Read Vain Glory Page 4

  Chapter 4

  “Silencing the Whisper”

  Dr. Clarity waved his wand, producing a hologram of the Convent of Bosky. He explained, “Eight women monitor and direct the swirling flow of negative energy. They are seated at eight terminals; one at each corner of this edifice. The momentum of the energy is already established, hence, subduing one or even two or three terminals would have negligible effect. What little we disrupted would be swiftly and easily reestablished. The ninth terminal is yet to be established and it shall be what produces the needed void.”

  “Of what use is a void?” Miss Glory was curious.

  “The rite shall be Penumbran.” Dr. Clarity explained, “Unlike our philosophy of ‘flow and balance’ theirs is ‘something into nothing.’ The momentum of energy filling a void is what powers their spells.”

  “Their philosophy is deathly.”

  “Their philosophy is the very cult of the Living Darkness.” Dr. Clarity resumed, “A Penumbran lady is not without her own crystal ball. I believe the crystal of Lady Dolorous shall serve as the ninth terminal.” He touched a section of the hologram and it expanded, “The crystal ball shall most likely be here: on the top floor of the west corner.”

  Miss Glory fretted, “On the opposite side of the building.”

  “Yes. Lady Dolorous undoubtedly quartered her guests away from anywhere sensitive. Miss Glory, you shall scout the path and clear the way that I may reach the crystal.”

  “Why would her crystal ball be on the far side of the building?”

  “It shall be within her quarters.”

  “Dr. Clarity, you visited her quarters. They are at the end of the corridor just outside our door.”

  “What I visited were not her quarters. I was watchful for a spell of warding as I crossed the threshold: there was none. No lady of Penumbra dwells where her life and secrets are not guarded by such a spell.”

  “Are you certain the crystal ball is where you suppose?”

  “No. My guess is sound, however. Lady Dolorous of the Early Light would position her crystal at the point of the Dying Light, her opposing sign.”

  “Dr. Clarity, we are risking our lives on many guesses.”

  “Indeed. We must assume for we shall not know otherwise.”

  Big-Big was watching and listening all the while. Miss Glory asked Dr. Clarity, “Does he understand what you are saying?”

  “I shall tell him what he must know, so what does it matter?” Miss Glory arched an eyebrow. The professor assured her, “Big-Big is not a lumbering brute. He bested our best often and lived to tell of it.”

  “What shall be his part to play?”

  “Big-Big is fast, strong and he can hide in plain sight. He shall acquire weapons from the enemy themselves should the need arise. Should we raise an alarm he shall create a violent distraction. He shall join us as we escape.”

  The megasaurian blurted, “Big-Big shoots guns! Big-Big likes guns.”

  Vain asked Dr. Clarity, “Shall I bring my sword?”

  “Miss Glory, bring all we need for we shall not be returning to these quarters.”

  Civilian or soldier, Concubine Keepers were the Girls in Blue: the scientists, engineers and technicians of the Many of One. They manned operations. Concubine Sentinels, the Girls in Red, guarded the halls and corridors. Civilian Keepers monitored security from the command-and-control room. The Girls in Blue watched as Dr. Clarity and his female bodyguard toured a promenade in the lower levels of the east southeast wing. Unbeknownst to the monitoring women, what they beheld was an illusion. Dr. Clarity and Miss Glory were actually making their way to the far west corner. “Their technology is harder to deceive than most magic,” Ambiguous Clarity told Vain Glory, “but I have oft deceived their cameras and sensors before. The presence of Sentinels is our only imminent worry.”

  “Dr. Clarity, I shall clear the way for you.”

  “Yes, of course.” The professor chuckled, admitting, “I was once captured by one of the little things. Fortunately, she was ordered to release me.”

  “When and where was that, Dr. Clarity?”

  “Pardon me, Miss Glory, but the particulars are not for your knowing.” Vain was amused by Ambiguous Clarity’s way of telling much yet telling nothing.

  The Mystics boarded a small monorail car and sped on their way to the west southwest wing.

