Read Upbeats 2: Crime After Crime Page 6

  Chapter Six

  What happened, from the alpacas' point of view, as told by Almond, a young male alpaca.

  For months, we alpacas had been calmly going about our usual alpaca business, grazing in the field and watching out for any signs of trouble, in case we had to warn the herd.

  Our little farm was cosy, happy, and I had a nice family group.

  We were content amongst ourselves but everyone is driven a little bit nuts if they don't get out occasionally.

  Therefore, we had been trying for ages to convince our farmer to take us out some place.

  We had been sneakily placing photographs from newspapers in and around areas most trafficked by our farmer and his family, flocking around his pick-up truck and sometimes migrating to the end of the driveway and staying there until he came past and saw us, waiting until he realized our cunning suggestions.

  However, it always ended the same way: the photos were thrown away, we were chased away from his pick-up truck and he herded us away from the front gates.

  Nevertheless, eventually, he got the hint!

  It was freezing cold, though. Our farmer had no sense of timing, I guess. But at least we were getting outta that place!

  So, we were herded into the back of the pick-up truck, all ready and anticipating a nice ride along the countryside.

  Oh, the rush!

  The wind in my face! Cars racing past us! The fresh air!

  I was enjoying it so much, it was almost criminal!

  Then a car sidled up to our vehicle and I noticed a dog sitting on the passenger seat. His window was down and he was sticking his head out the window, his tongue hanging out.

  I gave it a go and stuck my tongue out, too.

  Now I could taste the wind!

  I had never experience such excitement in my life!

  But my delight ceased entirely when we drove up to a huge, yellow vehicle. It was noisy. And it stank!

  When we reached the front of the vehicle, I noticed the human inside that seemed to be controlling the big yellow vehicle. His window was down and a stream of disgusting smoke was swirling and circling out the window, coming from a strange cylinder he had stuck in his mouth.

  I was indignant. How rude could he be? He was ruining my day out!

  Curious, I leaned over and examined the cylinder closer.

  I gasped. It was housing a small fire!

  I didn't want it to burn the human's face!

  In an attempt to protect the human, I aimed and spat. I am very precise with my spit, just so you know.

  I watched my little bullet of spit arch through the air and land right on the burning cylinder.


  Though, the driver didn't seem to like it. I could not imagine why he was so upset: I just put out that fire! I saved his life!

  We sped along and I couldn't see what happened to the driver.

  But at least my air was clean again and I could continue enjoying my joyride along the mountains...