Read Valentine's Novella Page 2

  As Lilah fell back onto the mattress, I shucked off my sweats, loving seeing her eyes widen at my readied hard dick and I crawled over her body.

  Her hand lifted, and shaking in nerves, she lay it on my face. “Does it please you? Or…” her eyes dipped, “Do I please you, or…” tears filled her eyes, “are my scars too much? Are they ugly to you?”

  Stopping dead, I met her worried gaze and dipped my head to lick down the scar on her cheek. Hearing her breath hitch, I shuffled down her body to draw down the straps of her bra, releasing her tits.

  Her perfect fat tits…

  Taking a nipple in my mouth, I swirled my tongue around the tip and released it with a pop. Continuing farther south, I was met with the crucifix scar on her stomach.

  Glancing up and seeing the fear in Lilah’s eyes, I began kissing over every inch of the scar until her back arched off the bed and her hands threaded into my hair.

  Hooking my fingers over the edge of her panties, I pulled them down, smiling at the breathy moan escaping her lips. Throwing the panties on the floor, I crawled back over her naked body until I hovered my lips over hers. Lilah’s eyes were huge as she waited for me to speak.

  Gorgeous. My wife was fucking gorgeous.

  “You’re stunning, Li. Never seen anyone more perfect… more perfect for me.”

  Her responding bright smile made me smile back, and as I crushed my mouth to hers, I reached for the chocolate sauce.

  Breaking from her mouth, Lilah groaning in protest, I straddled her legs. Lilah’s eyes went straight to the tube of chocolate sauce in my hands and she frowned.

  “Ky? What—”

  Putting my finger to my lips, I tipped the tube upside down. The chocolate dripped over Lilah’s tits and I led it down her stomach and over her bare pussy.

  Listening to Lilah’s gasps just made my cock get harder and harder.

  Putting the tube down on the bedside table, I sat back up and admired my work.

  “Ky… why have you put food on me?”

  As I glanced up, Lilah’s face was all screwed up in confusion. “I… I do not understand…”

  Without speaking, I bent down and licked the chocolate off her stomach, leading up to the sauce around her tits. Lilah moaned. When I looked up, her eyes were closed and her cheeks were flushed pink.

  “You like that, baby?” I asked. All Lilah could do was moan as my tongue ran over her nipple.

  “Yes,” she breathed, then stopped me with her finger under my chin. “Why are you licking chocolate off me? I do not understand, Ky?”

  Pressing a kiss to her cute ass mouth, I shrugged. “Playing, baby. For Valentine’s Day.”

  “Playing?” she questioned, her forehead all creased.

  I ran my hand through her short hair. “Yeah, playing. Having fun.”

  Lilah’s tongue ran slowly round her bottom lip as I ran my finger over her chest and down her stomach to the top of her thighs. Collecting some of the chocolate sauce, I brought my finger to my mouth and sucked the chocolate right off.

  Lilah’s eyes widened.

  “You wanna play, Li?” I asked.

  Lilah’s breathing paused for a few seconds, then lowering her eyes, she nodded her head. I skirted down the bed, licking as I went, until I reached the top of her thighs to lap up the pooled chocolate.

  Once finished, Lilah pushed on my head and guided me to the center of her pussy. And fuck if I didn’t know what she wanted.

  Licking along her cunt, Lilah threw her head back and cried out. This was my favorite fucking place on Earth and, a few short minutes later, she gripped my hair and came in my mouth.

  As I moved back over Lilah’s damp body, she put her hands on my shoulders and rolled us until I was on my back.

  “You like that, baby?” I asked. “You liked me eating chocolate from your—”

  Lilah put her hand over my mouth, cutting off my words. She then reached over and squeezed some sauce onto her finger. Tracing the chocolate around my lips, Lilah leaned forward, and with the tip of her tongue, licked the sauce clean off.

  As Lilah sat back up, she took hold of my cock, making me blind in pleasure.

  “Baby…” I groaned as she put me inside her. Her nails dug deep into my shoulders as I filled her to the hilt. Then my woman started to move, my fingers wrapping round her thighs.

