Read Valkyrie Page 11

  Mrs Bergquist became flustered as she read the document. ‘Wait here.’ She disappeared into the Principal’s office.

  She returned moments later. ‘Dr Klobucher would like to see you.’ The secretary directed Freya, Archie and Tamika into the Principal’s office.

  ‘That’s fine, Cheryl,’ said the Principal gently. ‘You can leave us now.’

  Dr Klobucher rose and closed the door after the secretary. She stepped closer to Freya with her eyes lingering on Orus. ‘You have a raven as a service animal?’

  She was average height with short, styled hair that reminded Freya of fine birds’ feathers. But it was her kind eyes and warm smile that struck her most. They revealed a deep caring for her students. Freya’s senses confirmed this. Archie had told her that Dr Klobucher was ‘cool’. But as the woman stood before her, she wondered if Archie knew just how good she really was.

  ‘Yes,’ Freya agreed. ‘He tells me when people are behind me and warns when they get too close.’

  ‘Is he friendly?’ Dr Klobucher asked.

  Freya nodded. ‘He’ll let anyone touch him. He just caws if they get to close. Here, you can hold him if you like. He loves to be stroked.’

  Orus gave Freya a sharp, accusing look, but allowed himself to be handed over to the Principal and endured her hand stroking the smooth black feathers on his back.

  ‘Well, he seems friendly enough,’ Dr Klobucher said, ‘but I must consider the safety of all the students in the school.’

  ‘Orus is my companion,’ Freya said. ‘We’ve been together for a very, very long time. He poses no danger to anyone here.’

  The Principal handed the raven back to Freya and shook her head, laughing. ‘Well, this is a first for me! Legally, I can’t say no to a service animal, though this is very unorthodox. Let’s try it for the rest of the week and see how it goes. But if there is a problem with the teaching staff or students, we may have to look at it again.’

  ‘Thank you for letting Orus stay.’

  ‘Just keep him under control and there shouldn’t be a problem.’

  Moments later the first bell rang. ‘I’ll escort you to your first class to let the teacher know what’s happening and then I’ll inform the others,’ said Dr Klobucher.

  Freya’s morning classes went without a hitch. After the initial shock each class got used to the presence of the large raven on her shoulder at the back of the room.

  At lunch Freya and Archie met up with Tamika and Leo Max. Orus remained on Freya’s shoulder, but was glad for the treats he was handed by the others. Throughout the lunch period, students from Freya’s music class came up to her. She was invited to a birthday party and asked to join the after-school Glee Club.

  ‘You’ve become really popular,’ Leo Max commented.

  Freya shrugged. ‘It’s not me – it’s Orus they like.’

  Leo Max laughed. ‘You’re not serious! Greta, boys I’ve never met before are coming up to me and asking questions about you. They would never have done that before. But because we’re friends, they want to meet you and have asked me to introduce you.’

  ‘Why do they want to meet me?’ Freya asked.

  ‘Are you kidding?’ Leo Max cried. ‘You’re beautiful and mysterious; everyone wants to meet you.’

  Freya looked over to Archie. He said nothing but had a big grin on his face.

  ‘I’ve heard Jim Gardner was asking about you,’ Tamika added. ‘He’s the most handsome boy in school. I bet he asks you out to the dance.’

  ‘What dance?’ Freya asked.

  ‘You know, the winter dance next month,’ Tamika said. ‘Everyone’s going.’

  ‘Except me,’ Leo Max said sadly.

  ‘And me,’ Archie agreed.

  Freya turned to Archie. ‘Why aren’t you going?’

  ‘JP says if any of us show up, he’ll pound us into the ground.’ Archie paused and grinned again. ‘But you can go – especially if Jim Gardner asks you!’

  Freya was starting to feel uncomfortable by the turn in this conversation. ‘Don’t be foolish. Why would I go to a dance with a bunch of humans when everyone knows I don’t like them?’

  Tamika and Leo Max both looked at her strangely.

  ‘Freya!’ Orus warned. ‘Be careful what you’re saying.’

  ‘Gee!’ Archie joined in. He looked at Tamika and Leo Max. ‘Ignore her, she’s crazy.’

