’ll get you both some towels and fix something for you to eat.”

  Hunter stopped her. “We just ate some breakfast.”

fine,” she said. “Go ahead and shower, then.”

  “Excuse me, Diane,” Janet spoke up. “I'm a little embarrassed but I don’t have a change of clothing, I’m afraid.”

  Diane looked her over and smiled. “I have something that will do for now and while you’re both cleaning up I’ll do laundry. Just toss your clothes outside the bathroom doors and I’ll see that they get washed. Hunter? Do you need a change of clothing?”

  “No, I have something in my bag. Unfortunately, Janet got caught up in this unexpectedly and was completely unprepared.”

  “Alright, go shower. Oh, and are you staying with us tonight?” She looked at her husband.

  “No,” Jim said. “I’m going to book a couple of rooms at the resort for them. In fact, I’ll go do that right now. I’ll be back in a while.” He kissed his wife and headed for the door.

  “Jim,” Hunter called after him. “You could just call and make the reservation.”

  “I know but then you’d have to check in to get your room access cards. I thought you wanted to keep a low profile.” He grinned.

  “You’re right. Okay, but I’ll make this right with you, you know that.”

  “I’m not worried. Just relax, take a shower, have a snack, take a nap... whatever sounds good, and we’ll get you both settled in later tonight.” Jim started to leave then looked at his wife. “I think we’ll pull Hunter’s car into the garage when I get back. Keep it out of sight.”

  “Diane and I can do that right now,” Hunter said. Jim left and they quickly swapped out the cars before Hunter took his shower. By the time Jim got back, their guests were looking much more refreshed.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Much,” Janet said gratefully. “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a shower as much as I did this one.” She smiled at Diane. “And thanks for the loan of this dress.”

  “My pleasure,” she said then asked, “Would you like me to take you into town to do a little shopping?”

  “Uh,” Hunter interrupted. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea right now.”

  Diane seemed surprised. “I was thinking of a place right here in Rathdrum. Annie’s Attic.”

  “What’s Annie’s Attic?” he asked.

  “It’s a gently-used thrift store about five minutes from here. Not a busy place. I was thinking we could outfit Janet in some comfortable clothing for the time being. Just a few things.”

  Hunter looked at Jim. “What do you think, Jim?”

  “It might be okay. I don’t think I’ve seen any clear photos of Janet on television the past few days, have you honey?”

  “No,” Diane said. “And if she’s with me, no one’s going to make the connection to Hunter. That’s why I thought I’d mention it.” She turned to Janet. “How do you feel about it?”

  “I’d really like that,” Janet said looking for Hunter's approval. “That other outfit used to be one of my favorites but now I’m ready to toss it!” Hunter slipped Diane some cash with a look that said ‘don’t argue,’ then fifteen minutes later, she and Janet were headed into Rathdrum. Jim and Hunter, in the meantime, sat down to talk.

  “There’s something else I need to tell you,” Jim said quietly. “Wasn’t sure if I should say anything in front of Janet, though.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s about Samantha.”

  “What about her?” Hunter looked a little confused. “Is she upset with me about the house? Did she find out I was paying for the repairs?”

  “No. I wish it were only that simple.” He paused. “No... she... she was kidnapped Monday, either late afternoon or early evening.”

  “She what!” Hunter was visibly agitated. “Kidnapped! That was the same day we flew to Arizona. What the hell is going on!”

  “I don’t know. It makes no sense to anyone.”

  “Where did that happen?”

  “At the Resort.”

  “What are they doing about it? The police, I mean. Who took her?”

  “They have no idea. Well they have some surveillance footage, but they don't know who the guy is. The police have questioned her friend who’s been staying with her at the Resort and they talked to some of the guests, but other than that, not much is being said about it.”

  “Have the FBI taken over that investigation too?” Hunter was sarcastic.

  “Hard to say. No one is talking and her friend is beside herself and frightened.”

  “Have you talked to her? The friend?” Hunter asked.

  “Once. Yesterday afternoon. She needed my phone number to give to the police, but she was still pretty shook up and frightened.”

