Read Valkyrie Page 17

  The paramedic shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, but we need to work on your friend. There will be no room in the ambulance for you. We’re taking him to the hospital. You can follow behind us.’

  A police officer came up to Freya. ‘Let them go. I need you to tell me what happened here.’

  ‘Not now. I must stay with Archie.’ She focused on Tamika, who was standing back with a haunted expression on her face. ‘Will you tell them what happened? I’m going to get my helmet!’

  Freya darted from the scene before the police could stop her and ran the short distance to Archie’s house. Tearing inside, she found her winged helmet and put it on. As the world turned to black and white, Orus called to her, ‘Hurry, they’re taking him away.’

  Freya threw aside her coat and dashed outside. She opened her wings, but when she tried to fly, the swelling and pain would not let her.

  ‘Try again!’ Orus ordered. ‘Hurry!’

  On the second attempt Freya only climbed a few metres off the ground before her wings failed and she fell from the sky.

  ‘I can’t fly!’ she cried.

  ‘Then run!’ Orus cawed. ‘You can do that fast enough!’

  While the raven soared above her, Freya ran as fast as she could to catch up with the ambulance. She darted around cars and wove through traffic as she followed Archie to the hospital. Her eyes never left the sky as she watched and waited for an Angel of Death.

  ‘Archie will live,’ Orus called. ‘He wouldn’t dare die on us.’


  Freya kept her helmet on when they reached the hospital. As she watched the doctors work on Archie, her heart was on edge. She followed, keeping out of the doctors’ way as he was rushed into surgery. Orus remained at her shoulder, offering what little comfort he could.

  The surgeons had only just started to work on Archie’s head when an unwelcome visitor entered.

  The most stunningly beautiful angel Freya had ever seen drifted into the operating theatre. He was tall and lean with immaculately groomed feathers on his neatly folded wings. He wore a soft, warm expression on his painfully handsome face.

  Freya approached and held up her hand. ‘Go back,’ she warned the Angel of Death. ‘You are not taking him.’

  The angel smiled. ‘I had heard that there was a Valkyrie in this place. You don’t belong here, child, and you know it.’

  Freya nodded. ‘I do know it. And I know I’ve caused some trouble with the other angels and that Azrael is going to be furious with me. But please, I am begging you. Go back. Archie means everything to me. I can’t let you take him.’

  The angel chuckled softly and the sound was like soft bells. ‘You think Azrael will be furious?’

  Freya nodded. ‘That’s what all the others say.’

  ‘Well, I’ve heard he can be very understanding,’ said the angel.

  ‘Not about me being here. But Archie is my best friend I can’t lose him.’

  ‘I am sorry to disappoint you, young one,’ the angel said. ‘But it is his time. He was meant to come weeks ago, but you intervened and stopped JP from killing him. You gave him extra time. But that has run out. He must come with me now.’

  Freya gasped. ‘Archie was going to die that day?’

  The angel nodded. ‘You saved his life then. But there is nothing you can do for him now. It is as it must be. There is no future for Archie, only the past. Take your precious memories of him and return to Asgard.’

  Freya opened her arms and her pain-filled wings to block the angel. ‘No, I won’t let you take him. He deserves better.’

  ‘And he will have it. This you already know.’

  Freya shook her head. ‘No, I mean here and now, in this life. For the first time, Archie has friends and people who care about him. I won’t let you take that away.’

  ‘You can’t stop me,’ the angel said softly.

  ‘Actually I can, and you know it,’ Freya said. ‘Valkyries get first pick of the dying. You cannot reap until we go. I will not leave him to you.’

  ‘But you cannot stay here indefinitely. You have your own duties to attend to and will have to go eventually. When you do, I will be waiting.’

  ‘We’ll see about that,’ Freya challenged.

  The Angel of Death chuckled softly, bowed and walked through the wall. Freya could feel him waiting just outside.

  ‘I don’t think he’s going to go,’ Orus said. ‘He could still cause some trouble for us.’

  Freya shook her head. ‘I don’t care. I am not going to let him take Archie.’

  True to her word, Freya remained with Archie all through his surgery. As long as she was there, the Angel of Death had to stay away. She watched the surgeon slowly putting her friend back together again and then followed him into the recovery room.

