Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 9

  ‘Mims? Brundi?’ a deep voice called. ‘Are you out there?’

  ‘Coming!’ Brundi called back. ‘That’s John. He helps manage the ranch. Let’s get Jonquil settled and then go in.’

  For the short time Freya had known Brünnhilde she had seemed angry and bitter. So when they entered her home they were unprepared for the number of people that the older Valkyrie called her ‘family’.

  They sat at a long oak trestle-table with bench seats. A large wagon-wheel light fitting hung down from the ceiling and the red and white check tablecloth gave the dining room a real country style. The table was bursting with food and the room filled with laughter.

  Brundi sat at the head and offered Freya a seat directly beside her. She sat with the chair turned round so she wouldn’t sit on her wings. Archie stood behind her and smiled every time Mims stole a nervous glance in his direction.

  Freya counted over twenty people around the table, including Sarah, Mims’ mother. She was a beautiful woman with a kind and generous nature and seemed thrilled to meet another member of her husband’s small family. She was heavily pregnant, but still insisted on helping to serve the food.

  Freya was overwhelmed by the warmth of the people around her. They varied in age and background. She could sense that they had all found refuge here with Brundi, and with each other, and she wondered what it was that had brought each of them here. They all shared a deep, protective love for Brünnhilde, that was for sure.

  ‘So tell us, Greta,’ Sarah said from the other end of the long table. ‘How far have you travelled?’

  ‘Tell her you’re from Lincolnwood,’ Archie whispered in Freya’s ear.

  ‘I’m from Lincolnwood, Illinois,’ Freya repeated but was distracted by a boy staring directly at Archie. He looked about eight or nine and had carrot-coloured hair and warm brown eyes. He was laughing and waving at Archie. ‘Hello!’ he called. ‘Hello, hello, hello!’

  ‘Gee, that boy can see me,’ Archie leaned to whisper in Freya’s ear. ‘What’s that about? You said only people from the other realms would see me?’

  ‘Tash, what is realms?’ the little boy asked, parroting Archie’s words.

  ‘Gage, stop it,’ the teenage girl sitting next to him said gently. She was cutting up his food.

  ‘But look at him, that boy is smiling at me.’ Gage was still waving at Archie. ‘Say hello to him.’

  ‘It’s all right, Gage,’ Brundi spoke gently. ‘Settle down and eat your dinner like a good boy.’

  Gage calmed, though his sparkling eyes remained on Archie and his expression was full of wonder.

  Freya was soon bombarded with questions from the extended family around the table. She was grateful to have Archie behind her, helping her to form human responses.

  ‘How long can you stay?’ Sarah passed round a basket of cornbread. ‘I would love for you to meet your uncle – he’s currently on tour, but is scheduled back in three weeks. Can you stay until then? We have plenty of room, and I know he will be delighted to meet you.’

  ‘Greta won’t be here that long,’ Brundi said. ‘I’m sure her mother will start to miss her.’

  Freya looked at her grandmother. ‘Of course. This is just a short visit.’

  There was a loud knock at the front door. ‘I’ll get it!’ Mims sprang from her chair and dashed out of the room.

  Freya could sense she was glad to get away. Fear and mistrust poured from her young cousin. She had lived such a normal, human life. Freya regretted what must now happen to this wonderful family.

  Mims returned and Freya’s heart pounded at the sight of the visitor. Archie sucked in his breath and Orus cawed loudly.

  ‘Everyone, look,’ Mims called excitedly. ‘Uncle Loki is here!’

  Loki’s eyes sought Freya. They shone with pure mischief. He looked every inch a human in his faded jeans, checked shirt and cowboy boots. He couldn’t have looked less like the Norse god that he was. He pulled an old cowboy hat off his head and Freya saw that his dark hair was tied back.

  ‘It’s been too long!’ he laughed aloud. ‘But it looks like I’ve arrived just in time for a family reunion.’ He walked over to Brundi and gave her a warm embrace. ‘Brundi, how wonderful to see you again. My my, your eyes are looking stunning tonight!’

  ‘It’s a miracle,’ Sarah said. ‘We don’t know how it happened but, suddenly, her eyes cleared and she could see again. We’re all so thankful.’

  ‘A miracle indeed,’ Loki teased, winking at Freya. ‘Perhaps one with black wings and a ghost companion.’

  ‘Loki!’ Brundi warned.