  “Why do the police want your phone number?”

  “They had questions about you, to be honest.”


  “Yes. I don’t know why but for some reason I get the feeling they think there’s some kind of a connection.”


  “Between her abduction and all this stuff you’ve been dealing with.”

  Hunter was surprised. “That doesn’t make any sense. I’d sure like to know what the friend told the police. What's the friend's name?”

  “Betty,” he said. “And it might not be such a bad idea if we can figure out how to do that discreetly.”

  Hunter let out a sigh. “I’m beginning to feel like I’m going to have to do my own investigation, just to clear my name.” He sat back. “Do you think Samantha’s abduction is tied to any of this?”

  “Quite frankly, I don’t know what to make of any of it. You met her here for dinner that one night. How anyone can remotely connect that with everything else going on, I have no idea.”

  “Is that what they think? We had dinner so…” He shook his head. “It sounds more like a coincidence to me.”

  “I don’t know about that. Over the years I’ve decided nothing is really a coincidence. I just can’t see the connection here, that’s all.”

  “But why would anyone want to take her?” Hunter asked. “Hell! I’m still trying to figure out why I’ve been targeted!” He stood up and paced the floor.

  Jim stood up as well. “Do you think someone is planning on trying to extort money from you and maybe use her to...?”

  Hunter shook his head. “There are better ways to extort money from me than using someone I barely know,” he said. “No. That stunt in Arizona was some kind of payoff and I was just the courier. Janet got the briefcase from Gerry’s office and it was full of money. Plus the helicopter that met us was armed to the teeth. This isn’t about extortion. It’s something worse. But I don't see how Samantha's abduction plays into any of it.”

  “Armed?” Jim was surprised.

  “Yeah. Didn’t they mention that in any of the news stories?” Hunter was disgusted. “I figure they were supposed to blow us up once we were airborne, because they had every opportunity to do that while we were on the ground. Hell, Jim, Janet and I were scrambling to get out of there. Oh! And that other guy you were talking about? He got shot and was covered in blood but managed to escape with us before the helicopter came back to take us out!”

  “The other guy! Right. Okay, that explains that piece we heard about.”

  Hunter filled Jim in on Brian’s part in the handoff and the attempts on both their lives. “Yeah... but he was wearing some fancy vest that oozed blood to make it look like he was hit.”

  “Wow... that’s...”

  “Weird,” Hunter said. “Besides, he disappeared while the three of us were hiding out at my Uncle Joe’s place.”

  “Uncle Joe?”

  “Long story. The point is Brian, if that was his real name, disappeared yesterday. So we high-tailed it out of there. Joe and his wife Vera, left in Joe’s plane with Buster.”

  Jim's eyebrows shot up. “This story is getting more fantastic by the minute.”

  “It gets better,” Hunter said. “Janet and I heade
d for Canada to a place I know that’s pretty much out of the way. Off the beaten path, if you know what I mean. I figured we could hide out there for a while. But last night and this morning, she and I both felt like something wasn’t quite right there either. Then the innkeeper comes to our cottage early to tell us a couple showed up during the night asking about us. And guess who the woman was... Tiffany!”

  “That actress,” Jim said. Impulsively, he walked to the front window and parted the sheers slightly to look out front.

  Hunter followed. “I know what you’re thinking,” he said. “Now we’ve probably put you and Diane in danger.”

  “Well, all things considered, I just hope the girls get back soon,” Jim said.

  Hunter peeked out the window as well. “I shouldn’t have let them go shopping.”

  Jim let go of the curtain and faced Hunter. “So what are your plans? Have any ideas?”

  “Not yet. I mean, what can we do? Where would we go? So far, no matter where we’ve gone, someone shows up looking for us. Heck even at that airport in Wyoming, the sheriff came storming out on the runway in his squad car and nearly collided with us while we were taking off!”

  Jim was incredulous and shook his head. “Seriously? I see your point.” he said.

  They continued to talk and toss out some ideas until the women returned about a half an hour later.

  “She’s all set,” Diane said. “A couple of new outfits and some better shoes.”

