Read Valkyrie Page 20

  ‘I’m sorry, Mom,’ Archie said. ‘I was out with friends. There was a party . . .’

  ‘You don’t have any friends,’ the woman spat.

  Before Maya could stop her, Freya charged into the living room and faced the woman. Her hair was just like Archie’s in colour, but greasy and matted. Her eyes were red rimmed but unmistakably the same as Archie’s.

  ‘Archie has plenty of friends!’ Freya cried. ‘And if anyone here is a loser, it is you. What kind of mother leaves her son alone for weeks at a time? You should be ashamed of yourself!’

  ‘Gee, please,’ Archie begged.

  Freya looked into his pleading eyes. All traces of fun and happiness faded beneath the cruel gaze of his mother.

  ‘Who are you?’ she commanded. ‘What are you doing in my house?’

  Freya could feel waves of anguish coming from Archie. He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head, begging her not to say more.

  ‘I’m Greta, a friend of Archie. He has been teaching me about Math. He is very good at it, not that you’re ever sober enough to realize!’

  ‘Why, you foul little cat, how dare you speak to me like that!’

  She charged forward. As she came closer, Freya could smell the drink and filth on her. The woman raised her hand as if to slap Freya’s face, but Freya caught hold of her wrist and bent it back.

  As his mother cried in pain, Archie ran forward. ‘Gee, no, please stop. Please, that’s my mom!’

  Freya’s eyes landed on Archie. ‘This is no mother. You deserve so much better.’

  Drunk and unstable, the woman’s knees gave out and she crumpled to the floor. Freya released her wrist. ‘You have no idea who your son is, or how precious his life is to all of us. All you think about is yourself!’

  ‘Get out,’ Archie’s mother wailed. ‘Get out of my house and leave us alone!’

  ‘Freya, we’d better go,’ Orus said gently. ‘You aren’t helping Archie. Look at him – she is destroying him. Please, leave him what little dignity he has left.’

  Freya took a deep breath. ‘You’re right,’ she said softly to the bird. ‘We can come back for our things later.’

  She led Archie and back to the front door. ‘We’ll go over to Tamika’s for tonight. Why don’t you come with us?’

  Archie was on the verge of tears. He wouldn’t meet her eyes. ‘I’m so sorry, Gee, but I can’t.’ He sighed heavily. ‘She’s still my mother. I have to take care of her.’

  Freya ached to tell him that it should be his mother taking care of him. Instead she smiled. ‘I understand. I’m just worried about you.’

  He shrugged in resignation. ‘I’m used to it. But did you hear what she said? Some boys came around looking for us. Do you think it could be JP again?’

  ‘No,’ Maya said knowingly. ‘I’m sure we’ve seen the last of him. It’s probably nothing.’

  ‘Wait,’ Archie cried. ‘What about Sylt? She won’t be able to go out flying tonight.’

  ‘She’ll be all right for one night.’ Freya leaned closer. ‘Just try to keep your mother out of the garage. I don’t know what Sylt will do if she goes in and starts screaming.’

  ‘She never goes in there,’ he said shakily. ‘She’ll just eat and probably start drinking again. Then she’ll lock herself in her room.’

  Freya reached out and caught Archie by the hand. ‘We’ll be at Tamika’s house. If you need anything, just call and I’ll fly right over here.’

  He nodded but said nothing as he turned back to the door. ‘Night, Gee and Orus. Night, Mia.’

  ‘Good night, Archie,’ Maya said gently.

  The two Valkyries started the long walk back to Tamika’s new neighbourhood.

  ‘Maybe it’s not such a bad thing the angel is coming for him soon.’ Maya tried to comfort her sister.

  Freya looked back at the house where she had shared so much happiness with Archie. ‘I guess so,’ she agreed softly.

  Before they reached Tamika’s new house, Freya stopped and turned round. ‘I’ve got to go back. I can’t let that woman hurt him.’

  Maya caught her arm. ‘You can’t. This is his life.’

  ‘But he’s only got a couple of days left. I won’t let her ruin them for him.’

  ‘Freya, stop,’ Maya said. ‘I understand how you feel, but we are only visitors here. We mustn’t get involved.’

