Read Unwitting Alliances - Hunter Blake Series Page 29

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  Hamilton could hear shouting beyond the remains of the destroyed cabin, but wasted no time making his way deeper into the trees. He stopped, crouched down, and waited several seconds before emitting a low whistle. Soon he heard reply and finally met up with his partners.

  “What the hell, Ham!” John said in a hushed whisper. “You blew the place up?”

  Hamilton nodded soberly. “I think our friends are now captives and I believe Janet was shot.”

  “What?” John asked. “Is she...?”

  “I don’t know,” Hamilton said. “I saw her run out of view and watched the guy pull the trigger, but that’s all.”

  Hector nodded. “We could see a lot of footprints around the hatch and what looked like shuffling but didn’t see anyone,” he said, “and we saw four guys out here a few minutes ago, but they all ran for the cabin when it blew.”

  “So, our folks... on the plane, you think?” Hamilton asked.

  “More than likely. It’s the best place to keep them rounded up.”

  “You didn’t hear the gunshot or see Janet?”

  “We must have been in the tunnel when all that happened,” Hector said. “Sorry.”

  “Okay,” Hamilton said. He scanned the trees then crouched down, as did his companions.

  Hamilton ran a hand through his hair. “This has gotten out of hand. If it were just the three of us, we’d probably be able to take care of things, but until we can rescue our friends...” He shook his head. “I don’t know. I’d really like to know what happened to Janet... whether she’s dead or not.”

  Hector frowned. “That wouldn’t be wise and you know it. That means going back to the cabin, or what’s left of it.”

  “I know and Dirk’s there.”

  “Yeah, Dirk.”

  “And now he’ll be more dangerous than ever and with a grudge, I’m sure. He has no problem shooting first before asking questions, if he even bothers to ask.”

  John nodded. “We know... which is why we need to get to higher ground and decide what to do next.”

  “Yeah, but...”

  “Are you listening to me?” John said. “This is no time to play super hero.”

  “We need to get going,” Hector said. “We’re no good to anyone just sitting here and feeling sorry for ourselves.”

  “Right,” John agreed. “Let’s split up but not get too far away from each other. At least it might be harder to see us moving around if we’re not in a bunch,” he said.

  Hamilton nodded. “You’re right. Let’s go.” While the shouting behind them continued, the three men moved deeper into the forest then split up.

  “Use the bird calls,” Hamilton said.

  Each of them selected a different direction and took off. Hamilton hung back and waited until his two companions were out of sight then retraced his steps back toward the cabin. Reaching the sight of the hatch, he examined the ground, confirming John’s assessment then stayed low to watch what was going on. The commotion had died down and the men he’d seen earlier had regrouped. One of them was obviously hurt from the blast.

  Examining the ground more carefully he noticed some shuffle marks further out leading toward the jet. Sitting back he studied the aircraft and surrounding area with great interest.

  Suddenly he heard a sound and concealed himself, watching. One lone gunman was carefully making his way through the trees with his gun drawn. He was methodically examining the ground and surrounding vegetation.

  Hamilton waited patiently, recognizing the man as Bull, from the Palm Springs compound. Bull moved deeper into the forest carefully picking his way along and keeping his gun leveled. Hamilton decided to follow but kept a discreet distance hoping to avoid any surprises.

  A faint bird call signaled one of his companions either needed assistance or had discovered something. Keeping an eye on Bull, Hamilton eased out of his hiding place and stealthily moved in the direction of the bird call. Moments later he heard it again.

  Looking around, he’d lost sight of Bull and crouched down. Again, the bird call came, but this time it was different, one that meant danger. Not sure if he should hold his position and wait or continue, he first scanned the forest. At the same time, he heard a rustling nearby but couldn’t see anything. More rustling then movement ahead of him. Easing further into the underbrush, he continued to wait and watch with his gun drawn and ready.

  Suddenly, he could see the shape of a man but whoever it was moved behind a large tree. Fully expecting it to be Bull, he took aim and waited with his finger on the trigger. One flinch and the gun would go off.

  The figure finally emerged from behind the tree and continued to move in his direction, gun in hand, pushing past low tree boughs before coming into view. Hamilton relaxed and lowered his gun but continued to watch as Hunter headed his way looking around nervously as if expecting someone to jump out at him at any minute.

