Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 14

  Her mother and sisters were waiting for her, dressed in their battle armour, prepared for the Reaping.

  ‘It’s done,’ Maya said grimly as she reached for her armour and helmet. ‘I hope she’ll be all right. If anything happens to Lutna, I’ll never forgive myself.’

  ‘It wasn’t that powerful a dose. She’ll be fine,’ Eir said before addressing her daughters. ‘We all know what we’re doing.’ She turned to Kara and embraced her tightly. ‘We’ll be back soon. Just go about your work as you normally do. We can’t risk anyone becoming suspicious.’

  ‘I understand,’ Kara said. ‘Good luck, everyone. Tell Freya I’m thinking of her.’

  Maya finished drawing the gauntlets up her arm. ‘We will. We’ll be back as soon as we can.’

  Eir crossed to the flight balcony and opened her wings. ‘Come, my daughters. It is time for the Reaping.’

  They arrived at the stables of the Reaping Mares, where a few other Valkyries were already gathered and waiting for them. Mist, an elder Valkyrie, jogged up to Maya.

  ‘Come quickly! Something is wrong with Lutna. She won’t wake up.’

  Maya put on an expression of deep concern and followed her into the stable. She threw open the door to Lutna’s stable and knelt beside her mare, stroking her neck and face.

  ‘Mother, she is unwell,’ she called to her mother. ‘I can’t go on the Reaping today, I must stay with her.’

  ‘Maya, you can’t stay,’ Eir said sternly. ‘You have not gone on one Reaping since Odin’s punishment ended.’ The head of the Valkyries entered the stall and inspected the sleeping mare. ‘Lutna is breathing well. I’ll have someone come and check on her. But you will not miss this Reaping.’ She rose and looked over to Sylt. ‘For now, take your sister’s mare. Freya is doing Odin’s work and doesn’t need her.’

  ‘But Sylt doesn’t like me,’ Maya protested.

  ‘She will do as you command,’ Eir said. ‘Now, come, stop wasting time. We must go!’

  Maya gave Lutna a final pat and rose. She approached Sylt’s stall and freed her sister’s mare. She led her out of the stables, walking beside the other Valkyries.

  Mist smiled at her in sympathy. ‘Do not fear. I’m sure Lutna will be fine.’

  Maya leaned closer to the older Valkyrie. ‘I hope so. I just wish Mother would let me stay with her. She’s always so harsh.’

  ‘You know your mother,’ Mist said. ‘It’s all work, work, work. It would take a Dark Searcher to stop her from leading a Reaping.’

  Maya nodded. ‘I think you’re right – it would take a Dark Searcher.’ She climbed up on Sylt’s back and joined the other Valkyries heading to the Rainbow Bridge. They arrived and approached the Watchman of Bifröst.

  ‘Greetings, Heimdall,’ Eir said formally as she bowed in respect. ‘We come in the service of Odin for the Reaping.’

  ‘Greetings, Valkyries,’ Heimdall also responded formally, bowing. He swept his arm broadly to invite them on to the bridge. ‘Journey well.’

  After her mother and three other Valkyries stepped into the bright colours of the bridge, Heimdall approached Maya and frowned. ‘Where is Lutna?’

  ‘She is unwell. Mother wouldn’t let me stay with her and insisted I use Freya’s Reaping Mare instead.’

  Heimdall gave Sylt a gentle pat and smiled up at her. ‘I am sure your mare will recover. In the meantime, Sylt will serve you well.’

  Maya shrugged. ‘I hope you’re right.’ As she led Sylt on to the bridge, she pulled on her winged helmet and called back to him. ‘See you later.’

  Once they crossed the bridge, Maya had Sylt join her sisters and mother at the head of the group. Bifröst had let them off over the ocean and they had a long flight ahead of them. This gave Maya plenty of time to consider all the ways the plan could go wrong. Her heart was pounding violently in her chest and her hands were wet with nervous sweat. Everything was riding on this, and she daren’t make a mistake.

  Skaga was riding her Reaping Mare beside Maya, but refused to meet her eyes. Her posture let Maya know that her sister was as nervous as she was and probably thinking the same thing. The plan was risky at best. What if Sylt didn’t react properly? What if others tried to follow? How could they get away without being caught?

  Eventually they approached the appointed place of Reaping. Smoke was rising from the hot, arid ground and the sounds of gunfire rang out. The dry desert air filled her nostrils as they grew closer to the battleground.

