Read Vampire Princess Rising Page 12

  “I won’t be attending,” Savannah muttered. She really wanted to go. She missed her family. She wished they were still close but they weren’t a family anymore. She was dead and there was nothing anyone could do about it. “Like I said, Savvy is dead, which means she won’t be celebrating a party for her eighteenth. She never made it to that day alive.”

  “You’re still here, sis, and your family wants to spend time with you. To celebrate your big birthday. That isn’t going to change because you’re throwing a temper tantrum.”

  “A tantrum? This is hardly a tantrum.” Savannah moved in close so she could whisper. “We vampires know how to throw tantrums, I will happily give you one if you want.” She slapped the envelope Rebecca was holding out of her hand and turned on her heel to leave.

  Rebecca didn’t follow her, but Lucky did. “You would do well to leave me be, Lucky.” She turned to face him, also almost slamming into him, only his closeness was a welcome change. “Danny isn’t very good at sharing his girl.”

  “What?” He shook his head and took a step back. “I’m not trying to make time with you, Savannah.” Lucky defended himself, but Savannah saw an emotion slid behind his eyes for only a moment.

  Savannah hugged her text books and notebook close to her chest, using them as a barrier of protection between her and him. “Oh? You could’ve fooled me. I guess you’re still hung up on my twin.”

  She watched as pain crossed his face for just a moment but was replaced with the easy going Lucky she was used to seeing. It was then that she turned and started back to class. Not because she didn’t want to be close to him but because Danny would come looking for her if she didn’t hurry and the “perfect boyfriend” would have to prove his honor by fighting with Lucky.

  “I wasn’t finished with you yet.” He fell in step with her determined stride.

  After a moment she sighed heavily, stopped in the center of the hallway and waited. When he didn’t speak she added, “What do you want, Lucky?”

  “Your sister is—”

  “My sister this and my sister that. Like I said, mooning over her still.” Savannah yawned. “Bored now.”

  “No. Your family would like you to be there. It’s important to them.” He tried a different tactic. Savannah was not falling for it.

  “Good, then it will upset them when I’m not. Is that all, Lucky?” She examined her fingernails, another sign that she was bored with the conversation. If she let herself be honest she’d appreciate the time she had with the sexy Nephilim. But she was not going to fall for that trick again. Images of Gabriel and Rebecca sharing passionate kisses only hours after her dear sister gave her permission to go with the wolf to homecoming shot through her mind. She would not let herself start to feel something for someone wrapped around Rebecca’s fingers.

  He stared down at his motorcycle boots. “No, but the rest can wait. I’ll talk to you more at the party.”

  Savannah shook her head. “No, you won’t.” With that she left him as the final bell to next period rang its warning. She suddenly found herself alone and contemplated skipping this period. It was better to miss the class than get a tardy warning.

  ‘You really need to work on your hatred for your family.’ A strange voice echoed from her purse.

  “What?” It was so disconcerting that she stopped, class forgotten.

  ‘You heard me. Or you would hear me better if I wasn’t muffled by this pink bubblegum purse that looks like pepto bismal got sick all over it.’

  She pulled the purse away from her side and stared at it with crazy eyes. “I must be going insane.” She shook her head and started to pull the purse close to her again.

  ‘No, you’re not going insane. Be brave. Open the purse and get me out of here.’ The voice kept talking. ‘If you won’t let me out I’ll keep talking.’

  Savannah opened the purse after the threat and found the small wooden box her grandmother gave her last night. It was the only thing that it could be. The rest of the items in her purse were familiar. She looked around, making sure she was still alone. All the other students were in class and her decision to skip class was made for her at this point.

  She opened the box and found a small compass on a key chain. She held it out and stared at the tiny letters and small dial. “Ridiculous.”

  ‘I’m far from ridiculous,’ the compass spoke. ‘Can you please keep me out of that box? It’s rather stuffy in there.’