  Big-Big scurried through a heat vent, mindful that a searing gust would soon blow. He reached and climbed a ladder just before the deadly wind howled through the duct. He opened the hatch above and climbed out into a corridor between humming machinery. “Big-Big,” an unfamiliar voice called to him. Big-Big turned and beheld a spindly little alien he recognized to be a shaman. The tiny creature smiled a smile the megasaurian knew to be friendly. Big-Big smiled back. “I am Mojo. I am your friend.”

  “Big-Big must hurry.”

  “Big-Big must hear me.” The megasaurians were not particularly intelligent but their intuition was uncanny. Big-Big could hear the truth in the little alien’s claim. Big-Big waited, as calm as if there was no hurry at all. The shaman told him, “Big-Big thinks to snatch minicarbines from Sentinels should he need weapons. Big-Big is too strong for such little weapons. Big-Big should have something bigger.” The megasaurian tilted his head. The shaman urged him, “Follow me. The armory shall have something more to Big-Big’s liking.”

  A human being was weak, slow and its senses dull. Its thoughts were narrow and feelings tumultuous. Its youth was fleeting and its life pathetically short. Humanity was prolific and industrious, however, and productive when many and disciplined. The simplicity of human flesh and blood made it cheap and easy to clone. The eagerness of the human psyche to share thoughts made its memories easy to transcribe.

  The Concubines of the Great Seen Unseen were the Many of One: a society of women cloned from one woman and endowed with her formative memories. They were chaste, industrious and efficient. Their women were selfless, loyal and obedient. Their Virgin Army was an army of the Living Darkness. Concubine Sentinels were the foot soldiers of this malevolent force. Though small and weak they were vigilant and relentless. They were many.

  A Concubine Sentinel stood at her post; silent, erect and both hands on the vertical grips of her minicarbine… when blue hands grabbed her by the head and snapped her face past a shoulder! The victim convulsed and dropped to the floor.

  A pair of Sentinels guarded a corridor… until struck by simultaneous chops to their necks! The two winced and collapsed. Vain Glory chuckled, enjoying the sensual ease with which she prowled and killed these weaklings.

  A Sentinel heard a noise. Turning a corner to investigate, she was snatched by the throat and her weapon plucked from her grasp! There was a clatter then a thump, grunt and groaning… and then silence.

  Sentinels kept disappearing from their posts, none the wiser until themselves snatched or struck. Vain Glory snapped the neck of yet another. She draped the little body over a shoulder and carried it into an alcove. She dumped the limp form onto the growing pile of them. “So many,” Dr. Clarity was amused.

  “Yes,” Miss Glory agreed. “One more and the way shall be clear.”

  “Good. We must hurry.”

  When the last guard joined the pile, Vain Glory led Ambiguous Clarity to an archway without a door. Miss Glory mentioned, “I feel the flowing chill of negative energy.”

  “Yes. There is no door for such would obstruct the flow of energies being channeled into the room. The absence of a door implies my first suspicion.”

  “What of the enchantment?”

  “Break it.”

  “I am unfamiliar with Penumbran magic.”

  Dr. Clarity assured, “Though their philosophy differs from ours, their magic is the use of the same natural energies. They are bound to the same reality. Your manipulation of flow and balance can dispel their something into nothing.”

  Vain outstretched her left hand and closed her eyes. She giggled, realizing aloud, “Magic to b
reak the spell is the very thing that triggers it. We need only to cross the threshold.”

  Dr. Clarity doubted, “So simple?”

  “Yes. Lady Dolorous was clever. I nearly made the mistake of trying to dispel her enchantment.” Miss Glory crossed the threshold.

  Dr. Clarity pointed his wand along the edges of the arch and across the floor immediately under it. He arched an eyebrow, concluding, “The enchantment has indeed remained unstirred.” He crossed the threshold and led Miss Glory up a short flight of winding steps.

  The Mystics found themselves in a round chamber with a crystal ball atop a round table in the middle. A round skylight was directly above the crystal, its ray illuminating the magical device. “Miss Glory, I advise you step back and plug your ears.” Dr. Clarity waved his wand over the crystal ball. The brightly glowing core flashed even brighter and the light within became a swirl. Dr. Clarity waved his wand faster and faster. A hum sounded and the swirl quickened. The hum sharpened into a shriek and the crystal cracked… then shattered!

