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  Vampire Princess Rising

  Winters Saga Series – Book Two

  Written by Jami Brumfield

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events; to real people, living or dead; or to real locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and their resemblance, if any, to real-life counterparts is entirely coincidental.

  This book content and the characters are copyrighted @2014. All rights are reserved and owned by the author, Jami M Brumfield.


  I want to take a moment and thank some of the people that helped make this book and the series amazing. Michele Gwynn and Robert Cable were invaluable in the pre-editing process as they both read the book and offered fantastic suggestions to help keep the story smooth, logical, and the characters honest.

  I would also like to thank Tanya Brown for all her remarkable support. She has consistently done her best to let people know about the series and offer suggestions on a multitude of questions I often posed to my Street Team.

  I want to thank my husband, Gary, and my friends and family for all their awesome support as I toiled away night after night writing this book and creating these characters.

  Finally, I want to thank you the reader, without you this book would simply be words on multiple pages. With each page you read you breathe life into the fantastical story and the fictional characters that exist among the pages of this tale.

  Chapter One


  Twenty-seven brush strokes. It was a simple routine, one of the few Savannah kept since her life was taken the night of the Homecoming dance. Twenty-eight. She felt little resistance as the brush glided through her silky blonde hair, hair that was vibrantly alive for a dead person...undead person...oh hell, vampire!

  Thirty-five. Her sapphire blue eyes were mesmerized by her reflection in the mirror, a misconception about vampires. Of course they had reflections, otherwise they would stand out like sore thumbs among humans and that was not something the Gods or the Authority wanted.

  It had been almost a month since she was given eternal life and she still couldn't come to terms with the way her skin was almost transparent without the synthetically designed lotion she had to wear every day in order to blend in with the living. Her naked appearance reminded her of one of those see through scorpions that had always disgusted and scared her.

  Now she was just like them. The lotion added color to her skin and protection from the sun's harmful rays. Vampires, contrary to popular belief, don't incinerate when exposed to sunlight. If that were true, there would be a heck of a lot more stories about spontaneous combustion around the world. They are, however, very sensitive to sunlight and their skin cannot take long term exposure without damaging and burning it, which was painful. She’d already had three massive sun burns in a couple of weeks.

  Forty-two. She watched as strand after strand fell through the bristles of the brush. It was such a relaxing routine. She missed doing this with her sister, Rebecca, despite the anger she felt for her twin. They used to brush each other's hair and talk about their day. It was a nightly ritual that kept their bond strong. A bond that was broken during the last full moon when Rebecca chose to become a werewolf, not to mention the subsequent lies she told after the change. The brushing ritual started with their mother when they were children. Savannah stopped brushing long enough to pull the broken strands from the bristles. She was taught to flush or burn her hair and nails, never leave them anywhere.

  It made no sense but they’d done it. Now, however, that ritual made perfect sense since she was told she was a witch. Items like blood, hair, and nails which carried DNA were powerful tools and held power over them when used by the wrong people.

  Fifty-six. The knock came hard at the door, breaking into her thoughts like a thief in the night. She knew she should apply some lotion to her face before she answered but she also knew the knock was Celestia's and secretly she reveled at any opportunity she got to irritate her surrogate mother.

  She stood, tied her silk robe tight against her body and answered the door just as Celestia began rapping again. "Yes, Mother?" It took everything she had not to roll her eyes at the immortal who took her life and held her captive.

  Celestia's classic beauty was marred for a moment when she hissed at Savannah. "I told you you’re to always wear the skin lotion."

  "I just got out of the shower," she fibbed. She’d been out of the shower for at least an hour, but Celestia didn’t need to know that.

  "Don't lie to me." She looked up and down the hallway, shooed her bodyguards away, tossed her red curls behind her shoulder and pushed past Savannah into her room.

  "Please come in." Savannah added sarcastically as she closed the door.

  Celestia ignored the tone and headed straight to Savannah's closet. She pulled out different clothes and finally decided on a deep blue sun dress that matched Savannah’s eyes with a light white fur jacket for extra protection from the sun. "I want you to wear this tomorrow."

  "Why, it's not as if you let me leave this alternate dimensional hell hole."

  "Tomorrow you’ll be leaving here, you’ll be paying your sister a visit and you may even be meeting your fiancé. I want you to look your best." She tossed the outfit on the bed and waited for an answer.

  Savannah picked up the dress and enjoyed the silky feel of the fabric. All her senses were enhanced since she became a vampire. She wasn't sure why but she enjoyed it immensely. She was always a texture person as a human, but now she couldn't get enough of feeling, tasting, smelling good scents, listening with super hearing, and seeing even the smallest detail. It was fascinating that she could see things microscopic without a microscope. She’d always wanted to be a doctor and now mysteries she didn't understand about the human body were far clearer to her.

  She tossed the dress back on the bed with a frown. "One, I have no desire to see Becca and two, I will not marry Danny." She turned and crossed her arms over her chest, making her stand.

  Celestia laughed wickedly. "Danny is your BBB, silly. I’d never ask you to marry him."