  “If you can stop talking to me,” she whispered back as she continued to look around in case another classmate was lurking behind from next period class.

  ‘I can’t do that. I have a purpose, you know.’

  “And what is that?”

  ‘‘To help you find your way home.’

  Savannah rolled her eyes, tossed the compass keychain in her purse and tossed the wooden box into the trash can as she made her way toward class. She’d rather be tardy than listen to a talking compass.

  “There you are.” Danny came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She jumped in surprise. “Are you okay?”

  ‘She’s fine.’

  “Shh,” Savannah hissed at the compass.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s only me. I was getting worried about you when class started and you didn’t show up. Are you hungry?”

  “No.” She removed herself from his hold, continually disgusted that she had to pretend to like him. She turned around to face him. “Didn’t you hear that?”

  “What?” He looked confused.

  ‘He can’t hear me. No one can hear me but you,’ the compass stated.

  “Okay, well that settles that.” She took Danny’s hand. “Shall we get to class?”

  “Whatever you wish, princess.” He grinned and followed her with no arguments.

  She’d figure out what to do with the annoying compass later. Now she needed to take care of the bothersome boyfriend.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Rebecca walked into the shelter with Gabriel, Persephone, Jackson, and Madison another one of her wolves at her side. Walking into the shelter brought back memories of times she worked here with Dianna. It was only a little over a month ago but the loss of her sponsor, and her entire pack was still an open wound. She half expected Dianna to come out of the kitchen carrying a large stew pot of some dish or another. Her death was a terrible loss to both the wolves and humanity.

  “Are you okay, Becks?” Gabriel asked as he gently touched her shoulder. Electrical currents of energy from his touch broke her from her thoughts more so than the actual words he spoke. The silver tattoo on her neck tingled, a simple reminder that he was there for her.

  “Sure.” She knew better than to show weakness. Persephone and Gabriel may be on her side one hundred percent, but Madison was still on the fence. “Why don’t we volunteer some of our time to the kitchen line while we’re here?” she asked her team and all four of them nodded their agreement.

  The shelter housed mostly homeless, some abused and battered women and children, and runaways. Veterans made up a high number of the shelter residents, which was why Dianna volunteered here. Madison was a recruit brought in from this shelter, which is why Rebecca brought her in on this mission. Madison’s body had accepted the bite, but her younger brother, who also took the gamble, died a couple days after Tomas bit him.

  It was a sad fact of creating werewolves. Some who are bitten by the alpha survive and others die. It made what she was here to do even more difficult. Jackson warned her of a terrible outcome for her and her pack if she didn’t increase their numbers. She was here to offer the bite to worthy candidates. Gabriel told her it was the only way. Her wolf reminded her daily that she was weak and would be killed if she didn’t get a backbone. She knew deep down, she had little choice, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

  She chose the shelter as the first place to find candidates in honor of Dianna’s work here. Her main focus was going to be on the injured veterans. If she co
uld offer them the opportunity to be healed, then it would be a chance at something better for them. It did little to comfort her in the decision to do so, but nevertheless, she had few options.

  “What are you doing here?” Katarina, the child-like vampire Rebecca saved in the mountains about a month back stepped in front of them, blocking their path. “The wolves gave this hunting ground up over a month ago, it is ours now,” she whispered coldly. Apparently, there was still no love lost between them.

  “Katarina, you’re looking well.” Rebecca smirked as she gave it her best attempt to not smell the death that was in the vampire before her.

  “Thanks to your kindness.” She grinned, locking eyes with Jackson, Gabriel, Madison, and Persephone. “I suppose I still owe you a thank you for that day.”

  Rebecca noticed Madison and Persephone narrowing their glares and readying themselves for a fight. “Don’t bother, there’s usually an expiration date on thank yous for things like that.” Rebecca tried to move past Katarina, only two other vampires stepped behind her with their hands crossed over their chests.

  “Let me pass,” Rebecca stated through gritted teeth.