  “That’s good, honey,” Jim said giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for doing that.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Hunter took Janet aside. “See anything unusual?”

  “No,” she said. “But I was watching. And I’m sure no one followed us... going or coming back. After all that’s happened, I’ve become very paranoid and I’m getting pretty good at keeping my eyes open.”

  “Good,” he said and kissed her forehead.

  Diane smiled. “Why don’t the two of you lie down for a while? Take a nap. I’m sure you could use some sleep.”

  Jim agreed. “That’s probably a good idea.”

  Diane gestured toward the hallway. “One of you can use the guest room and one can use the bed in our room,” she said.

  In a welcome moment of frivolity, Hunter and Janet used the game ‘paper, rock, scissors’ to choose their rooms then each settled down for a nap. While they slept, Jim filled Diane in on some of the conversation he’d had with Hunter, including about Samantha.

  “He’s really upset.”

  “I don’t blame him,” Diane said. “They’ve been through a lot the past three days. Janet shared a little with me in the car both ways. She was careful not to say anything while we shopped though.”

  Jim put his arm around his wife. “Okay. I guess we’ll just hang out here and hold down the fort.” He picked up the remote and turned on the television, keeping the volume low. Together they watched an afternoon talk show then ended up watching movies on one of the cable channels. Several hours later, Hunter wandered into the living room and joined them.

  “Sleep okay?” Diane asked.

  “Yes. Probably the best I've have in the past three days. Then I woke up and haven’t been able to stop thinking about everything that’s happened, but I’m especially concerned now about Samantha. I still can’t figure out why anyone would want to take her.”

  “What if it has nothing to do with everything else? What if it really is a coincidence?” Jim offered.

  Hunter looked at him. “But you said...”

  “I know what I said,” Jim replied, “but I suppose it is very possible that some things can be coincidental. The only thing that doesn’t fit is the fact that there has been no demand for a ransom.”

  Hunter sat down and got comfortable on the sofa. “That’s not always the reason women are abducted,” he said and leaned back. “Even so, there is never a good reason to take somebody, but I sure as hell hope that’s not the reason.”

  “Who was taken?” Janet asked stepping into the living room. “I couldn't help but overhear the conversation.”

  “Oh, hey, honey... come here. Sit down,” Hunter patted the sofa.

  “Who was taken?” she asked again with a frown.

  Hunter spent a few minutes explaining what Jim had told him, prefacing it with how he met Samantha in the first place.

  Janet smiled. “I know about Samantha.”

  Hunter was surprised. “You do? How?”

  “I overheard you and Joe talking about her yesterday.”

  “Oh,” Hunter said. “I see.” He gave her a gentle squeeze.

  “But you don’t think it’s connected with everything else going on, do you?” she asked.

  “We don’t know. Nobody seems to know anything about anything.” Hunter said.

  Janet furrowed her brow. “So no one is demanding a ransom? No one is claiming responsibility? Nothing?”

  “That’s what Jim says.”

  Jim nodded then remembered something. “Hey Diane? What was the name of that actress who was all worked up about something? You remember?”

  Diane rolled her eyes, “You mean Tiffany Miles? Hunter. She was going on and on about how close the two of you were and how upset she was that you had disappeared mysteriously. She even went so far as to say she would pay anything to get you back safely.”

  Janet laughed. “Are you serious?”

  “Do you know her?” Diane asked.

  “I’ve met her. She is so phony. Puts on this coy act every time she meets someone, especially men and especially if someone has a camera in their hand. She can’t carry on a simple conversation without getting dramatic.” Janet flailed her arms about. “It’s disgusting. She doesn’t care about anybody but herself and will do just about anything... and I mean anything... to get what she wants.”

  Hunter looked at Janet and grinned. “I take it you don’t care for her all that much.”

  Janet made a face at him. “She really had you suckered, Hunter. Everyone knew she was using you to build her career. I mean... come on. You really liked her? And then when the two of you broke up... oh my gosh! She used that to her advantage as well. She’s just a publicity seeker and a user. That’s all, and she used you big time!”