  Freya stayed with Archie as he was wheeled into the Intensive Care unit. As the long night wore on, she kept a vigil at his bedside. He was hooked up to so many machines she could barely see his bruised face under all the tubes that fed into him. The sighs of mechanical breathing mixing with the beeps of his heart monitor were the only sounds breaking the silence in the room.

  Several times throughout the night his surgeon, Dr Taylor, came to check on him. Freya stayed beside Archie’s bed and could feel the doctor’s deep concern for his patient.

  The world outside seemed to still as night turned into day and then back into night again. As yet another dawn approached, Freya still refused to leave. She couldn’t risk it. Gazing towards the door, she saw Archie’s Angel of Death, patiently waiting to enter. He would nod to her when she gazed in his direction. He was leaning casually against the door frame with his arms folded neatly across his chest. Never moving, always just watching and waiting.

  ‘He’s almost as determined as you are!’ Orus said. ‘Do you want me to go and peck him?’

  ‘No, he’s just doing his job,’ Freya said tiredly. ‘At any other time we might have been friends. He can’t help what he is any more than I can.’

  Late in the afternoon, Freya heard a voice she recognized. She looked up and saw Tamika standing outside the unit. Curtis was with her, holding her hand. The nurse pointed to Archie’s bed and said, ‘You can stay a few minutes.’

  ‘Greta, are you here?’ Tamika called softly.

  ‘I am,’ Freya answered.

  ‘Where? I can’t see you.’

  ‘I’m here, in the corner up by Archie’s head.’

  ‘How is he?’ Curtis asked.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Freya answered softly. ‘It’s like this terrible waiting game. As long as I am here, Archie will live. But if I go, the Angel of Death is waiting to take him.’

  ‘The Angel of Death is here?’ Curtis asked fearfully.

  ‘Yes,’ Freya answered. ‘He’s standing right beside the door. He can’t come in with me here. He’s looking at us right now.’

  Tamika looked at the doorway. ‘Please go away,’ she called softly. ‘Archie has to live.’

  The angel smiled gently at her, but shook his head.

  ‘He still won’t go,’ Freya said.

  ‘Greta, you can’t stay here all the time,’ Curtis said. ‘You’ll have to go eventually. What about food?’

  ‘I won’t leave Archie,’ Freya said stubbornly. ‘I will eat when the angel goes and I know he’s safe.’

  Curtis looked down at Archie. He was deathly pale and unmoving in the bed. It seemed that only machines kept him alive. ‘Maybe it’s his time,’ he said softly. Tears sparkled in his eyes.

  ‘No,’ Freya shot back. ‘I won’t allow it. I can’t lose him.’

  ‘Has his mother been told?’ he asked. ‘I know this is very difficult for you, Greta, but it’s probably her decision whether to turn off the machines or not.’

  ‘She doesn’t have the right to make that decision,’ Freya spat. ‘Not with the way she neglects him. It doesn’t matter anyway; no one knows where she is.’

  The nurse entered the unit. ‘I’m sorry, but y
ou must go now. Archie needs his rest.’

  Tamika was reluctant to leave. She whispered, ‘Don’t leave me, Archie – I’ve had enough people die on me.’ Wiping away tears, finally she called, ‘Bye, Greta, see you later.’

  ‘Who’s Greta?’ the nurse asked as she escorted them out, Curtis with his arm around Tamika.

  Throughout the long day, others came to check on Archie. Leo Max tried to get in, so did other members of the Geek Squad, but the nurses would only let them peer at him from the doorway.

  Freya waved to them, even though they couldn’t see her.

  As evening turned to night, Freya remained where she was. She reached out with her gloved hand and took hold of Archie’s. Saying nothing, she stood still, just holding his hand.


  As though the Rainbow Bridge understood the urgency of the situation, Bifröst released Maya over the central United States. It was dark out and Maya was grateful for the cover of night.

  Flying as fast as her wings could carry her, she flew down into Lincolnwood and landed in the back yard of Archie’s house. She stormed up to the door and shoved it open.

  ‘Freya!’ she shouted. ‘Freya!’


  ‘Maybe she’s in the city helping people again?’ Grul suggested from her shoulder.

  ‘I hope not.’ Maya ran into Freya’s bedroom to look for clues.