  “Ky…” Lilah moaned as she built up speed, her tits bouncing. Reaching for her waist, I pulled her forward and took those tits in my mouth.

  Lilah rode me harder, her speed increasing with every thrust, and I pushed my cock up in reply, my eyes rolling back in my fucking head.

  “Ky… it feels…” Lilah moaned, and I felt her pussy clench around my dick as her head snapped back and she came. I couldn’t take it, couldn’t take how she was gripping me, milking me; how fucking beautiful she looked riding my dick.

  And I came. I fucking came harder than ever before, Lilah collapsing onto my chest, breathing hard.

  Nothing was said for minutes, I just wrapped my arms round her back and held her tight to me. We were damp and sticky… and I’d never felt so fucking good.

  Raising her head, Lilah threw me a smile and giggled as she wiped chocolate from the corner of my mouth with her thumb. Catching her hand, I brought her thumb to my mouth, sucking on the digit, watching Lilah’s pupil’s dilate.

  “You never took advantage of my body, Li.” I flicked my head in the direction of the Cool Whip I’d lined up and I smirked. Lilah stroked back my hair, her upper lip hooking in amusement. She kissed my lips briefly before pulling back.

  “I enjoyed what you did to me… I like to… play, as you call it, but…” Lilah trailed off.

  “But what, baby?” I asked, cupping Lilah’s cheek.

  Laying her hand over my hand on her cheek, she pierced me with those blue eyes that told me I was her everything… her fucking salvation.

  “But I prefer making love to you without the play. I do not need gimmicks to enhance what I feel when we are connected. Every time we make love, my heart melds to yours just that little bit more.”

  As I stared at Li, my heart fucking pounding with what she’d just said, I rolled us over until she faced me on the bed.

  I stared at her for what felt like an age and she simply stared right back. “Missed you, Li,” I eventually said.

  “I missed you too,” she replied.

  Lilah leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips, before rolling off the bed and walking to the bathroom.

  I heard the faucets of our huge tub turn on, and the smell of vanilla drifted out of the door.

  Lilah appeared in the doorway and tilted her head, holding out her hand. It didn’t take me but five seconds to get over to her and into the tub.

  Five minutes later, with Lilah’s back lying against my stomach, she whispered, “Thank you for making me feel special on this Valentine’s Day.”

  I held her tighter. Lilah then turned in my arms, wrapping her legs round my waist and her arms round my neck.

  She pressed her forehead to mine. “And now I shall show you how special you are to me.”

  Beauty and Tank had been right.

  I was geyser level laid.

  Part Three

  Forever “Property of Styx”


  The minute I arrived at my cabin I texted one of the new prospects, telling him to come and get my truck. I listed everything I needed doing and headed toward the front door.

  Just as I turned onto the porch, I saw a Harley parked up out back… a black and chrome Fat Boy customized with fucked up paintings of Hades and red and orange flames. That bike only belonged to one man… one brother I couldn’t get the fuck away from my cabin.


  The psycho brother Flame.

  Walking to my door, Flame was pacing the back porch, his crazy fucking eyes wild. Hearing my footsteps sound on the wood, Flame snapped his eyes to mine, his knife pulled ou
t ready to cut a fucker up.

  When he saw it was me, the muscles in his neck twitched and he stormed my way. “When’s she back?” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Thirty, forty minutes,” I signed back. Flame watched my hands move and his black eyes settled down, but his hands still shook like fuck.

  I pushed my key into the lock and looked to him again. He was staring at his hands, a confused look on his face.

  I whistled and the brother met my eyes.

  “You good?” I signed.

  Flame scraped his fingernails down his cheek, huge welts appearing on the skin that his beard didn’t cover. “Been on the road too long. Too long, Prez. Haven’t slept. Haven’t eaten… just need to see her. Can’t switch my brain off. Just keep seeing her face in my head.”

  Flame’s eyes bore into mine and I nodded my head. Fuck knows what was going through his mind, but the fucked up possessive way he was ‘bout Maddie had gotten worse.

  I knew I shouldn’t have taken him on that run. He was more unstable than ever. Maddie was completely fucking with his head.

  Letting go of the key, I walked near him and every part of him tensed.

