Read VETO Seeking the presidency can be a killer! Page 7

  The next morning she followed him to a nearby café. She got a table close to his and ordered some coffee. He just sat and stared out at traffic. Her hoping he’d speak first was not going to happen. She was going to have to make the initial move. She leaned over to him, “Excuse me, are you from America?” Startled and somewhat apprehensive he said, “Yes, yes I am.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bother you, I was just wondering. This is my first time in Paris, and I don’t speak the language very well, so I was hoping for a friendly face and someone who spoke English.”

  “No, that’s okay. I was just daydreaming about home.” The longing in his voice was almost palpable.

  “Really, where’s home?”

  “Washington, Washington D.C.”

  He was obviously trying to hide the fact he was from Chicago. She’d play along.

  “D.C. is wonderful. I’ve been there many times. It’s especially beautiful in the fall.”

  “Yes it is. You know, I better get going. It was nice talking to you.”

  “Yes, thanks. Enjoy Paris.”

  He was heading back to the hotel. But this had worked out perfectly. She could now run into him in the lobby and feel comfortable talking. Besides he had no idea she was staying there, which could just be an amazing coincidence. Sonja figured she’d try again that evening. She didn’t want to rush it, but she didn’t know how much time she had. The sooner she could make him aware of who she was and what she was trying to do, the better it would be for both of them.

  By four she was sitting in the lobby reading her book. The hotel required that you hand in your key each time you left, so there was no way he could just sneak out the door. Once she saw him, she could say hello and act surprised. About five-thirty, here he came. As he handed in his key, she blurted out, “Well, hello again.”

  He turned in sheer amazement, “Are you staying here?”

  “Yes. Isn’t that funny?”

  Finding this funny, wasn’t the first expression he got. Then a slight grin, then he seemed almost relieved to find a friendly face.

  “Yes, well, funny, I guess so. What are you doing here, I mean…”

  Sensing she’d thrown him off balance a little, she said, “I’m here on business and this hotel was recommended to me.”

  “Oh, really. What kind of business?”

  “Cosmetics. I’m here buying cosmetics for a large cosmetic company.”

  She could see he looked a little skeptical. And why not? She was lying.

  “I just got the job a few months ago and have never traveled abroad before. All my work has been in the good old U S of A.”

  “Yeah, I wondered, since you said this morning you hadn’t ever been to Paris before and didn’t speak the language.”

  “Well, they thought they’d toss me into the fire, I guess. So here I am,” she said, hoping for a laugh. No laugh, just a smile. Well, why not go for broke. She had to get on with this.

  “You know, I was about to go to dinner and, if I’m not being too presumptuous, would you like to join me?”

  She figured this would either scare him away completely, or he might just go. She could see he was pondering it, “Here I’m on the run, I shouldn’t trust anyone, but she looks innocent enough and I’d like to believe her.”

  “Sure, that will be fine. I was about to go get something to eat anyway.”

  This was going to be her best, and maybe her only, chance.

  “Wonderful, let me run upstairs, put my book away and get my purse. I’ll be right back.”

  He waited anxiously. Should he be doing this? Who was she, really? He didn’t have the answer to either question, but for some reason he was going to go ahead with it. There was no attraction, although she was very attractive; it was just a friendly face from America. One thing for sure, he was going to tell her right off, he was involved with a wonderful woman and hoped to marry her soon.

  “Thanks for waiting…you know I don’t even know your name.”


  “Well, nice to meet you Michael, I’m Sonja.”

  They kind of strolled through the neighborhood talking about how beautiful Paris was. There were a number of cafés along the street and they finally popped into one. Sonja made sure they were seated in a quiet corner so they could talk.

  “Michael, do you mind if I ask what you do for a living?”

  “Sonja, I need to tell you something right off. I’m attached. As a matter of fact I might as well be engaged.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she said trying to act surprised. “Tell me about her.

  What’s her name?”

  “Morgan – her name’s Morgan. I just didn’t want you to get the wrong impression.”

  “Michael, believe me I had no hidden intentions here. I figured this was just what it is – dinner.”

  “Good, that’s a relief. As to what I do, I’m in insurance.”

  “You mean like, selling insurance?”

  “No it’s called loss-control. I go out and inspect commercial properties for fire and liability hazards. I’m sure that sounds technical and probably boring.”

  “No, actually that sounds like it might be interesting,” she said, wondering how in the world she was going to let him know who she was and, more importantly, that he could trust her.

  “Well, yes, it can be. Over the years, I’ve pretty much inspected every type of business imaginable.”

  “Is business good in D.C.?”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty steady. You’re in cosmetics, right?”

  “Well, we sometimes like to call them beauty products, but yeah, cosmetics.”

  “And where do you call home?”

  Well, here goes. It was time to start moving forward.

  “I’m from Chicago. Have you ever been there?”

  He could feel the hair stand up on the back of his neck, and a slight chill passed through him. He began to wonder if just maybe…no she seemed legit.

  “Chicago, you bet. A great city, very alive. I’ve been there a number of times.”