  ‘Maya, look,’ Grul cawed. ‘That’s Freya’s coat.’

  Her sister’s velvet coat was tossed in a heap on the floor. When Maya picked it up, she saw that it was torn and covered in blood. She sniffed the red patch. ‘Oh, no.’

  ‘What is it?’ Grul demanded.

  ‘This is Archie’s blood. I can smell it’s his.’

  ‘But there’s so much of it,’ the raven cried.

  Panic gripped Maya’s heart. Her sister was missing and her coat was covered in Archie’s blood. ‘Stop,’ she told herself. ‘Calm down. There is a reasonable explanation for this.’

  Maya took several deep breaths to slow her pounding heart. She closed her eyes and opened all her Valkyrie senses, searching the house and surrounding area for signs of her sister. She felt nothing of Freya or Archie, but she did find something that might help.

  ‘Sylt!’ she said. ‘Grul, Sylt is still here.’

  Maya found her way to the garage and opened the door. The Reaping Mare was inside and whinnied excitedly when she entered.

  Without pausing, Maya leaped on to the mare’s back and directed her out of the garage. ‘Find Freya,’ she ordered. ‘Sylt, take me to Freya.’

  The Reaping Mare nickered, opened her wings and launched into the sky. Keeping low, she soared over Lincolnwood and headed towards a large building. Maya read the lit sign on the front. ‘Lincolnwood Hospital.’

  She looked at her raven. ‘This is where they treat wounded humans.’

  ‘Archie’s blood,’ Grul offered. ‘He’s been hurt and brought here.’

  ‘I just hope Freya hasn’t done something foolish.’

  ‘You mean more foolish than running away from Asgard to come here?’ Grul asked.

  Maya had the Reaping Mare land on the roof. ‘Sylt, stay,’ she ordered as she climbed down. ‘We won’t be long.’

  ‘Is it wise to leave a young Reaping Mare here unattended?’ Grul asked.

  ‘No it’s not,’ Maya admitted. ‘But we don’t have much choice. It’s still dark out so there’s little chance of her being seen.’

  ‘You hope.’

  Maya looked at her raven. ‘Yes, I hope. Now, let’s get in there and find that sister of mine!’


  Archie wasn’t getting any better. As the long night progressed, the surgeon came in to check up on him, but each time he looked unhopeful.

  Hours before dawn, the quiet of the hospital room was broken by a familiar voice.

  ‘There you are!’

  Freya looked up and saw Maya. Her sister approached the Angel of Death and bowed respectfully before storming into the Intensive Care unit. She was wearing her winged helmet and nightclothes.

  ‘I have been searching all over for you!’ She caught hold of Freya’s hand and started to pull. ‘Come, we must go. Odin is in a fury. He knows you’ve run away. Sylt is on the roof; she will bring us home.’

  ‘Odin?’ Freya cried. ‘How?’

  ‘How do you think? Loki told him. You must come back now, before the Valkyries gather for the reaping. Odin doesn’t know I’ve left Asgard. I told him you were out flying. But if he finds out, he’ll send a Dark Searcher after both of us.’

  Freya’s eyes went from her sister to Archie and then to the angel at the door. ‘I can’t go.’ She pulled free of her sister’s hand and moved back to Archie’s side.

  ‘What? Why?’ Maya demanded.

  ‘Because of him!’ Freya pointed to the angel. ‘He’s here for Archie.’

  Maya frowned in confusion. ‘So, let him have him.’

  ‘No!’ Freya cried. ‘Archie is my friend. If I let the angel take him, I’ll never see him again.’

  ‘Then reap him and we can go.’

  ‘I can’t do that either,’ Freya said. ‘He won’t have died in battle. Odin will never allow him to stay in Asgard. He’ll send him through the Gates of Ascension and I’ll lose him forever.’

  Maya pulled off her Valkyrie helmet. ‘Freya, you’re going to lose him anyway! If Odin sends a Dark Searcher after you, you will lose everything. So will I. I begged Heimdall to let me cross Bifröst again. He’ll get into trouble as well.’

  Freya removed her own helmet. ‘I’m sorry, Maya. Go back to Asgard. I don’t want you to get into trouble for me. Tell Odin what I’m doing. Tell him I promise I’ll come as soon as I know Archie is safe.’