  Feeling admonished and a little embarrassed, he didn’t answer but looked away and gave Jim and Diane an awkward grin.

  “You know I’m right,” Janet persisted.

  “Okay... let’s talk about something else,” he said, glancing at his watch. “Can we go yet?”

  “Another couple of hours, at least,” Jim said. “Closer to midnight might be even better.”

  “What’s on the news?” Janet asked.

  “Let’s find out.” Jim turned the television back on and began looking at news stations.

  Janet leaned over to Hunter, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so worked up about her.”

  “Yeah, well, let’s just drop the subject.”

  Jim landed on a news station and they all watched a series of stories ranging from local and national sporting events to the latest international conflict. Mixed in between, however, a few short stories popped up including one out of southern California regarding the Allensby murders. Everyone was immediately on the edge of their seats.

  “Although the FBI is now in charge, one of our reporters has continued working his own investigation of the murders of Gerald and Carolyn Allensby at their private estate. We now go live to Eric Lim for the latest in his investigation. Eric?

  “Thank you, Julie. As you said, I have been asking questions and trying to piece together the puzzle around the startling murder of these two high-profile figures of the Hollywood movie industry. I spoke to three people off-camera, who wished to remain anonymous. They’ve each provided some intriguing information that seems to tie the Allensbys to an illegal international drug trafficking ring. Although none of them could provide definitive
proof, the fact that these three people, who do not know each other, had very similar information, and it seems to indicate there may be some substance to the allegations.”

  “Eric, did anyone have any idea how long this alleged activity has been going on?”

  “Not yet, Julie, but evidently for quite some time, but I wasn’t able to get a clear idea exactly when the Allensbys became involved. My sense is that the trafficking ring has been operating for several years.”

  “Eric, when you say international, how many countries are we talking about?”

  “Well, Julie, for sure Mexico, but one of my sources indicated that the activity could possibly involve Central and South America as well as some Asian countries. Back to you.”

  “Thank you, Eric.”

  “Oh, Julie, one other thing. No one mentioned Hunter Blake as part of any of this. So it sounds like he’s in the clear at this point.”

  “Thank you, Eric. In further news...”

  Jim turned off the television. “Well that explains a little about the murders, perhaps, and certainly helps take any heat off of you, Hunter.”

  Hunter stared at the blank television screen. “Well, let’s hope it stays that way.”

  “I’d be curious to know who his sources were, though,” Janet said. “It would have to be someone who was either involved in some way, or who knew someone involved. I mean, how did this journalist happen to find not one, or even two, but three people who each told him basically the same thing.” She was obviously suspicious. “I mean, really? Three people willing to rat out some illegal organization? And why emphasize that they didn’t know each other?”

  Hunter looked at her, somewhat impressed with her assessment. “You’re right. That did seem important to him.”

  All four looked at each other.

  Hunter frowned. “And why report I’m not a suspect? Was I a suspect?” He looked at Jim and Diane. “I'm aware that there have been reports that I was wanted to for questioning, but have there also been stories speculating that I was part of this organized crime ring?”

  Jim shook his head. “Not that I can think of.”

  Diane agreed. “There hasn’t been much of anything mentioned about you, come to think of it,” she said. “Well, just that story about you in Wyoming.”

  “What about Wyoming?” Hunter asked.

  “The sheriff claiming that you were wanted for questioning for some reason, but that soon blew over when he made a public apology for... what was it he said Jim?”

  “I think he said something about mistaken identity.”

  “Mistaken identity,” Hunter said in disgust. “He never saw me, Janet or Brian. We never got off the plane. I don’t know. Maybe we should stop trying to second guess everything and take a break from all of this.” He leaned against the back of sofa again and closed his eyes. No one said anything, until he suddenly sat up.

  “What?” Janet asked.

  “What if this is a subtle way to make me think it’s safe to come out of hiding.”

  Jim’s eyebrows shot up. “Well, now, that’s something to think about.”

  Janet looked worried. “Is it going to be safe for us to go to the Resort tonight?”

  Hunter stared at nothing in particular then asked, “Jim, did you notice anything unusual when you went to the Resort? Any suspicious people lurking around?”