  “Really, business or pleasure?”

  She could see he was feeling a little more at ease with her and didn’t choke or bolt over the Chicago reference.

  “Some of both, mostly pleasure, I guess.”

  “Yeah, there’s plenty to do, the Cubs, Field Museum, Harry Caray’s, the lake. But we have our problems too. I’m sure you’ve heard of Cornell Eastman, our presidential candidate? Well it seems he’s gotten himself into some hot water. Have you heard about this down in D.C.?”

  He was stunned. This was incredulous. He had no idea what to say, but he had to say something.

  “No, no I haven’t heard anything about that. I don’t follow politics much.”

  “Ah, I was just curious.”

  “You know Sonja, this has been great, but I’m tired and we probably ought to call it a night.”

  “That’s fine. I’ve enjoyed it too Michael.”

  She felt like she’d broken the ice enough to take the next step. She thought if she talked to him in his room, it would be more difficult for him to take off. As they got their keys and started upstairs, she said, “Michael, would you mind if I stopped at your room? I’m kind of having a family problem, which is part of the reason I’m here and, there just aren’t any Americans to talk to. Plus you seem like a very nice guy. I’d only stay a minute.” Against his better judgment he agreed.

  “Okay, but I really need to get going early in the morning.” He sat down on the bed and she pulled the chair out from the desk.

  “I don’t know how I can help you, but fire away.”

  She looked at him, debating the best way to start. He seemed like such a nice guy and she felt so sorry for him, and she’d helped put him in this condition. Straight out – it was the only way.

  “Ty, you don’t know who I am, do you?”

  He grew rigid and began to get up
off the bed. The look on his face was both frightened and frightening.

  “Please Ty, I’m here to help you. As a matter of fact I came all this way to help you. You’ve got to believe me. Our lives may depend on it.”

  He stood in disbelief. There was no way, he’d planned it too well. But here she was, and she knew who he was.

  “How? How did you find me, and why should I believe you?”

  “How, doesn’t really matter now. What matters is that you believe me. I know what happened, because…because I’m the one that took those pictures of you at the Herbert Hotel.”

  “Great, so you followed me over here to finish the job. You’ve got some nerve showing up here, acting friendly and then pulling this.” He could feel the rage building inside. Ty wasn’t a violent man, but he wasn’t so sure he could contain himself.

  “Ty, just hear me out, then if you want to throw me out the window, I’ll let you.”

  His anger began to subside a little. After all what did he have to lose?

  “Go ahead, I’m all ears,” he said in a stern tone, sitting back down.

  “Let me first say it was purely accidental that you wound up involved in this at all. I was hired…”

  “Wait! Wait a minute. What do you mean accidental?

  “Please, let me finish.”

  “Okay. Go ahead, but get to it.”

  “I was hired by Senator Don Marks, through a Jack Johnson, who works for him as an aide of some kind. They wanted me to follow Cornell Eastman and check on his comings and goings, habits, that kind of stuff. Looking back I think they already knew something was going on with him. They just wanted me to confirm it.” She could see Ty was calming down and absorbing every word she was saying.

  “Anyway, I took the job and, for the most part, it was pretty boring, until that day at the Herbert. I’d followed him there thinking the whole time, this was very strange. Well, you know the rest. I was there checking him out and you showed up. It wasn’t until later, when I went through your apartment, that I saw what you did for a living. Then I figured it out. It was part luck and I guess part skill. So, here I am and, I want to help you!”

  Ty sat looking hard at her for a few seconds. It all added up, and there was no two ways about it, she was sitting right there in front of him. And if this was true, she was risking her life as well.

  “Let’s say what you’ve told me is true. Why would you risk your life for me? I mean, what do you get out of this?”

  “You may not believe this Ty, but I get the chance to right a wrong. What’s happened to you isn’t right, and I wasn’t raised to turn away when I’ve done something wrong. Whether you accept it or not, I’m here to fix this – it’s as simple as that!”

  Sonja slumped back in the chair. She was so relieved. What had happened to Ty had been gnawing at her and, now at last, she was able to confront him with the truth.

  “I’ll tell you Sonja, you are one brave woman. You remind me a lot of Morgan.”

  “Well, I’ll consider that a high compliment. I’d love to meet her someday. But right now we have to think of the best way to handle this. If I know Marks and Johnson, they know I’m here.”

  “Here? You mean at this hotel?” He said shocked.

  “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t put it past them. They’re shrewd and ruthless men. We can’t be too careful.”

  “Now that you’ve scared the hell out of me, what do you suggest?”

  “Believe me Ty, I’ve thought a lot about this. We need to fly back to the states as quickly as possible, then immediately get to the authorities. The sooner we spill the beans on this the better.”

  “But Sonja, what about Eastman and Morgan? This is going to destroy their family.”

  “Ty, this is all going to come out anyway. As a matter of fact, it’s probably already started. What we have to do is save you. If Morgan is as strong as you say she is and, I’m sure she is, then she’ll survive this and better yet you’ll be there to help her.”