  “Like I said, you gave up this hunting ground. It’s ours now.” Katarina shook her head to reinforce her words.

  Rebecca looked around at the lost souls in the shelter. They looked even more depressed than she remembered. The smell of hopelessness and sadness was almost overwhelming. If Rebecca was a betting gal she would guess many of them had fang marks in their bodies.

  “A month ago my pack was massacred. I’m sure the council will take my side in this matter.”

  “Then bring it up during the next meeting.” Katarina shrugged, but didn’t move from her spot.

  Just then Celestia walked out of the kitchen, carrying a pot of something which made Rebecca remember Dianna. Savannah was walking behind her with a serving ladle. They both caught her eyes and smiled wickedly. Celestia placed down the pot and waded through the crowd until she was standing next to Katarina.

  “Is everything all right here?” Celestia’s voice was sing-songy.

  “No. But it will be once we talk it through.” Rebecca turned her eyes on Celestia. Her red hair was pulled back in two pigtail French braids. Kohl lined her eyes and her typical red lipstick made her lips look sultry and pouty. Savannah’s hair was styled the same way, Rebecca noticed as she stepped behind Celestia as reinforcement, only she was wearing a blue bandanna on top of her head which accentuated her sapphire blue eyes.

  “What is there to talk through?” Celestia asked innocently.

  “This shelter belongs to the wolf pack,” Rebecca spoke the words between gritted teeth, afraid her voice would carry and a human would overhear them. It was the one thing they all agreed on, protecting the supernatural secret from the humans. Those that signed a pact with the Authority were even reminded of their promise when the invisible tattoo on their hand burned its warning anytime they were in danger of revealing too much.

  “Well, not anymore, but in light of our new truce, perhaps we can share it?”

  “Like hell!” Rebecca’s voice rose slightly and Gabriel placed a warning hand on her shoulder. The energy he shared helped relax her slightly. She shook him off, she didn’t need him making her look weak right now. There was no way she’d allow Celestia to damage all the good Dianna had done here.

  ‘You’re drawing a crowd of onlookers,’ Rebecca’s wolf snapped in her mind.

  ‘I don’t care.’ Rebecca really didn’t care at all. She was getting tired of Celestia and all the stupid games she played. She already took her sister and now she was trying to take away a shelter that Dianna had worked so hard at making a good place. Rebecca could already smell the stench of the vampires’ marks on the people.

  “Well if you don’t want to share shifts we can split the days of the week. You take Monday we’ll take Tuesday and so on.” Celestia offered.

  “No. I’ll address it with the council.” Rebecca locked eyes with Savannah. “And you, really?” She couldn’t believe Savannah would have any part in hurting these people, but she couldn’t believe much of what Savannah did anymore.

  “Let’s go.” Rebecca ordered and her pack followed her outside. The smell of fresh air filled her lungs and the nausea she felt moments ago in the presence of the vampires slowly moved out of her system.

  “You can’t let her get away with that,” Madison complained as they stepped outside.

  “I’m not!” Rebecca barked louder than she wanted to. Madison had the good sense to step back. “In case you didn’t notice we were outnumbered,” she said in softer tones.

  “Five against five is a fair fight.” Madison looked down as she spoke.

  “Five super humans against five vampires is hardly a fair fight. And Jackson, while a strong human, is only that, a human with psychic abilities. He would’ve been the first casualty.”

  “Ah, excuse me, standing right here. I can hear you.” Jackson gave her a dirty look.

  “I’m sorry, Jacks. You know I love you, but it was not a fair match.” Rebecca smiled softly at him. He looked down, and Rebecca couldn’t tell if he was angry or conceding. She would have to make it up to him later. No weakness in front of the wolves, she reminded herself.

  ‘You’re learning.’

  Rebecca ignored the wolf’s compliment. Her attention was drawn to the girl talking in the alley to no one apparently. She turned and tried to focus on what was being said.