  Undeterred, Loki walked to Sarah and patted her bump. ‘So how is my little godson?’

  ‘Kicking up a storm,’ Sarah said. ‘And we don’t know for sure it’s a boy. It could just as easily be a girl.’

  ‘Of course it’s a boy,’ Loki said. ‘I can feel him from here. He’s going to be extra special.’

  ‘We’re just sitting down to dinner,’ Brundi said quickly, taking Loki by the hand. ‘Please, join us. There is always room for you at our table.’

  ‘Don’t mind if I do,’ Loki said casually. He approached Freya and offered his hand. ‘Howdy, I’m Loki. May I sit beside you?’

  What insanity had Freya just entered? She couldn’t comprehend what was happening as her worlds collided. Loki on Earth and knowing Brünnhilde? How did he get out of Asgard with Odin on high alert? And why was everyone happy to see him and treating him like family? But the bigger question remained. Was he the spy that Azrael had warned her about?

  Trouble was brewing, she could feel it. But Freya realized she had to respond to Loki. ‘Of course,’ she said tightly. ‘I’m Greta.’

  ‘Greta?’ Loki said. ‘Lovely name but, if I’m honest, you don’t look much like a Greta to me. Maybe more like a Maya or even Frey—’

  ‘Stop!’ Freya shot. ‘I – I mean, my name is Greta.’

  ‘Of course it is,’ Loki said, eyes teasing. ‘So what brings you to our humble home?’

  ‘Our?’ Archie cried incredulously.

  Loki stole a quick look at Archie before turning to the others. ‘Did anyone feel that? It’s like a cold chill in the room. Almost like a ghost has just walked past.’

  ‘That’s enough, Loki,’ Brundi said. ‘Sit down and we can begin.’

  As Loki took a seat beside Freya, he touched the cuff of her coat. ‘Isn’t it a little warm to be wearing such a heavy coat? And gloves too? We’re all family here. Why don’t you take them off and get comfortable?’

  ‘I’m fine.’ She looked at her grandmother. ‘How long have you known Loki?’

  Brundi’s eyes sparkled as she gazed lovingly at Loki. ‘We’ve been friends forever. He’s helped me through some very difficult times.’

  Archie leaned forward and whispered to Freya, ‘I think we’d better get out of here before things get out of hand. We can talk to Brundi later.’

  ‘There’s that cold breeze again,’ Loki said as his eyes bored into Archie. ‘Brundi, I think the house might be haunted.’

  ‘Loki, behave,’ Brundi said, though she was smiling. ‘Now, let’s eat.’

  Freya had never sat through a more awkward meal. As she watched the others at the table, she could sense that none of them had a clue who or what Loki really was.

  She was no longer sure who Loki was herself! Brundi certainly had some explaining to do . . .


  ‘How long has Loki been coming here?’ Freya asked Brundi. They were taking a walk away from the ranch so that they could talk in confidence. ‘He’s dangerous. If he tells Odin . . .’

  Brundi stopped. ‘Freya, enough! It doesn’t take a genius to know there’s tension between you two, but that stops now. Loki has been a good friend to me all my life. He found me right after Odin de-winged me. He helped keep me and Vonni safe as we wandered the Earth, blind and alone. It was Loki who helped us build Valhalla Valley many years ago and he’s helped make it the wonderful place it is. Loki is fa

  ‘Valhalla Valley?’ Archie asked.

  ‘This ranch is called Valhalla Valley,’ Pym cawed from Brundi’s shoulder. ‘Our home.’

  ‘After Odin banished me from the real Valhalla, Loki helped me create my own, here in Midgard. Instead of being for valiant warriors, this ranch is a safe haven for anyone who seeks it. And that includes animals too. Valhalla Valley is a sanctuary to all.’

  Freya was almost too stunned to speak. ‘Loki did all that? Why? He’s a troublemaker. He never does anything nice. Not without a personal motive or something to be gained.’

  ‘Loki didn’t have to help us!’ Brundi barked. ‘But he did. I was already defeated by Odin. He could have gloated and made my life miserable. Instead he showed great compassion and kept me safe. He helped me build a life for myself and my family. I never asked why, and he’s never told me. But Loki has been a truer friend than anyone in Asgard ever was.’ The Valkyrie paused. ‘It is you who are endangering everything, not Loki.’