  Freya sighed heavily. ‘I know, but . . .’ Her imploring eyes looked at her sister. ‘Maya, what’s wrong with me?’

  ‘You know what it is. The dance is almost here. On Saturday we will lose Archie forever and it’s hurting you.’ Maya paused and looked at her sister as though seeing her for the first time. ‘I never imagined you could feel things so deeply. Archie has really changed you.’

  ‘It’s not just Archie. It’s everyone. I adore Uniik and want to see how Tamika grows up. Look how Leo Max has changed. He is brave and strong and looks out for the others. They are all my friends. I don’t want to leave them.’

  Maya gave her sister a powerful hug. ‘And that is the tragedy for all of you. Freya, I know in Asgard you are lonely. In time, you will grow older and that will ease. But you know you can’t stay here. They are human. You are a Valkyrie. The two aren’t meant to mix.’

  Freya dropped her head. ‘I know. I also know I shouldn’t have let myself care for them. But I do. And now that I’ve got to go, it is tearing me apart.’

  Maya kissed her on the forehead. ‘Look, we still have a couple of days. Find joy in the time we have left. Let the others know that you care. Even if you can’t tell them you are leaving, let them know how you feel, so that when you are gone, they will remember.’

  Freya nodded. ‘You’re right. I’m not being fair to them or me. From this moment on, I will let them see how happy they’ve made me.’

  ‘Me too!’ Orus agreed from her shoulder. ‘For these last few days, I promise not to bite or peck at anyone.’ The raven paused. ‘Except for Grul.’


  The next morning Freya and Maya stood outside the school, waiting. Archie was late.

  ‘Where is he?’ Freya demanded.

  ‘He’ll be here,’ Maya offered. ‘Just calm down.’

  ‘If she has done anything to him,’ Freya threatened, ‘I don’t care what Odin does to me, I swear I will take off my glove and reap her!’

  Orus leaped off her shoulder and rose in the air. ‘Wait here. I’ll see if I can find him.’

  Several minutes later, Archie appeared down the street with Orus sitting on his shoulder. He was walking slowly with his head down. When he arrived at the school steps, they could see that his eyes were red. He looked as if he hadn’t slept.

  Freya leaped down the stairs. ‘Are you all right?’

  Archie nodded. ‘Just tired. Mom won’t tell me where she’s been or what’s happened to her. This morning she locked herself in her room and wouldn’t talk to me.’

  Freya balled her hands into fists. Maya came up beside her and placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

  ‘I’m sure she’ll tell you when she’s ready,’ Maya said. ‘It’s late, you’d better get inside. I’ll meet you both right here after school.’

  Freya remained close to Archie all day. Some of the sparkle was slowly returning to his eyes as Tamika and the members of the Geek Squad crowded round him, offering their support.

  Orus too was keeping close. The raven spent most of his time on Archie’s shoulder instead of Freya’s.

  At lunch, Archie was more himself and talking about the dance later that night. ‘My mom says I can’t go. But I’m going anyway. Right after school, I’ll sneak back home and grab my clothes.’ He looked at Tamika. ‘Can I come over to your house to get dressed?’

  ‘Of course,’ Tamika said. ‘Greta and Mia are changing there, so you can too.’

  Leo Max put his arm around Archie. ‘And we’ll all come home with you just to make sure your mother doesn’t try to stop you.’

  ‘Then it’s s
ettled,’ Freya said. ‘Tonight we shall all have the time of our lives and dance like there’s no tomorrow!’

  As the clocked ticked away the final hours, Freya looked around the school with more than a trace of sadness. This was her last day here. Tomorrow she would return to Asgard. The only time she would be able to return to Earth would be to reap soldiers on the battlefield.

  Each moment became a treasured memory. The noise, the crowds of kids jamming the hall, the smell of the school, all of it. This would be all she would have to take with her.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Orus asked. He was back on her shoulder.

  ‘I guess so,’ Freya said as they walked to her locker. ‘But I’m going to miss this place so much.’

  ‘Perhaps Odin will let us return,’ he offered. ‘If we do a good job, he may let us take a break.’

  Freya shrugged and sighed sadly. ‘It won’t be the same. Time moves so quickly here. If we go home for a short while, most of these kids will have grown up and forgotten all about us.’