  As her mother started to howl the Valkyrie cry and the others joined in, Maya carefully pulled out her dagger. Her voice rose louder and harder than her sisters’ as she waited for the perfect moment to strike.

  Death was all around as a terrible battle raged beneath her. But all Maya could think about was the plan.

  ‘Wait . . .’ she ordered herself.

  The Valkyries started to descend to the place of Reaping.

  ‘Wait . . . wait.’

  The howling increased.


  Maya winced as she plunged the tip of her dagger into Sylt’s shoulder.

  Freya’s Reaping Mare cried out in pain and started to buck in the sky. Maya lost her grip on the reins and caught hold of Sylt’s mane. But the mare would not stop. Shrieking in pain, Sylt went wild – her wings flapped madly and she flew completely out of control.

  ‘Maya!’ Skaga cried. She commanded her own mare to put on more speed and flew closer to her mother. ‘Look!’ she cried loudly. ‘Maya’s in trouble! Sylt has gone mad!’

  Eir looked back at her daughter, fighting to stay on the Reaping Mare. ‘Go to her!’ Eir called, loud enough for all the Valkyries to hear. ‘Help her! We’ll meet you at the Reaping or at Bifröst!’

  As Skaga directed her Reaping Mare away from the group, she chased after Maya while Sylt flew wildly across the sky.

  Suddenly Maya was tossed off the Reaping Mare’s back. She tumbled and somersaulted in the sky before opening her wings and regaining control. ‘Sylt, stop!’ she cried as she chased after the fleeing Reaping Mare.

  Maya stole a quick look back and saw Skaga following closely behind her. But then her fear rose as she watched Mist direct her Reaping Mare away from the battle to follow Skaga.

  ‘No, stay away . . .’ Maya cursed as she struggled to keep up with Sylt.

  Suddenly Gwyn arrived. Her move was a masterpiece. She made it look like she was in a panic to help Maya but instead she managed to fly her Reaping Mare directly into the side of Mist’s mare. The collision was sloppy and noisy and sent both mares and Valkyries tumbling in the sky!

  ‘Thank you, Gwyn . . .’ Maya muttered as she watched her older sister and Mist finally correct themselves and regain control of their mounts.

  ‘Gwyn, Mist, come!’ Eir commanded as she led the remaining Valkyries down to the Reaping. Skaga was the only Valkyrie sent after Maya to help her gain control of the bucking Sylt.

  As all the other Valkyries descended into the smoke-filled battle to do their work, Maya flew harder to catch up with Sylt. She caught hold of Sylt’s reins and settled on her back once again. Reaching forward, she patted the Reaping Mare’s neck. ‘You’re all right, Sylt. Just calm down, girl.’

  Gazing back, she saw that Skaga was directly behind her. ‘Maya, go!’ she called.

  Maya leaned forward on the Reaping Mare and gave the command. ‘Sylt, find Freya!’ she called loudly. ‘Take us to Freya!’


  ‘I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel something is very wrong,’ Vonni said. ‘It’s like Mother keeps appearing and disappearing, but it’s not clear where. I feel she is blocking me.’

  It was past midnight and Freya was standing with Vonni and Archie near the platform. The house was dark and everyone had gone to bed.

  ‘Dark Searchers are the best trackers in all the realms,’ Freya explained. ‘I can’t feel her at all. Try to focus. Let your senses tell you where she is.’

  Vonni closed his eyes and raised his head
. ‘I can feel her again! She’s very angry . . .’ He paused. ‘Wait, I’m picking up something else.’ He opened his eyes and scanned the dark, star-studded sky. ‘There’s something out there . . .’

  Freya felt her sisters long before she saw them. ‘My sisters!’

  Through the moonlit sky they could make out two Reaping Mares approaching swiftly. Freya saw that Sylt was one of them while the other belonged to her sister Skaga.

  ‘They’ve got flying horses!’ Vonni cried as both mares touched down.

  Freya nodded. ‘They’re called Reaping Mares. We use them to bring the dead to Asgard.’ She ran forward. ‘Maya, Skaga! What are you doing here? Is Odin coming after us?’

  Maya said nothing, but indicated Vonni.

  Freya looked back at her uncle, then to her sisters again. ‘It’s all right, you can take off your helmets – Vonni can already see you.’

  Skaga’s eyes narrowed. She leaned down to Freya. ‘We must speak – privately.’

  ‘You really are Valkyries!’ Vonni gasped as he took in the flying horses, their armour and the winged helmets they held in their hands.