  "BBB?" Now she had to learn abbreviations? She didn’t have the patience to deal with this tonight.

  "Bodyguard, Blood Bag, and cover Boyfriend." Celestia counted the items off one by one on her beautifully manicured fingers.

  "Convenient." Sarcasm laced Savannah’s words, but internally her mind processed the logic behind the BBB.

  "The man you’re promised to marry is a member of the Romanov royal vampire family. You couldn't ask for a better husband. Viktor will protect you and your union will join two prominent vampire houses."

  "You’re not queen yet, which means we’re not a prominent family. In fact, until you manage to gain the crown back we’re stuck in this pocket dimension because we’re despised by the current queen." Savannah enjoyed reminding Celestia of their current social status every chance she got.

  "Hated and feared is more like it. Violet has enough sense to fear me, which makes her a worthy opponent." Celestia turned her icy eyes toward Savannah. "I worked very hard to secure this union and made many promises that would leave us all in a dangerous situation if we don’t follow through." It was a rare moment when Celestia's eyes were serious. This was one of those moments and Savannah felt a shiver climb her s
pine at the intensity that was pouring off Celestia in waves.

  "Maybe you should’ve consulted me before making this decision?" Savannah raised her eye brows and chin in defiance.

  "You underestimate your value, Savannah." The threat was clear in her voice. “You do as I tell you. Simple as that. Your life is mine now.”

  She was no one’s property and Celestia would learn that someday. Savannah thought better than to argue with her at this point. She could voice her opinion on this matter later. Besides, if she was honest she was excited at the idea of getting out of this dreary, dark dimension for a day. It seemed to suck any sunlight out of her and replace it with disgust and despair. The only disappointing part of her trip tomorrow would be her visit with Rebecca. "What do you want me to tell my sister?" She added an exaggerated eye roll to show her disgust at the impending visit.

  Chapter Two


  "Hello, sister dear."

  It was the first time Rebecca heard her sister’s voice since her death. The tenor was different, colder, and sadder. If she hadn't been her twin she may have not recognized her with her back turned or eyes closed. This realization pulled her deeper into the depression abyss she was suffering since Savvy’s death. Not only did she help bring about her mother’s death but also her sister’s. It confirmed her worst fears. Savvy was no longer the happy go-lucky wonderful person who’d been her best friend since the day they were born.

  Rebecca glanced up at Savannah and attempted a shaky smile she wasn’t feeling. She had no idea what to expect. "Savvy! Oh, how I’ve missed you." She knew she was still half alive, but seeing her standing before her for the first time since she watched her die was overwhelming.

  Tears stung the back of her eyes from the loss. The smell of death that wafted off her sister assaulted her senses, but she managed to keep them under control. Her instinct to run to her and fold her in a tight embrace was only tempered by the look of anger that resided behind Savvy’s eyes and the wolf instinct that chanted ‘Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!’ in her mind.

  Hunter looked up from the book he was reading on the sofa, speechless as he eyed Savannah cautiously. It'd been almost a month since they’d seen her. A month they spent worrying and frantically searching for her and a cure to bring her back from vampire to human.

  Hunter was there when Celestia broke Savvy’s neck. He watched as Savannah’s lifeless body crumbled to the ground. He felt the same level of relief and pain as Rebecca did. Becks saw it in his familiar eyes.

  Gabriel slipped soundlessly into the room and kept his strategic position behind their visitor. "Is everything okay in here?" Gabe’s voice was steady, such a wonderful warrior and protector. Every time he was in the same vicinity Rebecca's heart sped up and her body sparked that familiar fire, the fire she doused with the death of her sister. She may be insistent it was over between them verbally, but as always, her body and the wolf betrayed her. It made things difficult but manageable between them.

  Rebecca offered a smile and nodded her head slowly. "Savvy, you remember Gabriel?" Rebecca had no idea how to handle this situation. Her twin sister, the one person she’d loved for almost eighteen years was now her genetic enemy. Her body and mind betrayed her as the scent of death reminded her of the danger that resided in the form of her sister. It only made matters worse because they were practically mirror images of each other. The familiar scent that uniquely belonged to vampires kept her wolf on alert, ready to pounce at any moment.

  ‘She’s your enemy now.’ Siren, the alpha, reminded her in her mind.

  ‘You’re not helping,’ Rebecca responded, frustrated with her alter ego. ‘Believe me, I’m well aware of your feelings toward her.’

  "One of your boyfriends? Sure." Savvy’s tone held no emotion, her eyes showing disgust. Rebecca used to be able to tell what her sister was thinking but now she had no clue.

  "He isn't..." Rebecca was tired of the boyfriend drama. After Savvy’s death she cut all romantic ties, focusing only on finding a cure for her sister. Nothing else mattered. It was the reason why Hunter was here at the compound. Well, that and the small fact she could better protect him here.

  Savvy interrupted her impatiently. "I really don't care, dear sister. He’s of no consequence to me. You, however, are."

  "Oh? Why’s that?" Rebecca set her inherited Mont Blanc pen down and gave Savvy her full attention.