  Freya finally realized what she’d said. ‘Yes, I am,’ she agreed. She looked at Archie. ‘Sometimes I think I must have been crazy to come here.’


  At the end of the day Freya and Archie waited outside the school. Leo Max soon arrived with a group of other students. They all looked like timid animals that had been cornered by a predator. Their eyes darted around and they looked ready to bolt.

  ‘This is it,’ Leo Max said. ‘This is the Geek Squad. We’ve all been robbed and bullied by JP.’ Leo Max turned to the group. ‘Everyone – this is Greta. She’s the one I told you about. She beat up JP and saved me.’

  All eyes fell on Freya as if she were exposing her wings.

  ‘Really?’ a young girl asked, hardly daring to speak. ‘But you’re a girl! We can’t fight boys. They’re bigger and stronger than us.’

  ‘What’s your name?’ Freya asked.


  She was small and thin for her age but very pretty. She had long brown hair with caramel streaks and an exceptionally fair complexion that blushed easily. She kept her large grey-blue eyes cast down to the ground, not daring to look at anyone.

  Freya bent down to her level. ‘Elizabeth, fighting should never be the first response, but sometimes you must fight in order to defend yourself. Don’t think for one moment that because you are a girl, you can’t protect yourself. If someone is hurting you, or making you feel bad, you do what you must to survive.’

  Elizabeth looked on the verge of tears. ‘But I don’t know how.’

  ‘Me neither,’ added a tall, thin boy wearing glasses. His wispy, curly hair fell long into his blue eyes, eyes that constantly scanned the area, looking for danger. Archie had told her about him. His name was Kevin and he was the smartest boy in school – but because he wouldn’t share his homework with JP he was picked on the most.

  ‘Maybe not now, but soon you will.’ Freya looked at the group. ‘I asked Leo Max to bring you all here for a reason. I want to tell you that you don’t have to be afraid of JP or his gang any more. If you stand up to them, they will leave you alone. Now, how many of you want to go to the school dance but won’t because you are afraid to?’

  Everyone put up their hands.

  A chubby girl stepped forward. Her face was covered in acne and she was obviously very self-conscious. Like Elizabeth, she wouldn’t raise her eyes to meet Freya.

  ‘I really want to go, but JP said he’d hurt me if I went. He says ugly girls aren’t allowed.’

  Freya looked at each of them and they all nodded. ‘What else has he done?’

  ‘He’s stolen two of my cell phones already,’ another boy said. ‘My dad won’t let me have another one.’

  One by one, they shared similar stories of what JP had done to them.

  ‘While I am here,’ Freya continued, ‘I will protect you. If JP or any of his gang approaches you, just tell them they will answer to me. I promise you, you will all go to the dance. But I must warn you, I won’t be here forever.’ Her eyes darted to Archie and he dropped his head. ‘When I go,’ Freya said softly, ‘you will have to fight for yourselves.’

  ‘How?’ the girl with acne said.

  ‘What’s your name?’ Freya asked.


  ‘Well, Connie, I will show you everything you need to know to stand up to bullies.’ Once again, Freya addressed the group. ‘But you have to want this. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. So if you are interested in learning to defend yourselves, meet me here tomorrow after school. We’ll find somewhere to go where you can

  ‘We can use my back yard,’ Leo Max offered. ‘It’s close to school.’

  ‘Perfect,’ Freya said.

  ‘How much will it cost?’

  Freya looked at the boy who had spoken. He wasn’t very tall but he was stocky. She could feel his fear and desperation. He was young, but had already lived a hard life without any happiness.

  Freya smiled gently at him. ‘It won’t cost you anything. If you want to learn to protect yourself, just come along and I’ll teach you.’

  Moments later, Tamika arrived and Freya could tell from her facial expression that something was wrong.

  ‘That’s all for today,’ Freya said, drawing the gathering to a close. ‘Remember, if any of you want to learn to protect yourself, meet Archie, Leo Max and me here tomorrow.’

  As the Geek Squad drifted away, Freya turned to Tamika. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I don’t know. Grandma called me. She says I have to come home right now. She said you and Archie should come too.’