  I held my hands up. “Fuck, brother, I ain’t gonna touch you,” I signed.

  Flame relaxed some, but his eyes were bright red from lack of sleep and he was losing his fucking grip on reality.

  “I’m out tonight, Maddie needs watching. You good with that?”

  Flame’s hand shook again as he watched me sign and he blew a long breath through his flaring nostrils.

  “Yes. She’ll be safe. She’ll always be safe. No one will touch her,” he snarled, sounding like a rabid dog ripped straight outta hell.

  I threw him a nod. “Beauty and Tank’ll be here too.”

  He tensed again, but he let it go. Mae wouldn’t leave Madds with Flame alone. The brother knew that.

  “Go home, get showered, and for fuck’s sake eat. Then get back here in forty, yeah?” I signed.

  Flame hesitated, his eyes glazed over from lack of food and rest, but the brother jumped on his Harley and took off like a bat outta hell.

  Pushing through my door, I jumped in the shower, then loaded up the truck with what needed to go to the cabin.

  A couple of prospects turned up and drove the truck out where I wanted to go. Five minutes later, I was sitting in the TV room when I heard a truck pull up.

  I knew Flame was out there already. I’d been listening to his feet pace on the porch again for the last ten minutes.

  The door swung open, and before I’d even had time to blink, Mae was running my way with a huge fucking smile and she almost tackled me to the ground.

  “River…” she whispered, her arms like a vise around my neck.

  River… I closed my eyes when she called me that name.

  As I clung to her tiny waist more tightly, it was the first time in days that I felt myself relax. The shit we’d just had to do on the road had taken its toll on me. Real fucked up shit. And coming back to my old lady dressed in her tight jeans and fitted sweater, all wolf eyes shining and smelling of vanilla, it fucking settled me right down.

  I did what I had to for the club, but more importantly, for this fucking woman who was in my arms. She was the damn air that I breathed.

  She was everything.

  Mae pulled back and tears were in her eyes. “I missed you,” she breathed, and I crushed my lips to hers. As I broke away, she added, “So so much…”

  Hearing footsteps behind Mae, I sighed and stepped back, signing for Mae’s eyes only, “Yeah, babe, you were fuckin’ missed too.”

  Reaching down, Mae linked her index finger around mine and I breathed deep.

  This woman owned my fucking soul.

  Lifting our joined fingers, I pressed a kiss to Mae’s hand and, casting her a side-glance I saw her sigh. I threw her a wink and she giggled.

  Like I said… my fucking soul.

  As I darted my gaze to the noise at the entrance to my house, I saw Maddie standing to the side, staring at Mae and me, when all of a sudden, Beauty and Tank walked in.

  “Beauty?” Mae greeted, and she frowned in confusion. “Why are you here?” She then turned bright red. “Not that you are not welcome, but it is the evening, and—”

  Beauty stepped forward, cutting Mae off. “Don’t sweat it, darlin’. I know you didn’t mean nothing by it.”

  “Thank you,” Mae answered.

  “Beauty threw her arm round Tank’s waist. “We’re here to keep Maddie company.”

  The floorboard creaked near the stairs and I looked over to see Maddie edging upstairs. Her green eyes were huge and afraid.

  “I… I will be in my room.” With that, Mae’s little sister ran up the stairs, her oversized pilgrim dress drowning her tiny frame. She’d gotten rid of that fucking ugly headdress at last.

  Mae watched Maddie go, and the same look of sadness washed over her face as it always did when she thought of her sister. I squeezed her hand and she turned to Beauty and smiled.

  It was all fake.

  I knew she was always worried about Madds.

  Mae seemed to shake herself round. “Why are you here to look after Maddie? Where are we going?” Mae then met my eyes.

  Releasing our fingers, I moved to the coat hook in the hallway and picked up my leather jacket and grabbed Mae’s too.

  She took it from my hands as I shrugged mine on, then signed, “Out.”

  Mae’s eyebrows pulled down in confusion, but Beauty laughed and waved Mae out the door.

  “Y’all have fun!” Beauty shouted as I took Mae’s hand and led her to my bike.

  “Styx? Where are we going?” Mae asked with a huge, fucking blinding smile.

