Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 23

  ‘Don’t forget Thor and Balder,’ Orus added.

  Freya nodded. ‘They were there too – I think I might be in trouble with Odin again.’ She looked at her sister. ‘But, Maya, your wings. What happened?’

  Maya shrugged. ‘Broken again. I had a run-in with those men just after you left for Utgard. They were going to burn down the house. I stopped them, but they shot me – and Grul.’

  ‘Grul was shot?’ Orus cawed. ‘Where is he?’

  ‘In the house, resting,’ Maya said. ‘He’s in the dining room.’

  ‘Freya . . .’

  ‘Go on, Orus,’ she said. ‘Go to Grul.’

  Orus flew off Freya’s shoulder. ‘It’s not that I care, really . . .’ he protested as he disappeared out of the barn.

  Freya turned to her uncle. ‘Is it all right for Kai to stay here?’

  Vonni was staring at his nephew in silence. Everyone had been telling him that he was a Dark Searcher. This was the first genuine one he’d ever seen. ‘Of – of course. But what about the war? Won’t they miss him?’

  ‘They don’t know he’s here. Kai is free of the Dark Searchers. He’ll have to hide in the mine with you during the war.’

  Kai came forward. ‘I will not hide from battle!’ he said indignantly. ‘No Searcher ever would. I helped you get away from Utgard because your life was in danger. You must stay here until it’s safe to return to Asgard and face Odin. But I am going to rejoin my brothers. I will serve with them and, if called to, fight beside them.’

  Kai looked as his mothers and sisters. ‘You will also. We must defend Asgard. If it falls, there is no hope for the other realms. Including this one.’

  The Valkyries looked at each other.

  ‘He’s right,’ Skaga said. ‘It is our duty. We cannot remain here. We’ll complete the work on the mine, but then we must return.’ She turned to Freya. ‘Kai is also right about you. If you are facing Odin’s wrath, it is better for you to remain here until it’s safe to come back.’

  ‘I have to stay here?’ Freya repeated. ‘For how long?’

  Her mother nodded. ‘However long it takes to cool Odin’s temper. It will give us time to plead your case.’

  Vonni stood beside her. ‘Our home is your home, you know that. You are welcome to stay as long as necessary. I know Mims will be thrilled.’

  ‘If we have to stay, Gee,’ Archie said, ‘at least you can teach Mims what it is to be a Valkyrie.’

  Freya looked at her mother and sisters. In her haste to reach her brother, she hadn’t thought about the full outcome of her actions. Finding Kai had cost dearly. It had cost her . . . her home in Asgard.


  After securing the prisoners, they left the barn and were greeted by loud applause. Gage ran forward and hugged Kai tightly, clinging to the white feathers on his wings.

  Kai didn’t know what to do and stood with his hands above his head, looking distinctly uncomfortable. ‘Release me, small human.’

  ‘It’s all right, Kai,’ Freya said. ‘Gage is a hugger.’ She reached forward and ruffled the boy’s red hair. ‘Are you all right, little man?’

  Gage nodded.

  Tash came to save Kai from her little brother. ‘Um, I, ah, saw what you did in there. Um . . . thank you for saving my brother.’ She stumbled on her words, and Freya was sure she saw a blush come to Tash’s cheeks.

  She wasn’t surprised. Kai was as beautiful as Vonni.

  But it was Kai who surprised Freya. ‘I, ah . . . there is, uh, no need to thank me.’ He stammered and struggled over his words and quickly turned away to walk over to the barn. He leaned heavily against the side of the barn wall and dropped his head.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Freya went to check up on him with Mims and Archie.

  Kai looked back over to Tash. ‘Yes, fine – just a weird feeling. My stomach twisted when I talked to that girl. Maybe Midgard doesn’t agree with me?’

  Archie grinned. ‘Is Tash the first human girl you’ve ever met?’

  Kai nodded. ‘No living humans can survive in Utgard.’

  ‘Boy, are you in for a lot of surprises then,’ Mims laughed. ‘All the girls on the ranch will think you’re really cute!’

  ‘I don’t understand,’ Kai said, catching his breath.

  ‘You will,’ Archie answered.

  ‘Where’s that grandson of mine?’ Brundi pushed through.

  Freya introduced Kai and stood back, watching her brother try to deal with another long-lost relative smothering him in their embrace.

