Read VETO Seeking the presidency can be a killer! Page 12

  “Warren, thanks for getting me involved in this case and thanks for all your help. I owe you one.”

  Warren waved his hand as he headed toward the house, “Forget it Jake. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Jake drove out of the driveway slowly, looking at the house as he left. He couldn’t help thinking how strange all of this was. Who knows? This might have been the next First Family, and…well he had to get back to work. Get ready for tomorrow morning. It was going to be a big day.

  Chapter 23

  A few minutes after nine Clancy made his way out of the police station at a brisk pace. He was middle aged, bald and had partaken of a few too many desserts. This was probably as fast as he could move, Jake thought. He drove downtown to a large office building. Jake followed him inside. Sure enough he made a phone call. He talked a few minutes in an animated fashion, hung up and left in a hurry. He didn’t go back to the station. He headed home. Jake called his contacts at the FBI and told them to move in on Marks and Johnson. He was following Clancy and would meet them at his house.

  He had tipped his friends at the Bureau about what was happening and told them he only wanted to participate in the capture of Doug Winters.

  Marks was caught trying to leave town and, true to form, denied everything. The mysterious package had vanished, but Jack Johnson had not. When he was brought in for questioning, he spilled his guts. He could no longer live with the guilt of Sonja Bartlett’s death and told them everything. When shown pictures of Doug Winters, he identified him as the Chef. He told them how Marks had hired him through some of his seedy contacts and all the Chef was supposed to do was follow Sonja, and set up Ty Flynn for the murder of Eugene White. But instead he killed her. Jack broke down during the questioning. He admitted to some dreadfully shady deals with Marks, but this was too much. He’d never bargained for murder. He told them how much he hated Winters and hoped they’d catch him. But more than anything he hoped Winters got what was coming to him.

  When asked the whereabouts of Winters, Jack said he didn’t know. Winters always called in or just showed up. He had no idea where he lived or how to contact him. Marks had clammed up and was only talking to his attorney. Jack had no idea who killed Eugene White. All along it had appeared to be Ty Flynn, but now with this confession and the arrest of Marks and Johnson, Ty, Morgan and Mattie were in the clear.

  Maybe Eugene White’s death was an accident, or maybe Chef had done it…but why? It appeared now they’d never know. Marks and Johnson had been arrested for the death of Sonja Bartlett and, apparently Doug Winters, A.K.A. The Chef, had gotten away… once again.

  Cornell Eastman was having a coming home party of sorts for Morgan, Ty and Mattie. Even though he’d been paid well and told by Mr. Eastman he’d done a wonderful job, Jake felt shortchanged. Here he’d been so close to Winters and yet…well. Who knows? He might run into him down the road.

  He had to shake it off and join in the celebration. After all, the truth had come out and the innocent did go free. The house was full of people, with champagne, a live band, dancing, and fabulous food. It was good to see everyone happy for a change, especially Ty and Morgan. Jake didn’t really know many people, but it was just fun to mill around and see people laughing and having a good time. Even Jennifer Eastman appeared to be in good spirits. She was laughing and talking to Steve. Jake had never really gotten to say much to Jennifer, but had admired her from afar. With everything that had happened to her family, it looked like she’d weathered it well. Oh, she’d had her ups and downs, but why not. She’d been put through the grinder. It was good to see her relaxed and enjoying her family once again. He didn’t want to intrude, but wanted to pay his respects.

  “Pardon me Mrs. Eastman. I just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I admire you,” Jake stated in a dignified manner.

  “Well, thank you Mr. Mozzetti. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve done for all of us. You’ve been a Godsend.”

  “Thank you. Believe me it was an honor to be of service. If you ever need anything in the future, don’t hesitate to call me. And Steve, it’s good to see you again.”

  “I, too, would like to thank you Mr. Mozzetti.”

  “Please, will you both call me Jake. My business associates call me Mr. Mozzetti. My friends call me Jake.”