  “So what do we…”

  Rebecca held up her hand to silence Madison from continuing.

  “It’s okay, little one. I know life is hard. It can’t be easy being a rat. But I have enough for both of us.” The girl with dread lock hair, a dirty face and ripped clothes spoke softly in between the mouthful of crackers she was chewing.

  Rebecca moved toward the alley entrance slowly. There was something in the voice that worried her. A despair that was touching, but there was more. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she was drawn to her.

  “Besides, those nasty dead things in there are not to be trusted. You need to find a new place to seek out food, little one.” The girl was hunched over, feeding a large rat her scraps.

  “Hello?” Rebecca spoke softly.

  The girl spun around quickly, fear in her eyes. She lost her balance and fell backward. The rat she was feeding scurried away as fast as its little feet would take it.

  Rebecca walked over to the girl and offered a hand up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She offered a small smile and the girl finally took the hand she was offering. Gabriel, Jackson, Madison, and Persephone followed her, standing back but still within a decent distance to help if needed.

  The girl stood up. She had dark skin, dark sad eyes, and dark brown dread locks that fell past her slender shoulders. If her appearance said anything it was that it had been a long time since the girl had seen a decent meal.

  “I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” The girl defended herself.

  “I can see that. I’m Rebecca.” Rebecca offered her hand to shake.

  The girl stood up prouder, and pushed back the locks of hair that fell into her eyes. “I’m Georgia, but you can call me Georgie.” The girl’s southern accent came out loud and clear when she introduced herself. She leaned in and shook Rebecca’s hand.

  Georgie’s eyes changed from brown to silver and back again. “Wolf in sheep’s clothing.” She jumped backward and Rebecca’s pack moved closer.

  “Shush.” Rebecca tried to calm the crazy look in Georgie’s eyes. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Stay back! Don’t come closer!” Georgie commanded and Rebecca, Persephone, Gabriel, and Madison froze. None of them could move. Jackson came forward when he noticed the rest were still.

  “Georgie, I’m Jackson. It’s okay,” he spoke in soft tones.

  Georgie slammed against the brick wall covered in garbage and slime. “Wolf.” She pointed a shaky finger in Rebecca’s direction.

nbsp; A heavy wind picked up around them. It increased as Rebecca’s fear increased. She knew she could defend herself but she could do very little when she was frozen and the vampires were entirely too close for her liking. Being frozen in place put them all in danger.

  Jackson nodded. “Yes.”

  “Jacks!” Rebecca hissed, the wind picked up and blew her blonde hair into her face.

  “She knows already, no point in lying to the poor girl.” Jackson kept his eyes steady on Georgie. “My friends and I just want to help you.”

  “Help?” She shook her head. “How?”

  “If you come with us we can get you some food and something to drink.” Rebecca offered, still frozen, unable to move, thankful she could still talk. This was not a good feeling. “Georgie, did you do something to us?”

  “No, only your wolves,” she stated softly. “You can move again, unless you plan to hurt me.”

  “No, no one plans to hurt you,” Rebecca said as she got the ability to move again. That entire experience was upsetting on so many levels. “Someday you’ll have to tell me how you did that.” The wind calmed down as Rebecca’s anxiety lessened. She needed to research that little trick as well. It appeared her dormant powers were still somewhat active when she needed them. It was something that was supposed to not happen. When she became a werewolf she gave up the witch power, but maybe because she was spell bound things were different. It was something she secretly hoped would happen after the spell but didn’t hold her breath.

  “Georgie’s secret,” she said.

  “Okay. Let’s get you something to eat.”

  “I can’t go in there with the dead people.”

  “No, I know a better place.” Rebecca smiled as she offered her hand.

  ‘You aren’t taking her back to the compound!’ The wolf’s voice held a strange tenor of fear.

  “Compound?” Georgie stepped back. “I won’t go to jail. I did nothing wrong.”