  ‘Do you think he’ll be OK?’ Archie asked. ‘He looks really uncomfortable with all this attention.’

  ‘He’ll be fine. All Kai’s known in his life is training and fighting, duty and honour in the Dark Searchers’ Keep. He’s got to learn that there are other feelings too. It must be overwhelming for him, but he’ll get used to it.’

  ‘It’s strange to me too,’ Archie admitted. ‘Look around you. Did you ever think you’d see your family mixing with humans like this?’

  Freya and Mims gazed over at the people around them. Freya’s Valkyrie sisters were talking with the ranch hands, their wings on full display. Maya was holding Grul and Orus in her arms and talking to George, the ranch vet.

  Her mother, Vonni and Sarah were fussing over the baby and introducing him to Kai. Everyone was mingling and, despite their vast differences, they were becoming a large, close family.

  Vonni raised his voice and called everyone to attention. ‘We are truly blessed to have everyone here.’ His eyes found Kai. ‘I am overjoyed to welcome Kai into our family. But now that we’re all back together, we must return to the mine. The war draws ever closer. We must not delay. After supper, it’s back to work for all of us.’

  As evening fell, the surviving intruders were pulled from the stall and lined up along the wall of the barn. The Valkyries stood before them, their faces stern.

  Mims was watching with Freya, Archie and Kai. ‘Are they going to kill them?’ she asked fearfully.

  ‘Of course. They attacked you and must be destroyed to remove the threat.’ Kai spoke coolly.

  Freya looked at the hard expression on her brother’s face. His Dark Searcher training ran deep. She hoped he would one day learn compassion.

  ‘I hope not.’ Archie frowned. ‘There’s been enough killing already.’

  ‘Death is the only way to silence them,’ Kai added.

  ‘There is another way,’ Freya said. ‘I’ve never seen it done, but Maya told me about it.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Archie asked.

  ‘Erase their minds,’ Freya explained. ‘Valkyries have the power to erase a bit of someone’s memory, or their whole life. It’s the only way to keep the men from talking about what they’ve seen here.’

  ‘All Midgard residents,’ Maya was announcing, ‘please return to the house and wait for us. We can’t have you near us when we do this or you may have parts of your mind erased.’

  She walked over to the barn door, clutching Grul close to her chest. ‘I think you’d better go too, Archie.’ Her eyes landed on Kai. ‘And you. We don’t know if this might affect you and Vonni.’

  ‘Yes,’ Vonni agreed, approaching them. ‘Let’s go into the house and let these ladies do their work.’

  ‘Freya and Mims,’ Eir called over, ‘you too. You’re too young for this.’

  ‘But I want to see,’ Freya protested.

  ‘Me too!’ Mims said.

  ‘Not yet,’ Brundi said. ‘You’ll have plenty of time to learn it later. Now, do as your mother says. We’ll be out shortly and then we’ll go to the mine.’

  ‘I don’t know about you, but I for one don’t want my mind erased,’ Orus cawed. ‘I’m saving up my insults for when Grul is recovered, and I’d hate to forget them.’

  Freya walked towards the door, but looked up at the raven on her shoulder. ‘Will you ever admit that you care for Grul?’

  ‘Me? Care for that bird brain?’ Orus spat. ‘Never.’

  Once outside, they were walking towards the house when the first soft notes of beautiful voices flowed from the barn.

  Vonni paused to listen.

  ‘Come on, Dad.’ Mims caught hold of her father’s arm and pulled him away.

  The music from the barn was beautiful and beckoning. It was hard to drag everyone away from it. Freya suddenly realized the danger. She caught hold of Kai’s arm as well as Archie’s and dragged them towards the house.

  ‘No, Gee, I want to hear,’ Archie said dreamily.

  They were still protesting as Freya pushed them up the steps to the house. Once they were safely inside, Archie shook his head. ‘Wow, that was powerful.’

  Kai was standing back and humming softly. ‘I should like to learn that piece.’

  Vonni nodded. ‘Me too. Maybe when this is over, they’ll teach it to us.’

  Brundi soon returned to the house and announced that it was now safe to go outside.

  ‘How are they?’ Freya asked.

  ‘As innocent as newborns. It’s as if they’re starting over. They won’t be troubling anyone ever again.’