  Civilian Concubine Keepers manned the consoles of the command-and-control room. One of them reported, “Ma’am, the ninth terminal for the Rite of Silence went offline.”

  Maxeen Purple the Vigilant wore the military elastic body shirt with fixed goggles. She commanded convent security. The Priestess came over to the Keeper.

  “Ma’am,” another Keeper called to her. “Unauthorized access to the south armory detected. Sentinels guarding the armory are unresponsive.”

  “Intruder alert!” Maxeen Purple declared. Every Keeper immediately responded. The Priestess told the one Girl in Blue, “Secure the ninth terminal in full force.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Maxeen told another Keeper, “Secure the armory in full force.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The military Priestess touched the side of her goggles-communicator, reporting, “Milady, we have an intruder.”

  Droves of Concubine Sentinels filled the corridors. A throng hurried up steps… when Big-Big stepped into view from above. The burly alien raised a stormgun. The women cringed. Their throng withered as a stream of plasma bolts tore into them!

  “I hear shooting,” Miss Glory mentioned.

  “High-powered rapid fire,” Dr. Clarity heard it. He arched an eyebrow, realizing, “Big-Big found himself a stormgun.”

  The throngs of Sentinels were drawn to the report of shooting. They winced and dropped in waves as they converged on the stormgun-toting megasaurian.

  A crowd of Sentinels hurried down a corridor… when screams suddenly sounded from behind! The other women turned, cringing, bleeding and dropping as a Mystic swordswoman slashed and stabbed her way through them! Dr. Clarity followed after Miss Glory as she left the corridor carpeted with bodies in her wake.

  The Mystics happened upon more bodies, these women having been shot. Big-Big stepped out into view. The burly alien grinned.

  Dr. Clarity told him, “Take the lead and clear our way onward.” Big-Big nodded and complied.

  Lady Dolorous, Lord Earnestly-Seeking and the robed Concubine Clarissa Purple the Gentle joined Maxeen Purple the Vigilant in the command-and-control room. Everyone watched on monitors as an alien with a stormgun and a Mystic swordswoman slaughtered assailing waves of Concubine Sentinels. Maxeen reported, “Milady, we have them trapped. They shall soon be overwhelmed.”

  “So it would seem.”

  The voice of Earnestly-Seeking uttered in a resonant whisper, “Ambiguous Clarity betrays us.”

  Lady Dolorous corrected, “Ambiguous Clarity came to thwart us. He succeeded. I would forgive him if I dared.”

  Clarissa wondered, “Milady, why would you forgive him? He betrayed our trust and slaughters my sisters.”

  The Penumbran laughed, “You trusted him?”

  “Milady, you invited him.”

  “I invited a spy that we may make use of him. He has bested me. Let us now be rid of him and done with him.”

  Big-Big strafed the Sentinels shooting from above. Struck women dropped backwards, merely collapsed or fell bent over the balustrade. Sentinels screamed as Vain Glory stabbed and slashed them. The last of them winced and groaned as her bowels gushed out of her. The shooting and wailing stopped. Bodies littered the area.

  “Onward!” Dr. Clarity implored. “More are coming!” He led his companions up a spiral staircase. Throngs of Sentinels poured into the hall below. They shot up at the Mystics but the plasma bolts wisped into smoke passing through the unseen layers of talismans.

  Vain Glory worried, “We cannot escape going up.”

  Dr. Clarity nodded at the armed crowds below, countering, “We cannot escape going down. We must go where there are fewer Sentinels.”

  Earnestly-Seeking’s glowing eyes flashed brighter as he laughed, “The fools ascend to their downfall!”

  Lady Dolorous cautioned, “Ambiguous Clarity is no fool.” She commanded Maxeen the Vigilant, “Our Sentinels below are not to ascend. They are to secure the lower floors.”

  “Yes, milady.”