  Hoping not to startle his brother too much, Hamilton moved out of his hiding place sufficiently so Hunter could see him and prayed he wouldn’t say anything or shoot. Hunter took another step forward while looking back over his shoulder. As he turned around, he stopped with a start and immediately aimed his gun. At the same moment, Hamilton held up both hands and shook his head quickly followed by a sign to remain quiet and get down.

  Obviously relieved, Hunter did as his brother indicated, lowering his gun as he quickly approached. Hamilton pulled him down and looked around for several seconds before speaking in a whisper. “Stay still,” he said. “Someone’s out here looking for us.”

  Hunter nodded. “I know,” he whispered back. “I just saw him but I ducked down before he saw me.”

  Hamilton looked around again before asking, “Where’s everyone else?”


  “I was afraid of that. Why not you?”

  Hunter looked almost embarrassed. “I was first out and with all the excitement I had to take a leak and...”

  Hamilton nodded. “Okay.

  “Yeah, and what was that explosion?” Hunter asked.

  “Just a diversion.”

  “A diversion.”

  “I blew up the cabin. No big deal.”

  “You what?”

  “Never mind. I can use your help.”

  “Where’s John and Hector?” Hunter whispered.

  “Nearby... but I’m worried. Something isn’t right.”

  “Like what?” Hunter asked. “You think John and Hector...”

  “They’re either watching and waiting, or they may have been captured, although as good as they are at what they do, I don’t think that’s the case.”

  Suddenly some birds scattered overhead. Hamilton indicated they should be quiet again as he watched the forest. Gently touching Hunter on the arm, he pointed into some trees not too far away.

  Hunter nodded and soon saw a man creeping along with a gun drawn.

  They continued to watch. Hamilton signaled for Hunter to stay put then he crept away, disappearing behind a large tree. Hunter waited anxiously but maintained a visual on their assailant fully aware the man was headed his way. His nerves now on edge, he stayed perfectly still in hopes the man would either pass by or change his direction. What he didn’t expect was to see his brother quietly come up from behind. A moment later, the man was on the ground. Hamilton removed the gun from Bulls lifeless hand and crept back to Hunter.

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  Hunter stood up but stared at the fallen man.

  “Now!” Hamilton whispered tersely.

  Without a word, Hunter fell in behind his brother and followed as they moved deeper into the forest. Five minutes later, Hamilton heard another bird chirping. He waited and listened. He heard it again then saw John and Hector coming their way.

  “We saw that guy you took down but we haven’t seen anyone else,” John reported. “Nice job, by the way. “Hector and I joined up a few yards from
here. Where did you go?”

  “In spite of your concerns, I went back to the hatch, just in case there was something we missed. That guy showed up and I followed him, met up with my brother, and took care of things.”

  “So where’s everyone else?” Hector asked looking at Hunter.”

  Hamilton quickly explained. “Hunter got separated from the others long enough to avoid getting caught. He said everyone was taken. Best guess is they are on that jet and possibly under guard or maybe restrained and gagged.”

  “We need a plan,” Hector said. “And fast.”

  Hamilton agreed. “Yeah. Plan C.”

  “Any ideas?” John asked.

  “Hamilton stared back in the direction of the cabin. “Yeah,” he said.

  “What?” Hunter asked.

  “Something completely unexpected,” he said. “I think we should surrender.”

  “What!” all three whispered simultaneously.

  Hamilton held up his hand and indicated they needed to crouch down and stay quiet. “We are of no good to anyone if we’re going to just keep sneaking around out here in the forest,” he said. “Plus, we need to find out if our friends are onboard that plane and if not, what happened to them. Any better suggestions?”

  Hector and John looked at each other then shook their heads.

  “Wait a minute!” Hunter said in a terse whisper. “There’s got to be a better way.”

  “Like what?” his brother said calmly. “But whatever it is, make it fast. The lives of your friends are depending on the four of us. By surrendering we’ll be in close proximity to them and our chances of getting everyone out of this mess will be much better.”

  Hunter stared at his brother and let out a heavy sigh. “Unexpected. Change the recipe,” he mumbled.


  “Just something Jim said, that’s all.” Hunter sighed. “I guess you’re right. So how do you want to do this? We all give up together, or what?”

  “Why not?” Hamilton grinned. “Besides, once they have me, it might be easier for the rest of you to get away. Just trust Hector and John. They have great instincts.” He smiled at his three companions. “ we do this?”