  “Certainly…Jake,” she said with a warm smile. “It’s great to see everyone so happy isn’t it? Well, almost everyone,” as she reached out and hugged Steve. “Steve’s a little down. He was hoping Tim could be here, but…what did you tell me again dear?”

  “Tim had to go back to Europe on a special book buying trip.”

  Jake could hear a little longing in his voice. “Oh, I’m sorry Steve. When’s he coming back?”

  “I’m not sure. He just left me a note and said he didn’t know how long it would take. He’d call me when he got back.”

  “Well, I’m sure he’ll be back soon. If you’ll excuse me, I have a busy day tomorrow, heading home you know and I should probably get going. It was great to see you both again. And remember, if you ever need anything…”

  On his way out Jake stopped and congratulated Ty and Morgan and found Mr. Eastman to say goodbye.

  “Jake, you were wonderful. We could not have done this without you.”

  He could see Mr. Eastman was feeling no pain and for the first time in a long time was actually having a good time.

  “Thank you sir - it was my pleasure. I just wish we could have found Winters.”

  “Yes, that is a shame, but from what I hear the guy’s impossible to catch. As long as he’s out of our lives, I guess we should be grateful.”

  “Well, that’s one way of looking at it sir. I wanted to say goodbye to Warren, but I haven’t seen him. Is he here?”

  “No, he had to fly home. His mother’s ill.”

  “Oh no! I hope nothing serious?”

  “I think she’ll be alright. She’s been in poor health for years and has her ups and downs. He just wanted to be with her.”

  “Yes, of course. Well, please give him my best and tell him I’ll be in touch. Again sir, thank you for everything.”

  Jake left and as he drove out of the driveway, the atmosphere was dramatically different. Only a few days ago there was a pall of despair hanging over this house… now, it was rocking with laughter and music.

  Jake would head back to Philadelphia and never talk to the Eastman family again. Marks and Johnson were tried and convicted of second degree murder and given twenty-five to life. Clancy was tried as an accomplice and given five to ten years. Ty and Morgan got married and enjoyed each other, the Cubs, and their weekends on Lake Michigan. Steve never saw or heard from Tim again. Jeff and Jennifer lived in the same house, but in separate bedrooms. They put back on the face of propriety for family and friends.

  Chapter 24

  He awoke to a stinging pain in his neck. The windows were open to let the sea breeze in, so he thought it might be some kind of insect. He then felt his body going numb. He rolled onto his back and stared up into the dark. There was someone standing by the window. He could barely see their outline against the moonlight.

  “It’s curare. I thought you should know, because in a few minutes you’ll be dead. It paralyzes the muscles and then you’ll just stop breathing.”

  Slowly, and deliberately Chef said, “Who…are…you? I…have…to…know.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m alive and you’re…” He reached down, felt that Chef had stopped breathing. “Not!”

  It was late and as he walked into the room he could see him sitting at his desk in the dark.

  “It’s done sir.”

  “You found him? Where?”

  “I figured it would be one of two places and sure enough. He always liked the white beach at Sol Mar in Cabo.”

  “Can you believe that jackal? Playing both ends against the mi
ddle. He takes money from me to get rid of Eugene and Sonja Bartlett, while he’s taking money from Marks to do the same thing. Plus the son of a bitch was sleeping with my son. You were right about one thing, Mozzetti was the one to flush him out. My guess is he’d have blackmailed me sure as the sun coming up.”

  “I know, I never really liked him. As a matter of fact I kind of enjoyed doing it.”

  “You know, I’ll always feel bad about Sonja Bartlett. If Marks hadn’t gotten her involved she’d still be alive. And Eugene - I really was fond of him, but he wanted way more than I could, or would give.”

  “Yes, I know sir.”

  “You know, of course, he never meant that much to me.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Well, Warren I’m going up to bed.”

  “Then goodnight sir.”


  “Yes sir?”

  “Will you be…coming up later?”

  “No. Not tonight sir. It’s been a very long day!”



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