  Orus moved closer to her neck and rubbed against her. ‘Yes, they will have grown up but, believe me, they will never forget you.’

  As the final bell rang, Freya closed her locker for the last time. She would leave everything behind.

  Maya was waiting for her outside the school. Soon everyone was gathered together.

  ‘Well, this is it!’ Tamika said. ‘Let’s go get Archie’s clothes and head over to my house. This is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait!’

  Freya watched her young human friends. Not too long ago, Leo Max had found the courage to ask Tamika to be his date for the dance. She had readily agreed and was now bouncing with excitement.

  ‘Then what are we waiting for!’ Maya said as she put a comforting arm round Freya. ‘Tonight will be a night we’ll all remember forever.’

  Back at Tamika’s house they were getting ready. Alma had made Freya a stunning, midnight-blue, full-length satin dress with a full, long blue cape of the same fabric mounted to the back of it. The dark colour complemented her red hair. Her sister was wearing a delicate pink silk dress that brought out her fair complexion. She also had a full long cape mounted to the shoulders. Both Valkyries had matching satin opera gloves.

  Orus and Grul had been scrubbed and had preened their black feathers until they shone like new. Orus strutted around, admiring his reflection in the mirror.

  ‘By far the most handsome of all,’ he said.

  ‘Says who?’ Grul complained.

  ‘Me!’ Orus cawed.

  ‘You’re both very handsome,’ Freya said as she gave Orus a kiss on the beak. Then she whispered in his ear. ‘But you are the best!’

  Alma fussed with the dresses. ‘They fit perfectly. No one would ever know what you two have hidden under those capes.’

  Freya turned to the old woman. ‘I don’t know how to thank you, Alma. These dresses are stunning.’

  ‘Stuff and nonsense!’ the old woman said, though her fading eyes sparkled. ‘You girls just have fun.’

  Carol and Curtis watched them each appear, dressed up to the nines. ‘I wish your mothers could see you all,’ Carol said. ‘They would be so proud.’

  Freya looked down at her dress and thought about her mother. What would she say if she knew what had been going on? Her mother had had many adventures when she was growing up. Freya was sure she’d understand . . . eventually.

  Moments later, Archie appeared from the spare room. His hair was neatly styled and he was wearing a dark suit. He was struggling with the tie at his neck. Curtis offered to tie it for him. ‘It takes a bit of practice,’ he said.

  Leo Max arrived wearing a tailored suit and a new embroidered yamika. Curtis went crazy taking loads of photographs of them from every possible angle. He was behaving like an excited new father.

  Standing back and watching him, Freya felt the depths of his emotions and knew that was exactly what Curtis was: a new father with a ready-made family. His joy was unmistakable.

  She looked over and caught her sister smiling at her. ‘You did well,’ Maya softly whispered.

  When they arrived at the school they could hear loud, pounding music and see colourful lights flashing from the school’s gymnasium windows.

  Half the school seemed to be filing into the gym. Freya’s eyes were bright as she took in the sights of all her classmates dressed up in their best party clothes. The excitement was so high that for a brief moment she was able to forget the coming dawn and Archie’s impending death.

  Maya leaned closer. ‘This is almost as good as Valhalla.’

  Freya shook her head in wonder. ‘No, it’s much better. Look at them, aren’t they all so beautiful!’

  ‘Yes, you are,’ Archie said, looking at her. He offered his gloved hand. ‘Shall we go in?’

  Wearing her own blue gloves, Freya accepted Archie’s outstretched hand and nodded. ‘Let’s.’

  Inside the gym, the music was pounding. Tables of drinks and snacks lined the walls while the roof of the gymnasium had been decorated with paper streamers and balloons. A single mirror ball hung from the centre and was spinning slowly, casting diamond sparkles along the walls and down on the partygoers.

  Having lived among humans for several weeks, Freya had come to enjoy a lot of their music. It had seemed strange at first, but now she realized it would be added to the long list of things she would miss.

  Leo Max was the first to speak as he held out his hand to Tamika. ‘Wanna dance?’

  Tamika grinned and followed him and soon they were swallowed into the thick of the moving crowd.