  He was convinced, and he certainly wanted the chance to clear himself and be there for Morgan when it all collapsed.

  “Okay, Sonja, I’m in.”

  “Good, let’s get packed and get out of here. I’ll meet you in the lobby in ten minutes.”

  For the first time in a long time, Ty had a hopeful feeling about the future.

  Chapter 16

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m sitting in a car across the street from their hotel. They’re both in there and have spent some time together talking. What do you want me to do?”

  “What do you think their next move is?”

  “My guess is…hold it, they’re coming out together.”

  “Follow them man, and once you know where they’re going, call me.”

  “What about Johnson?”

  “Forget him, you call me direct – understand?”

  “Yes sir – got it,” the Chef said cynically, angered by the way he was being talked to. Who the hell did Marks think he was? Chef had been down this road many times and knew when the time was right to take final action. Marks might be a Senator, but what could he possibly know about this sort of thing? Nothing! When this got to the point something had to be done…he’d do it. Marks would just have to live with the consequences. After all, Marks couldn’t really afford to expose him. Plus Chef had his own score to settle with Eastman.

  * * * *

  Ty and Sonja caught the first flight back to Chicago. It cost a bundle, but Sonja had some dough, from a big case she’d been working on. All the way back on the plane they discussed different scenarios of how to go about proving what had actually happened and who was responsible. She’d convinced Ty that they should immediately go to her contacts at the police department. She would tell them everything she knew. That should at least give the police a place to start and, hopefully, start the process of clearing Ty.

  Ty kept staring out the window, remembering his flight over, when he was wondering if he’d ever get to see Morgan again. Now, here he was on his way back and he could hardly stand it. He’d only called her the one time. Boy was she going to be surprised, seeing him in the flesh. As the flight droned on, Sonja decided to get up, walk around and stretch her legs a little bit. Moving through the aisle several rows back she saw a familiar face.

  “Hi! What a coincidence, we’re heading home the same time. Thanks again for the food coming over, it really did help.”

  “Hey, I’m glad I could help. Did you enjoy Paris?”

  “Yes, it was wonderful. And you?”

  “Oh yes, I always enjoy Paris.”

  Sonja figured she’d better get back to Ty, who was undoubtedly getting nervous about the threatening trouble they were heading into back in Chicago.

  “Well, it was good seeing you,” she said finding it a little suspicious he was on the plane.

  “And you. Maybe we’ll run into each other in Chicago. You just never know.”

  She nodded and headed back to her seat. Their plan was simple and would hopefully be successful. As soon as they got back to Chicago, they’d check into a downtown hotel. They’d check in at staggered times and get separate rooms. That way no one would know they were together. Sonja would immediately make some phone calls to her friends at the police department, while Ty would get in touch with Morgan. He couldn’t wait. Just to see her again and know she was safe. Then, with any luck, they’d get police protection and the investigation would not only clear Ty, but also bring Marks and Johnson to justice. Sound strategy - they just hoped it worked.

  “I’ll tell you Sonja, the windy city never looked so good,” Ty sighed as the plane circled the airport.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet. You probably weren’t sure you’d ever see Chicago again were you?”

  “Nope, but there she is…and looking great! I know you risk a lot to do this, and I’ll never forget it.”

  “Ty, let’s just worry
about what we need to do to finish this up so you’re a free man again.”

  They’d decided to stay at the Grant Park Hotel in downtown. It was in close proximity to the police station and there was lots of traffic and action on Michigan Ave. This could help provide cover for them, until things got moving in the direction they needed.

  The press had been hounding Cornell Eastman. While Sonja and Ty were in Paris, he’d been forced to make a statement. He’d held a press conference and told everyone he’d come down with a virus and had been forced to take some time off. This coupled with Eugene White’s death had really knocked him out. Plus Bill Woodburn from the Tribune had started writing articles insinuating there had been more than a business relationship between Eastman and White and that possibly White’s death wasn’t accidental. The political machine Cornell Eastman had so carefully constructed was crumbling.

  Sonja and Ty had decided, once they hit the ground, they’d go their separate ways, except for a planned rendezvous in one of their rooms at the hotel. That way they’d never be seen together. Ty grabbed the first cab, anxious to get to the hotel and call Morgan. Sonja waited a while. By the time she got to the hotel Ty would be settled in. She’d make some calls, Ty would have talked to Morgan, and they planned to meet in Sonja’s room at 11 p.m. It had been a long and restless flight. They were both tired. Sonja decided to take a quick nap before the long ordeal began. Tired or not, Ty immediately called Morgan. Much to his disappointment, he got no answer. He too decided to take a short nap.

  Sonja awoke to a tapping noise. The room was dark with only a faint light coming through the hotel windows. She rolled over to see what time it was…ten p.m. She started to sit up, but got an eerie feeling that she wasn’t alone. She reached for the light beside the bed.

  “Don’t do that Sonja.”

  She turned cold, petrified with fear. “Who are you?” She could only see a dark outline sitting in the corner.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am. It only matters who you are and what you know.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Come on, don’t play dumb with me. You know why I’m here and who sent me.”