  ‘We aren’t endangering, we’re trying to save you and your family. I wish there was another way to do it, I really do,’ Freya said. ‘But war is coming to the realms. Odin wants you back to protect you. He doesn’t know about your family. But he won’t allow anyone with Asgard blood to remain in Midgard when it starts. You must tell your family and then hide them so deeply that not even Odin or the Frost Giants can sense them.’

  ‘War?’ Brundi cried. ‘How?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Freya admitted. ‘We suspect there’s a traitor in Asgard who’s been stirring up the Frost and Fire Giants.’

  ‘Hey,’ Archie cried. ‘Maybe Loki is the spy!’

  ‘No!’ Brundi snapped. ‘That’s not possible.’

  ‘But he’s trouble,’ Archie insisted. ‘It would be the sort of thing he’d do!’

  ‘It’s not Loki!’ Brundi shouted. ‘And I’m not going anywhere. My home is here.’

  ‘But your family . . .’ Freya cried.

  ‘My family will be fine. I can protect them,’ Brundi insisted.

  ‘No, you can’t,’ Freya replied. ‘You’ve seen Frost and Fire Giants. Imagine what they could do here. Just one could destroy Valhalla Valley without effort. A few, and this world would fall. If there is a war, your family will be at risk. Mims is changing. With your powers gone, you can’t sense it. But I can. She is becoming a powerful Valkyrie and Sarah’s unborn child is a Dark Searcher with wings. If I can feel them, others can too. They must be hidden, far away from Odin and the giants.’

  Hardness came to Brundi’s eyes. ‘I won’t go back. If a war is coming, so be it. I will suffer the same fate as my family. Let the Frost Giants come, let Odin come, I don’t care. But I won’t abandon them in their greatest time of need.’

  ‘Odin only gave us two days to find you,’ Orus cried, fluttering his wings in anger. ‘If we don’t bring you back, he will come after you.’

  ‘Let him.’ Brundi was defiant. ‘A very long time ago, Odin took everything from me. I’ll not let him do it again. I will fight him with everything that I have.’

  ‘And you will lose,’ Orus cawed. ‘Valhalla Valley, your family in there – everyone will be destroyed.’

  ‘You’re wrong,’ Brundi said.

  ‘We’re telling you the truth,’ Archie insisted. ‘Odin nearly destroyed Chicago because he thought Freya had run away. There’s no telling what he’d do here if he learns of Vonni’s and Mims’ existence – especially if a war is coming.’

  Brundi shook her head. ‘I am just one powerless old Valkyrie. What should he care if I am here or there when the war starts? I’m too old and weak to fight. He doesn’t need me.’

  ‘But it’s not just you now, is it?’ Orus cawed. ‘Your family could be used against him. Odin won’t allow that. Brundi, you must return to Asgard if you want to protect your family here.’

  They had reached the shed where they were hiding the Reaping Mare. When Brundi opened the door, Jonquil nickered and trotted out.

  ‘I have waited a lifetime to see you again, my love,’ she said softly. She pulled carrots from her pocket and offered them to her mare. ‘Will you fly with me?’

  Brundi removed the blanket on Jonquil’s black wings and hopped up on to her back. ‘I’m sorry, this is all too much. I can’t decide right now. I need time to think what is best for my family. I am going for a flight – don’t follow me.’

  ‘Don’t take too long,’ Orus cawed. ‘Every moment is crucial.’

  ‘Don’t tell me what to do!’ Brundi snapped as she directed Jonquil away from them and they disappeared into the night.

  ‘You didn’t handle that very well . . .’

  Freya and Archie turned and saw a large raccoon ambling up to them.

  Before their eyes, it changed into Loki. ‘Brundi is stubborn. She has struggled long and hard to build Valhalla Valley into what it is. She won’t give it up too easily.’

  Orus cawed, ‘Get away from here, Loki!’

  Freya frowned at the trickster. ‘Is it you? Are you the traitor who is betraying Odin?’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Loki said. ‘What traitor?’

  ‘We’ve heard there’s a traitor in Asgard.’

  ‘And you immediately thought of me,’ Loki challenged. ‘Well, isn’t that nice! No, Freya, I am not the traitor and your special senses should tell you that.’

  ‘Then why did you do it?’ Freya asked.

  ‘Do what?’

  ‘Help Brundi and Vonni.’