  “I-It’s a s-s-surprise,” I replied as I straddled my bike. Reaching out my arm, I wrapped it round Mae’s waist and pulled her forward until she was flush against my chest.

  “Styx!” she cried and started laughing.

  “B-B-Babe, get th-the f-fuck on m-my b-b-bike.”

  Mae didn’t hesitate. It was one of the many things I loved about her. She trusted me. Never doubted me. To me, that was golden.

  As my bike started, Mae wrapped her arms around my waist and I pulled out onto the open road. Mae tucked her head into my jacket and squeezed me tight. I was sure I heard her whisper, “I love you.”

  Releasing my hand, I ran it over her engagement ring and my heart nearly stopped remembering my proposal. It wasn’t romantic. It wasn’t planned. I’d bought that ring within months of having her back in my life. I knew one day she’d be my old lady.

  Months ago the moment felt right to ask her, so I did.

  We were alone. Away from the dumb fucks at the club, and I asked the only girl I’d ever loved… my number three… the only bitch I could ever speak to… to marry me.

  Even thinking of that time brought a damn smile to my face…


  “I love this cabin,” Mae said, for the fucking hundredth time, as we sat beside the lake of the cabin I owned in bumfuck nowhere. I just needed to have her to myself for a few days.

  No cell phones.

  No club business.

  Just me and my wolf eyed woman. The chick I’d loved since I was a kid.

  I watched Mae stare out across the water as I leaned back against a rock, Fender in my hands, a smoke in my mouth. I plucked tune after tune as we did sweet fuck all.

  She was one beautiful bitch. My beautiful bitch, lying there on her front, hands under her chin, as she stared up at the full moon.

  This was heaven to her. Me, her, no fucker else, and above all, her freedom from that fucked up cult.

  Taking a final drag of my smoke, I flicked the cherry to the ground. When I glanced back up, Mae was watching me.

  “Play me something,” she asked.

  My old lady loved it when I sang to her. So continuing the song I’d just been strumming, Nine Inch Nail’s ‘
Hurt’, I opened my mouth and let the stammer-free words pour out.

  “I hurt myself today,

  To see if I still feel…”

  I sang the whole song, never taking my eyes off Mae. My chest tensing as I sang the gutting words, Mae’s eyes filled with water.

  As I watched my woman sitting on the dried grass, here, in the middle of nowhere, I knew what I was gonna do at the end of this song.

  I never thought I’d marry anyone, but the thought of tying Mae to me for life had me thinking about nothing else.

  “I would keep myself,

  I would find a way.”

  As the string rang off, there was nothing but silence around us. I noted Mae wiping her cheeks.

  Taking a deep breath, thinking through my words, I asked, “M-M-M… M-Marry m-m-me.”

  Mae jerked her head up in shock and blinked at me, her huge lashes working hard to clear the tears… and then she fucking blinked again.

  And then a-fuckin’-gain.

  “What?” she whispered.

  Gripping the neck of my Fender, I sucked in a breath, my eyes twitching, and repeated, “M-Marry m-m-m… m-me…”

  I exhaled, panting quickly at how hard these words were to get out of my fucking stupid mouth. Mae was breathing hard too, but she hadn’t moved a muscle.

  “River…” she rasped and lifted to all fours, crawling forward. Mae stopped right before me, took the Fender and laid it on the ground.

  Lifting to her knees, she straddled my thighs and took my dark stubbled cheeks in her hands, her fucking cute nose twitching in nerves.

  “River… my, River… you wish to marry me?” she asked in disbelief.

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her forward and kissed her full lips. Breaking away, I squeezed my eyes, my heart racing in my chest and said, “Y-Yeah, b-b-babe. Y-Y-You n-need to be for-for-forever m-m-mine.

  “Styx,” she cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I want to be forever yours. I have never wanted anything else. I love you. You are the only boy, and forever will be the only boy, who holds my heart.”

  Sighing in relief, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a small leather box I’d had there for what felt like forever. Opening the box, a platinum gold ring with a square diamond sat in the middle. Taking the ring from the box, I tilted it so Mae could read the inscription inside.