  All three nodded soberly.

  “Then let’s go.”

  “So... we’re just gonna walk down there and turn ourselves in.” Hunter said. “What if they just shoot us?”

  Hector patted Hunter’s arm. “It’s a chance we’ll have to take,” he said. “I’ll lead. If they’re going to shoot they’ll take me out first. I say we walk in with our hands raised.”

  Hector stood up and started back toward the clearing. He was followed by Hunter and John. Hamilton brought up the rear.

  Once at the clearing, Hector paused long enough to determine where their soon-to-be captors were then pointed. “There’s the other helicopter,” he said. “But it wasn’t parked there earlier.”

  “Must have been doing some aerial recon before coming back,” John said, “and while we were down in the tunnel.”

  Hector took a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s do this.” He led his small group toward their captors. The minute they were spotted, each put their hands up.

  “Don’t shoot!” Hector called out.

  A lively commotion followed as three of Daniel's men rushed to take command.

  “Keep your hands where we can see them!” one man shouted.

  “Dirk,” John mumbled shoving his hands higher.

  “Toss your weapons to the ground then get on your knees!” he ordered.

  “He’s so stupid,” John said under his breath. “We drop our weapons then he has us kneel down right next to them. Such an idiot.”

  “Stop talking!” Dirk ordered as the other two men gathered the guns and searched their captives for any additional weapons. Once satisfied they were all disarmed, Dirk ordered them to stand up. With a smug grin he laughed. “What’s the matter fellas? Lose your nerve? We knew we could flush you out.”

  “Flush, hell,” Hector said. “We chose to give up. No one flushed us.”

  Dirk laughed again. “We sent Bull in there after you. Obviously he was successful.”

  “Bull? Bull who?” John asked. “I don’t know anyone name Bull. Didn’t see anyone named Bull. How about you, Garcia?”

  “Nope,” Hector replied. “No Bull.”

  Dirk stormed up to John. “I never thought I’d see you two again,” he said glancing between him and Hector. “And this must be the almighty Hunter Blake.” He gloated, obviously enjoying himself. “What’s the matter with you? Huh? Forget your lines?” He laughed louder.

  Hunter simply glared.

  Dirk walked around them once then stopped. “So where’s the mastermind? Where’s Hamilton? He bug out on you?”

  All three men looked around. Hamilton was nowhere to be seen.

  “Hamilton?” Hector asked then chuckled. “Why would he be here? Somos los tres caballeros,” he said in Spanish.

  Dirk took a swing connecting with Hector’s jaw. Hector had to take a step back as a result, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip. “That was an intelligent move,” he said.

  “You want more?” Dirk bellowed, taking a step closer. “I don’t need any of your smart remarks!”

  “Enough!” another voice called out.

  Everyone turned to look.

  “So, is this everyone?” the man asked, as he sauntered up to the group of men. “Where’s Hamilton?”

  “We don’t know at the moment,” Dirk said.

  “Bull’s in pursuit, I take it?”

  Dirk nodded.

  “Well good. He usually gets his man.” He grinned at Hunter.

  Hunter stood staring in disbelief. “Daniel,” he said. “What are you doing here?”

  Daniel chuckled. “Hunter, Hunter. So sorry about the circumstances. If only your brother had been more cooperative some time back, you would have never been drug into all of this. Now look at what’s happened.” He shook his head feigned sorrow. “You. Your friends. All of you right here with me and my merry men.”

  Hunter glowered at him. “What are you talking about? What’s going on? You’re involved in all of this?”

  “Involved?” Daniel momentarily showed a puzzled look then a grin crossed his face. “Yes... I suppose you could say I’m involved.”

  “But why? Why all of this?”

  “Two reason,” he said. “Power. I enjoy having power. And money, of course.” He smiled. “I like having lots of power and money. You can have anything you want in the world with enough money and power.”

  Hunter frowned. “You have power. You’re a powerful producer and make all kinds of money.”

  Daniel burst out laughing. “You amuse me, Hunter,” he said. “You call that power? Being a producer? The movie industry is small potatoes compared to the empire I’ve built. And as for the money, you cannot even begin to comprehend the kind of money I’m making.” He laughed again. “If it weren’t for your misplaced values, you could have been part of this too. But, alas, you don’t quite fit the profile of the kind of people I want to work with, at least not in the world of real money and power.”