  ‘You are insane!’ Maya cried. ‘I can’t tell Odin that!’

  ‘I don’t care what you tell him,’ Freya continued. ‘I’m not leaving Archie!’

  ‘But he’s just a human!’ Maya exclaimed. ‘You hate humans! Why would you risk yourself for one?’

  ‘Valkyries,’ warned the angel at the door. ‘I believe you should cover yourselves again. The doctor is coming!’

  But it was too late. Freya and Maya watched Dr Taylor enter the Intensive Care unit. His eyes landed on them by Archie’s bed. ‘You there,’ he called in surprise. ‘What are you doing in here? It’s late – visiting hours are long over.’

  Maya stepped forward and gave the doctor her most devastating smile. The surgeon stopped in his tracks and stared at her with his mouth open.

  ‘Wait here,’ Maya told Freya. ‘I’ll take care of him.’

  ‘No!’ Freya wailed. ‘Don’t reap him. He’s trying to save Archie!’

  ‘I’m not going to,’ Maya said. ‘Would you please trust me?’

  She approached the surgeon and placed her hand on his covered shoulder. ‘What’s your name?’

  ‘Peter,’ he stammered. ‘Peter Taylor.’

  ‘Well, Peter, I need to speak with my sister,’ she said softly. ‘Would you please check on your other patients and leave us be for just a little while?’

  ‘I – I . . .’ Dr Taylor muttered.

  ‘Please . . .’ Maya said coyly, giggling softly. ‘I promise we won’t be long.’

  Freya watched her sister use her beauty like a weapon against the unsuspecting surgeon. His eyes grew huge and his face turned bright red. He didn’t stand a chance against her. Maya’s ability to charm was renowned in Asgard. No human could resist her.

  ‘Of course,’ the surgeon finally said. ‘Take all the time you need.’ He drifted out of the Intensive Care unit as if in a dream.

  The Angel of Death took several steps into the room. ‘That really wasn’t very nice of you, Valkyrie. He will come out of your spell very confused. Peter Taylor is a truly gifted surgeon. It won’t be good for him or his patients if he starts to question himself.’

  ‘It’s better than me reaping him,’ Maya retorted. She turned back to Freya.
‘Now, can we go?’

  The Angel of Death took several more steps closer.

  ‘Stop!’ Freya said, blocking his way. ‘I told you, you’re not taking him.’

  ‘It is his time to die,’ the angel said softly. ‘It grieves me that his passing will cause you pain, but it is unavoidable.’

  ‘And I say he is going to live,’ Freya insisted. ‘Angel, you have so many others you must take. Go to them. Let me have Archie for a while longer.’

  ‘I am sorry, Valkyrie,’ the angel said softly. ‘This is not my decision. I do only what I must.’

  The angel took one more step closer and looked to Maya. ‘Would you please tell your sister that there are times when we must all do things we don’t want to?’

  Maya reached for Freya’s hands. ‘I know how much you care for Archie, but you must let the angel do his job.’ She paused. ‘Look at him. He is suffering. The longer he lives, the more he will suffer. He wouldn’t want this half-existence between life and death while you and the angel fight over him. There is no recovery for him and you know it. Let Archie go.’

  ‘No,’ Freya cried. ‘Please,’ she begged the angel. ‘Please just give us more time together.’

  ‘Freya, you can’t stay,’ Maya insisted. ‘Odin is going to send the Dark Searcher after us.’

  The angel inhaled sharply. ‘A Searcher is coming for you?’

  Maya nodded. ‘If my sister does not return to Asgard with me right now, Odin will send him after both of us.’

  ‘Child, listen to me,’ the angel said. ‘I have seen what the Searchers do to those they’ve been sent to find. They will destroy you. Please, do as your sister asks. Save yourself and return to Asgard. Your loyalty to your friend is admirable, but it will get you killed.’

  Freya was desperate. ‘One week, that’s all I’m asking for. Please, just give us one more week.’

  ‘Why one week?’ Maya asked.

  ‘Because that’s when the school dance is,’ Freya explained. ‘Archie was so excited about it. All of the Geek Squad are going.’ She turned imploringly to the angel. ‘I know that it is within your power to grant Archie one more week’s life. You must do this for him. He and the Geek Squad have been denied so much already, can’t we give him this one dance?’