  ‘I told you we were,’ Freya said.

  ‘Yes but, in all honesty, you don’t look like one. Had I first seen you like I’m seeing them, there would have been no question.’

  Maya and Skaga climbed down from their mares.

  ‘Who is this?’ Skaga demanded, suspiciously eyeing Vonni. ‘How can he see us when we had our helmets on?’

  ‘This is Vonni. His true name is Giovanni. He is the son of Brünnhilde and is a Dark Searcher. He’s our mother’s twin brother.’

  ‘He’s not a Dark Searcher,’ Maya insisted. ‘He looks nothing like them.’

  Freya nodded. ‘Trust me, he is. All the boys born to Valkyries are Dark Searchers. They’re taken to Utgard to be trained. The only difference is that Vonni was raised here and not at the Keep, and in order to keep a low profile his mother had his wings cut off.’

  ‘This can’t be true,’ Skaga cried. ‘There’s no way we’re related to the Dark Searchers. Not when Valkyries and Searchers hate each other as much as they do.’

  ‘And they shouldn’t,’ Freya insisted. ‘We’re all the same.’

  ‘I’m not a Dark Searcher,’ Vonni protested. ‘I keep telling you that. I’m just a man.’

  ‘A man born of a Valkyrie,’ Orus cawed. ‘Thus, you are a Dark Searcher!’

  Maya and Skaga looked sharply at each other. ‘How did you know Mother had a twin?’

  ‘I’ve known for some time,’ Freya said. ‘What’s more, Vonni has a daughter, and his wife is about to have their son.’

  ‘First you expect us to believe that he’s a Dark Searcher. Now you’re saying he has a wife and children?’ Skaga gasped. ‘That’s impossible!’

  ‘How many times must I say it, I am not a Dark Searcher!’ Before Orus could speak, Vonni held up a warning finger. ‘Don’t say it – I am not one of Odin’s enforcers. I am me, nothing more.’ He turned to Skaga again. ‘Now, tell me, did Odin send you? Has my mother’s deception been discovered?’

  Maya smiled radiantly at him. If anyone could calm her angry uncle, Freya knew it would be Maya. ‘No, our mother sent us to protect you. And of course, you’re not a Dark Searcher. They are dangerous and vicious; you are not.’

  Vonni stepped closer to her. ‘And you are?’

  ‘Maya,’ she said. She turned back to her older sister. ‘This is Skaga. You must forgive her rudeness; we didn’t expect to find you here with Freya.’

  Vonni frowned at Freya. ‘You told me your name is Greta.’

  ‘That is the name I give to humans in Midgard. I’m sure Brundi must have told you our true names have great power. We daren’t share them with humans. I am Greta when I’m here. Maya is Mia and Skaga is . . .’ Freya looked at her sister and shrugged.

  Skaga’s face softened. ‘In Midgard, I am called Sky.’

  ‘Please, while we’re here, you must only use our Midgard names,’ Freya insisted.

  ‘I understand,’ Vonni said. ‘What I don’t understand is why you are here.’

  Freya agreed. ‘And how did you get past Heimdall?’

  Archie grinned at Maya. ‘What did you promise him—’

  ‘Look,’ Skaga interrupted, ‘we don’t have a lot of time to discuss this. Mother is keeping the other Valkyries occupied while we’re here, but we must return to the battlefield or Asgard before we’re missed. Where is Brünnhilde?’

  ‘Her Midgard name is Brundi,’ Freya said. ‘We don’t know where’s she’s gone.’

  Archie added, ‘She’s flown off on her Reaping Mare. She told us not to follow her.’

  ‘We have another problem,’ Orus added. ‘Loki is here. He knows all about Brundi, Vonni and the family.’

  ‘Loki!’ Maya cried, while her raven Grul cawed in distress. ‘How did he find them?’

  Vonni looked at Freya and frowned. ‘Wait a minute – are you saying the Loki I’ve known all my life is the same Loki from Norse mythology? The God of Mischief?’

  Freya nodded, then looked to her sisters. ‘It’s hard to believe, but it appears that Loki has been helping them ever since Odin’s banishment.’

  ‘He’s like a brother to me,’ Vonni insisted.

  ‘Loki?’ Maya cried, aghast.

  ‘Yes, Loki,’ Vonni defended. ‘He’s part of my family.’

  Skaga gazed around at the house, barns and outbuildings. ‘Right now, our only concern is finding Brünnhilde. Odin is expecting her back in Asgard. She must return to keep you safe.’