  ‘Did she say what’s wrong?’ Archie asked.

  Tamika shook her head. ‘Only to get home as soon as possible.’

  It wasn’t a long journey to the Johnsons’ house, but it seemed endless. Freya ached to tear off her coat and fly there. They found Alma in the living room. She was clutching papers in her trembling hands and pacing the floor.

  ‘Grandma, what is it?’ Tamika said.

  Alma’s pleading eyes landed on Freya. ‘Angel, now I need your help more than ever.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Freya asked.

  The old woman handed over the papers. Freya could read, but she could make no sense of the complicated paperwork. ‘I don’t understand. What does this mean?’

  ‘They are taking our house,’ Alma said. ‘Men came by this afternoon. Somehow the developers bought our mortgage from the bank. They are demanding full payment immediately or they will evict us. I don’t have the money.’

  ‘What!’ Tamika cried. ‘They can’t do that!’

  Alma nodded. ‘I think they can. The papers seem to say so. I know we need a lawyer, but I can’t afford one.’ Her pleading eyes landed on Freya. ‘Angel, tell me what to do.’

  Freya looked over to Archie. ‘What is a lawyer? I’ve heard that term before. How can they help?’

  ‘A lawyer knows the law. They work as advocates. So if something is wrong with the paperwork, they would find it and stop the eviction.’

  ‘Please, Angel, help us,’ Alma begged.

  ‘She can’t help,’ Tamika said furiously. ‘Greta’s got her own problems. We won’t go, Grandma. They can’t make us.’

  Freya approached the old woman and took her hands. ‘I told your son I would protect his family. I won’t break my promise. Those men will not take your home.’

  ‘Gee!’ Archie cried, indicating to Tamika.

  ‘What do you mean, you spoke to my dad?’ Tamika asked. ‘When?’

  ‘What Gee means—’ Archie started.

  Freya shook her head. ‘No, Archie, don’t make excuses for me. This has gone too far. It’s time we told Tamika who I am.’ She looked at Orus. ‘What do you think?’

  The raven nodded. ‘Show her.’

  ‘Will someone tell me what’s going on?’ Tamika demanded.

  Freya pulled off her velvet coat. When it fell to the floor, she reached back for the slip-cover Alma had made for her wings. ‘I am not what you think I am. Please don’t be afraid. I’m not here to hurt you.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Tamika demanded.

  Making sure she was standing well away from them, Freya opened her wings.


  Tamika wouldn’t stop screaming.

  ‘Maybe that wasn’t such a great idea after all,’ Orus admitted while Alma and Archie tried to calm her down.

  ‘Tamika,’ Freya pleaded as she pulled her coat back on, ‘it’s still me. You know me and you know Orus. Please, don’t be frightened. We’re not here to hurt you. We came to help.’

  ‘What are you?’ Tamika cried as she clung to her grandmother.

  ‘She’s an angel,’ her grandmother said. ‘Your father sent her to us when he died. She’s here to help.’

  ‘Angels don’t have black wings and bright-red hair! She’s a monster!’

  Freya sighed. ‘If you must know, I’m a Valkyrie. But you probably don’t know what that is.’

  Tamika shook her head.

  Freya threw up her arms in frustration. ‘I am so tired of people not knowing what I am!’ She looked at Tamika. ‘I was with your father when he died. All he spoke of was you and Uniik. He was so frightened for you he said he couldn’t rest until you were safe. He begged me to come here and protect you. Which is what I intend to do.’ Freya approached Archie. ‘Give me the keys to your house. I need you to stay here with Tamika and Alma.’

  ‘Where are you going?’ Archie handed over the keys.

  ‘I’ve got an idea. Hopefully, I won’t be long.’

  ‘Be careful,’ Archie called after her. ‘And don’t expose yourself!’

  Freya dashed to Archie’s house. She pulled her winged helmet from the bottom of the closet and put it on. Then she reached for her dagger. She went out to the back yard, carrying her coat.

  ‘Freya, talk to me,’ Orus begged. ‘What are you doing?’