  "Mother has tasked me as the liaison between the wolves and the vampires. I understand we have a truce, one that was sealed with my blood." Savvy said the last part with full disgust. She wasn’t pulling any punches and Rebecca couldn’t blame her.

  "Yes." Rebecca tried to push back the memory of her being held captive by Celestia. Of the fact she was the pawn used to ensure hers and her pack’s compliance in the truce. She tried to push away the memory of Savvy’s neck snapping and her body going limp in front of her. She drove away the sight of her eyes—the same eyes Rebecca shared with Savvy—losing the light of life. She tried, but was unsuccessful. Even when she could remove those memories from her waking hours, they haunted her sleep. "I’m so sorry you got mixed up in this situation."

  "Don't be." She smiled wickedly as her well-manicured fingers ran softly along the front rim of the mahogany desk. "In truth I’ve never felt more alive than I do now. Because of you, I’m free." She spun on her heel and crushed her lips to Gabriel's. He attempted to push her back. Being that close to a vampire would’ve been unbearable for him. She held him in place with a hand on the back of his neck. When she released him he stumbled backward and managed to catch himself before his legs gave out. Savvy laughed—no, cackled. In that moment she sounded like Celestia. She spun back toward Rebecca and zeroed her now red eyes on her. "I would’ve never done that to you as a human."

  The memory of kissing Gabriel only hours after Rebecca told Savvy she should go with him to the homecoming dance replayed in Rebecca’s mind on fast forward. The look of pain in Savannah's then blue eyes still weighed her down. Rebecca shook her head to force the memory of her betrayal out of her mind's eye. Getting lost in those guilty feelings would be of little help at this point. Not to mention it did little to quell Siren's jealous reaction over the kiss. She snarled in Rebecca's mind and Rebecca shot up from her seat, no longer in control of her body. She used every ounce of her willpower to control the urge to jump across the desk and rip her sister’s throat out.

  'Settle down!' Rebecca snapped at the wolf in her mind. Siren snarled, but relinquished control with a low growl. Thankfully she was getting better at managing the wolf’s temperament. "As I tried to tell you earlier, I’m not with Gabriel." I’m not with anyone. I won’t be with anyone until I bring you back to us. But if you kiss him again I may have to rip your hair from your head. She thought quietly to herself. That last part must’ve been the wolf. Rebecca wouldn’t harm a single hair on her sister’s head, despite the genetic instinct that was screaming at her to kill her.

  Savvy laughed. "Oh, sister dear, I’m not naïve enough to fall for that again.” She was quiet for a moment. “I can hear your heartbeat quicken and smell the sweat seeping from your pores. Is that anger toward little old me, or are you instinctively trying to protect your mate?”

  Rebecca glanced at Gabriel. He didn’t need any protection from her. He was capable of taking care of himself. His green eyes darkened and she felt a blush rise up the back of her neck. His eyes told her he knew she was responding with jealousy. He managed to control the grin from spreading across his face, which only made her admire him more. She felt the burning of his tattoo mark on her neck and knew he was going to break through her thoughts any minute.

  ‘Maybe I’ll kiss your sister more to get a reaction out of you.’ He smiled in her mind jokingly, but Rebecca’s reaction was unmistakable. The green demon known as jealousy raised its ugly head once again and she raised her chin in defiant indignation. He chuckled. ‘I knew you still liked me.’

  ‘Not the time.’ She insisted in her mind i
n response to his thoughts.

  “And while I must admit, it could be a fun game for a while, that isn’t the reason why I came today. I’m simply here to invite you to a meeting with my mother." Savannah continued talking, her cold voice washing over them both as she interrupted Gabe and Becca’s silent thought exchange.

  "Celestia isn’t your mother," Rebecca said dryly, occupying her distressed feelings with the action of picking at the edges of her un-manicured fingernails. Even in death her sister was far more classy than she was.

  "She is now, thanks to you." Savvy’s eyes narrowed. Rebecca shivered from the anger that vibrated off her sister in waves. It was a bitterness that hit her briskly, like a chilly wind cutting through her to the bone during a blizzard. Savannah reeked of death, like all vampires. Her disgust, anger, and distrust mingled with the scent of decomposition was more than her mind could handle.

  "We’re going to find a way to help you, Savvy." Hunter closed his book and moved to stand beside Rebecca. It was the first time he’d spoken since Savannah entered the room and Rebecca was relieved he was there.

  “I don’t need help, foolish brother!” She nodded, understanding flashing through her blue eyes. "But I see you’ve chosen a side. That’s good to know."

  "I haven’t chosen any side, you have! In fact, it sounds as though you’ve chosen a new parent, something we can’t do," he responded with short, even-tempered tones. Hunter was always the calm one of the group, but his tone was spiced with frustration she wasn’t used to hearing from him. Rebecca placed a comforting hand on his forearm to remind him they were talking to their sister, not their enemy.

  Savannah looked up from examining her meticulously painted fingernails and sighed. "Finished?"

  "Why is your—Celestia requesting a meeting and when?" Rebecca asked, trying to move this meeting along. The sooner they got rid of this unpleasant version of Savvy, the sooner they could get back to working on bringing back the sunshine version of Savannah.