  ‘We know!’ Freya said in exasperation. ‘I told her already – she knows all about the coming war. But we don’t know where she is!’

  ‘What war?’ Skaga asked.

  ‘The war in the realms,’ Freya started. ‘There’s a traitor in Asgard. They’ve brokered a truce between the Frost and Fire Giants and are planning to attack. That’s why Odin wants Brundi back. He is preparing for war.’

  Skaga and Maya were shocked into silence.

  ‘How do you know all this? First about the Searchers, and now the war?’ Grul demanded.

  ‘I promised I wouldn’t say, but I swear it’s true,’ Freya said.

  Orus cawed, ‘It doesn’t matter how we know. What does matter is that it’s coming and we must prepare!’

  While Freya and Archie filled them in as best they could, Vonni drifted away, his head lifted and his eyes closed. ‘Wait, Mother is near. She is . . . No!’

  Vonni dashed back to Freya. ‘Mother’s been hurt, I can feel it. You must help me get to her!’

  Skaga immediately took charge. ‘Archie, you and Vonni ride Sylt. She knows you and will accept you. Freya, you, Maya and me will fly.’ She focused on Vonni. ‘You will have to lead us.’

  ‘How?’ Vonni asked desperately. ‘I can only feel her pain; it is blocking out everything else!’

  Skaga spoke softly. ‘Listen to me. I know you’re frightened for your mother – but fear will blind you to her. You must force it down. Calm yourself and reach out with your senses. They will lead you to her.’

  Vonni took several shaky breaths and closed his eyes. Finally he shook his head. ‘I can’t!’

  Orus flew to his shoulder and nipped him painfully on the ear. ‘Stop denying your true self. Dark Searchers are the best trackers in all the realms. No one can escape a Searcher once they are on your trail. You ARE a Dark Searcher. Now, use those powers of yours and find Brundi!’

  Vonni’s face contorted as he struggled to call forth a part of himself he’d been denying. He calmed and his expression was replaced with a look of great determination as he approached Sylt.

  ‘She’s that way,’ he pronounced.

  Within moments, everyone was in the air. As Vonni led the way, Freya started to feel traces of her grandmother. She was in terrible pain.

  When they crested the tallest mountain on the property, Vonni pointed. ‘Down there – to our old gold mine!’

  Tilting thei
r wings, they all prepared to land. Sylt was the first to touch down, followed by Freya and her two sisters. Up ahead, they saw the wooden framework at the entrance of the closed gold mine. Fresh supporting planks had been erected around the entrance, and tents were set up around it.

  Brundi was lying on the ground in a heap. Her chest was covered in blood.

  ‘Mother!’ Vonni cried as he dashed forward.

  Jonquil was on the ground beside her, a deep shotgun wound in her side.

  ‘Vonni, help her!’ Pym cried as he stayed with the fallen Valkyrie. ‘She’s been shot by intruders. They shot Jonquil too!’

  Freya instinctively knew they weren’t alone. Before she could speak, Skaga pointed to the mine and shouted, ‘The cowards who did this are in there. They are frightened and fleeing! I will give them something to fear!’

  Skaga was the first to move, drawing her sword and charging into the old mine. Maya was directly behind her and called back to Freya, ‘Stay here and keep them safe. There are more men around us. Use your sword if you must, but don’t touch them or reap them directly!’

  ‘I know that!’ Freya shouted back. ‘Just go and be careful!’

  ‘Gee, come here!’ Archie cried. He was standing beside Vonni. ‘She’s been hurt really bad.’

  Cradled in Vonni’s lap, Brundi’s eyes flickered open.

  ‘Don’t move, Mother, I’m here,’ Vonni said gently, stroking her furrowed brow.

  Brundi coughed. ‘I have fought so long to keep you safe, my beautiful boy, but now I must go.’ Her weak eyes focused on Freya. ‘Take me back to Asgard. Let me die there. Odin must never know of Vonni or the children.’

  Fear entered Freya’s heart. ‘You won’t die, Brundi. You’re a Valkyrie; you can’t die unless Odin permits it and he won’t. He loves all his Valkyries, including you.’

  Brundi shook her head. ‘I am old and have lived in Midgard far too long. My powers of healing are gone. I will not rise again. My life is finished.’

  ‘Mother, no.’ Vonni clutched her tightly.

  ‘Gee,’ Archie whispered. ‘She can’t die, can she?’