  “You won’t get away with any of this!” Hunter said.

  “Seriously Hunter? Get away with what? And besides, whatever it is you think I’m doing... who’s going to stop me? You?”

  “I just might!”

  “Well that’s going to be a little difficult now, isn’t it? Besides, even if you managed to escape no one’s going to believe you.”

  “Why not? I haven’t done anything wrong. I’ve been a victim in all of this. Everyone knows that!”

  “Victim. Haven’t you been watching the news recently? Didn’t you know? All of you are under suspicion for murder, corruption, drugs, money laundering... you name it. And as we speak, a reward has been posted for any information as to the whereabouts of each one of you.”
  “You’re full of...” Hunter didn’t finish his thought. “We have been watching the news. No one here is in any kind of trouble.”

  Daniel grinned. “That all depends on how you look at things, Hunter. You see, the authorities have only recently discovered a great deal of evidence implicating all of you one way or another... in the last forty-eight hours, to be exact. “Isn’t that right, fellas?” he asked his henchmen. “And by tomorrow evening, the news will be alive with reports about all of you and how deeply involved you’ve each been in a massive international drug smuggling, human trafficking, and money laundering operation.

  Daniel strolled to one side. “Of course, after the untimely demise of our dear friend Gerry and his insufferable and greedy wife...”

  “You had him killed!” Hunter interrupted. “Didn’t you! Both of them!”

  “They had become useless to me. Carolyn in particular. Gerry was simply collateral damage, I’m afraid. Couldn’t be helped,” he glared at Hunter. “But back to the topic at hand, I ordered my attorneys to do some... mmm, let’s say, investigating. They have discovered, and will be providing to the authorities, ample and compelling evidence of your guilt in particular, Hunter, plus it all ties in with Gerry. All those trips you took with him and his wife to Mexico, the photos we have of you mingling with drug lords down there.”

  “I didn’t mingle with anyone like that! I just...”

  “What? You just what? Schmoozed with the ladies? Everyone at that estate was part of the operation, even those lovely ladies posing as housekeepers and laundry maids.”

  Hunter could only stare in disbelief.

  Daniel continued. “The purpose of having you accompany the Allensbys on those trips was two-fold. It provided legitimacy for the trips and...” he stopped to chuckle, “for insurance purposes. Someone was always taking photos of you and your delightful and lovely companions... everywhere… doing everything. And then there are the photos of you taking part in that handoff in Arizona. Very compelling evidence. He laughed again.

  “Obviously I have the resources to pay for information. And as a result of the recent news stories and the manhunt for you and your friends, well-intention citizens are coming forward with all kinds of information and sightings of your whereabouts whether here in the good old U.S.A, or elsewhere... like Canada.” He laughed again. “And here we are.”

  He strolled back in front of the three men. “We could take you all in and have you arrested. Your names and photos could be broadcast from every news station in the world. It would be pure media frenzy. All that attention. Hunter, it could be your most notable shining moment to date, wouldn’t you agree? Unfortunately... no statuette, though.”

  “You’re out of your mind.” Hunter said.

  “We’ll see,” Daniel responded in kind. “We’ll see.” He looked at Dirk. “Escort these three to the plane to wait with the others. Dusty! Go help Bull find Hamilton!”

  Dirk shoved Hector toward the plane. “Let’s go!” he ordered. John and Hunter followed with one other gunman bringing up the rear. “Open the door,” Dirk ordered. Hector did so and set the stairs.

  “Get inside!”

  All three climbed onboard joining their frightened companions who were sitting quietly in the spacious private jet. Hector, John and Hunter remained standing as Dirk and his henchman closed the cabin door and locked it, but before anyone had a chance to speak, they heard the sound of another incoming aircraft.

  John and Hector exchanged glances.

  “Another helicopter,” John said, looking out a window. “And it’s armed as well,” he said. “These guys sure take their work seriously.”

  Everyone crowded around the small windows of the jet to watch as the chopper came in slow and landed. They could see Dirk and Daniel waiting.

  “Interesting,” Hector said quietly.

  “Yeah? In what way?” Hunter asked.

  “Three choppers all identical, including the one Hamilton borrowed. Like part of a fleet. And then there’s this plane. Why three helicopters in addition to this plane?”

  “You tell us,” Hunter said.

  “I don’t know yet,” Hector replied.

  “So now what?”

  “We wait.”