  ‘Go on,’ Maya said to Freya. ‘This is your night, why don’t you and Archie dance?’

  Freya looked over to him. ‘Want to?’

  He nodded.

  Together they walked into the crowd and started to dance. She studied her friends. It wasn’t like any of the dancing she’d seen at Valhalla, but soon Freya was moving in time to the beat of the music. Others from the school that she knew danced past her, calling her name and commenting on her lovely dress.

  ‘It’s great to see you finally out of your coat!’ called Kevin as he danced with Elizabeth. Their eyes were sparkling with the thrill of actually being there.

  Soon the whole Geek Squad had found their way to the centre of the floor. Song after song, they continued to laugh and dance together. Even Orus joined in, hopping from shoulder to shoulder as he bobbed up and down to the rhythm of the music.

  Eventually Maya made her way on to the dance floor and the two Valkyries danced together, surrounded by their closest friends. Freya felt an overwhelming sense of belonging. For this one night, she was truly one of them. There wasn’t the separation of human and Valkyrie. It was simply friends sharing in the joy of each other.

  When the next song ended, the lights in the gym were turned up. There were cries of protest from the dancers as their Principal took to the DJ’s podium.

  ‘Good evening, everyone,’ Dr Klobucher called as she raised her hands in the air to get their attention. ‘I hope you are all having a wonderful time.’

  All the students cheered and shouted. Up on the DJ’s stage, Dr Klobucher’s eyes sought out Freya in the crowd. When they found her, she smiled. ‘I hope you will forgive me, but I would like to ask a favour. I’m sure some of you have heard what a wonderful voice Greta has. But I’ve never heard her sing.’

  The crowd cheered and roared as the Principal’s eyes focused only on Freya. ‘Would you please come up here and sing for us?’

  Freya shook her head. ‘I can’t,’ she said.

  ‘Sure you can,’ Archie said as his face glowed with pride. ‘Go on – I’ve never heard you sing either. Please do it for me. Just this once.’

  That comment cut right through to her heart. Archie was making a final request. How could she say no? This would be her final gift to him.

  Freya looked over to Maya. ‘Will you join me?’

  ‘But this is your school and your night,’ Maya protested.
  Freya held out her hand. ‘Please – just like we do at Valhalla.’

  ‘Come on,’ Orus cawed. ‘Let them hear you sing together.’

  Even Grul joined in and prodded Maya to sing with her sister.

  Finally she surrendered and took Freya’s hand. Together they walked up to the stage and joined Dr Klobucher.

  ‘I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone you were leaving,’ the Principal whispered to Freya. ‘But I couldn’t let you go until I heard the song of the Valkyries. Please . . .’ She stood back and indicated the microphone on the stand.

  Clutching Maya’s hand, the two sisters approached the microphone. Without musical accompaniment, they both started to sing at the exact same moment. Freya was melody while Maya automatically took harmony. The song poured over the crowd.

  Not a sound was made from the gathered students as the two Valkyries raised their voices high and clear and sang as they did at Valhalla. The mournful melody drew tears from the students and teachers as they were enchanted by their voices. Finally, when the last notes were sung, a long silence filled the gym. Archie and the Geek Squad were the first to break it by clapping their hands wildly and screaming. Soon the entire gym burst into roaring applause.

  Maya squeezed Freya’s hand and leaned closer. ‘And you were afraid they’d forget you? Now they will remember this moment for the rest of their lives!’

  Freya’s heart was beating fast as she felt the love surrounding her from everyone.

  Everyone, but one.

  JP stood at the entrance to the large gym. At first no one noticed, as all eyes remained locked on Freya and Maya. But when JP and his gang shoved their way into the room, word spread of his arrival and the crowds parted fearfully to let him through.

  The moment the Principal caught sight of JP, she shouted to another teacher, ‘Call the police!’

  JP stalked closer to the stage and shouted, ‘Valkyries!’

  He was wearing Freya’s silver breastplate over his shirt. In his hand he was clutching her sword. He pulled it from its sheath and the lights in the room glinted off the polished steel. He pointed the tip of the blade at Freya. ‘She’s a black-winged freak! A Valkyrie, an Angel of Death sent here to kill all of you!’