  “Those above the third floor may converge upon the enemy.”

  Earnestly-Seeking implored, “Milady, allow me and my bodyguards to meet these infidel defilers. We shall drag their corpses to you.”

  Dolorous grinned, “Not yet.”

  Dr. Clarity led his companions to an alcove within a monorail tunnel. “Rest,” he advised the warriors. “If we are to escape it shall be a fight to do so.” Dr. Clarity closed his eyes and waved his wand, uttering, “Where none may go and none shall glimpse or hear us.” He opened his eyes and slipped his wand back into the sleeve of his robe. He sat with his warriors, assuring them, “You may eat, drink and snooze within the concealment of a spell that has never failed me.” The professor sat and folded his legs. He warned, “I must maintain it, however. Do not speak to me or touch me, for to awaken me shall break the spell.”

  “Doctor,” Miss Glory addressed. “Even hidden we are trapped.”

  “I know.” Ambiguous Clarity closed his eyes and bowed his head.

  Big-Big laid down his stormgun and unslung its connected power-pack. The weapon was a Stormgun Type 89: a high-powered, fully automatic plasma weapon meant to be fired from a fixed mounting. The thing was too heavy and powerful to be wielded by a human soldier. A megasaurian, however, could brandish it as easily as a human could a small arm. Vain asked Big-Big, “How did you happen upon such a weapon?”

  “The shaman showed Big-Big.”

  “A shaman? A Piddling shaman?”


  Vain arched an eyebrow. Though the beneficiary of the Piddling’s aid, it unsettled the Mystic that a slave should be so malevolent towards its masters. Miss Glory wondered if she should kill the little helper as a matter of principal.

  Maxeen the Vigilant was head of security but Clarissa the Gentle was the superior of the convent. The many Sentinels killed were little sisters under Clarissa’s care. “Two hundred sixty-three,” she read the preliminary tally aloud. Two of this total were “missing” yet presumed dead. “So many.”

  A whisper like a cool, refreshing breeze washed over the Concubine of the Great Seen Unseen, assuring her, “Your sisters shall be avenged.” The amorphous Earnestly-Seeking snuggled the human female, declaring, “By the minicarbines of your Sentinels or by the swords of my warriors the infidel defilers shall be slain.”

  The hood of Clarissa’s robe was pulled back, exposing her bald head and white-within-white eyes. The Many of One were sensitive about their baldness and faded eyes: they bared their heads only when alone with sisters… or Phantoms. Clarissa was at ease in the company of Earnestly-Seeking. She kept her hood down in her friend’s presence. She gently rebuked the Phantom, “Revenge is not our duty. Let us be dutiful.”

  Earnestly-Seeking chuckled, admiring the Concubine for the purity of her devotion. The Phantom tempered its statement, “May the soldiers of the Great Shadow never perish in vain.” Clarissa nodded.

; Droves of Concubine Sentinels flooded the halls and corridors. They scoured the monorail tunnels. Vain Glory watched as a procession of them passed by. “So many,” the Mystic fretted. She remembered legions of her people being overwhelmed by such throngs.

  Big-Big was asleep. Though he snored, the spell would not allow any beyond the spell to hear it. Dr. Clarity remained sitting: his eyes closed and hands pressed together. Vain noticed movement under his lids as the Sentinels neared and passed them. “Ever watchful,” Vain smiled.

  Miss Glory was a Heroine of the Confederacy. She was the veteran of desperate battles and perilous quests. Courage made her bold. Wisdom made her timid. Courage was flow and wisdom balance. Causing flow required imbalance and achieving equilibrium required tempering flow. Courage was foolish and wisdom cowardly. How to reconcile the two? Vain Glory’s mind raced as she pondered a means of escape.

  Mojo was in the engineering section of the west wing. The destruction of the ninth terminal broke the connection of the first terminal. Though the Rite of Silence could not be performed, the convent was still channeling negative energy from the Silent Storm. He was sent to help reconnect the first terminal.