  As they waited for the others to emerge from the barn, Gage ran to the front door and threw it open. He charged on to the porch. ‘Everyone, look – they’re coming!’

  ‘Gage, stop. Who’s coming?’ Tash chased after her little brother.

  Gage pointed up into the sky. ‘Them – the black angels!’

  Freya also felt the presence of something approaching the house. She and Archie ran out on to the porch.

  ‘I don’t see anything.’ Vonni was staring up into the dark sky.

  ‘But I can feel them,’ Kai said darkly. He looked at Freya. ‘It’s the Dark Searchers. They’ve found me!’


  Freya drew her sword and leaped down from the porch. ‘Vonni and Mims, go get my mother and sisters. Tell them Dark Searchers are coming. Then stay in the barn – we don’t want them to see either of you. If we’re lucky, they won’t sense you in there. Everyone else, stay in the house!’

  ‘This is not going to be good,’ Orus cawed. ‘They must be furious to come all this way to get Kai. This will be our worst battle yet.’

  ‘No it won’t.’ Kai stepped away from his sister. ‘Not if I surrender. The war is coming; they can’t afford to lose fighters.’ He looked back at Freya. ‘You should go into the barn too. Let me face them alone.’

  Freya shook her head. ‘This is my fault. I was the one to lead Archie and Orus into Utgard. I won’t let you take the blame for what I did.’

  ‘Don’t be foolish,’ Kai insisted. ‘Archie, get her away from here.’

  Freya stood between Kai and Archie, looking strong and determined. ‘Don’t even think about it, Archie. I won’t hide. Not from them.’

  ‘I’m not asking you to,’ Archie said. ‘I’m ready to fight too.’

  Kai pulled away. ‘Are you mad? They’ll hurt you, don’t you understand that? I can’t let that happen. If I surrender, maybe they won’t.’

  ‘Oh no you don’t, little brother.’ Skaga drew her sword. ‘We haven’t trained all our lives for nothing. We will fight and we will win.’

  ‘You must know that Dark Searchers never lose. They will kill you all. I can’t be the cause of that.’

  ‘They won’t kill us,’ Freya said darkly. She stepped away from her family and gazed up into the night sky. ‘Azrael, please come. We need your help!’

  ‘Freya, no!’ Eir cried. ‘You can’t call him. This is our fight. We can’t involve the Angels of Death.’

  ‘It is too late for that, dear lady,’ Azrael said as he and a large group of angels landed at the ranch. They were dressed in blazing-white battle armour over their tunics. In their hands they held white feathered helmets and had swords at their waists. ‘I have been involved since the very beginning.’

  The Angel of Death approached Brundi. ‘Brünnhilde, I was the village elder who hid your son from the Midgard Serpent. It was me who removed Vonni’s wings.’

  Brundi inhaled sharply. ‘You?’

  Azrael nodded. ‘Your cause was just. You fought for your children. I had to help. But now I fear my efforts may have been in vain.’

  He focused on Freya. ‘I’ve been waiting for your call. We will stand with you and, if necessary, fight beside you.’ Azrael drew his shining sword. ‘I started this; it’s time I finished it.’

  ‘There!’ Freya cried as she watched the skies and saw the stars blotted out by a dark mass.

  They heard the sound of wind passing over black feathers and the flapping of large, powerful wings. Twelve large Dark Searchers landed on the ground before them in front of the line of Angels of Death. In full battle armour, their dark cloaks billowed in the cold night wind and contrasted vividly with the floating softness of the angels’ white.

  Beside them, Thor landed heavily, carrying Balder. The brothers’ faces held dark scowls. ‘Azrael,’ Thor shouted. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I am stopping an injustice.’

  ‘There is no injustice. Freya is a criminal and has led Kai astray. Utgard is in chaos because of her! The Frost Giants are on the rampage and Dark Elves are screaming for blood. She and Kai will come with me to face my father. He will decide their fate.’

  Azrael stood before Thor and shook his head. ‘I don’t think so,’ he said calmly. ‘It is true that Freya can be a bit high spirited, but she has a good heart. She has not dishonoured Odin. Please return to Asgard; the Valkyries will be along shortly.’

  ‘What about Kai?’ Balder asked.

  ‘Kai will decide his own fate. You’ll not take him back to the Dark Searchers against his will,’ Eir said as she stood before Thor. ‘He’s my son. It nearly destroyed me when he was taken from me the first time. I won’t let that happen again.’