  ‘Would you rather I ignored them and let them suffer, blind and alone in Midgard?’

  ‘No,’ Freya said softly. ‘But why would you help them, when you tried to have me killed?’

  ‘Ah, is that it?’ Loki challenged. ‘You are jealous that I chose to help Brundi and not you.’

  ‘What?’ Freya cried. ‘No, of course not. I just don’t understand. You like to cause trouble. Yet you’ve helped Brundi and everyone here. They all adore you.’

  ‘You really don’t see it, do you?’ Loki peered closely at her and chuckled. ‘The answer is right before your eyes, and yet you are blind to it.’

  ‘I bet there is no answer,’ Archie cried. ‘You’re just setting them up for a bigger fall.’

  Loki turned hard eyes on him. ‘Silence, ghost. That mark on your hand won’t protect you here – especially from me, so tread lightly.’

  ‘I’m not afraid of you,’ Archie said.

  ‘That is your first mistake,’ Loki said darkly. He focused on Freya. ‘Is it so hard to consider that I might actually care for someone? That perhaps Brundi was my dearest friend, long before you were born?’

  ‘It’s just—’

  ‘You see me only as a troublemaker, that’s fair enough,’ Loki answered for her. ‘And, granted, I do like to have a bit of fun. But not about this. Odin was cruel and unreasonable when he punished Brundi – especially as her only crime was trying to protect her son. I may be many things, but I am also a father. Had I been her, I would have done exactly the same thing and fled Asgard – unlike some Valkyries I could name, who blindly handed over their sons, never knowing their fate.’

  ‘Can you truly expect us to believe that you care for Brundi and did all this to be kind?’ Orus cawed.

  ‘I don’t really care what you believe,’ Loki said. ‘When Brundi told me she was going to have twins and was planning to run because one of them was a boy, I offered her a place in my home in Utgard. But she knew that Valkyries were forbidden there except during a Challenge. I told her I would smuggle her in and keep her safe, but she refused my offer and came here instead. I found her after Odin’s punishment. How could I abandon my dearest friend after that?’

  Freya’s sensed that every word Loki said was true. His feelings for Brundi were genuine. Had Thor been right? Did Loki really have a good side?

  ‘Do you know what’s about to happen in Asgard?’

  ‘Gee, no,’ Archie warned.

  ‘The war?’ Loki said casually, ignori
ng Archie. He shrugged. ‘Frost Giants have been plotting against Asgard forever. This too shall pass. I doubt it will amount to much.’

  ‘But still, Brundi must return.’

  ‘I know,’ Loki agreed, and a shadow of genuine sadness replaced the sly smile on his face. ‘It will destroy her to go back, but she will make the right decision to protect the others; it will just take her time.’

  As Loki started to walk away, Freya ran after him. ‘Loki, wait. I need to ask you one more thing.’

  The trickster paused.

  ‘Back in Asgard, during the Challenge, you asked me to look at one of the Dark Searchers – the shortest one. Why? Who is he and why does he have white wings?’

  ‘How funny that a Valkyrie with black wings should ask about a young Searcher with white wings . . .’ The smile returned to his face. ‘Why do you ask the question when you already know the answer?’

  And with that, Loki turned himself into a fly and buzzed off into the night.

  ‘I should have eaten him while I had the chance,’ Orus cawed, snapping his beak shut in the air after the departing fly.

  ‘He’d have given you indigestion,’ Archie said. ‘Gee, what was that all about? What Searcher?’

  Freya remained silent and watched Loki flying away. ‘It’s not important,’ she finally answered.

  ‘What are we going to do about Brundi?’ Archie asked.

  ‘We could always hit her on the head and drag her home . . .’ Orus offered.

  Freya shook her head. ‘We’ve got to be patient and try to make her see reason.’

  ‘And if she doesn’t?’ Archie asked.

  ‘Then we hit her on the head and drag her home.’

  ‘Don’t worry, Brundi will be fine,’ Sarah said when Freya explained Brundi’s absence when they returned to the house. ‘She likes to go off on her own every now and then. Now, let’s get you settled in your room. Where are your bags?’

  ‘Um . . .’ Freya started.

  ‘Tell her they were stolen,’ Archie said.

  ‘They were stolen,’ Freya repeated. ‘I only had enough money to get out here.’

  ‘How awful!’ Sarah cried. ‘I’m sure Mims has some clothes you can borrow.’