  “No. I didn’t,” he replied. “Not that I’d really know one suspicious person over another. Actually, the first place I went was to a hardware store and picked up a new sprayer attachment for the garden hose in the back yard. Then I stopped at the post office to check for mail.”

  “We don’t have a post office box, dear,” Diane said.

  “I know. I was just driving around and watching to see if any cars were following me. When I got downtown, I found a parking space on Sherman and went into The Shops and used the overhead walkway to get to the Resort. Anyway, if someone were following they might not have gone inside and decided, instead, to wait for me to get back to my car.

  “I did stop at the sweet shop and bought a bag of candy.” He grinned. “Then I drove to the grocery store and picked up some non-perishable food items for Hunter and Janet. I left them in the car when I got home and stuffed some other things in a couple of bags to bring in and left them in the kitchen. Mostly trash from the car.” He grinned at his wife.

  “But you don’t think anyone followed you,” Hunter said.

  “No. I don’t. Oh, and speaking of the Resort, here are your key cards.” Jim pulled two access cards from his shirt pocket and handed them to Hunter. “The rooms are adjoining.”

  “Thanks,” Hunter said. “I’ll need the receipt.

  “We’ll worry about that later.”

  Diane got up. “It’s getting late. I think we need to have some dinner. I’ll go start something.”

  “I’ll help,” Janet said and followed Diane to the kitchen.

  Jim waited until they left the room then grinned at Hunter. “She seems like a very nice young woman.”

  “She is and she’s been holding up remarkably well through all of this. Doesn’t complain too much.” He laughed. “Janet’s right about Tiffany. I just hate to admit it... especially to her. She’d never let me forget it.”

  Jim laughed. “Well, you want to see anything else on the tube to help pass the time?”

  “I don’t know. I’m feeling antsy.”

  Jim nodded. “I know. Not much longer.”

  Hunter settled down on the couch when his cell phone rang. He quickly answered. “Hello?”

  “It’s me,” Karen replied.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “At home. Frank said he had to leave town for a couple of days, so I’m alone. I really need to talk to you.”

  “Okay, but where?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Let me put you on speaker phone,” he said. “I’m at Jim Wesley’s place. “Okay. So when do you want to meet?”

  “Now,” she said.

  Jim held up his hand then motioned for Hunter to keep talking. Hunter nodded.

  Jim hurried to the kitchen. “Diane, stop whatever you’re doing. We’re going to the Resort for dinner.”

  “We are?”

  “Yes, and we'll get Hunter and Janet settled into their rooms at the same time.”

  “We’re leaving now?” Janet asked in surprise. “But I thought you said we should wait until midnight.”

  “Change of plans. You need to get your things together,” he told Janet. Then he said to his wife, “You and I are going to have dinner with Karen Bradley tonight.”

  “We are? Okay, Jim, but...”

  “Just get ready.” He hurried back to Hunter and indicated he had something to say.

  Hunter nodded. “Karen, hold on a second. Jim wants to talk to you.”

  Jim explained what they were going to do. “Diane and I will dine with you, Karen. We’ll have a nice visit. You can share whatever you need to. We’ll pass it along to Hunter. It won’t look suspicious for us to have dinner with you. We’ve done that before. If Frank asks questions, you can honestly say you were with us.”

  Hunter took the phone back. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes. I guess it will have to be. I trust the Wesleys.”

  “Okay. Meet them at the Resort. They’ll fill you in on some other things.”

  “Okay, but I still need to see you, Hunter. Please?”

  “Of course. We’ll get together. I promise.”

  Jim patted Hunter on the back. “I guess its show time, so let's get going. You and Janet can slouch down in the back seat of our car. I think we should leave your car here for now. Hopefully it’ll just look like Diane and I decided to enjoy an evening with our friend Karen. At the same time you and Janet can slip into your rooms.”

  “I sure hope this works,” Hunter said. “But I’m worried about Karen. She still
sounds frightened.”

  “I could tell,” Jim said. “Don't worry. We’ll take care of her.”