Read Uriel's Absolution Page 2

his mother. Then remembered he skipped school. She will be furious at him when she arrived home. Finally, Uriel pulled up to a park. The park had a hiking trail that joggers and hikers used frequently. Today the trail was empty because it was a weekday and cloudy.

  “I hope you are ready for a long hike.” Uriel said. He removed his fedora and revealed curly dark hair and striking blue eyes.

  “I don’t get out of the house much because of my mom. It will be refreshing to get out and about. Go somewhere besides school.” Damon replied

  “Come along little one.”

  Damon followed Uriel up the hiking trail which was paved with gravel. The trees grew in close to the trail. It was still cool and the sun had still not come out yet. Damon spotted a grey rabbit through the trees. It glanced at him and froze. In a split second it was gone.

  “Uriel why is it you need me to retrieve the spear for you? What do you mean I am innocent, and pure?” Damon asked. The path turned up into a hill. Which had convenient steps made from logs. Uriel helped Damon up the hill. He was panting heavily and sweating.

  “Well you are an innocent boy. I cannot remove the spear of destiny myself. I am hoping you can remove they spear being an innocent, and pure young buy. You are my last hope.”

  “Oh, I hope I can remove it.”

  “I hope so too. How are your legs doing? Would you like me to carry you?” Damon swatted Uriel’s hand away. He didn’t want to be seen as weak and inferior.

  “I can do it myself.”


  The two walked in silence with nothing, but the wind howling, to fill the void. Damon wondered when they would stop. He was too proud to speak up. His lungs were giving him a difficult time. He just kept walking. Uriel walked quickly. He felt pity for Damon. Every time he tried to help the ill boy. Damon would reply how he didn’t want help and to just keep going. Uriel wished he could cure him now but in order to save the world. Damon would have to retrieve the spear of destiny and obliterate Tim Timberlake.

  The trail was endless. It seemed like an eternity before they reach their destination. A large white rock stood on top of the hill. The rock’s surface was smooth. Uriel walked up to the rock. A small image of a spear was etched in the middle of the rock. Uriel put his hands together and recited an ancient prayer and placed his hand on the rock. He had bit his finger and drew a cross with his blood on top of the image of the spear. A secret compartment opened.

  “Reach in there and grab the spear. Do not let it cut you.” Uriel handed Damon a thick white handkerchief. Damon look inside the rock. The compartment was completely black. Damon nervously reached in with the handkerchief.

  “Careful.” Uriel warned. Damon felt around the secret compartment until he felt the end of the spear. He grabbed it and pulled it out.

  “I got it!” Damon said excitedly. The wind howled even more and it got darker after Damon pulled out the spear. As if they awakened a sleeping giant. A screech could be heard from above. Uriel looked up.

  “Get down Damon!” He yelled.

  A flock of black winged creatures flew into their line of site. Uriel flew up to fight them. Damon stayed back and took cover behind the rock. He enamored with Uriel’s true form. His black trench coat had turned into large black wings. The black creatures surrounded Uriel in the sky. They hissed at him and tried to kill him with their menacing little claws. Uriel took them one by one creating massive fireballs with the palm of his hand and throwing them at the creatures. Damon watched the wing creatures fall in smoldering heaps of flesh. After finishing the last one off with a scorching hot fireball. Uriel landed lightly on the ground. His black wings receded back into an ordinary black trench coat.

  “Are you okay?” Damon looked back at him. He was still fascinated with Uriel.

  “Are you okay?” Uriel repeated.

  “Yes, Yes, good. Not injured or anything.”

  “Good, now put the spear in your pocket and let’s go.” Damon wrapped up the spear in the handkerchief. He followed closely behind Uriel.

  What were those things?” Damon asked.

  “I don’t know, minion of his perhaps.”

  “What do you mean by his minions?”

  “The demon we are about to obliterate.”

  “Oh…” Damon knew now that Uriel must have been telling him the truth about everything.

  “You are going to kill it right?” Damon added.

  “No, you will. Damon, you will have to take the spear and stab Tim Timberlake with it.”

  “I will only do it because I love my mom. I want her to be safe. Away from the man who beats her.”

  “You must really love her.” Uriel commented.

  “I do. Why is it the demon is disguised as Tim Timberlake?”

