Read VEG Page 11

  Chapter 11: Digital Love

  Time: Six Years Prior

  Source: Personal Computer Log

  User: Evo

  Standing outside the gates, minutes rolled by like hours, hoping that my plan had been successful. I was fidgeting, a habit I did when I was furious, because I had to lose my Colossus blade to bait the enemy into opening their gate.

  Phantom was sitting on a bench next to me rocking slowly back and forth. There was no way they would be stupid enough to fall for such a simple trick. I began pacing back and forth starring at the ground when two arms wrapped around my sides lifting me in the air.

  “You dog you!” Knightcr@wler howled as he hugged me. “The noobs fell for it!”

  “What?” I said, with excitement filling my chest.

  “I mean truly, it only worked because Kira and I are such pros. A noob like you and Phantom would have never been able to pull it off inside.” Phantom jumped up tackling Knightcr@wler at the waist. They both began wrestling on the concrete.

  “And Kira?” I asked.

  “Alive, and out of spells for the next year,” Kira said slipping in to give me a warm hug. She had a cute little smile on her face when she released me.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Men just don’t know when to put away their swords,” She said with a devilish smile as she pulled out my Colossus sword from her inventory. A rush of emotion over took me and before I could stop myself I had my arms wrapped around Kira, bear hugging her.

  “Oh make out already,” Phantom said breaking up our moment.

  I released her and jumped at Phantom, the three of us now wrestling on the concrete. “Should I lend an extra rod for your hot threesome?” Kira asked. We all laughed and stood up brushing the dust from our clothes.

  “Would any of you fine gentleman do me the honor of escorting me home tonight? I hear there are some disgruntled VEG players that just lost a match, and might be exacting revenge against those responsible for their loss,” Kira said smiling, pleased with her own sarcasm.

  Phantom and Knightcr@wler both said at once, “Evo can do it.” Phantom immediately punched Knightcr@wler in the arm, both of them giggling like immature little girls.

  “Evo, you free?” Kira said in a nonchalant manner.

  “Sure,” I said. “I completely agree, having two noobs walk you home wouldn’t be safe,” I added, taunting them both. “Please, the only one that’s noob at anything, is you at getting women. We gotta throw you a bone once in a while. No offense Kira,” said Phantom. I gave him a quick glare.

  “None taken, but remember Phantom it’s not pro if you pay for it,” Kira said smiling as she turned and began to walk away, not waiting for Phantom’s smart-ass rebuttal. I quickly followed but not before throwing them both a smile and my middle finger. “Noob” was a term gamers used for someone that was new to anything and therefore unskilled. It was one of our favorite insults.

  The walk home was short but lasted an eternity in my mind. My right arm felt heavy, hanging sluggish at my side in an awkward fashion. I knew I wanted to hold her hand but I, being the furthest from suave and smooth, had no inkling of how to do so. Especially with her arms crossed, warming her body against the cold of the early morning hours. A girl like Kira could never like a guy like me; she’s hit on by everyone in our clan and had most likely heard it all. You’re an idiot, you think just because she smiles at you that she wants something to do with you. She smiles and jokes with everyone. What makes you so special? But… if there is something there, this is your only chance to find out. You’ll never get an opportunity like this again. Just do something… test the waters - I thought moving a little bit closer to her.

  I began swinging my awkward arm a little bit more directly to graze the side of her voluptuous hips. She made no reaction to the first graze. My penis on the other hand began protruding from the front of my pants and I now had another problem that I hoped she didn’t notice. Jesus one little graze and you’re already rearing to go. She’s going to think you are a pervert, a premature overly aggressive ape that can’t keep it in his pants. Not to mention you haven’t said a word to her in the last… well I don’t know how long...

  Her arms unfolded and dropped to her side, breaking my thoughts. I swung my arm once more in her direction and this time it grazed the back of her soft hand. Our hands danced around each others. They touched lightly until they swung in unison, slowly losing motion until I went for it, grabbing her entire hand. Her fingers squeezed mine as I slid my thumb around the back of her pinky and ring finger.

  This felt almost like a strategy game and I was finally gaining a little control. My confidence level was beginning to rise almost as much as my penis had. I began to think of those Japanese dating games where you had to get enough money to buy the girl gifts to make her like you enough to get to the point where she would invite you back to her place. Then you would have to use cheesy lines to get her interested enough to kiss you. If you got the kiss you spent more money and time to get her into bed. It took ages to get her clothes off and any false move decreased all the favor points you had worked so hard for. The funny thing was that I spent hours on those games just to get a virtual girl’s clothes off so she would sleep with me. At that very moment I realized how sad and pathetic I was.

  Kira came to a stop and she pulled on my arm to make me halt, probably seeing that I was in lala land. “This is me,” she said, looking up at a four story brick built apartment building. “That was some match today.”

  “Yeah,” I said laughing a little bit like a goof. “Thank you, for retrieving my sword, you have no idea how much that meant to me.”

  “Yeah well, you would have done the same for me, besides it was your idea that won us the match,” she said, followed by an awkward silence.

  I turned to face her, and her eyes shied away from me a bit. Something strong came over me at that very moment and I cupped her cheek, turning her face back up toward me, “come here.” My face went in close and she responded beautifully, her lips blossoming out toward my own until they met.

  I kissed her long and hard, sliding my right hand down the small of her back. Our tongues played around with each other teasing and tickling. She pressed the entirety of her body up against mine, the warmth of her core erupting my sexual urges. Pulling away she looked up at me and asked the one thing that every man dies to hear, “You want to come up?”

  When we arrived at her place, I felt like the woman for the first time. She pulled me into her bedroom like a savage, throwing me down hard upon her bed, placing my Jackers on my head. Turning on her heels, she bumped me with her bottom sending me backwards onto my elbows. Her hips swayed back and forth like a little temptress as she walked toward her closet.

  The room was spacious with modern decor. Japanese floral portraits of cherry blossoms in bloom hung on two of the walls with dim lights illuminating them from behind, casting beautiful shadows on the floor. A one-foot wide French drain lined the perimeter of her bed filled with smooth black and white riverbed stones. I took my shoes off, resting my bare feet upon them, digging my toes into the voids between.

  Trance music poured into the room with subtle hints of jazz. She came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but her VEG gear. Of course through my Jackers she was covered in beautiful spandex like lingerie that hugged her seductive form. She reminded me of Mystique from X-Men. Her hips danced back and forth with the rhythm of the music as she began to feel herself, her hands sliding up her sides and into the air. To my astonishment, the spots she touched, her augmented lingerie disappeared. She then rubbed over the topside of her breasts throwing her head back, her hair swooping behind her. I stood up without even realizing it, entranced by her dancing. The intensity of the song began to increase and now she was waving her unexposed breasts back and forth in front of me. Finally she slid her hands over the front of each of them tickling her
own erect nipples as they passed.

  Her body was that of a goddess. She approached me with her head tilted down to the degree that she looked like a predator with her eyes set on her prey. Lunging at me like a lion, she pressed her body firmly against mine. Her hands squeezing my butt while she kissed me. One of her hands slid down the front of my pants, her thumb tickling my belly button as it passed, until she reached the bulge of my penis. “Now let’s see how you use this rod,” she said while flashing that devilish smile she always used.

  It felt like a minute later but the memory would bury itself somewhere in my mind for a lifetime. She was everything I’d imagined she would be and more. We tangled our naked bodies together in a warm cocoon on top of her sweat stained white sheets and fell asleep. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.