Read Upbeats 2: Crime After Crime Page 12

  Chapter Twelve

  Luke and I discussed our decision with the others when we met up at the cave after school on Tuesday.

  Robyn said it might work, System agreed that it was most likely going to draw Gemini out, Smithy said nothing and Ned instantly started coming up with names for everyone.

  So, it was official, we were going to get noticed!


  We had been on edge for days, just waiting for something to happen, eagerly anticipating our first call to duty.

  The radio was on 24/7; our ears pricked and ready to respond to any cry for help we heard.

  The only obstacle: Rockwell wasn't a crime hotspot. Criminals seemed to turn a blind eye on our city.

  (Maybe that wasn't a bad thing...)

  But we had to get noticed. Gemini had to find us so that we could find him.

  In the mean time, we couldn't allow Gemini to ruin our lives completely: we had to act normal, keep a low profile and do all those normal, mundane things fourteen year olds across the globe did.

  Moreover, in keeping true to that statement, I had to do my homework.

  It was a Friday afternoon, three days since our resolution to respond to any emergency we heard about. We had decided not to meet up at the cave every afternoon because we realized we weren't being of much use to System. We may as well as be doing our schoolwork, finishing our chores and getting on with our lives.

  Therefore, I was struggling through algebra, sitting at my desk. Occasionally, when a question stumped me, I lifted my eyes and gazed out my window.

  On a normal day, from my window, I could look straight into Luke's bedroom, had he not had his blinds closed on that particular day.

  When Luke's blinds were closed, it meant he was out and about.

  I was biting the eraser on the end of my pencil and running my hands through my hair, determined to get a good grade and make my brother happy.

  The radio sitting on my desk was on, tuned into the local Rockwell City radio station, softly, so my brother downstairs wouldn't hear.

  Having music, or anything else distracting, playing in the background is something you should never allow when you're studying: don't learn from my example.

  I had my radio on in the hopes of hearing a report of a situation happening right at that moment. If I could be the first to hear it, I could be the first to respond.

  I had been struggling for a whole hour to figure out what my x's, y's and z's were up to.

  Afraid that if I went on any longer my head might explode, I put my pen down, stood up and started walking around my room, stretching out my legs.

  Thunder rumbled in the sky, threatening to rain. A chilling breeze blew in through the window and I shivered. I leaned over my desk to close the window and absentmindedly turned the radio volume up.

  Just as I did, a song was interrupted, abruptly, by the jingle for breaking news.

  My heart started to race, my optimism peaking.

  I readily sat down at my desk, listening intently. As the reporter introduced herself and explained where she was, I took a moment to tell myself not to get my hopes too high. It was most likely going to be an announcement for all residents to be aware of a powerful storm heading for Rockwell.

  "I'm here at Rockwell City Mall where seven armed men are holding everyone in the shopping mall hostage," announced the reporter, sounding deadly serious. "Police are trying to negotiate with the men but the situation is 'as delicate as glass,' says the constable. The north, east, west and south entrances to the mall are each being guarded by an armed gunman. It is unknown what they are holding the hostages for, as they have not made any demands, as of yet. Local law enforcement officials are working on a way of safely getting all the hostages out but, as I have been informed, this situation is likely to continue for quite some time. It is advised that anyone near or planning to go to the mall should stay far away."

  This was bad. I had been expecting a typical bank robbery or a cliché jewellery thief.

  But this...?

  All of a sudden, it didn't matter to me if Gemini heard about it or not. The Upbeats were the only ones who could get in there and save those people.

  And that was exactly what we were going to do...