  ‘Yes,’ Kai called firmly. ‘I will decide my fate.’ He approached Thor and bowed respectfully. ‘And I choose to remain with the Searchers—’

  ‘Kai, no!’ Freya cried.

  ‘I’m not finished,’ Kai said. ‘Yes, I wish to return to fight beside my brothers. But I will never be denied my family again.’

  ‘Are you trying to bargain with me?’ Thor said.

  ‘What choice have I got?’ Kai said. ‘All our lives, my brothers in the Dark Searchers have been kept away from Asgard and treated like outcasts. Only venturing there when Odin needs us. We didn’t know that our mothers are Valkyries. We were pitted against them and told they were our enemies. But no more! I have found my family, and you won’t harm them – not because of me.’

  ‘Freya has filled your head with lies,’ Thor said. ‘Valkyries and Dark Searchers are not related. My father would never do such a thing.’

  ‘Kai speaks the truth!’ Vonni spoke up and walked before Thor and the Dark Searchers. ‘You all have family. They are the Valkyries!’

  He started to pace before the Searchers. ‘I have fought in countless wars over the ages and am not unfamiliar with battle. I will fight you if I must. But I ask you to listen to me now. I am Giovanni Angelo – son of the Valkyrie Brünnhilde. Were it not for my mother’s actions, I would be one of you.’ He paused, pulled off his jumper and presented his bare back to the line of Dark Searchers.

  ‘Look at me,’ he demanded. ‘Look at the scars where my wings once were. They were removed to keep me safe.’ He turned back towards them. ‘Use your powerful senses. You know I am one of you. I am a Dark Searcher, that will fight to the death to protect my family!’

  Vonni reached for one of Kai’s swords and raised it. ‘So who’s first?’ He turned on Thor. ‘I know all the myths about you, Thor, and I know how powerful you and that hammer are. I used to imagine how wonderful it would be to meet you if you were real. Well, now I know you are very real, and I still feel the same. But I will fight you if I must. This is my family – including Kai – and you won’t take them away from me.’

  ‘Dad, no!’ Mims ran over to her father and faced the line of Dark Se
archers. ‘Leave us alone. Just leave us alone and go back where you came from!’

  She stood defiantly with her father. Thor took several steps forward and grasped her chin in his large hands. ‘You called him Dad? Is this man truly your father?’

  Mims nodded. ‘I know he’s a Dark Searcher, but he’s good. I have a little brother too – he’s got black wings, just like all the other Dark Searchers – but he was born here on Earth to my human mother.’

  There was a collective intake of air as the Searchers stared at her.

  ‘Please,’ Freya begged Thor. ‘Listen to us. Dark Searchers don’t have to be our enemies. They are our brothers. I don’t know why Odin separated us. Kai is my twin. Just look at him and you can see it. Look at Giovanni – he is my mother’s twin.’

  Freya appealed to the Searchers. ‘One of you is Vonni’s older brother. Brundi is your mother. Can’t you feel it? We’re all connected. We’re family!’

  Azrael lowered his sword. ‘Thor, we speak of injustice, but here is the greatest injustice of all. Families destroyed for no reason. It is time Odin reconsidered his order of separation.’

  The Angel of Death faced the Dark Searchers. ‘Search your hearts. Don’t each of you yearn to know where you come from? Who your mother is? Or if you have sisters?’

  One by one, the Dark Searchers lowered their swords.

  ‘Dark times are coming,’ Vonni addressed them now. ‘Wouldn’t it be better if we all worked together and not against each other? If war comes, Odin will need every fighter he can get to defeat the Frost and Fire Giants.’

  ‘We’re all on the same side,’ Freya insisted, joining her uncle.

  One of the Dark Searchers started to move forward. Freya’s senses told her that he was the healer. Gasps were heard as the Searcher reached up and removed his helmet. He was Brundi’s age, with long black hair tied back and dark-blue, penetrating eyes. He was a beautiful sight to behold.

  ‘I have wanted to know my origins for an age,’ the healer rasped in his broken voice. ‘Now I know the truth.’ He turned back to the other Searchers. ‘They speak true. Valkyries and Dark Searchers are one.’ He walked over to Vonni. ‘I will stand with you and, if I must, die with you. But I will never raise a weapon to my sisters again.’