  “Being an international celebrity gives him access to all parts of the earth. He has always been flamboyant, and cocky. It doesn’t surprise me he chose to become an international rock star.”

  “So is Tim Timberlake even real?”

  “No, just a disguised made up by the abomination.”

  “I don’t feel as guilty now. He is a demon after all and must be stopped.”

  “Yes, at all costs or he will destroy the world you know.” Uriel agreed

  They made it to the car in one piece. Damon was feeling weak from his illness. Damon coughed into his hand. He felt a liquid gush from his mouth. He looked down in the palm of his hand. It was stained with warm red blood.

  “Here, wipe that up.” Uriel had reached into the glove compartment grabbing him a few paper napkins. Damon wiped his hand and mouth. He coughed into the napkins again. Uriel felt his head while they were speeding down the country road.

  “You poor boy.” He whispered quietly.

  “I am okay. I will survive.”

  “I hope so, Damon for the world’s sake.”

  They made their way back into town. Damon’s was feeling weaker by the minute. His finger grazed the very edge of the spear in his pocket. He could feel the evil that lurked inside. It was menacing and possessive. Damon contemplated on the next task. How would he murder this demon? Uriel, drove and drove. He finally pulled up to a large building. Damon’s brow eyes widened.

  “Oh a Tim Timberlake concert! I can’t believe it. My friend and classmates will be so jealous.” Damon said with excitement.

  “Do not forget we are here to destroy the abomination.” Uriel warned.

  “I know. Why is it this abomination uses Tim Timberlake’s body?”

  “Archangels and demons are quite gifted. That is the way they control the world through music, art, and culture. Did you know Lucifer was the angel of art, culture, and music?”

  “Wow.” Damon responded.

  “Although this man is not an archangel. He is just a wayward demon. He will destroy anything in his path. Ever since he made a deal with the devil. Timberlake acquired an enormous amount of power from the deal. That is why he must be destroyed. He will use that power to destroy all of this.” Uriel said pointing at the environment around the two.

  Damon and Uriel walked down a hallway of the large building. They were backstage now. The concert was in full swing. Damon could hear the crowd cheering in the distance. Uriel seemed to know where he was going. The music was so loud. Damon could feel the equipment vibrating the walls. Uriel was about to turn the corner when he stopped. He looked at Damon.

  “It is about to get will intense. I want you to stay back.” Uriel’s blue eyes narrowed. “I am dead serious about this you understand?”

  “Yes, Uriel. I understand completely.” Damon replied.

  Uriel turned the corner. He stood front and center. There were two bodyguard of Tim Timberlake standing in the hallway. The bodyguards were not human. The biggest one was disguised as a heavyset black man with black sunglasses. His head was completely shaved. The other man had long grey hair and was fair skinned. Much thinner than his partner. He also sported a hawk like nose.

  “Uriel, welcome! We were expecting you.” The he
avyset black man said.

  “I’ve been waiting patiently to get my hands on you.” The long grey haired one added.

  “You are not prepared for me. You two are just minions. Not even full fledge demons. Taking you out will be easy.” Uriel retorted smartly.

  “You will pay for that.” The long haired man clenched his fist. The pair showed their true form snarling at Uriel. Their black horns and red skin intimidated Damon. What was worse were their pitch dark black eyes.

  Uriel was the first to attack. He had start forming a fireball with his hands. The demon who was disguised as a black man rushed forward. Uriel threw his first scorching fireball at him. Uriel smiled, and nodded to the next one. He looked at his friend which had now been reduced into a pile of ash. He started to flee down the hallway. Around the corner he went and Uriel’s second fiery fireball followed him. Damon shivered, and dreaded what Tim Timberlake would look like in his true form. He was still intimidated by the monsters he had just seen. Uriel turned around.

  “I know you are scared. Monsters exist but you must remain vigilant. You are mankind's only hope.”

  “I know…” Damon whispered. Uriel took out something from the pocket of his trench coat. It was a rosary. He put it on Damon’s neck. Immediately Damon felt a warmth travel all the way to his toes.

  “Does that make you feel better?”


  “Now, the next part is important. Listen carefully.” Uriel looked at the dressing room door of Tim Timberlake.

  “Once we go through that door. You must charge at Tim Timberlake with all your strength. Puncture his