  Freya stopped. ‘This is all about money and greed. I can’t fight that, not with my powers. We need a lawyer. And we both know a good man who is married to one.’

  ‘You’re talking about the man we met when we first arrived!’

  Opening her wings, Freya launched herself into the sky. ‘That’s right. Curtis Banks offered to help and that’s just what we’re going to ask him to do.’

  Freya headed into Chicago. It was late afternoon, but the sun was still bright enough that she needed the protection of her helmet.

  They flew towards the building they’d visited when they first arrived in Chicago. Freya and Orus circled it a couple of times but did not see the window cleaner. Moving from that building to the next, they scanned it too. And then the next. Finally, Freya’s face brightened. She saw Curtis Banks on a suspended scaffold, cleaning a high-level window.

  But he wasn’t alone. A young man was working closely beside him.

  Freya soared up to the roof and landed. She stepped to the ledge and peered over. ‘How do we let him know we’re here without his companion seeing?’

  ‘Leave it to me,’ Orus said. He leaped off the building and headed down the side to the scaffold. Landing on the railing beside Curtis Banks, he started to caw.

  Curtis jumped at the sight of the raven, while his companion cried out in surprise. The older man’s first instinct was to swat the bird away. Orus was thrown off the railing, but flew right back. He caught the man by the sleeve and looked up.

  When that didn’t work, Orus flew up to Curtis’s shoulder and cawed loudly in his ear. Once again, the raven looked up.

  This time it worked. Curtis reached for the controls and pressed a button that lifted the scaffold. Orus flew off his shoulder and returned to Freya.

  She was still leaning over the side. ‘Curtis Banks! It’s me, the Valkyrie. I need to speak with you!’

  At the top of the tall skyscraper, the winds were high. But not so high that Freya’s voice couldn’t be heard.

  ‘Did you hear something?’ Curtis’s workmate said, looking around wildly as they arrived at the top. ‘I swear I heard someone calling your name.’

  Curtis shook his head. ‘It’s just the wind playing tricks. You get used to it. Just like you get used to some of the crazy birds that go after us. Let’s take a break.’

  Curtis climbed out of the scaffold and pulled some money from his pocket. ‘Here, kid, go downstairs and grab us some coffee and maybe a doughnut or two.’

  When he was out of sight, Freya pulled off her helmet. ‘I’m so glad I found you.’

  ‘Valkyrie, is that really you?’ Curtis asked, squinting at

  When she nodded, he continued, ‘You look so different. Your hair, your dress . . . Where’s your armour and sword?’

  Freya knocked on her breastplate. ‘It’s still here, just under my shirt. I’ve left my sword and gauntlets at home.’

  Curtis shook his head and chuckled. ‘You know, I told my wife all about you. She thought I’d been drinking. Said I was seeing things. But you ain’t no apparition.’

  ‘Not quite,’ Freya said. She stepped closer. ‘Curtis, do you remember I told you why I was here?’

  ‘To help that soldier’s family?’

  She nodded. ‘But it’s worse than I thought. I can’t do this on my own. I really need your help.’

  ‘What can I do?’ Curtis said.

  Freya filled him in on how the soldier’s wife had been killed in a hit-and-run and that they suspected it was the developers. She told him that Alma, the girls’ only living relative, was dying of cancer and that their home was being threatened. ‘I can fight,’ Freya added. ‘I was raised on a battlefield. But this is a different kind of battle.’

  Curtis shook his head. ‘That’s so much tragedy for one family, it doesn’t seem fair.’

  ‘I remembered you said that your wife is a lawyer. Could she take a look at the paperwork? Maybe there’s some way that she can help?’

  Curtis looked around. ‘Look, my shift is almost over. Why don’t we head back to your friend’s house and let me see those papers? Then I can talk to my wife.’

  ‘There’s something else. They need money to pay off their house.’ Freya held up her dagger and pulled the blade from the cover. She handed over the heavily jewelled, golden scabbard. ‘I’ve heard that humans treasure jewels and think this might be worth something. I wanted to give it to Alma to sell, but she’d never accept it. But if you sold it for me, I don’t think she’d refuse the money to pay off the house. But will it be enough?’