  The Piddling shaman stood behind a seated Concubine Keeper. The Girl in Blue’s fingers nimbly tapped the keyboard of a console as she followed the shaman’s instructions. The Piddling advised, “More is better, just a little more.”

  The human clone worried, “That would imbalance the stream.”

  Mojo assured, “It shall swirl the flow faster.”

  The Keeper huffed and rolled her eyes. She followed the instructions… and was surprised the Piddling’s counsel worked. She reported, “This is Ashley Blue, over.”

  A voice like her own responded, “Report, Ashley Blue.”

  “We have reinvigorated the stream.”


  Ashley Blue told Mojo, “You are dismissed.”

  The shaman scowled, offended to be treated as if an underling by a mere underling. He stormed off.

  Mojo could feel things from afar and see what he felt. He sought somewhere hidden so he could find Big-Big and Miss Glory. When he tried to enter a corridor, a Sentinel stepped in his way and enquired, “Piddling, where are you going?”

  “Mojo was dismissed.”

  “Where are you going?” The Piddling shrugged and turned to walk away. “Halt!” the Sentinel startled him. He obeyed. “Get on your knees! Put your hands behind your head!” Mojo complied. The Sentinel came in front of him, frightening him with her weapon. She again asked, “Where were you going?”

  “Mojo wanted to be alone.”


  “Mojo wants to be alone.”

  The Sentinel touched the side of her goggles-communicator, hailing, “This is Phillis Red, over.” She listened to a response Mojo could not hear. Phillis Red reported, “The Piddling tried to enter a restricted area. He said he wanted to be alone.” There was a long, tense pause until the Sentinel uttered, “Acknowledged,” and lowered her weapon. She told the Piddling, “Return to your quarters and remain there unless called.”

  “Mojo shall do so.” The Sentinel waved her weapon, gesturing for the quivering Piddling to move along.

  The corridor Mojo was barred from entering was not to a “restricted area” before. Were Big-Big and Miss Glory just beyond the corridor? Mojo hurried to his “quarters” to open his inner eyes and find his friends.

  The body of Dolorous of the Early Light was in her quarters, naked, arms outstretched and eyes open but unseeing. Her hair floated in air as if flowing underwater. Her form was upright but not standing, for her toes did not touch the floor. Her spirit walked the halls and corridors. The whispering voice of her spirit called out, “Ambiguous Clarity, hear me.”

  Ambiguous Clarity heard the sweet, soothing whisper… and yearned to answer it… but knew the eyes behind it would find him. He could feel the chill of her ghost haunting the tunnel in which he hid. “Lord Ambiguous the Wavering of the Dying Light, hear me.”

  Ambiguous Clarity quieted his mind, knowing Dolorous would hear him if he thought too loudly. He slowed his heart, knowing she would hear its beat and feel the warmth of it. The ghost of her drifted past. He watched it, fearing it would face him. The chill of her passing lingered… then was gone.

  Ambiguous Clarity gasped for breath! His heart pounded. “Dr. Clarity,” Miss Glory leaned over him. “Are you all right?”

  “The spell is broken.”

  “Were we discovered?”

  “No. Though the spell is broken we remain hidden.”

  Miss Glory mentioned, “I felt the chill of negative energy flow past us.”

  “It was Dolorous.”

  “Dolorous? I did not see her. She can hide in plain sight?”

  Dr. Clarity chuckled. He explained, “She was not in her flesh to be seen. Miss Glory, please rouse Big-Big from slumber. We must flee.”

  “Did you divine a way out?”

  “No. The numbers of our enemy tighten around us, however. We must skulk if we are to find a way out. We must hurry if we are to escape.”

  The white hair of Lady Dolorous went limp. Her naked form settled back to the floor. She grinned, admiring Ambiguous Clarity more than ever before. “I felt you,” she told him. “I could not find you but I felt you.” She knew he heard her unspoken voice. She knew his mind would remain silent.

  Lady Dolorous put on her black robe. She spoke, her mind telling that of Earnestly-Seeking, “Lord of the Third Eye, ready your warriors for the hunt.” She smirked, feeling the burning cold of the Phantom’s enthusiasm.